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Cost Approach

Pricing basis
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The cost approach is an evaluation approach that takes the replacement cost of assets as the basic object and manufacturer data as the basic information source. This approach is widely used due to the strong objectivity of asset cost, which is the basis of valuation, and has a relatively stable relationship with the current market price and income.
Chinese name
Cost Approach
Base Object
Asset replacement cost
Basic information source
Manufacturer data
Evaluation method
Used to evaluate replacement cost price
1. Used to evaluate the replacement cost price. Evaluate the replacement cost price of the assets by cost approach, or analyze and determine according to the acquisition of the assets to be evaluated, taking into account the actual changes; Or it can be adjusted and determined according to the newly acquired or replacement cost evaluation data of similar assets. During appraisal, it is required to calculate the replacement cost price of the appraised assets item by item, calculate the replacement full price and various losses respectively, and finally determine the replacement full price of the assets. The formula is: [1]
2. It is used to evaluate the present value of income. The present value price of income can be divided into two elements: one is the replacement cost of assets; First, the capitalization price of the difference between the estimated assets and the average social asset income can be divided into two steps in asset appraisal: first, the replacement cost price is taken as the basis for the valuation of the present value of income; Secondly, the excess return or deficit return of assets shall be capitalized, and the replacement cost shall be adjusted. The excess income is capitalized into goodwill, while the deficit income is capitalized into economic loss or depreciation. The basic idea is expressed in the formula:
3. It is used to evaluate the realization price and liquidation price. According to the proportional relationship between the realization price and replacement cost of different types of assets, and considering the impact of asset realization risk and supply and demand relationship, the realization price can be evaluated by the replacement cost in the fair market, which is expressed by the formula:
This idea is also applicable to the evaluation of clearing price.