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Rongyi Road

The former site is in Zhangjiachuan, Tianshui, Gansu
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In the second year of Yuanding, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (115 BC), Shanggui built Rongyi Road, which belonged to Tianshui Prefecture. In the 17th year of Yongping, Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 74), Rongyi Road was incorporated into Longxian County. The former site is in Huangmen Township, southeast of Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County, Tianshui Prefecture, Gansu Province. In the eighth year (447) of Taiwu Emperor Taipingzhen in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Anrong County was set up in the former place of Rongyi Road, which belongs to Lueyang County. It was abandoned in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.
Chinese name
Rongyi Road
Tianshui County
Wasted in Northern Zhou Dynasty
Creation time
The second year of Yuanding, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (115 BC)
In the second year of Yuanding, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (115 BC), Shanggui built Rongyi Road, which belonged to Tianshui Prefecture. In the 17th year of Yongping, Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 74), Rongyi Road was incorporated into Longxian County. The former site is in Huangmen Township, southeast of Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County, Tianshui Prefecture, Gansu Province. In the eighth year (447) of Taiwu Emperor Taipingzhen in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Anrong County was set up in the former place of Rongyi Road, which belongs to Lueyang County. It was abandoned in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.