Variation rate of trading volume

Strength indicator of trading volume
zero Useful+1
volume Variability( VR )Yes volume The strength index of Angle measurement The heat of share price is different from AR index BR Indicator CR index But also based on the principle of "anti market operation". Used in overheated market and downturn Board It plays an important role in identifying the formation of head and bottom. VR indicators can show the momentum of stock market trading, and then grasp the trend of stock prices.
Chinese name
Variation rate of trading volume
Foreign name
Strength indicator of trading volume
Measured in terms of volume price of stock Heat of

Calculation formula

1. AV=the day when the stock price rises in N days volume AVS=N day ∑ AV
2. BV=the day when the stock price falls within N days volume BVS =Within N days ∑ BV
3. CV=the flat day of share price in N days volume CVS=N day ∑ CV
5. M-day simplicity of MAVR=VR moving average
6. Parameter N is 24 and parameter M is 6

Application rules

1. The theoretical value of VR index is (0,+∞), which can be divided into four parts: low price area (40~70), safety area (80~150), profit area (160~350) and warning area (above 350).
2. If VR is less than 40, the market is easy to form a bottom and should actively buy; When VR indicators are in the "low price area", follow-up can be considered; In the "safe area", Stock price fluctuation Small, can hold.
3. When the VR index is in the "profit area", because most of the funds in the market have entered the market, the follow-up funds are weak. If the VR value increases, it can be considered to sell; There should be height in the "warning area" Crisis awareness , always pay attention control risk When VR is greater than 450, the market transaction is overheated and should be sold.
4. VR index General distribution The maximum is around 150. If the VR index is consolidated around 150 for a long time, once it exceeds 250, the market is prone to generate a period of Bull market If the VR index changes from low gear Direct ascent At 250, the stock price has not yet suffered resistance, and investors need to actively select stocks to buy.
5. When volume After extremely shrinking, it is magnified, and the VR index also changes from Low price zone When increasing upward, it is the time to buy. Generally speaking, VR indicators are Low price zone Buying signal of reliability High, and the observation of high price areas should be combined with other indicators.
6. VR indicators are suitable for AR 、BR、 CR 、MASS、 PSY index Used together.
7. Comparatively speaking, due to Large cap stocks It is not easy to be manipulated by people, so it is appropriate to use VR indicators for judging research.

Important points

1. When using VR indicators, most people focus on the areas below the low point of 40 and above the high point of 350 mentioned in the application rule. This method is often used to judge the high and low points of individual stocks. In fact, investors should also pay attention to the value of 250, which plays a very important role in observing the rise of stock prices.
This is because it is not based on the VR index breaking through 40, but should be based on breaking through 250 to judge whether the stock price has entered the rally stage after breaking away from the bottom area. Many stocks in it Start up phase There will be larger Increase However, the VR index did not break through 250, or fell back as soon as it broke through 250, which indicates that the stock has not yet entered the promotion stage.