Munich University of Technology

Munich Public University, Germany
zero Useful+1
Technische University ä t M ü nchen, TUM to Germany The largest city in the south Munich [2] Is a Europe Top research universities [3-4] It is considered as one of the symbols of German universities in the world today [1] [5]
The predecessor of Munich University of Technology is Bavaria The "Munich Royal Bayern Institute of Technology" established by the king in 1868 [7-8] In 1870, the Institute of Technology was renamed as the University of Technology. In 1930, it merged with Weinstivan Landscape and Brewing College [23] During World War II, 80% of the old school site was destroyed, some of which were completely destroyed. Jiaxing Campus was established in 1957 due to the commencement of the Munich nuclear reactor. By 1960, the reconstruction project of the Institute of Technology had been basically completed [16] [37] Munich University of Technology is one of Germany's top science and technology universities, as well as a member of the European Union of Innovative Universities (ECIU) and the German TU9 Union [16] TUM has an excellent spirit of innovation and quality of science and education [43] And became one of the first three elite German universities, members of the International Union of Science and Technology Universities, the Global Alliance of Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning, the European Alliance of Excellence in Science and Technology Universities, and the European Alliance of Top Engineering Universities [50] , listed as the key funding object by the German government, enjoying the highest scientific research funds in Germany [51]
The school is composed of six campuses, namely, the main campus, Jiaxing campus, Freshing campus, Straubin campus, Heilbron campus and Singapore Asia campus [16] As of December 2023, the Munich University of Technology has eight teaching departments, covering science, engineering, sociology, medicine and other disciplines [24] 12051 teachers [19] 666 professors [26] , the number of students in school is 52580 [19] At the same time, Munich University of Technology cooperates with 11 scientific research platforms [20] By 2024, Munich University of Technology has cultivated 18 Nobel Prizes [21] 30 IEEE Fellows [31]
Chinese name
Munich University of Technology [17]
Foreign name
Technische Universität München [17] (German)
TUM、TU München [17]
Time of establishment
1868 [16]
Nature of running a school
Public University [16]
School category
Science and engineering research universities [16]
School characteristics
University of Excellence [43]
competent department
German government [44]
Current leaders
Thomas Hofmann Kammerer [18] President
School setting
Physics, mechanical engineering, chemistry, computer science, civil engineering, economic management, sports health, government management, etc [16]
School motto
Die unternehmerische University ä t [17]
Arcisstra ß e 21, Munich Main Campus [20]
Boltzmann stra ß e 15 in Jiaxing Campus [38]
Alte Akademie 8, Weinstiffen Campus [41]
Petersgasse 5, Straubin Campus [40]
Bildungscampus 2, Hebron Campus [39]
Singapore Campus 510 Dover Road # 05-01 Singapore [42]
major awards
The highest award of "excellent teaching" in Germany [35-36]
Well known alumni
Rudolf Diesel [21] Carl von Linde [21] Walter Gropius [21]
Number of students
52,580(2023) [19]
Number of teachers
12051(2023) [19]
Teaching and research funds
2570.9 million euros (2020) [6]

Historical evolution


Change of school name

Main Campus
The predecessor of Munich University of Technology was founded by the King of Bavaria Ludwig II The "Koeniglich Bayerische Technische Hochschule M ü nchen" was established in 1868, and was renamed Munich University of Technology in 1970. [23]

Campus development

In 1901, the university obtained the qualification of awarding a doctor's degree, and in 1930, it merged the Hochschule f ü r Landwirtschaft und Brauerei Weihenstephan College of Agriculture and Brewing. In 1937, the new school building designed by Max Schmitt was expanded in Nymphenburg and has been preserved. During World War II, 80% of the old school site was destroyed. In 1946, the school run factory was rebuilt and established. Garching campus was established in 1957 due to the commencement of Munich nuclear reactor. In 1967, the medical school was established in the clinical teaching center (Klinikum rechts der Isar) on the banks of the Isar River. [8] [22] In 2002, the first offshore campus, Singapore Campus, was established. [45] In 2018, Heilbronn Institute of Education was established [39] Leibniz neutron reactor was completed in Jiaxing as the second phase project in 2004. [38] From 2013 to 2024, Munich University of Technology has successively established and founded business school, administrative school, education school and other humanities and social sciences departments [8] [22]

School running conditions


Admission method

Eine weitere Voraussetzung für die Immatrikulation ist die Annahme des Studienplatzes . Um Ihren Studienplatz anzunehmen, klicken Sie in TUMonline unter dem Menüpunkt Studienplatz auf den Button Studienplatzangebot annehmen . [52]
Bitte nehmen Sie den Studienplatz möglichst früh an , idealerweise bis zum Semesterbeginn, damit Sie Ihre Einschreibung fristgerecht und ohne Schwierigkeiten beginnen können. Die Annahme des Studienplatzes ist möglich bis zur Einschreibungsfrist, wir empfehlen jedoch den Studienplatz so früh wie möglich anzunehmen. [52]
Wenn Sie Ihr Studium in diesem Semester noch nicht antreten möchten, dann lehnen Sie Ihren Studienplatz ab und bewerben sich erneut für Ihr gewünschtes Semester. Weitere Informationen zu einer Wiederbewerbung finden Sie unter „Rückstellung eines Studienplatzes oder späterer Antritt des Studiums“. [52]

School setting

As of December 2023, there are 8 teaching departments in Munich University of Technology, covering science, engineering, sociology, medicine and other disciplines [24]
School setting
School of Computing Information and Technology
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
information science
Information Engineering
Informatics: Game Engineering
economic information
College of Engineering and Design
civil engineering
Land supervision and land development
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Earth science
Engineering Science
mechanical engineering
Environmental engineering
College of Natural Science
chemical engineering
Food Chemistry
College of Life Sciences
Agronomy and Landscape Science
Brewing and beverage technology
Forestry and Resource Management
Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
Food Chemistry
Molecular biotechnology
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
School of Management
Management and technology
Sustainable management and technology
School of Social Science and Technology
political science
Politics and technology
Teaching research
Responsibilities in science, engineering and technology
Science and technology research
medical college
Medical Science
College of Physical Education and Health
Health Science
(The above information is from reference materials [24]

Discipline construction

Master and doctoral disciplines in the main campus of Munich University of Technology: [24]
School setting
School of Computing Information and Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
communication engineering
Data Engineering and Analysis
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Finance and information management
information science
Informatics: Game Engineering
Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Mathematics in mathematical science
Mathematical Science and Mathematical Engineering
Neuroengineering - Elite Course
Software Engineering - Elite Course
Robot, Cognition and Intelligence
College of Engineering and Design
Aerospace Engineering (Asia Campus)
Vehicle engineering
civil engineering
Computational mechanics
Energy and processing engineering
Development, production and design of mechanical engineering
Earth oriented space science and technology
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Geothermics/geothermal energy
Industrial biotechnology
Information technology in building environment
Engineering and Hydrogeology
Land Management and Geospatial Science
Landscape engineering
mechanical engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechatronics and Robotics
Medical technology and assistance system
power engineering
Railway, transportation and logistics
Buildings with efficient use of resources and sustainable development
Risk and safety
Materials Science and Technology
Transportation system
Environmental engineering
Urbanization - Research and Design of City and Landscape
College of Natural Science
Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
chemical engineering
Industrial Chemistry
Food Chemistry
Matter to life
Physics (applied engineering and physics)
Physics (biophysics)
College of Life Sciences
Agricultural Systematics
Brewing and beverage technology
Forestry and Wood Science
Engineering ecology
Food Chemistry
Food technology
Molecular Biosciences
Nature protection and landscape planning
Nutrition and Biomedicine
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
Sustainable resource management
School of Management
School of Management
Management and technology
Finance and information management
Consumer Science
Sustainable management and technology
Management and innovation
Executive MBA
MBA in Business and IT
MBA in Innovation and Business Creation
College of Physical Education and Health
Sports and Training Science
Traditional Chinese Medicine (Continuing Education)
Health Science - Prevention and Health Promotion
School of Social Science and Technology
political science
Politics and technology
Teaching research
Responsibilities in science, engineering and technology
Science and technology research
medical college
Biomedical neuroscience
(The above information is from reference materials [24]
TUM Asia, founded in 2002, is the most successful overseas campus of German universities. In addition to offering bachelor's and master's degrees from Munich University of Technology, as well as degrees jointly awarded with well-known universities in Singapore, TUM Asia also offers executive education courses in the fields of Industry 4.0, precision engineering, railway and logistics. In order to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, the Munich Polytechnic University Singapore Campus has cooperated with Singapore FESTO to set up the Digitization, Technology and Innovation (CDTI) Competency Center to provide lifelong learning courses. By 2024, more than 2300 students from 35 countries and regions have graduated from the Munich Polytechnic University Singapore Campus. [25]


As of December 2023, there are more than 600 professors engaged in teaching and research in Munich University of Technology. Since Munich University of Technology was rated as one of the first three excellent universities in Germany in 2006, the teaching staff has grown significantly. The previous year, 2005, there were still 399 professors engaged in research and teaching. [26]
Among them, female
Including from abroad
Total number of employees
six hundred and sixty-six
one hundred and fifty-seven
one hundred and thirty-three
Including Munich University of Technology
five hundred and fifty-four
one hundred and thirty-three
one hundred and twenty-eight
Which hospital
Including co appointed professors
Including Munich University of Technology
Which hospital
three hundred and seventy-two
Non scientists (no clinic)
three hundred and seventy-seven
(Statistics of principals as of December 1, 2023, including clinics and co appointed professors [26] 。)
Among them, female
Including from abroad
Professor as a whole
six hundred and sixty-six
one hundred and fifty-seven
one hundred and forty-four
Including C4/W3
four hundred and fifty-nine
Including C3/W2
two hundred and seven
(Statistics of principals as of December 1, 2023, including clinics and co professors [26] 。)

Teaching construction

Munich University of Technology is one of the first three "Elite Universities" selected by the German government in 2006, and has clearly proposed the goal of creating an "entrepreneurial university" since 1995. As the world's top comprehensive university of science and technology, TUM attaches great importance to the development of the system and supports entrepreneurship, encourages students to think and act like entrepreneurs, and is committed to transforming researchers' inventions into sustainable profits. Drawing on the thinking of interaction among producers, decomposers, consumers, and catalysts in the natural ecosystem, TUM analyzes the elements of the entrepreneurial education ecosystem. [27]
The Continuing Education Project Award of the Munich University of Technology, a project jointly carried out with T ∨ V S ü d, won the EFMD Excellence in Practice Award. The Munich University of Technology, through its lifelong learning college, meets the continuing education needs brought about by rapid technological progress and changes in the working world. In addition to individual projects, the School of Lifelong Learning of Munich University of Technology also cooperates with enterprises to carry out continuing education. [28]

Cooperation and exchange

Chinese universities
Shenzhen International Graduate School of Tsinghua University [29]
Tongji University [30]
Helmholtz Research Center Association of Germany [31]
Helmholtz Munich
Heidelberg Cancer Research Center, Germany
Ulrich Research Center
German Aerospace Center
Max Planck Society [31]
Max Planck Institute of Astrophysics (MPA)
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (MPIB)
Max Planck Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
Max Planck Institute of Physics (MPP)
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP)
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ)
Fraunhofer Society [31]
Application and integration security AISEC
Foundry, composites and processing technology ICGV
Cognitive system ICS
Interface and Biological Process Engineering IGB
Process Engineering and Packaging IVV
Leibniz Association [31]
Leibniz Institute of Food System Biology, Munich University of Technology
German Museum in Munich: Research Museum
Bavarian Academy of Sciences [31]
Bavarian Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
Leibniz Computing Center (LRZ)
Walter Meisner Cryogenic Institute (WMI)

academic research


Scientific research platform

As of December 2023, there are 11 cooperative scientific research platforms of MUT, including: [20]
Cooperation research platform of Munich University of Technology
TUM Institute for Advanced Study
Research Neutron Source "Heinz Maier-Leibnitz" (FRM II)
Walter Schottky Institute for Semiconductor Research (WSI)
Leonardo da Vinci-Zentrum für Bionik
TUM Institute for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (nanoTUM)
Straubing Center of Science
Corporate Research Center of Food and Nutrition Science (ZIEL)
Corporate Research Center of Biomedical Engineering (IMETUM)
Catalysis Research Center
Munich Center of Molecular Life Sciences
TUM School of Governance
(The above reference materials are from [20]

research findings

The main research fields are artificial intelligence, system engineering, engineering, neural network, conductor engineering, automation, bioengineering, food processing engineering, computer science, manufacturing, architecture and other high-end projects. TUM has extensive cooperation with many universities and research institutes in Europe and even the world. [32]
Munich University of Technology attaches great importance to solid basic education. Its scientific researchers are engaged in research at the highest level, and integrate scientific research achievements directly into teaching. As a famous "Die unternehmerische Elite University" in Germany, Munich University of Technology has close scientific research, production, education and economic ties with many famous core enterprises in Europe, which provides guarantee for scientific research knowledge to flow into practice as soon as possible. [32]

Academic resources

Due to its three campuses, the library of Munich University of Technology has 10 branch libraries with a total collection of more than 500000 books, but generally there is no central library (main library), and all books of the library can be reserved in any branch library through electronic retrieval [37]

campus culture

The motto of Munich University of Technology is: Die unternehmerische University ä t (entrepreneurial university) [17]
Man, society and nature are the core of everything. Set the highest standards of performance in research, teaching and innovation. Cultivate an open, appreciative and diversified culture and shape social change. [33]

School logo

Munich University of Technology emblem
The logo of Munich Polytechnic University is composed of blue TUM letters [6]

Spiritual culture

Munich University of Technology encourages, promotes and cultivates all kinds of talents to make them responsible and international personalities, so that they can shape innovation and progress for human beings, nature and society with the highest level of scientific and technological expertise, entrepreneurial courage, social and political sensitivity, and lifelong open education attitude. [49]

Community culture

TUM has a wide range of student clubs, including but not limited to academic, business and entrepreneurship, culture and art, network, religion, social networking, etc. All students of Munich University of Technology can set up clubs at any time, as long as the purpose of their activities does not endanger the basic order of freedom and democracy and the security and order of Munich University of Technology. Once at least 5 students from Munich University of Technology join the club, the club can be recognized and further supported by the student union. [46]
Religion and spirit
EHG – Evangelische Hochschulgemeinde TUM [46]
Community and Religoius Faith: In the Evangelische Hochschulgemeinde (Protestant University Community) at TUM, students meet regularly to cook and eat together, at celebrations, devotions and church services to talk about topics that are important to them. Counseling, coaching and pastoral care are offered in a confidential setting by the pastor.
JSUD – German Jewish Student Union [46]
The Jewish Student Union Germany (JSUD) has set itself the goal to promote exchange between non-Jewish and Jewish students through various events and education opportunites (e.g. Jewish Campus Week at TUM and LMU), highlighting the diversity of Jewish life, and thus breaking down stereotypes and fight anti-Semitism.
KHG – Katholische Hochschulgemeinde TUM [46]
Spirituality and Community: The Katholische Hochschulgemeinde (Catholic University Community) at TUM is a place of encounter where everyone who studies, teaches and works at TUM is welcome. Regardless of religion, the rooms are open to anyone who wants to use them to work, relax and meet. In addition to the regular spiritual program, the KHG TUM offers counseling, guidance and coaching on all study issues and other services.
MSI – Muslim Studies Initiative TUM [46]
Representation of Muslim Students: The Muslim Student Initiative at TUM (MSI) represents the interests of and is the point of contact for all Muslim students at TUM and is committed to making the daily life of Muslims at our university easier. Non-Muslim students are also welcome in the student initiative. With events and excursions, the MSI would like to promote intercultural exchange on campus.


Munich University of Technology has six campuses [10]

Munich (main campus)

In 1868, Munich has always been the seat of Munich University of Technology, the main campus [10] The campus extends from the downtown campus to the Issar Right Bank Hospital and the modern sports and health park of the Olympic Park. There are architecture, civil engineering and surveying, enterprise economics, earth science, electronic and information engineering, political science, public policy, international relations, medicine (clinical teaching center), sports science (Olympia Park). [16]

Jiaxing Campus

Jiaxing Campus is the Natural Science and Engineering Center of Munich University of Technology and the largest campus of Munich University of Technology [10] It has chemical mathematics and computer science, machinery, physics, and a 20 megawatt neutron reactor. [16]
Jiaxing Campus

Weinstiffen Campus

Weinstiffen Campus [10] , with Nutrition , land planning and environmental science, agricultural and horticultural biological science, forestry (formerly based at Munich University) Landscape design And landscape planning Nutrition Food Engineering (including milk science). [16]
Freshing Library (the dome is closing in the evening)

Straubin Campus

Straubin Campus, as the "comprehensive research institute" of Munich University of Technology, has two major themes: sustainable development and economic implementation. Academic training is carried out within the framework of study courses of bioeconomy (bachelor's and master's degree), chemical biotechnology (bachelor's and master's degree), biological resource technology (bachelor's and master's degree), sustainable management and technology (bachelor's and master's degree), biomass technology (master's degree), and bachelor's and master's theses and doctoral degrees. The courses of Bioeconomics, Chemical Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology, as well as the bachelor's and master's courses in sustainable management and technology are taught in English [11]
Straubin Campus

Hebron Campus

Hebron Education Park [10] Since the autumn of 2018, the famous Munich University of Technology has settled in the Heilbronn School of Education, providing extensive services for more than 500 students in five courses. Digital transformation, information engineering and family businesses are the key research fields in Heilbronn Campus of Munich University of Technology [12]

Singapore Campus

Singapore Campus is the first overseas campus of a German university. In May 2024, the courses of study will include two undergraduate degrees and five graduate majors, as well as continuing education for professionals and executives in the enterprise sector [13] There are (Munich University of Technology and National University of Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Joint double degree master's degree), transportation and Logistics engineering microelectronics Industrial chemistry, aerospace engineering, etc [16]

administrative management


President of TUM

Thomas Hofmann [30] (2024), the food chemist and the long-term vice president of research and innovation have been the head of TUM since 2019. The implementation of the 2030 Agenda is one of the core issues during his tenure, including the transformation and reform of the organizational structure from the department to the school. He worked with his Executive Committee to promote the transformation to a more sustainable, digital and internationally networked university. [47]

President Representative

The President's Representative is responsible for some important issues of TUM. [48]
Sandra Bogdanovic
Brand Policy and Enterprise Design
Professor Dipl. - Des
Fritz Frenkler
Overall development of TUM Heilbronn Campus
Prof. Dr.
Helmut Krcmar
Medical digitalization
Klaus A. Kuhn

Successive leaders

In 1995, Wolfgang A. Herrmann, a chemistry professor, served as the president of Munich University of Technology. On May 10, 2005, he was unanimously elected by the school management committee and was re elected as the president for the second time. [22]
President: Since 1976 [47]
Seit 2019
Thomas F. Hofmann
Lebensmittel- und Naturstoffchemiker
Wolfgang A. Herrmann
Otto Meitinger
Herbert Kupfer
Wolfgang Wild
Bayerischer Wissenschaftsminister 1986-1989
Ulrich Grigull
Maschinenbauingenieur (Thermodynamik)
President: 1903 – 1976 [47]
Technische Hochschule München / seit 1970 Technische Universität München
Ulrich Grigull
Maschinenbauingenieur (Thermodynamik)
Heinz Schmidtke
Ingenieur (Ergonomie)
Horst Engerth
Gerd Albers
Heinrich Netz
Franz Patat
Gustav Aufhammer
Max Kneissl
Ernst Schmidt
Robert Sauer
August Rucker
Hans Piloty
Ludwig Föppl
Robert Vorhoelzer
Georg Faber
1945 (komm.)
Hans Döllgast
Lutz Pistor
Albert Wolfgang Schmidt
Anton Schwaiger
Richard Schachner
Johann Ossanna
Kaspar Dantscher
Jonathan Zenneck
Walther Ritter von Dyck
Karl Heinrich Hager
Karl Lintner
Heinrich Frhr. von Schmidt
Siegmund Günther
Moritz Schröter
Friedrich von Thiersch
Walther Ritter von Dyck
Directors: 1868 – 1903 [47]
Königlich Bayerische Polytechnische Schule zu München / seit 1877/78 Technische Hochschule München
Walther Ritter von Dyck
Egbert Ritter von Hoyer
Karl Ritter von Haushofer
Carl Max von Bauernfeind
Bauingenieur und Geodät
August von Kluckhohn
Wilhelm von Beetz
Carl Max von Bauernfeind
Bauingenieur und Geodät

Campus environment


Palace of Justice

Located near Stachus. Its designer is Professor Friedrich von Thiersch. The building was completed in 1897, using innovative technologies such as steam central heating and electric lights. Self supporting glass and iron dome towered over the atrium more than 60 meters high [14]
Palace of Justice

Tiersta Bell Tower

The 37 meter high clock tower will remain the landmark of Munich University of Technology in May 2024. For a long time, the rooms inside have been used by physics researchers and student aviation group "Akaflieg" [14]
bell tower

Olympic roof

Dietrich Unterrifaller and landscape designer Balliana Schubert unveiled the campus of Munich University of Technology on May 16. This is the most ambitious new building project in the 50 year history of the Olympic Park. The Olympic Park is planned to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Like the Olympic Games building in 1972, the architectural feature of the Munich University of Technology campus is the roof. It is not a transparent tent, but a 153 meter long wooden covering, with a 18.3 meter overhang across the checkered runway [15]
Olympic roof



Nobel Prize Winners

The Nobel Prize has been awarded once a year since 1901. By 2024, it has been recognized as the highest honor for achievements in the fields of chemistry, medicine, physics, literature and economics, as well as contributions to world peace. By 2022, 18 scientists and alumni of Munich University of Technology have won the Nobel Prize: [21]
Nobel Prize winner
Joachim Frank (2017)
Bernard Felinga (2016)
Gerhard Eter (2007)
Rudolf A. Marcus (1992)*
John Dysenhofer (1988)
Robert Huber (1988)
Ernst Otto Fischer (1973)
Hans Fisher (1930)
Heinrich Willand (1927)
Thomas Mann (1929)
Medical Science
Elvin Neh (1991)
Conrad Bloch (1964)
Anton Salinger (2022)
Wolfgang Ketler (2001)
Wolfgang Paul (1989)
Ernst Ruska (1986)
Klaus von Klitzing (1985)
Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer (1961)
(The above information is from reference materials [21]

IEEE Academician

As of April 2024, 30 members of Munich University of Technology have become IEEE academicians: [34]
IEEE Academician
Sami Hadadin (2024)
Full Professor for Robotics and Systems Intelligence (TUM School for Computation, Information and Technology)
Ingeborg J. Hochmair and Erwin Hochmair (2023)
Honorary doctors of TUM
Ingeborg J. Hochmair and Erwin Hochmair were made an IEEE Fellows in 2023 “for the research, development, and realization of multi-channel microelectronic cochlear implants”.
Wolfgang Uchik (2021)
Full Professor of Signal Processing Methods (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Zhu Xiaoxiang (2021)
Full Professor of Signal Processing in Earth Observation (Department of Aerospace and Geodesy)
Daniel Ruchte (2020)
Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine (Department of Informatics and Medicine)
Sandra Hilcher (2020)
Full Professor of Information-oriented Control (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Vassilis Nzia Christos (2020)
Full Professor of Biological Imaging (TUM School of of Medicine)
Gerhard Rigor (2019)
Full Professor of Human-Machine Communication (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Zheng Jiadun (2017)
Full Professor of Cognitive Systems (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Michael Aned (2016)
Honorary Professor of the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy
Eikhard Steinbach (2015)
Full Professor of Media Technology (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Martin Bass (2014)
Full Professor of Automatic Control Engineering (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Helmut Grub (2014)
Chair of Electronic Design Automation (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Holger Boch (2011)
Full Professor of Theoretical Information Technology (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Paul Rugli (2011)
Full Professor of Nanoelectronics (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr. Paolo Lugli was made an IEEE Fellow in 2011 "for contributions to nanostructured materials and devices".
Gerhard Kramer (2010)
Full Professor of Communications Engineering (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Marcus Christian Oman (2007)
Full Professor of Semiconductor Technology (Walter Schottky Institut) (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Gunther Schmidt (2006)
Professor Emeritus of Automatic Control Engineering (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Schmidt was made an IEEE Fellow in 2006 "for contributions to theory and practice of sensor-guided locomotion in biped and mobile robotics".
Richard Hans George Baumler (2005)
Full Professor of Remote Sensing Technology (Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering)
Friedrich Pfeiffer (2004)
Professor Emeritus of Applied Mechanics (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Dirk Schroeder (2003)
Full Professor of Electrical Drive Systems (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dierk Schröder was made an IEEE fellow in 2003 "for contributions to modeling of power semiconductors for circuit design".
John Friedrich Rui (2000)*
Honorary Professor of High Frequency Technology since 2007 (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Wolfram Bok (1998)
Full Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Switchgear Technology (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Boeck was made an IEEE Fellow in 1998 "for contributions to the development of gas insulated substations".
Gede Hissinger (1997)
Honorary Professor of Robotics (Department of Informatics)
Kurt Antrich (1994)
Full Professor of Electronic Design Automation (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurt Antreich was made an IEEE Fellow in 1994 "for contributions to computer-aided tolerance design of electronic circuits and computer-aided layout design of integrated circuits".
Peter Lasser (1994)
Full Professor of High Frequency Engineering (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Joseph A. Nocek (1993)
Full Professor of Circuit Theory and Signal Processing (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Joachim Hagnaul (1992)
Honorary Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Patrick Dweld (1981)*
Director of the Institute for Advanced Study from 2008 to 2013
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Dewilde was made an IEEE Fellow in 1981 "for contributions to network theory, especially the synthesis of scattering matrices".
Wolfgang Hart (1980)
Full Professor of General Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Harth (1932–2017) was made an IEEE Fellow in 1980.
Wolfgang Kaiser (1980)
Full Professor of Experimental Physics (Department of Physics)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaiser was made an IEEE Fellow in 1980.
(The above information is from reference materials [34]

Honors won


QS World University Ranking

QS World University Ranking
particular year
QS World University Ranking
(The above information is from reference materials [9]

German elite university title

Munich University of Technology has successfully won the title of Germany's elite university for three times, and is the key funding object of the federal government and state government's outstanding strategy in the future [35]