Gottfried William Leibniz

German philosopher and mathematician
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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (July 1, 1646 November 14, 1716), a German philosopher and mathematician, is rare in history Generalist , known as the 17th century Aristotle
He himself is a lawyer and often commutes between Big town Many of his formulas were completed on a bumpy carriage, and he also claimed to be a baron. [1]
Leibniz is in History of mathematics and history of philosophy Shangdu occupies an important position. In mathematics, he and Isaac Newton Have independently discovered Calculus And the calculus Mathematical symbol The symbol invented by Leibniz is generally considered to be more comprehensive and more widely used. Leibniz also found and improved Binary
Philosophically, Leibniz's optimism Most famous; He believed that "our universe, in a sense, is the best one created by God". He and Descartes Baruch Spinoza Is considered to be the three greatest Rationalism Philosophers. Leibniz's work in philosophy foresaw modern times logic and Analytic philosophy At the same time of birth Scholastic philosophy Traditional influence, more application First principles or transcendental Definition, not experimental evidence to derive conclusions.
Leibniz has left works in many directions, such as politics, law, ethics, theology, philosophy, history, linguistics, etc.
Chinese name
Gottfried William Leibniz
Foreign name
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Holy Roman Empire Leipzig
date of birth
July 1, 1646
Date of death
November 14, 1716
University one is graduated from
University of Leipzig
mathematician philosopher
Representative works
On Divine Meaning, On Monads, On Chinese Natural Theology
Key achievements
Philosophy: Mainland rationalism Peak, Monadic theory , foresee modern times logic and Analytic philosophy be born
mathematics: Calculus Binary
Natural theology

Character's Life

Early life, striving for life
On July 1, 1646, Gottfried William Leibniz was born in Holy Roman Empire Of Leipzig His grandfather, Friedrich Leibn ü tz and Catherine Schmuck, worked in the Saxony government for three generations. When I grow up, Leibniz Spelling It was changed to "Leibniz", but most people used to write it as "Leibnitz". In his later years, his signature was usually written as "von Leibniz" to show his aristocratic status. Leibniz's works were published after his death, and the author's name is usually "Freiherr[ Baron ] G. W. von Leibniz.”, But no one was sure whether he really had the baronial title.
Leibniz's father was University of Leipzig Leibniz died at the age of 6, leaving behind a private library. Self study at the age of 12 Latin And start learning Greek He entered the University of Leipzig at the age of 14. He completed his studies at the age of 20, specializing in law and general university courses. In 1666, he published the first book on philosophy, called "de arte combinatoria".
Serve in the court and fight in the legal arena
In 1666, Leibniz refused to be appointed as a teacher after he received his doctor's degree in Altdorf, and was introduced by the then politician Baron Boineburg to serve Mainz elector High Court of Archbishop Johann Philipp von Sch ö nborn.
In 1671, he published two papers, Themia motus abstracti and Hypothesis physics nova, which were dedicated to the Academy of Sciences in Paris and London Of royal society At that time, it increased its popularity in European academic circles.
In 1672, Leibniz was sent by Johann Philipp to Paris , to waver Louis XIV To invade Netherlands And others Western Europe Germanic Neighbouring countries have turned their attention to Egypt. This political plan did not succeed, but Leibniz entered the knowledge circle of Paris and met Nicolas Malebranche And mathematician Huygens et al. Leibniz in this period specially studied mathematics and invented Calculus
In 1672 and 1673, Boineburg and Johann Philipp died one after another, forcing Leibniz to finally leave Paris in 1676 and transfer to serve in Hanover Duke Johann Friedrich of. I stopped by The Hague when I took office Spinoza And discuss philosophy with him for several days. Leibniz then went to Hanover to manage the library and served as the Duke's legal adviser.
Operation diagram of calculator designed by Leibniz [7]
In 1679, Leibniz invented Binary , and the systematic in-depth study, improved the binary system.
From 1680 to 1685 Haz Mountain Silver ore Mining engineer. During this period, Leibniz devoted himself to the design of windmill to extract groundwater from the mine pit. However, due to technical problems and miners traditional ideas The plan did not succeed.
From 1685, entrusted by Ernst August, the successor duke, he began to study his Braunschweig-L ü neburg aristocratic genealogy. This project was not completed until Leibniz died.
In 1686, he completed Discours de m é taphysique.
In 1689, he traveled in Italy At that time, I got to know the missionaries sent by the Jesuit Society in China, and began to have a stronger interest in Chinese things.
In 1695, he published the "New System" in a journal, which further made Leibniz's philosophy about“ Predetermined harmony ”Theory is widely recognized.
Served as dean and refused to accept London
Leibniz persuaded in 1700 Brandenburg Elector Frederick III established the Academy of Sciences in Berlin and served as the first president.
Completed in 1704《 A new theory of human reason 》。 This article aims at Locke's "Theory of Human Reason", and uses the genre of dialogue to criticize chapter by chapter. However, because of the sudden death of Locke, Leibniz did not want to fall into the pretext of bullying the dead, so this book was never published in Leibniz's lifetime.
In 1710, out of gratitude for Sophie Charlotte, the Queen of Prussia who died in 1705, he published Essais de Th é odic é e.
In 1714 Vienna Writing《 Monadic theory 》(La Monadologie; title added by later generations) and Principles of Nature and Grace Based on Rationality. In the same year, George Ludwig, Duke of Hanover, succeeded to King of England George I But refused to bring Leibniz to London and alienated him from Hanover.
Death in old age
Leibniz on November 14, 1716 Hanover He died alone, except for his own secretary, even though George Ludwig himself happened to be in Hanover No one else in the court attended his funeral. Only a few months before his death did he finish writing about the Chinese people Religious thought "On Chinese Natural Theology".

Character achievements



Today in Calculus The symbols used in the field are still proposed by Leibniz. stay Advanced mathematics and mathematical analysis The Leibniz method is used to determine the staggered series astringency Of.
Leibniz and Isaac Newton Who invented first Calculus The dispute over "" is the biggest case in the mathematical world so far. Leibniz published his first differential paper in 1684, defined the concept of differential and adopted Differential sign Dx, dy. In 1686, he also published a paper on integration, discussed differential and integral, and used Integral sign ∫。 According to Leibniz's notebook, on November 11, 1675, he had completed a complete set of Differential calculus
However, in 1695, British scholars declared that: Right of invention belong to Isaac Newton In 1699, he said: Newton He is the "first inventor" of calculus. 1712 Royal Society A committee was set up to investigate the case. At the beginning of 1713, an announcement was issued: "Confirm Isaac Newton He is the first inventor of calculus. " Leibniz was treated coldly until a few years after his death. Because of the blind worship of Newton, British scholars have long adhered to Newton's Number of streams It only uses Newton's stream number symbols, and disdains to use Leibniz's more superior symbols, so that English mathematics breaks away from the trend of the times of mathematical development.
However, Leibniz spoke highly of Newton. In 1701, at a banquet at the Berlin court, King Of Prussia Frederick asked Leibniz what he thought of Newton. Leibniz said: "In all mathematics from the beginning of the world to the age of Newton's life, Newton's work exceeded half."
Leibniz commemorative stamps [5]
Newton Published in 1687《 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 》The first and second editions of maximum value and Minimum Method and operation of tangent The most outstanding scientist wrote in his reply that he also found a similar method. He also recounted his method, which is almost the same as mine, except for his wording and symbols "(but this paragraph was deleted in the third edition and later editions). Therefore, it was later recognized that Newton and Leibniz were Independent To create calculus.
Newton Starting from physics, using geometry method study Calculus, its application is more integrated kinematics And his attainments are higher than Leibniz's. Leibniz started from geometric problems and applied Analytics Methods The concept of calculus was introduced and Algorithm Its mathematics is more rigorous and systematic than Newton.
Leibniz realized that good Mathematical symbol The skill of using symbols is one of the keys to the success of mathematics. Therefore, the calculus symbol created by him is far superior to Newton's symbol, which has a great impact on the development of calculus. From 1714 to 1716, before his death, Leibniz drafted the article "History and Origin of Calculus" (this article was not published until 1846), summarized his ideas of establishing calculus science, and explained the independence of his achievements.
Picture: [4] [6]


topology It was first called "analysis situs", which was put forward by Leibniz in 1679. It was a discipline studying similar topography and geomorphology. At that time, it mainly studied some geometric problems arising from the need of mathematical analysis. There is still controversy about Leibniz's contribution to topology. Mates quoted Jacob Freudthal's 1954 paper as saying:
Although Leibniz believes that the position of a list of points in space is determined solely by the distance between them—— if and only if When the distance changes, the position of the point changes correspondingly - his admirer Euler In his famous paper (published in 1736)( Kaliningrad Seven bridge problem And its promotion), but in“ topology The term "geometric position" is used in the sense that the position of the point does not change during deformation. He mistakenly believed that Leibniz was the founder of this concept People often do not realize that Leibniz uses the term in a completely different sense, so it is inappropriate to be respected as the founder of this branch of mathematics.
But Hideki Hirano held a different view, and he quoted Benoit Mandelbrot In his words:
In Leibniz Scientific achievements Chinese exploration is a thought-provoking experience. In addition to calculus and other completed research, a large number of extensive and forward-looking research on scientific development impetus be a trend which cannot be halted. There are examples in the 'filling theory'...... Leibniz also paid attention to Geometric metric After that, my enthusiasm for him became even more intense. On“ Euclid "Prota", which makes Euclid's axiom more strict, he stated that... 'I have several different definitions of straight lines. The straight line is a kind of curve, and any part of the curve is similar to the whole, so the straight line also has this characteristic; This applies not only to curves, but also to sets. " This assertion can be proved today.
thus fractal geometry (by Benoit Mandelbrot Carry forward) theory in Leibniz's Self similarity Thought and Continuity principle Seeking support in: nature does not jump( Latin "Nature does not make jumps"). When Leibniz wrote in his work Metaphysics that "a straight line is a kind of curve, and any part of it is similar to the whole", he actually predicted the birth of topology two centuries ahead of time. As for the "filling theory", Leibniz said to his friend Des Bosses, "You can imagine a circle, and then fill it with three congruent circles with the largest radius. Later three small circles can be filled with smaller circles in the same process". This process can continue indefinitely, and the idea of self similarity arises from it. Leibniz's improvement of Euclidean axiom also includes the same concept.

Symbolic thinking

Leibniz has a remarkable belief that a large amount of human reasoning can be reduction It is a kind of operation, which can solve the differences in views:
"The only way to refine our reasoning is to make it as practical as mathematics, so that we can find out our mistakes at a glance, and when people have disputes, we can simply say: Let us calculate [calculemus], without further confusion, we can see who is right." (Art of Discovery 1685, W 51)
Leibniz's calculus inference device is very reminiscent Symbolic logic , can be seen as a way to make this calculation feasible. The memos written by Leibniz (translated by Parkinson in 1966) can be seen as an exploration of symbolic logic - so his calculus - is on its way. But Gerhard and Couturat did not publish these works until modern times formal logic It was formed in the concept text of Frege and the works of Charles Peirce and his students in the 1880s George Boole and De Morgan It was after 1847 that this logic was created.

Monadic theory

In addition to being an outstanding genius mathematician, Leibniz is also European rationalism The peak of philosophy. Inherited western philosophy In traditional thought, he believed that the world, because of its certainty (in other words, the knowledge about the world is objective, universal and inevitable), must be composed of self-sufficient entities. The so-called self-sufficiency is no According to him Things exist and are not recognized according to other things. Lebniz's predecessor Baruch Spinoza It thinks that there is only one entity, namely God/Nature. Leibniz disagrees with this, one reason is that his pantheism has obvious conflict with the theology of the Bible, and the other reason is that his theory has not been able to solve the problem caused by Descartes Descending dualism , making the world a fault (although he stressed that the world is one, he did not say that this one seems to be binary opposition How is the unification of the world possible.
Leibniz believes that there are many entities, and there are unlimited entities. follow Aristotle He thinks that entity is the subject of a proposition. In a proposition S is P, S is entity. Because an entity is self-contained, it must contain all possible predicates, that is, "... is P". From this, we can conclude that entities have four characteristics: indivisibility Closure , unity and morality.
Indivisibility means that any Extensive extension Things with length can be divided. The divided things contain all their own possibilities respectively, and are self-sufficient, so they have the content of extensive things, that is, the possibility that the possibility depends on his part. By analogy ductility If you are not self-sufficient, but want to be known by other things (for Leibniz, real knowledge is the possibility of lacking one thing), you are not an entity. Therefore, entity is indivisible, and it is something that has no extensive extension. In Leibniz's late works (Monadology), he called it Monad. The nature of monad is thinking( thought )。 This extensive world is composed of an infinite number of monads.
The closeness means that each list must be self-sufficient, independent of others, and contains all its own possibilities. Then one order can't have it with another Interaction (interaction)。 If one monad acts on another monad, the latter monad may not be included in the list, that is, the list does not contain all its own content, but needs to attach to other things. Because of the definition of entity, this is impossible. So Leibniz said: "There is no window between the lists."
Uniformity means that every monad must include the whole world in a certain perspective. Because the world is closely composed of cause and effect, A acts on B, not only on B, but on the whole world. If the content of a list includes all the possibilities of its own, then each list points to the world with the list itself as the center. But the world is unified, which does not mean that all monads are the same, because the same world can be perceived from different perspectives, so it is a unified world.
Finally, the morality of monads is more complex. This feature is proposed for two reasons, one is the unity of the world, and the other is the world's certainty For the former, all lists contain the whole world, but from their own perspectives, is the world's unity false? If we want to talk about unification, how can we talk about it? For the latter, the world is composed of monads, which are just a collection of possibilities, and the world is also just a possibility. Is it impossible for us to have a kind of knowledge that is not only possible, but also inevitable? In what sense can we say that knowledge about the world is true and certain? Leibniz attributed it to one god, the creator of the world. On the one hand, before God created, there was no established material, so there was no established limited situation, then creation was a pure will creation, and God created this world by virtue of his perfection alone.
Therefore, as Leibniz famously said, this truly accomplished world is "the best of many possible worlds". This almost meets Leibniz's belief requirements. On the other hand, if you want to know something for sure, you should know its reason. We should understand this reason and pursue the reason. By analogy, the deterministic knowledge of the world cannot be an effective cause within a world, but a transcendental metaphysical cause.
Leibniz said that it was theoretically necessary to set the metaphysical cause of God. Therefore, the reason why this world is like this is that it is the best and the best Possible world It is impossible for people to fully understand the supreme good will of the God, but they can move forward in this direction, because the human mind makes a special list, which has memory and can chart their own future based on the past. This is the divinity shared by human beings, that is, the possibility of morality. People can understand the world created by God and how to become a moral person through open possibilities.
This kind of world Morality , can be regarded as Kant Leibniz's pioneers, respectively, arbitrarily put forward that God is the perfection of morality, and said that the possibility is the reality under the eyes of God, but did not really regard the possibility of the world as the possibility. And Leibniz is right Innate ideas (inland idea) Hegel yes Kant In this sense, Kant On the one hand Hume (Hume) Awakened from Leibniz's arbitrary dream, but at the same time, it was also polluted by Locke's philosophical pathological change - the examination of rational boundaries. In this respect, Leibniz took a step ahead of Kant.

formal logic

Leibniz was Aristotle The most important works between George Burr and De Morgan, who respectively published the works that created modern formal logic in 1847 logician Leibniz expounded conjunction, disjunction, negation, identity, set inclusion and empty set The primary nature of. Leibniz Logic principle And his whole philosophy can be reduced to two points:
All our ideas (concepts) are compounded from a very small number of simple ideas, which form the letters of human thinking.
Complex ideas come from these simple ideas, which are simulated by them Arithmetic operation A unified and symmetrical combination of.

Anecdotes of characters

Leibniz and Chinese culture
Zhou Yitu given by Bai Jin to Leibniz in 1701
Leibniz was the first to contact Chinese culture From some missionaries who had gone to China to preach Chinese culture , should have been taken from Marco Polo I have also learned about Chinese culture from the influence of the oriental fever. France Sinology Master Joachim Bouvet, Han Nameless white Jin, 1662-1732) introduced to Leibniz《 Zhouyi 》And gossip system. In Leibniz's eyes, "yin" and "yang" are basically his Binary Chinese version of. He once asserted: "Binary is the world universality The most perfect logical language ". Now in Germany Thuringia In the famous Schlossbibliothek zu Gotha, there is still a copy of Lester's manuscript with the title "1 and 0, the magical origin of all numbers"
The full text of the title of the manuscript is: "1 and 0, the magical origin of all numbers... This is a wonderful example of the secret of creation, because everything comes from God." And Leibniz himself wrote to Joachim Bouwe, saying in his letter: "The first day begins with 1, which is God. The second day begins with 2,... By the seventh day, everything is there. So, this last day is also perfect. Because, at this time, everything in the world has been created. Therefore, it is written as' 7 ', that is,' 111 '(111 in binary is equal to 7 in decimal), and does not contain 0. Only when we express this number with 0 and 1 can we understand why the seventh day is perfect and why 7 is a sacred number. It is particularly noteworthy that its (seventh day) characteristics (111 for writing binary) are related to the trinity. "
Guo Shuchun On《 Liu Hui, an ancient world leader in mathematics 》It is said on page 461 of a book: "There is a saying in China that the Book of Changes created binary. The myth that Leibniz was influenced by the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes to create binary and use it in computers is even more widespread. The fact is that Leibniz first invented binary, and later saw the rearrangement of the Book of Changes by scholars in the Song Dynasty brought back by missionaries Bagua, and found that Bagua can be explained by his binary system. " For this reason, it is believed that Leibniz did not see Yin Yang Eight Trigrams Binary was invented. Liang Zong's great book Mathematical Historical Allusions (published in 1995) has the same view on this historical case on pages 14-18.
Hu Yang and Li Changduo in "Did not Leibniz See the Congenital Map Before Inventing Binary System -- A Textual Research on the Existing European Documents of Sino Western Exchange in the 17th Century" [2] Through the research and textual research on the existing European documents of Sino Western communication in the 17th century, the argument that Leibniz saw the congenital diagram only after he invented the binary system was denied. Before Leibniz invented the binary system, the congenital diagram was called the binary system by Spencer. [2]
On Leibniz Binary System and Ancient Chinese Books《 I Ching 》The discussion of the relationship involves how to look at the respective characteristics of modern Chinese and Western cultures and the interaction between them. Although binary is only an arithmetic Numeration and Counting method However, it is actually the product of a specific culture (including mathematics, language, symbols, logic, philosophy, etc.). One of the obvious shortcomings of the existing views is that the formation and development of concepts and theories (principles, symbols, etc“ All or none ”It ignores the formation and change process of concepts and theories, and is easy to lead to two extreme judgments. [3]
Therefore, based on the background of modern cultural exchanges between China and the West, starting with conceptual and cognitive analysis, the formation process of Leibniz's binary thought can be placed in the concept woven by modern cultural exchanges between China and the West Network system And then sort out Leibniz's inheritance of western modern times Mathematical concept How to acquire and absorb《 I Ching 》The context of creative transformation of concepts through conceptual resources. We can see that, in addition to Leibniz's great contribution of personal originality, binary in modern sense is actually the product of "Chinese and Western combination". [3]