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Strategic steps

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Further planning and specific action plan or deployment to achieve strategic objectives
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Strategic steps are to achieve strategic target And further planning and specific action plan or deployment. It is an important link in determining strategic measures. The determination of strategic steps should be based on a comprehensive analysis of national conditions and development trends. The strategic steps for China's economic development in this century determined at the Twelfth National Congress of the Communist Party of China are to lay a solid foundation, accumulate strength and create conditions in the first ten years, and enter a new period of revitalization in the next ten years. The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further divided China's economic development strategy into three steps. The division of strategic steps is conducive to the decomposition and gradual implementation of strategic objectives, the correct determination of strategic measures, the clear direction of strategic attack and force deployment, and the realization of strategic objectives and tasks. [1]
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Strategic steps
Further planning and specific action plan or deployment to achieve strategic objectives
Whether the strategic steps are determined scientifically and reasonably has an important impact on the completion of strategic tasks. The determination of strategic steps requires a comprehensive view of the overall situation, and attention should be paid to grasping the connection, transformation, coordination and prioritization before and after. We should not only study the objective conditions for completing the current strategic tasks, but also analyze the need for carrying out subsequent strategic tasks. There are close internal links between the strategic steps, and the completion of the previous tasks is the basis for the realization of the subsequent tasks; The completion of the subsequent tasks is the inevitable trend of the development of the previous tasks. The two should be closely linked, timely transition, and cannot be hard to surpass. The main strategic direction and the first strategic action, the current strategic tasks and the main strategic tasks should be the focus of determining the strategic steps. For the subsequent implementation steps of strategic actions, strategic tasks and other directions, basic consideration should be given first, and then the actual situation should be gradually clarified and refined in due time.
Publisher: China Military Encyclopedia Editorial Office [2]