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Handball is a kind of ball game that combines the characteristics of basketball and football and develops by playing with hands and scoring goals with the ball. [6]
Handball originated from Denmark It became an official event at the 11th Olympic Games in 1936, and was interrupted later because of the war. In 1938, the first World Men's Handball Championship was held in Germany. On July 13, 1957, the first World Women's Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia. In the 20th Olympic Games in 1972, handball was once again listed as an Olympic event. In 1982, the 9th Asian Games in New Delhi included handball as an official event for the first time. [6]
The highest organization of handball is International Handball Federation , referred to as the International Handicap Federation, was established in 1928, with its headquarters in Switzerland. The official handball organization in China is China Handball Association , was founded in September 1979 in Baoding, Hebei Province, with its headquarters in Beijing. [4]
Chinese name
Foreign name
International Handball Federation, Asian Handball Federation, China Handball Association
representative figure
Magnus Westland Andre Lavrov Jackson Richardson
Place of origin
Time of origin
Late 19th century

Project History


Historical traceability

In the 8th century BC, ancient Greece had a game of tossing balls for the entertainment of dignitaries.
In the Han Dynasty (200 BC), there was a game called "Hand Ju" in China, which was very popular in the Tang and Song dynasties.
Modern handball originated in 1848. Danish PE teacher Holger Nielsen invented a game of playing ball. In the stadium, a goal is set at both ends of the field, and 7 players from each team pass, catch and shoot the ball with their hands. It is named "handball sport", and the corresponding rules are formulated. Nielsen popularized "handball" in Alterop Middle School, and formulated complete rules to promote it in 1897. This sport gradually became popular in Nordic countries and became an indoor activity in winter. [6]
In 1917, German Berlin PE teacher Heizel designed a collective game for women, which was similar to modern handball.
In 1919, Carl Schelentz, a physical education teacher in Berlin, improved Heizel's game by using a smaller ball, stipulating that the ball holder can run three steps before passing the ball, allowing physical contact between the two sides.

development history

In 1925, Austria held the first international handball match, and then the handball sport spread from Central Europe to Northern Europe. In the 1940s, it was introduced into Africa from Southern Europe, and in the 1950s, it was developed in the Americas and Asia. Since then, handball was introduced to Eastern Europe and other countries, and then rose around the world. In the first handball game, there were 11 players, which was called "11 player handball". Because the game is usually played outdoors, it is also called outdoor handball.
In 1928, International Handball Federation In the same year, the first World Men's Sevens Handball Championship was held in Germany, and it was stipulated that it would be held every four years. In the 1928 and 1932 Olympic Games, handball was listed as a performance event.
In 1936, 1936 Berlin Olympic Games Handball was listed as a competition event in Germany. Later, it was cancelled due to the unsound handball competition rules. Since the 11 person handball can only be played outdoors, it is not suitable for the cold Nordic winter. Therefore, at the beginning of the development of 11 person handball, someone in Denmark moved handball indoors to facilitate winter sports. This is the beginning of 7-player handball.
In 1938, the first World Men's Handball Championship was held in Germany.
In the 1950s, handball was introduced into China.
In 1955, the PLA Physical Education Institute in Guangzhou included handball in its teaching plan and took the lead in China in handball teaching and training. Subsequently, Beijing Institute of Physical Education and other colleges and universities also carried out handball teaching.
On July 13, 1957, the first World Women's Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
In the late 1960s, seven person handball replaced eleven person handball. Because the game is usually played indoors, 7-person handball is also called indoor handball.
In 1972, the 20th Olympic Games was held in Germany, and handball was once again listed as an Olympic event.
On January 12, 1976, the Asian Handball Federation was established in Kuwait, with its headquarters in Kuwait. Women's handball in the same year 1976 Montreal Olympic Games It is listed as an official event on the.
In 1977, the first World Youth Women's Handball Championship was held in Romania. [1]
In September 1979, the China Handball Association was established in Baoding, Hebei Province, with its headquarters in Beijing. In the same year, the China Handball Association joined International Handball Federation
In 1982, men's handball became the official event of the Asian Games, and the Chinese team won 1982 Asian Games in New Delhi Men's Handball Champion.
In 1990, women's handball became the official event of the Asian Games. [1]
 Handball match Handball match Handball match Handball match Handball match

hardware requirements



The handball playing field is rectangular, 40 meters long and 20 meters wide. The long line is called the sideline, and the short line is called the end line. The end line includes the goal line (between the goal posts) and the outer goal line (on both sides of the goal). A goal is placed in the center of the line at both ends of the court. In front of the goal, there is a gate area and a match field area. The lines on the field are all part of the field area defined by them. The goal line is 8 cm wide, and the other lines are 5 cm wide. There should be a safe area around the playing field, at least 1m away from the sideline and 2m away from the outside goal line. [2]

The Ball

The ball used in handball matches shall be officially approved by the International Handball Federation and bear the approval mark. The logo of the International Handicraft Federation is in color, 3.5cm high and the word OFFICIALBALL (official ball). The words are in Latin letters, and the font height is 1cm.
The Olympic men's handball adopts the No. 3 ball, with a circumference of 58-60cm and a weight of 425-475g; The women's handball adopts No. 2 ball, with a circumference of 54~56cm and a weight of 325~400g. [2]


The goal is located in the center of each goal line. The inner diameter of the goal is 2m high and 3m wide. The goal shall be made of the same wood, light metal or synthetic material. The cross section of the crossbeam and column of the goal is 8 cm × 8 cm. The goal is painted in two contrasting colors (20cm between each other, usually black and white, blue and white, or red and white) and must be firmly placed on the ground. The rear edge of the goal post should be flush with the outer edge of the goal line.
A net should be attached to the goal so that the ball thrown into the goal will not bounce back immediately. A vertical screen with a width of 9-14m and a height of 5m shall be hung 1.5m behind the goal. [2]


The clothes worn by the players of the same team must be uniform, and the colors and patterns of the clothes of the two teams must be clearly different; The color of the goalkeeper's clothing must be different from that of both players and the opposing goalkeeper. The number of the two players' uniforms should be 1 to 20. The number color must be clearly different from the color and pattern of the clothing. The number printed on the back of the farmers must be no less than 20 cm in height. The captains of both sides must wear armbands on their upper arms. [3]




Handball matches are divided into the first half and the second half, each 30 minutes; The interval is usually 10 minutes. Each team has one suspension in the first half and the second half (only when our party has the right to hold the ball, can we obtain the time for suspension, that is, submit the suspension application card to the record desk), and the suspension time is 1 minute.
If the two sides are tied at the end of the normal competition time, and the competition rules require that the winner must be determined, the competition in the decisive period will be held after a five minute break. The decisive period consists of two five minutes, with a one minute break between them (the two sides exchange venues).
If it is still a draw after the first decisive period, the second decisive period will be played after a five minute rest. The second decisive period is still two five minutes, with a one minute break between them. If it is still a draw after the second decisive period, the winner will be determined by throwing a 7m ball at the goal of one side. That is to say, 5 players from each side will be punished in turn; If it is still a draw, a one-to-one penalty will be imposed until the winner is determined. [3]

Personnel regulations

Each team consists of no more than 12 players, of which no more than 7 players and one goalkeeper are allowed to play. At the beginning of the game, no less than 5 players are allowed to play in each team. However, if the number of players on the field of a team is reduced to less than five during the game, the game can continue. Only the referee has the right to decide whether to terminate the game.
In the handball game, all players must enter and exit the field in their own substitute area: no permission from the record desk and the referee is required for the replacement of players from both sides, as long as the principle of going down first and then going up in their own replacement area is followed.

Penalties for fouls

The handball rules stipulate that only the goalkeeper is allowed to enter the goal area, and the attacking and defending team members are not allowed to enter the goal area for profit. However, the attacking team members may not be punished if they enter the goal area after finishing the shooting action and taking the ball out, or the defending team members enter the goal area without profit.
The handball rule allows the defenders to defend with open arms, and to push the ball out of the opponent's hands; The defender can use his body to block the movement of the opposing player with or without the ball: he can use his bent arm to contact the attacking player from the front.
The handball rules allow the goalkeeper to use any part of his body to touch the ball when defending in the goal area; All the goalkeepers' holding activities in the goal area are not restricted by the players' rules on the field: in case of violations, fouls and other acts, the referee will give a certain penalty according to the situation.
According to the handball rules, the attacking players are allowed to take 3 steps with the ball. After the ball is dribbled, they can also take 3 steps. The holding of the ball should not exceed 3 seconds. Violation will be sentenced to violation. In handball matches, the replacement of players by both sides does not need to be allowed by the record desk and the referee, as long as the principle of "first down, then up" is followed in the replacement area of the side. In case of violation, the offending team member shall be ordered to play for 2 minutes, and other team members cannot be replaced during the time of punishment, that is, the number of members on the court shall be reduced. [5]
The handball rules do not allow players to do the following: snatch or hit the ball in the hands of the opposing players; Use your hands, arms, thighs or any part of your body to block or push away the opposing player; Pull, hug and push the other player (body or clothes); Run and jump up to smash the opponent's players; Disturb, block or endanger the other team members who hold or do not hold the ball in a way that violates the rules.
In handball competition rules, there are four kinds of penalties for players' fouls: warning, sending off for 2 minutes, disqualification, and dismissal. If players commit a foul against an opponent instead of the ball, they will be subject to "personal punishment". Personal punishment refers to that except that the team of the offending player will be awarded a "free kick" or a "7m ball", His/her individual will also be punished. The punishment starts with a warning, then he/she will be sent off for 2 minutes, and finally he/she will be disqualified and dismissed. Basically, the punishment will gradually increase with the number of fouls.
"Free kick": when the team with the right to control the ball commits a foul, or the defensive team loses the right to control the ball due to a foul, the referee will interrupt the game and order the other team of the offending team to throw a free kick to restart the game.
"7m ball": when the defensive player makes the offensive player lose the ball control or body balance, thus losing the obvious scoring opportunity, the referee will award the 7m ball. In addition, if the player enters the field due to wrong signals or unauthorized personnel, thus damaging the obvious scoring opportunity, the referee will also award the "7m ball".
As a professional player, you should be very familiar with every point on the court; Every movement on the field and every cooperation with teammates must be completed within the specified IX field, and no foul action can be made. Therefore, if a handball team wants to win the game, it is necessary for teammates to cooperate tactfully and master various techniques and tactics. [3]

Important events

Olympic Handball Competition
Handball competition has long been one of the Olympic Games. Under the leadership of the International Olympic Committee, the International Handball Federation prepares and organizes the Olympic handball competition. It is held every four years, including men's handball competition and women's handball competition, with 12 teams participating. In the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, handball was held at the Olympic Games for the first time as a competitive event.
World Handball Championship
The World Handball Championship is one of the largest and highest level world handball competitions hosted by the International Handball Federation. It is held every two years. The competitions are divided into the men's handball championship and the women's handball championship, with 24 teams each participating. In 1938, the first world men's handball championship was held in Germany; On July 13, 1957, the first World Women's Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
Handball competition in the Asian Games
The Asian Games is a comprehensive sports meeting hosted by the Asian Sports Federation. In 1982, men's handball became the official event of the Asian Games, and in 1990, women's handball became the official event.
Asian Handball Championship
The Asian Handball Championship is the highest level handball competition in Asia hosted by the Asian Handball Federation. It is held every two years. The tournament is usually the qualification match of the World Handball Championship and the Olympic Handball Competition. In March 1977, the first Asian Men's Handball Championship was held in Kuwait; On August 15, 1987, the Asian Women's Handball Championship was held in Amman, Jordan. [4]


International Handball Federation In 1928, the Handball Associations of 11 countries met during the Olympic Games, established the International Amateur Handball Federation, and issued the official international rules of the project for the first time. After the end of World War II, the International Handball Federation was re established in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, in 1946, with Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Finland, France, Switzerland and Sweden as the founding countries, Headquartered in Switzerland. By 2020, there are 147 association members, belonging to five regional handball federations in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania and Pan America recognized by the International Handball Federation. The Chinese Handball Association joined the International Handball Federation in 1979.
Asian Handball Federation , was established in Kuwait on January 12, 1976, with its headquarters in Kuwait.
China Handball Association Founded in September 1979 in Baoding City, Hebei Province, headquartered in Beijing, the Association is one of the individual sports associations under the jurisdiction of the All China Sports Federation; It is a national mass organization of Chinese handball. It joined the Asian Handball Federation in 1976. In 1979, the Congress of the International Handball Federation accepted the Chinese Handball Association as a full member. [4]

representative figure

Magnus Westland Marg, a Swedish handball player, has participated in international competitions on behalf of the Swedish team since 1985 and retired from the national team in 2004. During his 19 years of national team career, he has participated in more than 380 international competitions, scored 1000 goals and scored 3 goals per game; In 1999, he was selected as the best handball player of the century.
Andre Lavrov , a Russian handball player, won three Olympic gold medals, two world championships, one European championship and many club competition championships on behalf of the Soviet Union/Russia throughout his career. In 2001, Lavrov was elected the best Russian player of the century.
Jackson Richardson, a French handball player, helped the French team win the bronze medal in the 1992 Olympic Games, the champion of the 1995 World Championships, the third runner up of the 1997 World Championships, the champion of the 2001 World Championships, and the third runner up of the 2003 World Championships. In 1995, he was elected the World Handball Player. [4]

Related terms

Passing and receiving skills: transfer the ball purposefully between players in handball games.
Shooting technique: the only way to score, and also the most important offensive technique of handball.
Breakthrough technology: It is a way for the players with the ball to use reasonable mobile technology to surpass the defenders, which is very aggressive.
Dribbling technique: a player who holds the ball and bounces off the ground with one or more strokes.
Aggression: Any part of the player's body touches the goal area (including the goal area line) and gains benefits.
Leave three meters: When the ball is thrown, the opposing team member shall keep a distance of three meters from the player or the position where the ball is thrown.
Shoulder pass: pass the ball over the shoulder.
Same side breakthrough: hold the ball in the direction of the throwing arm to cross people.
Opposite side breakthrough: hold the ball in the direction of the non throwing arm to cross people. [7]