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Italian Space Agency

Italian government departments
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The Italian Space Agency (ASI) was established in 1988 under the management of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Italian universities. Headquartered in Rome, it has more than 100 employees, which is a small scale.
Chinese name
Italian Space Agency
Date of establishment
Italian government departments
Headquarters location



Italian Space Agency
Italy's space policy is formulated in accordance with the National Space Plan (PSN) formulated by the Italian Space Agency every five years. The annual budget is 600 million US dollars, about 15% of which is used for aerospace science, earth science, life sciences Basic research of. The remainder of the budget was allocated to ESA, making Italy the third largest investor after France and Germany, accounting for about 12% of the 1998 budget.
The European Aviation Administration projects that Italy participated in include Horizon 2000, the International Air Station and the Jaina 5 rocket project.


Using the best observation facilities in the world
Italy is one of the first European countries to carry out space development plans. In recent years, it has cooperated with NASA and other countries to develop INTELSAT, Tether Satellite System (TSS), LAGEOS observation satellite and SAX X-ray astronomy satellite.
ASI-CGS, the space observation center established in 1983, has become the main facility used in Italy. The three most important fields of data analysis and scientific research handled by the Center are space observation and geomechanics, remote sensing and space automation and automatic control. In addition, there is a Milo base for releasing atmospheric observation balloons in Trapani, southern Italy.


President: George Sarkozy [1]