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Vision is a Chinese word. Its pinyin is yu à n j ǐǐǐǐǐǐǐ ng, which means the scene you want to see.
Vision is an image description of the future situation formed by the organization leader and the organization members to guide and motivate the organization members. It is proposed in an uncertain and unstable environment directional The long-term orientation of the organization focuses the organization's activities on the target state of a core focus, so that the organization and its members can face chaos or Structural inertia Resistance process Intermediate energy A clear direction, steps and path to adhere to and continue to follow; And through vision, effectively cultivate and encourage all members of the organization to improve their functions, stimulate their personal potential, urge members to make every effort to increase organizational productivity customer satisfaction Of Organizational objectives Therefore, vision is influenced by the beliefs and values of leaders and members of the organization, and the purpose of the organization. It is an idea of achieving future images of the future development of the organization and individuals. It will guide or affect the actions and behaviors of the organization and its members. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
What you want to see scene

Explanation of words

Vision, which means: what you want to see.

Word discrimination


full steam ahead

The concept of vision is not mysterious. No class, no oppression, no poverty, no unemployment, everyone's happiness is the people of the world Shared vision
We rarely need to pay the price of life for our vision. But it seems that the vision has gradually disappeared in our work. For any organization, whether there is a common vision, or whether the vision can be recognized by employees, is really the leadership level of the organization's leaders watershed And this kind of leadership Horizontal difference As a result, it must be the key reason for the gap between organizations.

Meaning of vision

Because there is no Shared vision For the behavior of employees, there is a small but significant difference on the surface. The dedication of employees, the universal virtue advocated by any human organization, is closely related to the common vision of the organization. If there is no common vision, then the act of dedication will not occur, even the act of true compliance is impossible. In the Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge The doctor carefully analyzed the difference between dedication, devotion and compliance. He quoted Kiefer's words, "devotion is a process of choosing to become a part of something", "dedication is a kind of realm, not only devotion, but also a sense of full responsibility for the realization of the vision", Furthermore, it is believed that organizations without a common vision will only lead to employees' passive compliance with their superiors, but will never lead to sincere dedication to the organization.

Form of expression


Integrated Vision

Give a shout, and the responders gather , those have the same personal vision People form a collective, and further realize in the collective Shared vision Is integrated. The establishment of a common vision of many associations and groups falls into this type. When recruiting new employees, we should not only focus on quality and ability, but also emphasize Personal development And personal vision and organizational vision It can also be seen as a way to establish an organization's common vision through an integrated path.

Condensed vision

Concreting style is to dig out the common images in everyone's heart, refine them, and further build Shared vision This path is characterized by“ From the masses to the masses ”。 Applicable to those organization members homogeneity A strong and active organization for the future.

Influential Vision

Influential building Shared vision The approach of personal vision Create a shared vision. Building a common vision from the personal vision does not necessarily mean that the personal vision of the highest leader of the organization must be changed to the common vision of the organization. You can also use the help of seniors or external sources. However, in general, based on the position and role of an organization's leaders, the common situation of building a common vision is really generally from decision-making Core layer Initiated by. This is especially true for those organizations that want to build a common vision, but have no common vision or do not pay attention to building a common vision before.
The establishment of a common vision cannot depend on orders or regulations, but on repeated communication and sharing. It must be recognized that continuous strong propaganda and promotion is also a desirable way, but any coercive and reluctant measures may be counterproductive. The establishment of a common vision is not an answer to a specific problem, nor is it a formality. Instead, it must be implemented by managers at all levels of the organization and all employees throughout the whole process, in an all-round way, in an all-round way Production and operation And all aspects of work.
establish Shared vision It is not an overnight project, and its establishment and improvement require careful work and a long process. In this process, the "vision" must also be supported by the "mission". Vision solves the problem of what we want to create. It is often a relatively macro and abstract goal that requires long-term struggle to approach or achieve, such as communism. The key problem of mission is how to create and realize. So mission is not only the key step or means to realize the vision, but also the realistic overall goal, challenging and clear basic task of the organization to realize the vision, such as Nu Skin democratic revolution socialist revoltion The mission is also the purpose of the organization and the reason for its existence.
Mission is particularly important for vision. Vision without mission support often becomes Water Moon . Flowers in the mirror.
The word "vision" did not exist in the Chinese dictionary at the beginning. Wish is a wish, and scenery is a scene. This scene exists in my mind and cannot be seen. Like Sakyamuni in Buddhism Western Paradise This is a vision. So are Christianity and Catholicism. This is a beautiful view of the future. This beautiful scenery gives people motivation to do something.

Corporate Vision


Enterprise information

Corporate Vision (Corporate Vision), also known as Company Vision [2]
Corporate Vision Enterprise Vision Vision , or translated as vision, foresight, prevailed in the 1990s. The so-called vision is formulated by the internal members of the organization. Through team discussion, the consensus of the organization is obtained, and the future direction that everyone is willing to go all out is formed. so-called Vision Management Is combination Personal values With the purpose of the organization, through the trilogy of developing, targeting, and implementing the vision, build a team, move towards organizational success, and promote organizational strength Maximization develop.
After the vision is formed, the person in charge of the organization should make a simple, concise and clear statement to internal members to stimulate internal morale, and should implement Organizational objectives And action plans.
Generally speaking, enterprise vision is mostly forward-looking plans or groundbreaking goals, as Enterprise development Guidelines. In the western management treatises, most outstanding enterprises have one feature, which is to emphasize the importance of enterprise vision, because only by relying on the vision can we effectively cultivate and inspire all people in the organization, stimulate personal potential, motivate employees to do their best, increase organizational productivity, and achieve customer satisfaction The goal of.
The vision of an enterprise is not exclusively owned by the person in charge of the enterprise. Each member of the enterprise should participate in the formulation of the vision and the communication of consensus. Through the process of formulating the vision, the vision can be more valuable and the enterprise more competitive.
Enterprise vision is a high-level summary of enterprise prospects and development direction by enterprise leaders. It is a powerful weapon for the leaders of an enterprise to unify the thoughts and actions of every employee of the enterprise. It consists of two parts: the core concept of the enterprise and the future outlook. Vision is the driving force for enterprises to surpass the environment, which may involve the innovation strategy of enterprises. Enterprise vision is an important part of enterprise strategic development. The enterprise vision, as its name implies, refers to: management And Management development It is a kind of expectation, prediction and positioning for the future development direction of the enterprise. And through the market effect, timely and effective integration inside and outside the enterprise Information channel And resource channels to plan and formulate the future development direction of the enterprise Core values , enterprise principles, enterprise spirit, enterprise creed and other abstract concepts or attitudes; And the mission, significance Business policy , career field, core competitiveness, behavior policy, implementation and other subtle work. So that all employees of the enterprise can understand the mission and responsibility assigned by the enterprise vision in a timely and effective manner, and the enterprise can constantly enhance its own strength and intensity in solving problems in the cycle of plan implementation evaluation feedback.
Vision is a picture of what an enterprise hopes to become. In a broad sense, it is what the enterprise wants to achieve. Therefore, the vision declaration clearly describes the ideal situation of the enterprise and makes the future of the enterprise more specific. In other words, the vision indicates the direction that the enterprise wants to move forward in the future. Vision is a passionate "huge picture" that helps employees realize what they should do in the enterprise. If the vision of the enterprise is simple, positive and full of emotion, people will be able to realize what they will do, but a good vision will also give people pressure and challenges.
At the same time, the vision reflects the values and aspirations of the enterprise. An enterprise's vision is relatively durable, and its mission will change according to the changing external conditions. The vision should be relatively short and clear, and easy to remember.
"Our vision is to become the fastest and best restaurant in the world". McDonald's Vision)
"Let every American own a car". Ford Motor Company Enterprise vision at the time of establishment)

Hierarchical division

The enterprise vision can be divided into three levels:
The upper level is the enterprise oriented to society or the world;
The middle tier is enterprise Business field And purpose;
The lower level is the employee's code of action or practice guide. [2]

essential factor

The enterprise vision includes two parts: core ideology and envisioned future.
Core beliefs include Core values (Core Value) and Core Purpose. It is used to specify the basic values and reasons for the existence of enterprises. It is a long-term creed of enterprises, just like the one that aggregates organizations Adhesive , the core belief must be shared by the organization members, and its formation is the enterprise Self knowledge A process of. Core values are the most basic and lasting belief of an enterprise and the consensus of members in the organization
The future prospect is the grand vision and goal that the enterprise wants to achieve in the next 10-30 years and a vivid description of it. [2]