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Italian (Italian: Italiano; English: Italian language) belongs to Indo European Romans , Yes Italy and San Marino The official language of Switzerland and vatican One of the official languages of Lombardy Language Sardinian Neapolitan language Sicilian language Venetian Equal language; The narrow sense of Italian refers to the standard Italian based on Tuscan.
As the medium of the great Renaissance culture, Italian had a profound impact on other languages in Western Europe. Italian is the official language of Italy. Standard Italian is Tuscany Its pronunciation lies between the dialects of the southern half of Italy. Standard Italian has been added to some economic centers recently Milan Accent. In the field of music composition, a large number of Italian words are also used, but in music, the last letter or several letters are omitted in Italian for the sake of fluency. Italian, like Latin, has long consonants.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Italiano (Italian)
Italian (English)
Language family
Indo European Romans Siloman Branch
official language
Italy San Marino
One of the official languages
vatican Switzerland European Union
Number of users
About 95 million to 100 million
Region of use
Italy, San Marino, Vatican, Switzerland, etc

Region of use

Italian is the official language of Italy, San Marino and the Vatican Switzerland One of the four official languages, mainly in Switzerland Ticino and Glaubondon

Language characteristics

As an early mature "Latin dialect", Italian maintains most of the characteristics of "Latin" in grammar. distinguished writer Zhu Ziqing In prose《 Venice 》Praise Italian is the purest language in the world. The reason is attributed to its pronunciation habits and grammatical characteristics.
Italian speaking area
First, short vowel Rich and simple. It is rich because almost every consonant There are no separate vowels Vowel phoneme It is simple because there is no vowel combination like English. One vowel corresponds to one pronunciation. And most of the words end with vowels. No wonder some people guess that the birth of Italian comes from the need of opera pronunciation.
Second, except Mute h, There is no silent morpheme. A few consonants have combinations, but they are relatively simple. Don't know the meaning of a word, according to Chinese Pinyin You can pronounce the word roughly. verb The transformation of the suffix of "" can often clearly indicate the person, so it is often invisible in a sentence subject Of.
Third, the usage of the object is more complicated.

Native dialect

Italian is better than any other language“ Latin ”Are closer to the original "Latin". Its various dialects are very different, and many of them cannot communicate with standard Italian. The standard written language in Italy is basically through Dante《 Divine Comedy 》The works of Peter Lacker and Boccaccio were formed in the 14th century. Because the works of these outstanding writers mainly use Tuscany, especially Florence (Firenze), so modern Italian is essentially a Tuscany dialect. Since 1870, the Roman dialect has gained a considerable position, but it is still inferior to the reputation of the Florentine standard language. Most Italians can speak Florentine standard language, which is equivalent to Italian“ mandarin ”The popularity is very high, which also reflects the level of Italian culture and education to some extent.


Punctuation Marks/Segni d’Interpunzione
la virgola
il punto
il punto e virgola
due punti
i puntini di sospensione
il punto esclamativo
il punto interrogativo
il trattino
la lineetta
le virgolette
le parentesi tonde
le parentesi quadre
l’accento acuto
l’accento grave
la sbarretta


Modern Italian has 21 letters and 5 foreign language letters, respectively:
Italian alphabet 1
21 letters: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Zz
5 foreign letters: Jj Kk Ww Xx Yy
Since Italian retains many Latin words, people who understand Italian will feel familiar when they see academic nouns borrowed from Latin in other Indo European languages.
Italian alphabet 2


Italian is a language with rich morphological changes part of speech There are six categories of words with morphological changes. In a sentence, the person, part of speech and tense should be consistent. Italian grammar is more complex, and without certain grammar knowledge, it is difficult to carry out language practice. But as long as we lay a good foundation and learn Verb transposition , then you can teach yourself. There are 7 forms in Italian, each of which has many tenses. In total, there are 22 tenses, and most tenses have 6 persons. This is the main difficulty for foreigners to learn Italian, so learning verbs well is the key to mastering Italian grammar. Verbs are the core of a sentence. In Italian, verbs are more important.
Foreign alphabet
Nouns in Italian are divided into yin and yang, with a ending for the female and o ending for the male (there are also a few special cases). There are singular and plural changes, article And the adjectives that modify nouns should be consistent with the number of nouns, so the Italian sentence is Pull one hair and move the whole body , change everywhere.
Common syntax:
The plural end of masculine nouns and adjectives:
O-i Example: il libro-i libri
E-i case: il fiore-i fiori
Feminine nouns and adjectives, plural, suffix:
A-e case: la penna le penne
E-i Example: la cornice le cornici

Sentence tense

  • Present tense
It is generally used in the following situations:
1. Actual action or state
Ora, lui vive a Milano
2. Repeated actions at this stage
Ogni giorno lui si alza alle sei
3. It will happen in the near future, but does not specifically emphasize the "future" action.
Domani parla con te. [He will talk to you tomorrow]
4. When telling a story, in order to make the plot vivid, the present tense can be used
5. Absolute truth
L'uomo pensa. [Human thinking]
  • The displacement of regular verbs in the direct present tense
First displacement method
Second displacement method
Third displacement method
guard are [Look]
Aprire [Open]
guard o
viv o
apr o
fin isco
guard i
viv i
apr i
fin isci
guard a
viv e
apr e
fin isce
guard iamo
viv iamo
apr iamo
fin iamo
guard ate
viv ete
apr ite
fin ite
guard ano
viv ono
apr ono
fin iscono
  • Examples of the transposition of irregular verbs in the direct present tense
Sapere [know]
  • passato prossimo
The direct past tense refers to an action completed in the past. No matter whether the action occurred in the near past or in the distant past, as long as the action is related to the present, this tense is used. For example:
1. è andato via poco fa
2. L'unificazione italiana è avvenuta nel secolo scorso. [The unification of Italy took place in the last century]
This tense can also be called the present perfect tense, because its main feature is to emphasize "completion" rather than "past", for example:
1. Ho quasi finito. [I almost finished]
2. Ho finito da molto tempo. [I have finished it for a long time]
  • Transposition of past participle rules
Sapere [know]
cambi ato
sap uto
cap ito
  • Examples of irregular transposition of past participles
Nascer [born]
  • Simple future tense
The direct presentation simple future tense indicates the situation that will happen or the action that will be completed.
1. Oggi parto,ma arriverò domani. [I set out today, but I will arrive tomorrow]
2. Ieri non l'ho trovato,e lo chiamerò domani. [I didn't find him yesterday, I will call him tomorrow]
When the emphasis of the sentence is not on the time problem of "future", although the action occurs in the future, it is generally expressed in the present tense, such as:
1. Arrivo domani. [I will arrive tomorrow]
2. Lo chiamo domani. [I will call him tomorrow]
In spoken English, simple future tense is more used for estimating or questioning, such as:
1. Questa signora avrà 50 anni. [This lady may be 50 years old]
  • Simple future tense regular verb transposition
toen erò
decid erò
part irò
torn erai
decid erai
part irai
torn erà
decid erà
part irà
torn eremo
decid eremo
part iremo
torn erete
decid erete
part irete
torn eranno
decid eranno
part iranno
  • Example of simple future tense irregular verb transposition
Rimanere [stay]
These are three verb tenses that Italian beginners must master.

Development history

Dante first used the word latin in 1294 to describe living in Italy Lazio (Lazio) The language spoken by the ancient people of the region. Italian Lazio Region Our local people are descendants of ancient Latin people. Latin is the language created and used by the ancestors of the people around Rome. Most historical records show that Latin was first used around the 8th century BC, and later spread throughout Ancient Roman Empire The area under the rule was gradually replaced by the newly formed regional dialects, including Italian, and the Romanian languages.




Italian pronunciation has its own rules. As long as you master the pronunciation rules, you can pronounce any word correctly and pronounce the authentic Italian sound.
The writing and pronunciation of words are highly unified consonant Appears as a combination of letters.
Italian pronunciation rules

Pronunciation of consonants

[p] [b]
[t] [d]
[k] [ɡ]
[t͡s] [d͡z]
[t͡ɕ] [d͡ʑ]
[f] [v]
[s] [z]
Consonants are sounds produced by the air flow breaking through various obstacles and pressures of the vocal organs; Consonants are only associated with vowel Only when combined, can we make different kinds of sounds.
-Pp [p] The lips close, forming airflow obstruction, then the mouth suddenly opens, the airflow rushes out, and the vocal cords do not vibrate.
Practice reading pa pe pi po pu pane pipa pe pupa lupo penna palla
-Bb [b] The lips are tightly closed, and the airflow breaks through the obstruction and bursts out. But b is a voiced consonant with vocal cords vibrating. ba
Practice and read ba be bi bo bu basta bene bella buono bimbo bomba
-Tt [t] The tip of the tongue is pressed against the back of the tooth, forming a blockage, and then suddenly drops, the airflow rushes out of the mouth, and the vocal cords do not vibrate.
Practice reading ta te ti to tu letto lotta tanto tutto notte alto molto
-Dd [d] D is a voiced consonant. Its pronunciation position is the same as that of t, but the vocal cords need to be vibrated.
Practice reading da de di do du dente modo mondo debole dubbi moda
-Ss The tip of the tongue is slightly raised, or against the lower teeth, the upper and lower gums are close together, and a narrow gap is formed between the front of the tongue and the hard palate to let the air flow through. The consonant s is sometimes voiced [s] and sometimes voiced [z] according to its different positions in the word.
When s is between two vowels, it is usually voiced. (such as uso base fase)
The s is voiced before the voiced consonants b, d, g, l, m, n, and v. The voiced voice of s is pronounced in the same way and in the same position as the voiceless voice, except that the vocal cords vibrate. (e.g. smalto sviluppo)
Practice reading sa se si so su sala solo sell solo testa sedia peso naso
-Cc Lift the tongue root to the back jaw and hold it against it to form a blockage, and then the airflow breaks through the obstruction and bursts out. The vocal cords do not vibrate.
C is pronounced [k] before the vowels a, o, u, and the silent letter h must be added before the vowels e and i, written as ch, before it is pronounced [k]
Practice reading ca che chi co cu come case cosa bocca amico pacco anche capo
The pronunciation of c before vowel e, i is as follows [c ç]~[tff]: ce ci ma cinema cemento cibo dolce calcio
-Gg The articulatory part of "C" is the same as that of "C", but the voiced consonant and vocal cord vibrate.
G pronounces [g] before the vowels a, o, u, and the silent letter h must be added before the vowels e and i, and the sound of [g] can only be pronounced when written as gh.
Practice reading ga ghe ghi go gu gamba gonna gola gusho gatto gomma
G pronounced before vowels e and i [607ʝ]~[d ʑ]: ge gi gita gesto oggi giacca giallo gent gentile
-Qq [k] The consonant q is pronounced in exactly the same way as c. It is always connected with the vowel letter u and cannot form a sound unit alone. Qu is pronounced exactly the same as cu, but must be followed by other vowels. The letter q cannot overlap, but it combines with c to form a double consonant.
Practice reading
-Ff [f] : The upper teeth slightly contact the lower lip, the upper teeth are exposed, the lip corners are open to both sides, the air flow passes through the gap between the lips and teeth, and the vocal cords do not vibrate.
Practice reading fa fe fi fo fu fame fare fumo folla fede festa frutta
-Vv [v] It has the same pronunciation position and method as f, but the vocal cords vibrate.
Practice reading va ve vi vo vu vaso vino visa voto vuoto vecchio tavolo
-Zz First, put the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth, close to the upper teeth and against the gums to form a blockage, then the tongue drops suddenly, and the air flow escapes from the gap between the tip of the tongue and the upper teeth. The vocal cords do not vibrate when Z makes a mute sound. [ts]:za ze zi zo zu zappa zoppo zucca zitto pezzo pazzo zio
When z produces voiced sound, the pronunciation method and position are the same as those of unvoiced sound, but the vocal cords vibrate.
[dz]:za ze zi zo zu zona zelo zoo mezzo zaino bronzo
-Mm [m] The lips are tightly closed to form an obstruction, and then the lips are gently opened, the air flow is discharged from the nasal cavity, and the vocal cords vibrate.
Practice and read ma me mo mu mamma amo ama mimo mela miele
-Nn [n] The lips open naturally, the tip of the tongue is against the gum, and the soft palate is removed, pressing the tongue without gaps. The air flows out of the nasal cavity and the vocal cords vibrate.
Practice reading
-Ll [l] The tip of the tongue contacts the upper gingiva, the surface of the tongue drops, the air flows out from both sides of the tongue, and the vocal cords vibrate.
Practice reading la le li lo lu lana male lama lino luna mill mila
-Rr [r] The tip of the tongue rolls up and contacts the upper gum. The airflow constantly impacts the tip of the tongue to make it vibrate, and the vocal cords vibrate. When r is at the end of the word, it only vibrates once.
Practice reading ra re ri ro ru
-SCsc When in front of vowels e and i, the lips extend forward in a round shape, the front of the tongue is raised, and it is solved with the hard palate to form a gap, and the air flow rushes out of the oral cavity to send Fricative [f], vocal cords do not vibrate.
Sc is between vowels a, o and u, and there is no vowel e and i between them, so it needs to pronounce [sk].
Practice reading scia sce sci scio sciu sca sco scu scia scena scippo sciopero pesce pesca ascia
-GNgn [ɲ] The tip of the tongue is against the chin, and the surface of the tongue is raised as far as possible to cling to the hard palate, forming a blockage. Most of the airflow flows out of the nasal cavity, and the vocal cords vibrate.
Practice and read gna gne gni gno gnu ogni ragno sogna legno sign bagno montagna
-GLgl The tip of the tongue is against the gum, and the surface of the tongue is lifted up against the hard palate. The air flow is released through the gap between the two sides of the tongue body and the upper molars, giving out [ʎ] and the vocal cords vibrate. In front of vowels a, e, o, u, gl should be written as gli before pronouncing this sound, otherwise it will be pronouncing [gl]
Practice reading glia glie gli glio gliu maglia moglie luglio meglio famiglia figlia
-Hh In Italian, h is not pronounced anywhere.
Practice reading ho ha hotel
A big difference between Italy and English is the pronunciation rules of double consonants. For example, "bb" in "abbreviation" in English can pronounce a sound directly. However, in Italian, if you pronounce a double consonant as a single consonant, you will not understand it if it is light, and will cause a great misunderstanding if it is heavy. Because sometimes two The wind, the horse and the ox are different The word "copia" is just because of the difference between double single consonants, such as "copia" and "coppia". One is a copy, and the other is a pair. The difference can be imagined. Therefore, it is very important to pronounce double consonants well.
Chinese people should have no problem in learning English except that it is more difficult for them to pronounce two tongues. But in Italian apical trill But the most troublesome thing for Chinese people. Some people are born with Trill However, some people use Italian (or French, German and other languages that need a small accent) as mother tongue People can't make this sound. Therefore, practice is crucial. Method 1: In order to make the tip of the tongue vibrate, you can first use the consonant t or d to put the tip of the tongue on the position where it is ready to vibrate according to the requirements of mouth shape and tongue position, and then practice, such as "ttttrrrrrrrrr" and "dddddrrrrrrrrrrrr". After a period of practice, then add vowel i (because vowel i is closer to the upper teeth than other vowels), practice "trrrri" and "drrrri", and then gradually transition to free ri without consonants t and d; Method 2: First, continuously pronounce the consonant l, and then make the air flow continuously hit the tip of the tongue. Repeat the practice, from pronouncing the l without stopping, to pronouncing the trill r, "llllllllllllllrrre".

To divide "green, red and white"

Italian has corresponding voiceless and voiced consonants. When the voiceless and voiced consonants are mispronounced, the meaning of the word will change. However, the voiceless sound of Italian is generally weaker than that of English. For example, the pronunciation of papa and baba, tetto and detto is only one voiceless consonant different from that of English. Therefore, pay attention to voiced consonants when reading Italian. I talked about the importance of "clear" and "turbid" in Italian pronunciation, but what does it mean?
There are 21 letters in Italian, including five vowels (a, i, u, e, o). The pronunciation of other letters is consonant. Among these consonants, the "clear" and "turbid" of six consonants are paired, which is a very important theme of this lesson. That is the pair of b and p; d. T is a pair; g. K is a pair. By the way, when you read English, you can immediately remember that if you KK phonetic alphabet These six words can be spelled out:
● b, pronounced/b/in American English.
● p, sound/p/in American English.
● d, pronounce/d/in American English.
● t, pronounce/t/in American English.
● g, pronounced/g/in American English.
● k, pronounced/k/in American English.
In Italian, the pure consonant is usually not aspirated, but even if it is aspirated, it is harmless, because whether it is aspirated or not does not make a difference to Italians. For most Chinese learners, this is difficult to understand, because there is just no opposition between clear and turbid in Mandarin, only the opposition between unvoiced aspiration and unvoiced aspiration.

Introduction to staccato

Learning Italian, whether formal or self-study, I believe that the 95% of the 100 middle schools take the word "good morning" as a mandatory sentence for beginners to learn Italian.
Of course, most Italian textbooks only teach Buon Giorno the meaning of good morning, while most do not even mention the word Buon. It should be an adjective, which means that Giorno (day; day) is good and safe, but the adjective should not have an O (masculine) or a (feminine) suffix, right?! Why does Buon look different? However, when teaching "Buonasera" or "Buonanotte", does the suffix "a" still appear after buon? The textbook didn't explain it, so the more I read it, the more I found some strange things happened. Please have a look- Nessundorma!
Why does the word Nessun seem strange? Seems to be missing the suffix?! in truth. These words that should have endings but do not have endings (that is, words that lack the last vowel) are deleted, and the usage that is deleted is the use of broken sounds, which is often heard, but generally Italian books do not explain it, which is very regrettable.
In terms of the degree to which this disyllabic word is commonly used, try to look at the indefinite article un (a). un is a disyllabic word, and its true face is uno (masculine) or una (feminine). When the masculine noun used after uno begins with a consonant or vowel, the vowel letter o is deleted. Some words with the same last three letters as uno also have the use of this form of staccato. For example, the famous Nessun dorma's Nessun's original word is Nessuno, that is, the last three letters are uno's words. It can be seen from this that the variant Nessun is caused by the staccato of Nessun O, so the last vowel o is omitted. But think about it. The buon of "good morning" mentioned at the beginning of this lesson is not just a variant of the word buono because of the broken sound. So the real word of Buon Giorno is Buono Giorno, and the real word of Nessun dorma is Nessuno dorma.
There is also a very famous word belcanto. What is the word bel? It seems that there is no such word in dictionary? no Yes, if you look up the dictionary, you can find that bel is a masculine noun, a unit of sound strength, called bel. Of course, this word has nothing to do with bel canto. So this bel is definitely not that bel. What is the word bel in the word "Bel canto"? The original word is bello (beautiful). When the first letter of the following noun is a consonant, the bello will break! It's broken into bel! Another example is belmondo (upper class society)!
From bello (beautiful) to bel, we can see that the disyllabic sound is not only formed by deleting the final vowel, but also by deleting the final syllable lo. Indeed, the formation of staccato includes deleting the last vowel and the last syllable; There are many examples of deleting the last vowel in the front, while there are fewer examples of deleting the last syllable, such as Santo as san, Quello as quel, Grande as gran.
The words amor and cuor are often used in operas. If you look them up in the dictionary, you can never find them because their tails have been cut off. The original words are amore and cuore. The common use of these two words is related to the fact that most western operas focus on love dramas, so their occurrence rate is high.
Inspired by the above example, if a word has no ending vowel, it is very likely to be staccato. Therefore, the simple way to find these words that cannot be found in the dictionary is to find the word with o or e after it, and see if there is one in the dictionary, Put it in the Yidawen sentence to see if the meaning can be put together. If it can, it is. In addition, most of them can find the original word successfully. If a word with a vowel suffix cannot be found in the dictionary, it may be a broken word with a vowel and consonant. Then find a word with a vowel and consonant syllable in the back of the dictionary (the last vowel has a syllable with an o or e), and put it in the Yida Wen sentence to see if the meaning can be built up. If so, That's it. The method is the same as before.
There are many examples of staccato in Italian. If you just randomly cite some opera arias, there are many examples:
※ Porgiamorqualcheristoro and Volche sapetechecosae 'amor in Mozart's opera The Wedding of Figaro
※ M 'appari 'tutt 'amor in Floto's opera Marta
※ Carnomecheilmiocor in Verdi's opera Rigoletto
※ Di Provenzailmar in Verdi's opera La Traviata
※ Unbeldi ', vedremo in Puccini's opera Madame Butterfly
※ Cieloomar in Ponkiyeli's opera Jogonda
The above words amor and cor, as mentioned above, are commonly used in operas. They are amore and cuore respectively Staccato And bel, as mentioned before, is the staccato of bello (Midea); But the word "mar" cannot be found in the dictionary. If you add a vowel "o" or "e" after the word "mar" according to the above method, and then look in the dictionary, you can find the word "mare" (there is no word "maro"). Its meaning is (sea), which is the correct solution of the word "mar". Mar is just the broken sound of the word "mare".

Common Words

Gennaio/[d ʑ ε n'nai ̯ ɔ] January
Febbraio/[f ε b'brai ̯ ɔ] February
Marzo/[marts ɔ] March
April/[april ε] April
Maggio/[madd ʑ ɔ] May
Giugno/[d ʑ un 690ɔ] June
Luglio/[lul 690ɔ] July
Agosto/[ag ɔ st ɔ] August
Settembre/[s ε t't ε mbr ε] September
Ottobre/[ɔ t't ɔ tbr ε] October
Novembre/[n ɔ v ε mbr ε] November
Dicembre/[dit ϕε mbr ε] December
Primavera/[primav ε ra] Spring
Estate/[ε stat ε] summer
Autunno/[au ̯ tunn ɔ] autumn
Inverno/[inv ε rn ɔ] Winter
Luned ì/[lu 'n ε di] Monday
Marted ì/[mart ε di] Tuesday
Mercoled ì/[m ε rk ɔ l ε di] Wednesday
Gived ì/[d ʑ ɔ v ε di] Thursday
Venerd ì/[v ε n ε rdi] Friday
Sabato/[sabat ɔ] Saturday
Domenica/[d ɔ m ε nika] Sunday
Numbers (1-10 in order)
uno [unɔ]
due [du̯ε]
tre [trε]
quattro [ku̯attrɔ]
cinque [tɕiŋku̯ε]
sei [sεj]
sette [sεt'tε]
otto [ɔt'tɔ]
nove [nɔvε]
dieci [di̯εtɕi]
Cento [t f nt ɔ] hundred
Diecimila [di ̯ ε t f_imila] 10000
Un milione [un'mili ̯ ɔ n ε] million
Un miliardo [un'mili ̯ ard ɔ] billion
Basic terms
S ì [si] Yes
No [n ɔ] No
Signore [sin ʲ ɔ r ε]
Ms Signora [sin 690ɔ ra]
Miss Signorina [sin 690ɔ rina]
Salve/cio [salv ε]/[t f a ɔ] Hello
Buongiorno [bu ̯ ɔ nd ʑ ɔ rn ɔ] Good morning
Buonasera [bu ̯ ɔ nas ε ra] Good evening
Buona note [bu ̯ɔ nan ɔ t't ε] Good night
Va ben [va b ɛ n ɛ] Okay
Grazie [grat'tsi ̯ ɛ] Thank you
Scusa [skuza] Sorry
Mi scusi [mis kuzi] Sorry (official)
Prego [pr ɛ g ɔ] It doesn't matter
Per favorite [p ɛ r fav ɔ r ε] Please
Arrivederci [ar'riv ε d ε rt f_i] Goodbye
ArrivederLa [ar'riv ε d ε rla] Goodbye (official)
Oggi [ɔ d'd ʑ i] Today
Ieri [i ̯ ε'ri] yesterday
Domani [d ɔ mani] Tomorrow
Martina [mat'tina] Morning
Pomeriggio [p ɔ m ε rid'd ʑ ɔ] PM
Sera [s ε ra] Night
Sessiono [pr ɔ s' sim ɔ] Next
After dopo [d ɔ p ɔ]
Before prima [prima]
All'inizio [al.linitsi ̯ ɔ] First
Infine [infin ε] last
Ora [ɔ ra] Now
A destra [a d ε stra] right
A sinistra [a sinistra] left
Ti amo [ti am ɔ] I love you
Italiano [itai ̯ lan ɔ] Italian
Mathematica [mat ε matika] mathematics
Single [i ŋ gl ε z ε] English
Storia [st ɔ ri ̯ a] history
Grammatica [gram'matika] syntax
Tedesco [t ε d ε sk ɔ] German
Francese [frant f ε z ε] French
Diritto [dirit't ɔ] law
Educazione fisica [ε dukatsi ̯ ɔ n ε fisika] sports
Arte [art ε] art
Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.
[tut.ti lʲi εs'sεri umani naskɔnɔ libεri εd εgu̯ali in dinʲita ε dirit'ti εs'si sɔnɔ dɔtati di radʑɔnε ε di kɔɕi̯εntsa ε dεvɔnε adʑirε lʲi uni vεrzɔ lʲi altri in spiritɔ di fratεl'lantsa]
Italian words
“Stringiamci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò”
“Fratelli d'Italia
L'Italia s'è desta
Dell'elmo di Scipio
S'è cinta la testa
Dov'è la Vittoria?!
Le porga la chioma
Ché schiava di Roma
Iddio la creò.”
“Noi siamo da secoli
Perché non siam Popolo,
Perché siam divisi
Raccolgaci un'Unica
Bandiera,una Speme
Di fonderci insieme
Già l'ora suonò”
L'unione e l'amore
Rivelano ai Popoli
Le vie del Signore
Giuriamo far Libero
Il suolo natio
Uniti,per Dio,
Chi vincer ci può!?”
“Dall'Alpi a Sicilia
Dovunque è Legnano,
Ogn'uom di Ferruccio
Ha il core,ha la mano,
I bimbi d'Italia
Si chiaman Balilla
Il suon d'ogni squilla
I Vespri suonò”
“Son giunchi che piegano
Le spade vendute
Già l'Aquila d'Austria
Le penne ha perdute
Il sangue d'Italia
Il sangue Polacco
Bevé col cosacco
Ma il cor le bruciò”
“Evviva l'Italia
Dal sonno s'è desta
Dell'elmo di Scipio
S'è cinta la testa
Dov'è la vittoria?!
Le porga la chioma
Ché schiava di Roma
Iddio la creò”
international phonetic alphabet
[strindʑamtɕi ʔa kɔ.ʔɔr.tɛ si̯am prɔnti al'la mɔrtɛ si̯am prɔnti al'la mɔrtɛ litali̯a ki̯amɔ]
[fratɛl'i ditali̯a litali̯a sɛ.dɛ.sta dɛl.lɛlmɔdi ɕipi̯ɔ]
[sɛtɕinta la tɛsta dɔvɛla vit.tɔri̯a lɛ pɔrga la ki̯ɔma kɛ.ski̯ di rɔma id.di̯ɔ.la krɛɔ]
[nɔi̯si̯amɔ da sɛkɔli kalpɛsti dɛrizi pɛrkɛnɔn si̯am pɔpɔlɔ pɛrkɛsi̯am divizi rak'kɔlgatɕi ununika bandi̯ɛra ʔuna spɛmɛdi fɔndɛrtɕi insi̯ɛmɛdʑa lɔra su̯ɔnɔ]
[uni̯amɔtɕi ʔami̯amɔ.tɕi luni̯ɔnɛ ʔɛl ʔa.mɔrɛrivɛlanɔ ʔai̯ pɔpɔli lɛ vi̯ɛdɛl sinʲɔrɛ dʑuri̯a mɔfar libɛrɔ ʔil swɔlɔ nati̯ɔ ʔuni.ti pɛr di̯ɔ.ki vin.tɕɛr tɕi pu̯ɔ]
[dal'lalpi ʔa sitɕili̯a dɔvuŋku̯ɛ ʔɛ lɛnʲanɔ ɔnʲu̯ɔm di fɛr'rutɕɔ ʔa ʔil kɔrɛ ʔa la manɔ i bimbi ditali̯a si ki̯aman la'lilla li swɔn dɔnʲi skwil'la ʔi vɛspri su̯ɔnɔ]
[sɔn dʑuŋki kɛ pi̯ɛgamɔ lɛ spadɛvɛndutɛdʑa laku̯ila dau̯stri̯a lɛ pɛn'nɛ ʔa pɛrdutɛ ʔil saŋgu̯ɛ ditali̯a ʔil saŋgu̯ɛ pɔlak'kɔ bɛvɛ kɔl kɔsak kɔma ʔil kɔr lɛ brutɕɔ]
[ɛ viva litali̯a dal sɔn'nɔ sɛdɛsta dɛl'lɛlmɔ di ɕipi̯ɔ. sɛtɕinta la tɛsta dɔvɛ la vit'tɔri̯a lɛ pɔrga la ki̯ɔma kɛski̯ava di rɔma id'di̯ɔla krɛɔ]

Common Words

Ciao! Hello/Goodbye! This sentence is as common to Europeans as "Bye bye" to Asians. It's OK to say goodbye to foreigners without saying anything, but it can't be used for the first time, which needs attention.
Buongiorno,signore! Good morning, sir!
Buonasera! Good evening
Buonanotte! good night!
Come stai? how are you? (Only for greetings between acquaintances)
Come sta? How are you?
ArrivederLa! bye!
Piacere. Nice to meet you.
A presto. See you later.
Un momento. Please wait.
Scusi. Excuse me.
Grazie. Thank you.
Di nulla. You're welcome.
Va bene. OK!
You're welcome, Prego.
Complimenti! congratulations! This sentence is widely used. It can be used to say that the house is beautiful, the clothes are beautiful, the work is successful, and the position is promoted.
Ti amo. I love you.
Bravo! That is great!
Sì. Yes.
Finally, I wish all friends learning Italian: Buona fortuna! (Good luck)
full name
Come si chiama lei? (Qual è il suo nome?) (come ti chiami?) What's your name? (What's your name?)
Mi chiamo Giorgio Rcnconi. My name is Joe Lonconi.
Qual è il suo cognome? Which is the last name?
Tutti lo chiamano......, ma il suo vero nome è...... Everyone calls him......, but his real name is.
Il suo soprannome è buffo. His nickname is Clown.
Don't call him a nickname.
Lui si chiama Luciano. His name is Ruziano.

Relevant examinations

Italian Exam
1、 The Italian proficiency tests held in China include CILS CELI、PLIDA、IT, It is an international language proficiency test recognized by Italian officials, governments and embassies, among which CILS and CELI are Italian Siena University for Foreigners (University à per stranieri di Siena), Italy Perugia Foreign University (University à per stranieri di Perugia) Beijing Language and Culture University Beijing Foreign Studies University The examination certificate issued by PLIDA is highly authoritative, and its examination covers all levels, including A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. PLIDA is a private examination held by the Italian Association, and the three major Rome examinations have only B2 and C2 levels.
2、 Classification and interpretation of Italian
CILS and CELI are Italian proficiency certificates as foreign languages. They are official certificates to test Italian communication ability as a second foreign language. Their levels can be divided into A1 A2、B1、B2、C1、C2。
A1A2 (elementary): Before students go to Italy to study abroad, the Italian Embassy requires students to reach A2 level. After learning A2, students can exchange daily life terms, talk about life, transportation, restaurants, weather and other topics, and master about 800 new words.
B1B2 (Intermediate): When students enter Italian universities, they are required to reach B2 level. After learning B2, they can deal with professional languages and work for the public. They can attend classes in Italian at universities.
C1C2 (advanced): C2 is close to the mother tongue, and there are not many students in China, but the level required for Italian related jobs and highly professional foreign enterprises.
3、 Relevant instructions for CILS and CELI examinations
There is no age limit for the CILS and CELI examinations. Neither any academic certificate nor a lower level CILS certificate is required for the candidates. Anyone can go to the Italian Embassy to take the examination in an examination institution designated by China. If they pass the examination, the Italian SIENA and PERUGIA universities will issue certificates, All levels of CILS include listening, grammar, reading, writing and speaking. The total score of A1 and A2 is 60, and the passing score of each subject is 7; The total score of other levels is 100 points, and the pass score is 11 points. You must pass all subjects to get the certificate. If you fail in a subject, you can take a make-up exam in that subject within a one-year limited period.
The content of CELI exam is divided into "written exam" and "oral exam". If you fail to pass any subject in the written exam, you will be deemed as having failed the written exam. If there are failed subjects in the written exam or oral exam, you will not be able to get the exam certificate.
4、 Preparation before examination
The Italian exam is different from the traditional Chinese exam, and the method of answering questions is also different. Therefore, before taking the exam, it is better to do several sets of calendar questions, or simulated questions.
5、 Examination time, registration method and place
The CILS and CELI examinations for the Italian Proficiency Certificate are held three times a year, respectively in March, June and November, but the registration deadline is generally one month in advance. The examination in March belongs to the additional examination, and only part of the level is tested. The specific examination time can be found in the University of Siena, Italy Perugia University Website, or log on to the website of an authorized testing institution in China for query.
Siena is the only official examination site of the five authoritative Italian level examinations recognized by the Italian Embassy in China( CILS )Examination, CELI, DILS, DITALS, and the three Rome examinations (base.IT, ele.IT,intl.IT,IT)。

matters needing attention

It is suggested that you should pay attention to the following aspects when practicing the four basic skills of "listening, speaking, reading and writing":
This is the basic ability to learn any language. The purpose of learning a foreign language is to communicate with foreigners, and the basis of communication is first to understand what others say. Through personal experience, I feel that "listening" is not a simple thing. Italians speak at a fast speed. In addition, there are many dialects. When people from different regions speak, they tend to have certain accents, dialects and local sayings. Therefore, it is difficult to judge their meanings for a while. In Italy, many northerners speak with a lowered tone, and the tone is stiff and firm; People in the middle of the country usually speak vaguely, omitting some endings, and their tone tends to be smooth with obvious cadence; Southerners speak with a strong accent, and their mouth is very open. They often use their throat to pronounce. All these characteristics need a long time of training to understand. Of course, when we communicate with a new friend, we don't have to be too afraid of the other person's accent. Just concentrate on adapting to the other person's pronunciation habits, and focus on the verbs in their speech, from which we can understand their general meaning.
As I said before, the purpose of learning a language is communication, and communication is a two-way thing, so it is natural not to just listen and speak. So the skill of "speaking" is closely followed by "listening". My experience is that it is not difficult to speak Italian, but it is difficult to speak Italian well. If you can speak Italian fluently without a Chinese accent, it is very valuable. If you can avoid making some common grammatical mistakes at the same time, you will be better than others. If you have the opportunity to get along with Italians for a long time, you can also learn many authentic expressions and dialects, and occasionally join your own vocabulary, which can be a magic weapon in foreign exchanges.
While mastering listening and speaking, reading is also an essential quality. Due to the variety of Italian verb forms, it is necessary to accumulate experience in continuous reading and gradually improve reading speed and reading skills. With the development of the Internet, we can already find rich reading materials on the Internet. When I first came into contact with Italian, the most taboo in reading was "pretending to understand", so I must accurately understand the meaning of each word and try to master its usage. But after learning for a period of time, we should instead "advocate" the state of pretending to understand, that is, instead of deliberately understanding the precise meaning of each word, we should focus on mastering the meaning of the whole passage or the whole article. Through this process, we can read an article as quickly as possible, which is very helpful to broaden our knowledge and cultivate our sense of language.
It is not easy to write articles in Italian. A considerable number of Italian learners can only speak fluent Italian, but it is difficult to write a decent article. I always believe that writing in Italian requires not only familiarity with grammar rules, but also a thorough understanding of Italian culture and language habits. Any negligence or improper use of words may damage the beauty of the whole article. If everyone can write some short essays in Italian every week (or even every day), and then read what they wrote the next day, and pick out mistakes from them, they will make great progress if they persist over time.

Temporal phraseology

What time is it?
Che ora è?
Che ore sono?
It's one o'clock
È l'una
It's quarter past one
È l'una e un quarto
It's half past one
È l'una e mezzo
It's quarter to two
Sono le due meno un quarto
It's two o'clock
Sono le due
It's quarter past two
Sono le due e un quarto
It's half past two
Sono le due e mezzo
It's quarter to three
Sono le tre meno un quarto
It's three o'clock
Sono le tre
It's quarter past three
Sono le tre e un quarto
It's half past three
Sono le tre e mezzo
It's quarter to four
Sono le quattro meno un quarto
It's four o'clock
Sono le quattro
It's quarter past four
Sono le quattro e un quarto
It's half past four
Sono le quattro e mezzo
It's quarter to five
Sono le cinque meno un quarto
It's five o'clock
Sono le cinque
It's quarter past five
Sono le cinque e un quarto
It's half past five
Sono le cinque e mezzo
It's quarter to six
Sono le sei meno un quarto
It's six o'clock
Sono le sei
It's quarter past six
Sono le sei e un quarto
It's half past six
Sono le sei e mezzo
It's quarter to seven
Sono le sette meno un quarto
It's seven o'clock
Sono le sette
It's quarter past seven
Sono le sette e un quarto
It's half past seven
Sono le sette e mezzo
It's quarter to eight
Sono le otto meno un quarto
It's eight o'clock
Sono le otto
It's quarter past eight
Sono le otto e un quarto
It's half past eight
Sono le otto e mezzo
It's quarter to nine
Sono le nove meno un quarto
It's nine o'clock
Sono le nove
It's quarter past nine
Sono le nove e un quarto
It's half past nine
Sono le nove e mezzo
It's quarter to ten
Sono le dieci meno un quarto
It's ten o'clock
Sono le dieci
It's quarter past ten
Sono le dieci e un quarto
It's half past ten
Sono le dieci e mezzo
It's quarter to eleven
Sono le undici meno un quarto
It's eleven o'clock
Sono le undici
It's quarter past eleven
Sono le undici e un quarto
It's half past eleven
Sono le undici e mezzo
It's quarter to twelve
Sono le dodici meno un quarto
It's twelve o'clock
Sono le dodici
It's quarter past twelve
Sono le dodici e un quarto
It's half past twelve
Sono le dodici e mezzo
It's quarter to one
È l'una meno un quarto
It's midnight
È mezzanotte
It's midday
È mezzogiorno
in the morning
di mattina
in the afternoon
del pomeriggio
in the evening
di sera

protective measures

In April 2023, according to CCTV news, the Italian Brotherhood Party of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni proposed a new bill to restrict the use of English or other foreign language words in official exchanges to protect Italian. [1]