Gotthold Evram Lessing

German writer and literary theorist
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Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (January 22, 1729 - February 15, 1781) was one of the most important writers and literary theorists in the German Enlightenment period. His plays and theoretical works had an extremely important impact on the development of German literature in later generations. [1 ]
Chinese name
Gotthold Evram Lessing
Foreign name
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
date of birth
January 22, 1729
Date of death
February 15, 1781
Writers and literary theorists
Representative works
Young Scholar (1748), Jew (1749), etc

Character's Life


Early career

Gotthold Evram Lessing
On January 22, 1729, Gothold Evram Lessing was born in Kamenz, Upper Rauziz, Germany. Like many other German writers in the 18th century, he came from a Protestant priest family. His father is the chief pastor of Carmens Cathedral and the author of theological works: Johann Gottfried Lessing; his mother is Justine Salome, whose family name is Feller, and she is the daughter of her husband's superior. Lessing is the third of her parents' twelve children.
From 1737 to 1741, he studied at the Latin School in Carmens, and later at the St. Afra Noble School in Meiß en. From September 1746, he began to University of Leipzig Theological study.
Soon Lessing began to engage in more secular activities, learning dance, fencing and riding, and became interested in drama. He published the first batch of poems, fables and poetic short stories in the journal Nature Researcher and the Joy of Inspiring the Soul published by his cousin Christlob Mylius. Lessing had to leave Leipzig in the summer of 1748 to avoid creditors because of his own debt and the debt guaranteed for the theater staff. He is Wittenberg (Wittenberg) stayed for a short time to study medicine there. In November 1748, he came to Berlin.

Writer Years

Lessing decided to become a freelancer before she was 20. He published the Journal of Historical Essays and Drama Review together with Murius. In addition, he wrote book reviews, poems, plays (The Jews, The Sceptics), and translated them. From 1751, he also worked for the Berlin Franchise.
Due to the pressure of his father and a dispute with Voltaire, who was in the court of Friedrich II at that time, which brought about serious consequences, Lessing let his friends contact Voltaire's book The Age of Louis XIV in the form of printed originals. At the end of 1751, Lessing left to return Wittenberg To end his studies there. In April 1752, he received his Master of Philosophy degree.
From November 1752, Lessing came to Berlin again. He translated the works of Voltaire and Friedrich II, and began his ambitious drama library project (never completed), which should provide the critical drama history of all nations through the ages in an unconventional way. From 1753 to 1755, he published a collection of works divided into six parts. In the spring of 1755, he created Miss Sara Samson.
Despite her literary reputation, Lessing has always sought a stable job. In October 1755, he went to Leipzig. He accepted the suggestion of Christian Gottfried Winkler, a wealthy businessman, to accompany him on a 4-year tour around Europe. In May 1756, they left Leipzig. Only in August, they Amsterdam Scared by the outbreak of the 7-year war, I had to return. After returning to Leipzig, which was occupied by Prussia, Lessing soon established a close friendship with Ewald Christian von Kleist, a major and writer of Prussia.
In 1758, Lessing returned to Berlin and wrote the first letters concerning literature at that time. In 1759, he published the one act play Philotas.
The period from 1761 to 1765 was an astonishing one. Lessing is here Breslau He served as the administrative secretary of Prussian General Tauentzien. Getting rid of all economic problems, Lessing lives an unconstrained life as an artist and indulges in gambling addiction. In 1763, he wrote to his father: "I have wasted three years because of this meaningless life. Now it is time for me to get on the right track."
In May 1765, he returned to Berlin and resumed - not without difficulty - his literary work. In 1766, he published a rich work: the aesthetic treatise Laocoon Young generation Has had a significant impact. Published in 1767《 Minna von Barnhelm 》。
After Lessing's desire to become a royal librarian was dashed in 1766, he devoted himself to the work of the Hamburg National Theatre under preparation. He passionately planned to make the National Theatre a national cultural institution. On Easter in 1769, the project ended in failure because of funding problems and the dispute between Lessing, the stage literature consultant, and the other two heads of authority.
In September 1769, Lessing accepted the invitation of the Brunswick Court and became a famous librarian of the Grand Duke of Wolfenb ü ttel.
His first few years at Wolfenbittle were not rich in literary creation. Only in 1771, he published Emilia Gallotti. In addition, from 1774 to 1778, he published the Unsigned Piece, which later involved him in the fierce theological debate with Johann Melchior Goeze, the bishop of Hamburg.

old age

From 1775 to 1776, he reached Vienna by way of Leipzig and Dresden. Starting from Vienna, he accompanied Prince Leopold of Brunswick to Italy. This trip passed through Milan Venice Florence Corsica Genoa Turin , Rome and Naples did not seem to impress Lessing, who accompanied the prince.
When he returned, he married Eva Kö nig, the widow of a businessman who was engaged to him in 1771. But he did not get happiness in life. In December 1777, his soon born son died, and his wife died two weeks later.
Due to his unhappy experience in Hamburg, he refused to participate in the work of the National Theatre under construction in Mannheim. At Wolfenbittle, he studied theology more and more. In 1778, he published《 On human education 》In 1780, he completed it all. In addition, he published a paper against Goetzsche, which was written for the conservative bishop of Hamburg. It upheld the right of reason and made a critical review of religion.
In 1778, the poetic drama Nadan the Wise came out as a continuation of this debate.
At the latest in 1780, Lessing's health deteriorated rapidly. He complained of inattention, vision loss, depression and morbid fatigue. He died at the age of 52 when he visited Brunswick on February 15, 1781.

Writing characteristics

Lessing is a writer, thinker and critic who covers a wide range of fields. As a leading representative of the German Enlightenment, he was a pioneer in thinking about citizens' self-awareness. His theories and critical works are unique for their funny and satirical style and accurate argumentation that are often used. The rhetorical style of the dialogue in his works conforms to his intention, that is, he has been observing things from different perspectives, and also looking for traces of truth from the arguments of his opponents. For him, truth is never something that can be mastered and unchangeable, but a process of constantly approaching the truth.
Lessing became interested in drama very early. Whether in his theories and critical articles with drama as the theme, or in his works as a writer, he tried to make contributions to the development of a new German citizen drama. He opposed the literary theories of Johann Christoph Gottsched, the dominant figure, and his disciples. He especially criticized the imitation of French drama as an example, and he supported the reflection on Aristotle's principles of classicism and the use of Shakespeare's works for reference. Lessing was the first person who founded Shakespeare's Commentary in Germany. He collaborates with many theatrical groups.
In Hamburg, Lessing tried to build a German national theatre with others (until 1769). Now, his works are regarded as the model of German citizen drama developed later. Miss Sara Samson and Amelia Gallotti are regarded as the earliest citizen tragedies《 Minna von Barnhelm 》It is an example of many classical German dramas. Nathan the Wise is the first concept play to explore the world outlook. His theoretical works Laocoon and Hamburg Drama Review set the standard for discussing the principles of aesthetics and literary theory.
In his works of religious philosophy, Lessing maintained the freedom of thought of devout Christians. He opposed the belief in the revelation of God and the complete compliance with the Bible through the dominant conservative academic views. Contrary to the conservative view, as the child of the Enlightenment, he believed in a "rational Christianity", which could lead itself to the spiritual essence of belief. He believed that human reason (inspired by criticism and dissent) could develop without God's revelation. In order to stimulate a public discussion on "complete dependence on faith", Lessing published seven "Unsigned Fragments" from 1774 to 1778, which led to the so-called "Fragment Debate". Lessing's main opponent in this debate was Bishop Goetze of Hamburg. Lessing wrote some articles about Goetze, including 11 copies of Against Goetze.
In addition, Lessing has also participated in the debate with the spokesmen of the dominant academic views for many times, supporting the tolerance of other world religions. He also expressed his views in the form of a play (in "Nadan the Wise Man"), because his later theoretical works were banned from publication. On《 On human education 》He expressed his views systematically.
The spirit of freedom (opposing the exemplary dominance of French drama in drama, and opposing the dogma of the church in religion) is the main thread throughout Lessing's life. Therefore, he participated in the control of the upward civil class from the nobility
The liberation activities. As a writer, he has always pursued not to be attached to others, but his ideal of living a free writer's life is hard to achieve due to economic conditions.

Character works

List of Lessing's Main Works
Young Scholar
Miss Sara Samson
Minna von Barnham
Hamburg Drama Review
Amelia Gallotti
Opposing Songs
The Wise Man Nadan
On Human Education
Love of Husband and Wife (Poetry)