
Republic of Italy
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The Republic of Italy (Italy for short), the capital Rome , located in southern Europe, including Apennine Peninsula and Sicily , Sardinia and other islands. North and France Switzerland Austria Slovenia Bordering on the east, south and west mediterranean sea Genus sea of Adriatic Sea Ionian Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea The total area is 301333 square kilometers, and the coastline is about 7200 kilometers long. Most regions belong to mediterranean subtropical The country is divided into 20 administrative regions, 101 provinces and 5 special autonomous regions. The population is 58.85 million (January 2023 data) [26] , mainly Italian , say Italian , most residents believe Catholicism [10]
Human activities on the Italian Peninsula can be traced back to Paleolithic Age Early. In the 9th century BC, Etruscans It has created brilliant civilization. In 754 BC, Rome built a city. Ancient Rome It has experienced three stages of monarchy, republicanism and empire, and has existed for 1000 years. From 962 to the 11th century, northern and central Italy became a "Germanic nation" Holy Roman Empire ”In the south Byzantium Territory. In the 12th and 13th centuries, the Holy Roman Empire in Italy collapsed. In the 15th century, Humanism and The Renaissance The movement came into being in Italy and spread widely in Europe. In the 18th century, the national spirit awakened. In the 19th century, the national rejuvenation movement rose. In March 1861, the kingdom was established. In 1870, Rome was conquered to complete territorial unification. On June 2, 1946, the referendum was abolished constitutional monarchy On July 12 of the same year, the first government of the Republic was formed. [10]
Italy is a developed industrial country, the fourth largest in Europe and the eighth largest in the world Economies Mechanical equipment, automobile manufacturing, biomedicine, aerospace and other industries take the lead in the world. Small and medium-sized enterprises are developed, known as the "kingdom of small and medium-sized enterprises", and rich in tourism resources and historical and cultural heritage. 2022, Italy gross domestic product 1.9 trillion euros. [8]
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On June 7 local time, the 78th United Nations General Assembly voted to re elect some members of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The newly elected countries are Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Canada, C ô te d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tanzania and Uzbekistan. The term of office starts on January 1, 2025 and lasts for three years. ... Details
The content comes from
Chinese name
Republic of Italy [3]
Foreign name
The Republic of Italy
Italy, Italy
Rome [3]
major city
Milan Turin Naples Palermo Genoa Florence Venice etc. [2]
National Day
June 2, 1946 [3]
National anthem
The Song of Mameli [2]
Country code
official language
Italian [2]
euro [3]
Time zone
Political system
Parliamentary republic
National leaders
Sergio Matarella [7] President Giorgia Meloni [11] (Prime Minister)
population size
58.85 million [26] (January 2023 data)
Population density
195.2 persons/km2 (January 2022)
Major ethnic groups
Italian [2]
Major religions
Catholicism [2]
land area
301333 km²
Water area rate
Total GDP
1.9 trillion euros [10] (2022)
GDP per capita
EUR 32000 [10] (2022)
International telephone area code
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right

Historical evolution

Italy has an ancient civilization in Europe, Italian Peninsula There are signs of human activities in prehistory, which can be traced back to Paleolithic Age In the early days, humans have lived on this land. 9th century BC Etruscans It has created brilliant civilization.
Roman Republic and Empire
In 510 BC, the Romans ended Rome Era of kingship And establish a republic Senate Consul And tribal council.
The Republic of Rome Extending to southern Italy, in 241 BC The Second Punic War After Sicily Include your own map. In 202 BC, it passed four times Macedonian Wars and Third Punic War Rome defeated Carthage , including Spain and Greece. Later, the Romans controlled parts of West Asia in the Syrian War.
stay Caesar Rome conquered Gaul and Egypt After Caesar was stabbed to death, the adopted son Octavian Defeat the opponent Mark Anthony And the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra , founded in 27 BC Ancient Roman Empire , and is respected as Augustus Caesar
Early Imperial Scripture JULIA CLAUDI DYNASTY (the first 27~68 years) Flavian dynasty (69~96 years), to Nerva-Antonine dynasty (96~1992) Age of the Five Immortals (96~180 years), the period of prosperity, national stability and economic prosperity is called the Roman Peace Period.
In 313, Constantine the Great promulgation Milan edict Declare Christianity legal.
In 410, Germanic Goths In the leader Alaric Led by, he entered Italy and besieged the city of Rome. With the cooperation of the slaves in the city, they opened the city gate and plundered away. After that Western Roman Empire Domestic establishment The Kingdom of Visigoth and Ostrogothic Kingdom
In 476, the German, the leader of the Roman mercenaries Odoyac Depose the last emperor of Western Rome Romulus Augustus The Western Roman Empire was destroyed. The demise of the Western Roman Empire marked the collapse of slavery in Western Europe. [5]
Middle Ages
From 962 to the 11th century, the northern and central parts of Italy became part of the "Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic Nation", while the southern part was Byzantine territory until the 11th century normans Invade southern Italy and establish Two Sicilian Kingdoms
In the 12th and 13th centuries Holy Roman Empire The rule collapsed and was divided into many kingdoms, principalities, autonomous cities and small feudal territories. With the increase of economic strength, culture and art have never been more prosperous.
In the 15th century, Humanism and Renaissance It came into being in Italy and spread widely in Europe in the 16th century.
At the end of the 15th century, France and Spain competed Apennine Peninsula The intensification of the struggle has led to decades of Italian War
Since the 16th century, most of the territory has been occupied by France, Spain and Austria. [10]
Modern History
In the 18th century, the Italian national spirit awakened.
In the 19th century, the Italian national rejuvenation movement rose. In the 1860s, in the Patriots Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi With the efforts of, Italian unification movement (The Italian Revival Movement) is flourishing.
In March 1861, Kingdom of Italy Announced Kingdom of Sardinia king Victor Emmanuel II of Italy Became king of Italy.
In 1870, Rome was conquered to complete the territorial unification of Italy. Since then, Italy has competed with other European powers in colonial expansion and occupied Eritrea Somalia Libya And the Aegean Islands, and obtained a commercial concession in Tianjin, China.
the First World War Italy gained the Northeast Trentino , Upper Adige, Venice Julia, Dodecanisos, etc.
On October 31, 1922, Mussolini Italy has been in power for more than 20 years fascist Rule.
From 1930 to 1936, Italy invaded Ethiopia
In 1938, Italy spanish civil war Help in Franco And formed the Rome Berlin axis with Germany.
1939-1945, Italy was involved the Second World War And became a defeated country.
On June 2, 1946, the Italian referendum was abolished constitutional monarchy On July 12 of the same year, the first government of the Republic was formed.
After World War II, participated in marshall plan , Signature“ North Atlantic Treaty ”And actively participate European integration Process european union One of the founding countries. [10]

geographical environment


Regional location

Italy is located in southern Europe, including Apennine Peninsula and Sicily , Sardinia and other islands. To the north The Alps For the barrier Switzerland Austria Slovenia Bordering on the east, south and west mediterranean sea Genus sea of Adriatic Sea Ionian Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea It covers an area of 301333 square kilometers and has a coastline of about 7200 kilometers. [10]

topographic features

Topographic map of Italy
In northern Italy The Alps (Alpi), with Apennine Mountains There are Bohe Plain The soil is fertile and the agriculture is developed.
Italian French border Mont Blanc 4810 meters above sea level, the second highest peak in Europe; There are many volcanoes and earthquakes. There are famous Vesuvius , Sicilian Etna volcano Is the largest in Europe Active volcano


Italian mediterranean subtropical , dry and rainy in summer, wet and rainy in winter. The annual average temperature is 2~10 ℃ in January and 23~26 ℃ in July; The average annual precipitation is 500~1000mm. [8]

natural resources

Natural resources are poor, only water Geothermal energy , natural gas and other energy sources and Marble clay mercury And a small amount lead aluminum zinc and Bauxite And other mineral resources. The domestic oil and natural gas production can only meet 4.5% and 22% of the domestic market demand, and the supply of energy and main industrial raw materials depends on imports. The biggest river in Italy is Po River Originating from the southern slope of the Alps, it is rich in hydropower. Tiber River It is the main river flowing through Rome. Larger lakes include Lake Garda Lake Tracimeno Lake Maggiore Como Lake Etc. The water resources are estimated at 3.8 million kilowatts. The forest area accounts for about 20% of the national area. [8]

administrative division


Zoning Details

Italy is divided into 20 administrative regions, 101 provinces and 8001 municipalities. The 20 administrative regions include 15 ordinary autonomous regions: Piemonte Lombardy Veneto Liguria Emilia Romagna Tuscany Umbria Lazio marche Abruzzo Maurice Campania Priya Basilicata Calabria , as well as five special autonomous regions: Valle d'Aosta, Trentino Upper Adige, Friuli Venice Julia sicily and Sardinia [10]
Italian administrative divisions

major city

Roman scenery
the city of Rome It is the capital of Italy and the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of Italy. It is located in Italian Peninsula central section, Tiber River Pass through the city. It covers an area of 1287 square kilometers. The population is about 4.216 million. The hottest month is July, and the general temperature is 20-32 ℃; The coldest month is January, and the general temperature is 1-10 ℃. [21] The service industry is the pillar industry of Rome, of which tourism and finance are the most important. The industry is mainly concentrated in the fields of communication, medicine and food processing. In addition, Rome is also a famous city of fashion and design. With good climate conditions and well preserved historical buildings, Rome has become an important base for the film and television industry. In the city University of Rome And many other universities and art colleges. Rome has a certain influence on international politics and culture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development World Food Programme The headquarters are all located in Rome.
Rome is a world famous historical and cultural city Ancient Roman Empire The birthplace of Colosseum Pantheon , ruins of ancient Roman market, etc. Rome is Catholicism Center, Holy See Location, front Imperium Romanum Capital, during the Roman Empire, China was in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Eastern Han Dynasty Ban Chao European the Silk Road It is the first time to connect China and Rome. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Rome came to China for the first time, and followed the Silk Road to the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is also the starting point of the Silk Road Luoyang , so there has always been a saying that East Luoyang and West Rome. [13]
Scenery of Florence
It is a city in central Italy, Tuscany And the capital of Florence. It is located in Apennine Mountains In the middle Xilu Basin, Arnault River Across the city, the two sides are connected by 7 bridges. With an area of 102 square kilometers and a population of nearly 400000, the city is the largest capital and most populous city in Tuscany, as well as a major historical, cultural and commercial center. The Florence Prato Pistoia metropolitan area extending from the city has more than 1.5 million residents. Florence was once translated as "Feilengcui" according to its Italian pronunciation, which means "Flower City" in Italian. Therefore, the symbol of the city is a flower Lily
Florence is Europe Renaissance It is the birthplace of China. There are many talents in literature, painting, science, technology, architecture, economy and other fields, and the business, finance, science and art have reached a very high level. This is a famous poet Dante As the birthplace of Dante, there are many cultural relics and historic sites in the city to commemorate poets, such as Dante Monument, Dante Portrait, etc. The great scientist of the Renaissance Galileo , Artist Michelangelo and Da Vinci , Political theorist Machiavelli I have worked and lived here. The whole city retains the style and features of the Renaissance and is a treasure house of tradition and art. There are more than 40 museums, art galleries, more than 60 palaces, many churches and squares, and a large number of exquisite and precious works of art and cultural relics. Famous buildings include the Church of the Virgin, the Baptist Hall, the Uffitch Palace, etc.
Florence is a world-famous cultural tourist destination. The city's valuable architecture, painting, sculpture, historical and scientific heritage attract tourists from all over the world. The Florence Historic Area, built in BC, is a masterpiece of urban planning and architectural art the medieval times It is also a world-famous scenic spot full of eternal beauty, which is the historical witness of the prosperous commercial town in the Renaissance. It was included in the World Heritage List in 1982.
Florence is located in the transportation center of Italy. There are 2, 65, 66 highways in the city leading to major cities in the country. In addition, there are two expressways: A1 highway (Sun Highway) and A11 highway. The former is a north-south traffic artery running through Italy; The latter connects the coastal areas of Tuscany. [15]
Venice Scenery
Venice It is a famous tourist and industrial city in northeast Italy veneto The capital of the region. Venice covers the northeast of Italy Adriatic Sea Coastal Venetian Lagoon 118 islands and an adjacent peninsula. This saline lagoon is distributed in Po River And Piaver River Between the coastline.
Scenery of Milan
Milan , a modern international metropolis, northern Italy Lombardy Regional capital, Milan Provincial capital, front Western Roman Empire Capital, Bohe Plain The north bank has a population of 1.83 million, and the metropolitan area has a population of 7.55 million, covering 9 provinces and 272 cities. It is the largest metropolis in Italy and one of the largest metropolitan areas in Europe and the world. It is the economic engine and economic capital of Italy.
As an international metropolis, Milan, together with Paris, London and Berlin, is the economic center of Europe. In Central and Southern Europe, Milan ranks first in industrial activities. Milan is the financial center of Italy, where 90% of financial transactions are concentrated. Most of the industrial parks are concentrated in the suburbs. The heavy industrial park extends northward along the highway, and the chemical industrial park extends southward. At present, Milan continues to expand towards the northeast and southeast. Milan is also the trade center and the largest wholesale market of Italy. The main export commodities include man-made fibers, woolen goods, clothing, leather products, household appliances, chemicals, machinery products and petrochemical products. [14]
Turin Scenery
Turin It is the third largest city in Italy and one of the major industrial centers, Piemonte District capital. be located Po River The upstream valley is 243m above sea level. The population is about 1.035 million. It is warm in winter and hot in summer. The annual precipitation is about 1000 mm. There is more precipitation in winter and spring, and there is more valley wind. Turin the Second World War The post industry has developed rapidly, especially the automobile manufacturing industry. Now it is one of the largest industrial centers in Italy and many large modern enterprises. One of the electric steelmaking and electronic processing centers in Europe. stay The Alps On the basis of cheap hydropower, focus on development Technology intensive industry There are engines, machine tools, electronics, electrical appliances, chemistry, bearings, aircraft, precision instruments, meters and the arms industry. [12]

National symbol


national flag

Italian flag It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The flag is composed of three parallel and equal vertical rectangles, which are green, white and red from left to right. The original color of the Italian flag was the same as that of the French flag, but it was only in 1796 that the blue flag was changed to green.
According to records, 1796 Napoleon The Italian army corps in the campaign used the green, white and red flags designed by Napoleon himself. In 1946, the Italian Republic was established, and the green, white and red flags were officially stipulated as the national flag of the Republic.

national emblem

Italian national emblem
Italian national emblem It is round. The central pattern is a red edged five-pointed star , symbolizing the Republic of Italy; Behind the five pointed star is a big gear, symbolizing worker The gears are surrounded by olive branches and oak leaves, symbolizing peace and prosperity. The red ribbon at the bottom reads "Republic of Italy".

national flower

Daisy (margherita); It is also caused by cheese ketchup and sweet basil Made Pizza Name of.




The total population of Italy is 58.85 million (July 2022 data). [19] Rome It is the largest city with a population of about 3 million; Milan Naples Florence Turin The population distribution of other cities is relatively concentrated. 318000 permanent Chinese in Italy, mainly concentrated in Prato , Milan, Rome and Florence. [8]
94% of the Italian population Italian , ethnic minorities Franciscans Latino Friulian germanic people and Slavic Etc. [8]




Italy is based on the 1948 Constitution Parliamentary republic The state, the executive, legislative and judicial powers are separated. The President is the head of state. The Prime Minister exercises the responsibility of managing the country, is appointed by the President, and is responsible to the Parliament. [9]


active Italian Constitution It was adopted by the Constitutional Assembly on December 22, 1947 and promulgated on January 1, 1948. On October 7, 2001, the amended Constitution was adopted by referendum. [1]


Italian Parliament It is the highest legislative and supervisory body and implements the bicameral system , by senate and House of Representatives form. The main functions of the Parliament are to formulate and amend the Constitution and laws, elect the President, consider and pass bills of trust or distrust of the government, supervise the work of the government, discuss and approve the national budget and final accounts, impeach the President, Prime Minister and ministers, decide the state of war and grant the government the necessary political decision-making power. The equal power of the two houses, which can pass resolutions and are interrelated, is considered to be the structural reason for frequent changes of Italian government and low efficiency of parliament. In September 2020, Italy passed a constitutional referendum with 69.64% of the support rate, and was in favor of reducing the number of members. The Senate and the House of Representatives formally amended the relevant provisions of the Constitution accordingly, reducing the number of seats in the Senate from 315 to 200, and the number of seats in the House of Representatives from 630 to 400. The number of permanent senators appointed by the President should not exceed 5 in any case. This is the 19th parliament, which will be elected on September 25, 2022, fraternal parties Alliance Party Power party The Central Right Alliance, which was formed by, won the election, and the fraternal party was the single party with the largest number of votes, the Democratic Party of the United States The voting rate of the leading center left league has dropped significantly. From October 13 to 14, the Senate and the House of Representatives respectively elected the Speaker. Senator LaRousa of the Brotherhood Party was elected as the President of the Senate, and Representative Fontana of the Alliance Party was elected as the President of the House of Representatives. [1] [19]


The Italian government is the highest administrative organ of the country cabinet It is the core of national power, composed of the Prime Minister of the Cabinet and ministers of various ministries, and is generally held by the members of the ruling political party or party coalition. After the establishment of the new government with the approval of the President, it should report the policy program to the Parliament within 10 days to gain the confidence of the Parliament. The Parliament may at any time propose a motion of no confidence to the government, and the government may also at any time request the Parliament to vote on confidence.
The Prime Minister is the head of government, presides over cabinet meetings, leads the whole government affairs, and is responsible for the general policies of the government. [10] [16]
The current government was sworn in on October 22, 2022. Prime Minister: Giorgia Meloni, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation: Antonio Tajani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport: Matteo Salvini, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi, Attorney General Carlo Nordio Guido Crossetto, Minister of Defense, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Economy and Finance, Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and "Made in Italy", Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of Environment and Energy Security, Marina Calderone, Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Giuseppe Valditara, Minister of Education, Anna Maria Bernini, President of University and Research Department, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Minister of Culture, Orazio Schillaci, Minister of Health, Daniela Santanch è, Minister of Tourism, Luca Ciriani, Minister of Parliamentary Relations, Paolo Zangrillo, Minister of Public Administration, Roberto Calderoli, Minister of Regional and Autonomous Region Affairs, Nello Musumeci, Minister of Civil Protection and Marine Policy, Raffaele Fitto, Minister of European Affairs, Policy Coordination and Economic Recovery Plan, Andrea Abodi, Minister of Sports and Youth Eugenia Roccella, Minister of Fertility and Fair Opportunity, Elisabetta Casellati, Minister of Institutional Reform and Regulatory Simplification, Alessandra Locatelli, Minister of Disability Affairs, and Alfredo Mantovano, State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office. [28]
The current Italian government consists of 23 ministries, as follows: the Ministry of the Interior; Ministry of Economy and Finance; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Ministry of Economic Development; Ministry of Defense; Ministry of Justice; ministry of education; University and Research Department; Ministry of Southern and Territorial Solidarity; Ministry of Youth Policy; Ministry of Culture; Department of Technology Innovation and Digital Transformation; Ministry of Environment and Ecological Transformation; Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Relations with Parliament; Ministry of Public Administration; Ministry of Agricultural Policy; Ministry of Equal Opportunities and the Family; Ministry of Regional Affairs and Self Government; Department of Disability Policy; Ministry of Labor and Social Policy; Ministry of Tourism. [8]


The Supreme Judicial Council is the highest judicial authority, which has an independent judicial system and the power to appoint, allocate, dispatch and promote judges. It is composed of 33 people, with the President as the chairman and the President of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General as ex officio members. The other members are composed of 10 members (lawyers and professors of justice) elected by the Parliament and 20 judges elected by all the judges. The term of office is four years. They cannot be re elected or serve part-time. The Constitutional Court is responsible for handling the constitutional review of laws and regulations, coordinating and resolving disputes over the division of power between the central government departments, the central and local governments, and local and local governments, and handling charges against the President and cabinet ministers in accordance with the Constitution. It is composed of 15 judges with a term of office of 9 years. It is not allowed to work part-time and enjoys immunity. Silvana Sciarra, President of the Constitutional Court, Margherita Cassano, President of the Supreme Court, and Luigi Salvato, Attorney General. In addition, there are also local mediation judges, courts of first instance, courts of appeal, audit houses (in charge of public accounts and pensions) and other institutions. [28]
The Constitutional Court is responsible for dealing with the constitutionality of laws and regulations, resolving disputes over the division of power between various departments of the central government, between the central and local governments, and between local and local governments, and handling charges against the President and ministers in accordance with the Constitution. It is composed of 15 judges with a term of office of 9 years. It is not allowed to work part-time and enjoys immunity. [8]


The multi-party system is implemented. The main political parties are as follows:
(1) Italian Brotherhood (Fratelli d'Italia)
Far right ruling party
After the dissolution of the Liberal People's Party in 2013, extreme rightists represented by Giorgia Meloni, Inyazio Larusa and Guido Croceto formed a fraternal party, with Giorgia Meloni as the party chairman.
(2) the Democratic Party of the United States (Partito Democratico)
The largest party of the center left wing
It was founded in October 2007 and was jointly established by many left-wing parties, such as the Left Wing Democratic Party and the Daisy Party. The current national secretary, Elly Schlein.
(3) Five-star movement (Movimento 5 Stelle)
Non traditional political parties of the centre left with populism
Founded in October 2009, the founder is the famous comedian Grillo, who is good at media operation and advocates online democracy. In the middle of 2021, the Five Star Movement will carry out internal reform, with Grillo as the guarantor of the party, former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte as the head of the party, and issue a new party constitution.
(4) Alliance Party (Lega)
The former Northern Alliance Party, the central right ruling party
Founded in December 1989, it was formerly the six autonomous movement alliances in northern Italy, and its founder and first secretary were Umberto Bossi. The current General Secretary is Matteo Salvini.
(5) Italian Power Party (Forza Italia)
Central right ruling party
In 2013, the Liberal People's Party (Popolo della Libert à), which was jointly formed by the Italian Power Party and the National League, split. Silvio Berlusconi, the former Prime Minister, and his supporters announced the dissolution of the Liberal People's Party and the restoration of the Italian Power Party, with Berlusconi as its chairman. In June 2023, Berlusconi died. In February 2024, the Power Party held a national conference, and Antonio Tajani, its national coordinator, deputy prime minister and foreign minister, was elected as the new national secretary. [28]


Current President: Sergio Matarera
Sergio Mattarella (Sergio Mattarella), President. Born in Italy on July 23, 1941 Sicily Region Palermo City, University of Rome Graduated from law major University of Palermo Teaching. In 1983, Ma was elected to the House of Representatives for the first time as a candidate of the Tianmin Party, and was re elected in 1987. Minister of Relations with Parliament from 1987 to 1989. Minister of Public Education from 1989 to 1990. He served as Deputy Prime Minister from 1998 to 1999. From 1999 to 2001, he was the Minister of National Defense. In 2006, Ma participated in the establishment of the Democratic Party of the United States In 2011, he was elected as a judge of the Constitutional Court by the Parliament. He was elected President of Italy in 2015 and re elected in 2022.
Giorgia Meloni (Giorgia Meloni), Prime Minister. Born in Italy in 1977 Rome , graduated from Rome Vocational High School, fraternal parties One of the founders. Vice President of the House of Representatives from 2006 to 2008. Served in 2008 Silvio Berlusconi The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Government is the youngest female minister in Italian history. In 2012, he participated in the creation of the far right party - the Italian Brotherhood, and has been the party leader since 2014. On October 22, 2022, Mei swore to be the 68th Prime Minister of the post-war government of Italy.
Ignazio La Russa, President of the Senate. He was born in Sicily in 1947. He has served as a member of the House of Representatives for 26 consecutive years since 1992. In 1995, led the fascist party“ Italian Social Movement ”It was reorganized into the "National Alliance". In 2008, he promoted the merger of the "National Alliance" and Berlusconi's Power Party into the "Free People's Party", and served as the defense minister of the Berlusconi government. In 2012, he left the Party and co founded the "Italian Brotherhood" with former Youth Minister Meloni and others. In October 2022, he was elected as the President of the Senate.
Lorenzo Fontana (Lorenzo Fontana), Speaker of the House of Representatives. Born in 1980 in Italy Verona , holding University of Padua Politics European University in Rome Bachelor's degree in history and philosophy from the Pontifical Saint Thomas University. He was elected to the European Parliament twice in 2009 and 2014. In 2016, he served as the Deputy Secretary of the Alliance Party. After the 2018 election, he served as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Minister of the Family Department, Minister of European Affairs, etc. In October 2022, he was elected President of the House of Representatives. [16] [20]




Italy is a developed industrial country, the third largest economy in the EU and the eighth largest economy in the world. Small and medium-sized enterprises are developed and known as the "kingdom of small and medium-sized enterprises". The number of small and medium-sized enterprises accounts for more than 98% of the total number of enterprises. The regional economic development is unbalanced. The industry and commerce in the north is developed, while the agriculture in the south is dominant, and the economy is relatively backward. In 2020, Italy's economy was severely impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, and received 209 billion euros of support from the EU Recovery Fund, accounting for 28% of the total fund. The European Commission approved Italy's recovery plan in June 2021, and released 24.9 billion, 21 billion, 18.5 billion and 16.5 billion euros of recovery funds to Italy in April 2022, July 2022, October 2023 and November 2023, respectively. The main economic indicators of Italy in 2023 are as follows:
Gross domestic product (GDP): 2.085 trillion euros, up 0.9% year on year.
GDP per capita: 33000 US dollars
YoY growth of total exports: flat
YoY growth of total imports: - 10.4%
Fiscal deficit ratio: 7.2%
Unemployment rate: 7.6%
(Data source: Italian National Bureau of Statistics) [28]
As of April 30, 2021, the international rating agency S&P has rated Italy's sovereign credit as BBB, with a stable outlook; Moody's Italy's sovereign credit rating is Baa3, and the outlook is stable; International rating agencies fitch The sovereign credit rating of Italy is BBB -, and the outlook is stable. [8]
The huge deficit and public debt have always been the two major problems of Italian economy. Since 1992, Italy has National Labor Bank Credit Bank of Italy and Commercial Bank of Italy As well as Yili, Eni, National Insurance Company, State Power Corporation, Highway Company and other large state-owned enterprises, they were privatized. In 2011, affected by the international financial crisis and Greece sovereign debt Affected by the crisis, Italy's sovereign debt situation was once very serious, and its economy continued to weaken. Italy experienced three economic recessions in 2008, 2012-2014 and 2019-2020 respectively. In 2022, the fiscal deficit rate will be 8%, and the total public debt will be about 2.77 trillion euros, accounting for 144.7% of GDP. [10] [18]


Italy has a developed real economy and is the second largest manufacturing power in the European Union after Germany. All kinds of medium technology consumer goods and investment products have a considerable share in the world market, but relatively few high-tech products. The main industries include petrochemical industry, automobile manufacturing, household appliances, electronic instruments, metallurgy, machinery, equipment, textile, clothing, tanning, furniture, food, beverage, tobacco, paper making, publishing, printing, architecture, etc. Small and medium-sized enterprises have a high degree of specialization and strong adaptability. Traditionally, they are export-oriented and have strong international competitiveness in the fields of tanning, shoemaking, clothing, textile, furniture, kitchen and bathroom, ceramic tile, silk, jewelry, wine making, machinery, marble mining and machinery industry. [10]
Italy has unique technologies and products in the aviation field, such as helicopter transmission system and rotor devices ATR Regional airliner, etc. LEONARDO is the core enterprise in the fields of Italian aerospace, national defense, energy, transportation and automation. Its helicopters for maritime rescue, offshore oil platform operation, military and police use occupy a large market share in the international market.
High speed railway and urban rail transit
Italy is at the international leading level in the design, construction, integration of key technologies for railway safety and vehicle manufacturing technology of high-speed railway and urban rail transit. MERMEC Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is an international leader in railway locomotive manufacturing, railway safety control system and robot camera system of the International Space Station.
Special mechanical equipment, machine tools and robots
Italy's machinery and equipment industry ranks 4th in the world (2nd in Europe), with an output value of 49 billion euros in 2019, up 1.1% year on year, and an export volume of 28.7 billion euros. Germany, China and the United States are important customers of Italian products. Robot industry is the essence of Italian machinery manufacturing industry, among which robot systems used for vehicle manufacturing, such as welding robots, vehicle assembly robots, and body painting process robots are at the leading level in the world. There are 50 Italian robot manufacturing enterprises. In Italian machine tool and robot enterprises, medium and large enterprises account for 3.2%, medium enterprises account for 22.3%, small enterprises account for 44.3%, and micro enterprises account for 27.2%.
Biotechnology and medicine
There are about 200 Italian biotechnology enterprises, of which more than 160 are small enterprises. Italy has unique technology, products and huge R&D system in the pharmaceutical field. In particular, the manufacturing technology and products of anti-tumor, antipsychotic and other drugs are in a leading position in the world. The telemedicine system developed and produced by TeleSPAZIO, a subsidiary of Italian Finnie Mica Group, has advanced technology and is exported to many countries. [8]
Automobile manufacturing, design and spare parts
The automotive industry is an important part of the Italian manufacturing industry, represented by Fiat Group, which has its own uniqueness in vehicle design, manufacturing and engine design and manufacturing. Multijet is the most advanced diesel engine product in the world. Italy has a long history of auto parts production, especially the production of tires and precision machinery, appliance machinery, gears, connectors and molds, which is among the best in the world.
Textile clothing
Textile and clothing is an important part of Italian manufacturing industry, and high-end fabrics, clothing and high-end fashion are in a leading position in the world. In recent years, Italy has focused on the development of clothing and other end products, especially high-end luxury goods that emphasize quality and creativity, and its imports of basic fabrics have increased significantly. The Federation of Italian Fashion Industrialists has a total of 66000 member enterprises, covering almost all Italian textile, clothing and accessories enterprises, with more than 580000 employees and a turnover of about 95.5 billion euros, 66.3% of which comes from exports. Italy's textile and clothing exports account for about 12% of the total exports. Mediobanca research report shows that the epidemic of COVID-19 has impacted the Italian fashion industry, and its revenue will decline by 23% in 2020. It is expected that it will return to the pre crisis level in 2023.
food industry
The food industry plays an important role in Italian manufacturing. Among them, wine exports account for about 20% of Italy's food industry exports. Other specialty foods include: pasta Olive oil , cheese and other dairy products, dessert cakes and meat products (especially pork products), etc. [8]

Agriculture, forestry and fishery

Agriculture, forestry and fishery accounted for 2.4% of GDP. 56% of the land in the territory belongs to agricultural land, and there are about 1.6 million agricultural enterprises. It is a traditional agricultural country and a powerful agricultural country in the world. The quality of agricultural products such as olive oil, wine, tomato ketchup, etc. is world-renowned. Italy is the country with the largest number of "origin protection", "geographical indication protection" and "traditional characteristic product protection" certifications in the EU. [28]


The huge deficit and public debt have always been the two major problems of Italian economy. Since 1992, Italy has successively privatized the National Labor Bank, the Italian Credit Bank and the Italian Commercial Bank, as well as large state-owned enterprises such as Yili, Eni, the National Insurance Company, the National Power Company, and the Expressway Company. In 2011, affected by the international financial crisis and the Greek sovereign debt crisis, Italy's sovereign debt situation was once very serious, and its economy continued to weaken. Italy experienced three economic recessions in 2008, 2012-2014 and 2019-2020 respectively. In 2023, the fiscal deficit ratio will be 7.2%, and the total amount of public debt will be about 2.86 trillion euros, accounting for 137.3% of GDP. [28]
Major Italian financial institutions include Intesa Sanpaolo Yuxin Bank Gruppo Unicredit, Capitia, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Gruppo Generali, etc. [19]
The Italian currency is euro , Yes Freely convertible currency
exchange control
Italy allows capital to flow freely internationally, but does not exist domestically Exchange control , Implementation capital account to open up. 24% of corporate profits are being paid income tax After that, it can be freely remitted. Foreigners may not carry more than 10000 euros in cash into or out of the country. When a foreign-funded enterprise opens an account in an Italian bank, the directors of the company must go to the bank in person and bring all the account opening documents.
banking institution
The Bank of Italy is Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia), responsible for the regulation and supervision of currency issuance and financial system.
Major Italian commercial banks include Intesa Sanpaolo, Gruppo Unicredit, Capitalia, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, etc.
insurance company
Major insurance companies in Italy include Zhongli Insurance Group, Unipol Fondiaria Sai Insurance Group, Mediolanum Insurance Group, Cattolica Insurance Group, etc. All of them are comprehensive insurance companies.
Chinese banks
Bank of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , China Construction Bank Bank of Communications All have branches in Italy. [8]
Credit card use
Credit cards are widely used in Italy, Visa and Mastercard The card can be used locally.
In order to combat tax evasion, the Italian government stipulated at the end of 2011 that each cash transaction should not exceed 1000 euros. Since then, the amount of the upper limit has been adjusted for many times. According to the latest adjustment, the upper limit of cash transactions will be 2000 euros from July 1, 2020. China UnionPay Card can be used by special merchants in major Italian cities.
stock market
The Italian securities market is one of the major European securities markets, which is relatively mature and standardized. Italian Stock Exchange BorsaItaliana S.p.A, located in Milan, has 375 listed companies. [8]

Service industry

The service industry has developed rapidly and has always maintained a rising momentum. It plays an important role in the national economy. Its output value accounts for 2/3 of the gross national product. Most of the service industries are related to the marketing or supply of manufacturing products. [28]


The tourism industry is developed and it is the fourth largest tourist country in the world. Major tourist cities include Rome, Venice, Florence, etc. There are about 320000 tourism practitioners. [28]

foreign trade

Foreign trade is the main pillar of Italian economy. The output value of foreign trade accounts for more than 40% of GDP. Personal consumer goods, machinery, equipment and services occupy a very important position in the international market. In 2023, Italy's total exports will be 626.17 billion euros, the same as the previous year, and its total imports will be 591.716 billion euros, down 10.4% year on year. Italian products have strong competitiveness in the world, and the variety of export commodities is very complete. It mainly produces industrial products such as machinery and instruments, automobiles, agricultural products processing, steel, chemical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, household appliances, clothing, footwear, precious metals, etc. The Italian foreign market is mainly European Union countries, accounting for more than 50% of the total exports. In recent years, Italy's market share of exports to other regions in the world has gradually increased. Russia, Japan, China, Brazil, the United States, Vietnam, North Africa, the Middle East, South Africa and other countries and regions are Italy's important trade partners in non EU countries. [28]
Italy's top five trade partners in goods are Germany, France, the United States, China and Spain, accounting for 41.6% of Italy's total foreign trade; The top five export markets are Germany, France, the United States, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, accounting for 43.9% of Italy's total exports; The top five import sources are Germany, China, France, the Netherlands and Spain, accounting for 44.7% of Italy's total imports.
Italy's main export commodities are electronic and electrical equipment, automobiles and spare parts, pharmaceutical products, mechanical equipment, steel, clothing, plastics and products, precious metal jewelry, furniture, optical instruments and medical equipment, etc; The main import commodities are electronic and electrical equipment, automobiles and spare parts, mechanical equipment, mineral fuels, pharmaceutical products, steel, plastics and products, precious metal jewelry, organic chemicals, optical instruments and medical equipment. [8]
Sino Italian trade
At present, Italy is China's fourth largest trading partner in the EU, and China is Italy's largest trading partner in Asia. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume will be 71.758 billion US dollars, down 7.2% year on year. China's exports to Italy were US $44.523 billion, down 11.8% year on year, while its imports were US $27.234 billion, up 1.4% year on year. China's main exports to Italy include: clothing and clothing accessories, textile yarns, fabrics and products, shoes, tourism supplies and bags, cashmere, toys, automatic data processing equipment and its components, plastic products, pharmaceuticals, etc. The main commodities that China imports from Italy are: textile machinery, animal leather, TV picture tubes, metal processing machine tools, rubber or plastic processing machinery, pharmaceuticals, tobacco processing machinery, molds and metal casting boxes, TV, radio and radio communication equipment accessories, measurement, detection, analysis, automatic control instruments and appliances.
Major Chinese investment projects in Italy include: Shandong Heavy Industry (Weichai Group) acquired 75% of the equity of Ferretti Yacht Company (2012) for 374 million euros, and State Grid acquired a wholly-owned energy network subsidiary of Italian savings and loan bank for 2.101 billion euros [29] CDP RETI's 35% equity (2014), ChemChina's € 7.1 billion acquisition of 26.2% equity of Italian Pirelli (2015).

service trade

according to World Trade Organization According to statistics, the total service trade of Italy in 2019 was 244.11 billion dollars, including 121.42 billion dollars for exports and 122.68 billion dollars for imports. Among export services, tourism services accounted for 41.1%, transportation services 12.3%, goods related services 5.5%, and other commercial services 41.1%; Among import services, tourism services accounted for 24.9%, transportation services 21.5%, goods related services 4.1% and other commercial services 49.5%. Italian service trade is mainly exported to the European Union, the United States, Switzerland, Canada and China, while its main imports are from the European Union, the United States, Switzerland, China and Russia. [8]




The official language is Italian. French, German and Julia are respectively spoken in Valle Daostia in the northwest, Trentino Upper Adige and Friuli Venice Julia in the northeast and other minority areas Slovenian [8]


More than 70% of Italians believe Catholicism [8] Catholicism has a long history, has great influence and influence in Italy, and has a very close relationship with Italians. There are more than 200 parishes in China, with a large number of monks. Churches and monasteries are all over cities and towns in China. The church has many hospitals and schools, which have a great impact on Italian politics and culture. Roman vatican yes Holy See Location, World Catholic Center.
The Italian Constitution stipulates that all religions are completely equal before the law and have the right to establish their organizations and carry out activities according to their own religious rules as long as they do not violate the law. Catholicism is the largest religion in Italy, but the government has not officially designated Catholicism as the state religion. Italians believe in Catholicism and others protestantism The Orthodox Church Judaism Islamism and Buddhism There are more than 2000 religious organizations. [12]


Italians are hospitable and courteous. They dress well in formal occasions and give priority to ladies. A greeting is a handshake or a wave; Kiss close friends. For the elderly, those with status and those who are not familiar with them, they should address them by their surname, plus "Mr.", "Mrs." or "lawyer".
When friends get together, they usually eat in restaurants dutch treatment , unless the other party declares the invitation. If an Italian invites a guest to eat at home, it means that he or she is regarded as a guest of honor, and the guest can bring wine (usually wine), dessert or flowers. Italians are used to opening gifts on the spot and eating food, wine and desserts with guests to show their respect for guests. [8]


Italians are not allowed to cross shake hands, the number "13", or send chrysanthemums; Digging nose and ear with fingers in front of people is a taboo in European social occasions; Don't make any noise in public. [8]


Italian legal holidays include: January 1, New Year's Day; On January 6, epiphany Easter, the first Sunday after the full moon at the spring equinox; April 25, Liberation Day; May 1, Labor Day; June 2, National Day; On August 15, Assumption Day November 1, Halloween; December 8, Conception Day; December 25th, Christmas. In addition, Italians have 2 to 3 weeks' holiday in August every year. Italy implements a five-day working week, and Saturday and Sunday are public holidays. [8]
Italian festivals are closely related to religion, so they can be divided into religious festivals and non religious festivals. In addition to public festivals, there are many local festivals.
(1) Religious festivals
On January 6, Epiphany Day, also known as Epiphany Day, was originally a commemoration“ Third Doctor Dongfang Come to worship the baby Jesus ", now it has become the Children's Day of Italy.
Easter is a festival to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus three days after his death. It is the first Sunday after the full moon at the vernal equinox, usually between March and April. This is another important holiday after Christmas. It's usually a week off. People are used to traveling during this holiday.
August 15, the August Festival, is a festival inherited from the ancient Roman era to celebrate the ascension of the Virgin. At present, public servants and employees of all units are required to take leave in August, which is generally divided into two batches. The first batch is from the end of July to August 15, and the second batch is from August 15 to the end of August. During this period, the government offices are closed, schools are closed, and shops take turns off. People usually go to other places for holidays. Some go to the seaside, some go to the mountains, and some go abroad.
November 1, Halloween.
On November 2, the Day of the Dead, we have to pay homage to the dead and visit tombs, which is equivalent to China's Tomb Sweeping Day, and we usually offer some yellow or white chrysanthemums. Therefore, chrysanthemums are considered as funeral flowers and should not be given to the living.
On December 8, the Conception Day of the Virgin, commemorating the virgin pregnancy of the Virgin. There is a story about the birth of Jesus. Jesus was born by the virgin Mary because of the Holy Spirit.
Christmas, December 25, is the most solemn holiday in Italy. Generally, the holiday lasts for one to two weeks after New Year's Day or Epiphany Day.
December 26, San Stefano Festival. [12]
(2) Non religious festivals
January 1 New Year's Day, also known as the New Year, is the first day of one year. The way of celebration is similar to that in China. On the New Year's Eve, we should keep watch. When the New Year bell rings, we should open champagne to celebrate the New Year. Some people also set off firecrackers.
February 14, Valentine's Day, a folk festival.
March 8, Women's Day, March 8, 1903, United States Chicago In order to fight against bourgeois oppression, exploitation and discrimination, and strive for freedom and equality, women workers in the city held a general strike and demonstration.
April 25, Italian Liberation Day.
May 1, Labor Day.
Mother's Day (the second Sunday in May every year). On this day, mothers will receive beautiful cards from their children, and some families will also hold celebrations.
June 2, National Day. On June 2, 1946, Italy held a referendum to determine the state system, which resulted in the majority of people supporting the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic. Therefore, this day was the National Day of the Italian Republic. [12]



Italy is a traditional agricultural country, famous for food, rich in olive oil, wine, cheese. The Italian government has very strict supervision on food production, with a complete food hygiene and safety traceability system and a good food safety credit system. Italian tap water can be directly drunk, but the water quality is hard, so mineral water is recommended. Some streets in Italian cities are equipped with drinking facilities, which can quench the thirst of pedestrians unless prompted.
Italy pays attention to color, smell and flavor when making dishes, and its flavor dishes are comparable to French dishes. Italian food is very rich in wine, from aperitif before dinner, table wine to digestive wine after dinner, etc. At a formal banquet, each dish will have a different wine. Italians are particularly fond of wine, White Wine It is usually served with seafood, fish and shrimp, Red Wine With meat meals such as birds and livestock. Italians invite guests to dinner, usually in restaurants, and sometimes at home to entertain relatives and friends. [12]
pasta (spaghetti): It is the most acceptable western food for Chinese people. As the legal raw material of spaghetti, Durum wheat It is the hardest wheat variety with high density, high protein, high gluten and other characteristics. The whole body of the pasta made from it is yellow, and it is resistant to cooking and tastes good. Its shape is also different. In addition to the ordinary straight powder, there are a total of 100 kinds of screw type, bend type, butterfly type and shell type woods. Therefore, authentic materials are an important condition for Italian masks to have a good taste. In addition, spaghetti sauce is also important. Generally speaking, pasta sauce is divided into red sauce (Tomato Sauce), green sauce (Pesto Sauce), white sauce (Kleam Sauce) and black sauce (Squid Ink Sauce).
Dolce: the most famous dessert in Italy is ice cream( gelato ), of which cream ice cream and Whisky Ice cream is the most common taste. Gelato differs from other ice creams in taste and texture. Not only will the choice of milk bring lower fat, but also because there will be less air to stir in when making ice cream, so the taste is more smooth and thick. In addition Tiramisu (Tiramisu)。
Coffee: Italian foam coffee Cappuccino (cappuccino) and Espresso (espresso) is a unique boutique drink on the table in Italy. In addition, light coffee, milk coffee and lemon or fennel The freshly brewed coffee and iced coffee that add flavor are also Italian favorite coffee.
Wine: Italy has the longest history of sparkling wine brewing in the world, dating back to the Roman Empire. Italy Sparkling Wine According to the degree of foaming, it can be divided into: sparkling wine and low sparkling wine. According to different brewing methods, it can also be divided into chemical formula and classical formula. The former is fermented in large steel tanks, and bubbles are generated by adding additives that meet the legal requirements; The latter is fermented in the bottle and produced by insufficient fermentation carbon dioxide Sparkling wine can be made from a single variety of grapes or a mixture of multiple grapes. Generally, the grapes selected are chardonnay Pinot Noir , occasionally Pinot Gris And Verdico and other grape varieties.


The President is the supreme commander of the armed forces, and the Prime Minister is responsible for national defense policy and military building. The Ministry of National Defense is the highest military administrative organ, responsible for the construction and management of the armed forces, and implements a dual track system with the Minister of National Defense (civilian) as the head and the Chief of the National Defense Staff and the Secretary General of National Defense respectively in charge of military and logistics management. The National Defense Staff is the highest military command organization, which governs the army, navy, air force staff and gendarmerie headquarters. The Chief of Staff Committee is the highest advisory body of the Ministry of National Defense. Its members include the Chief of National Defense Staff, the Chief of Staff of the armed forces, the Secretary General of National Defense and the Commander of the Gendarmerie Headquarters. The Chief of National Defense Staff serves as the chairman. The Chief of the National Defense Staff is the highest military officer, who administers the three services through the National Defense Staff, the National Defense Secretariat and the Service Staff, and commands the operations and exercises of the troops through the Three Services Battle Command, the Fleet Command and the Air Force Battle Command. According to the decree issued in 2004, Italy has implemented the professionalization of the military since 2005. At present, it is a military service system combining volunteers and professional soldiers. Volunteers can become professional soldiers through different levels of examinations. Italy began its gradual disarmament in 1997, and its defense budget in 2023 will be 27.748 billion euros. It means a member of NATO. The NATO Southern European Alliance Command is located in Naples. The United States has dozens of military bases, naval bases in Gaeta, Naples and other places, air bases in Aviano, and army bases in Vicenza and Leghorn. The Italian army has participated in international peacekeeping missions involving many countries under the framework of the United Nations, NATO and the European Union for many times. [28]




Italy's national road network has a total length of 310000 kilometers, including 6668 kilometers of expressways, accounting for 10% of the total mileage of the EU. The expressway network in Italy is relatively developed in the north and slow in the south. Most expressways were built in the 1980s, with high maintenance costs and relatively high highway fees. [8]


The total length of Italy's national railway network is 19394 kilometers [22] Electrified lines account for about 70%, which is higher than the average level in Europe. It transports 855 million passengers and nearly 100 million tons of goods annually. High speed railway has been opened between major cities. Italy has direct railway links with France, Switzerland and Austria. [8]


There are 96 airports in Italy, including Fiumicino in Rome, Linat and Malpensa in Milan, Casele in Turin, etc. The annual passenger throughput of 35 major airports is 150 million person times, and the annual cargo throughput is 952000 tons.
Italy and China have opened 10 direct flights, which are operated by 5 Chinese airlines, Air China Rome Beijing, Rome Hangzhou, Milan Beijing, Milan Shanghai routes are operated; China Eastern Airlines Rome Shanghai route is operated; China Southern Airlines Rome Wuhan Guangzhou route is operated; maritime aviation Rome Chongqing Haikou, Rome Xi'an, Rome Shenzhen routes are operated; Sichuan Airlines Rome Chengdu route is operated. [8]

water transport

Italy is located in Apennine Peninsula It is surrounded by the sea on three sides and connected to the European continent. It has a superior geographical location and a relatively developed maritime industry, with an annual freight volume of about 500 million tons.
There are 352 ports in Italy, among which the larger ports are Genoa Port Port of Napoli , La Spezia Port, Jiaoyatauro Port, Venice Port, Trieste Port, Taranto Port and Ravenna Port. [8]
In December 2023, Italy was elected International Maritime Organization Category A member states. [24]



science and technology

Italy's scientific and technological level is relatively developed, and it ranks among the world's advanced levels in machinery manufacturing, industrial design, aerospace, textile and clothing, food processing and other fields. Italian scientific research institutions are divided into public scientific research institutions, institutions of higher learning and enterprise research and development centers. Italian enterprises have a strong research and development force and cooperate closely with public research institutions and university research institutions, such as the Italian Institute of Advanced Studies (SISSA), the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), etc.


Italy has a high level of education, especially focusing on the combination of teaching and scientific research. The country's annual investment and subsidies for education rank among the top in Europe.
The Italian education system is divided into three stages, namely, five years of primary education (primary school), eight years of secondary education (three years of junior high school, five years of senior high school), higher education such as universities and colleges, and compulsory education for those under the age of 16.
In Italy, public schools account for about 90% and private schools account for about 10%. Well known universities University of Rome Milan Bocconi University Politecnico di MILANO Polytechnic University of Turin University of Padua University of Pisa Etc. Italian university education is compulsory, and foreign students can enter for free. However, since 2000, due to the influx of foreign students, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Scientific Research has begun to implement symbolic charges for public colleges and universities. The specific level of charges varies according to the annual income of students' families. [10]
Italy's education in art, design and fashion is in a leading position in the world. There are many institutions of higher education, including public universities and private universities. Famous universities include:
Date of establishment
university of bologna (UniversitàdegliStudidiBologna)
It is the first university in the world and has the reputation of "mother of university".
Politecnico di MILANO (PolitecnicodiMilano)
The world famous university of science and technology has 18 departments and more than 40000 students. It has five campuses. The main campus is located in Milan, Italy.
Polytechnic University of Turin (PolitecnicodiTorino)
It is a research-oriented university, and its advantageous majors are architectural design, automobile design, ecological design, etc.
University of Genoa (UniversitàdegliStudidiGenova)
It is an old comprehensive public university in Italy, and the University of Genoa is the only university in Italy that has included shipbuilding and interior design in its degree courses.
University of California, Venice (UniversitàCa'FoscariVenezia)
It is called "University of Venice" for short. The business and economics of the University of Venice have a long tradition.
Bocconi University (UniversitàCommercialeLuigiBocconi)
It is the most famous business university in Italy and the former Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti He is a graduate of the university and once served as the president of Bocconi University.


Italy has a developed medical level and superior medical conditions. Italy implements the universal medical insurance system, and the state bears the relevant medical expenses. Foreigners can see the emergency room for free. In 2020, life expectancy in Italy will be 82.3 years. [8]


Italy is a sports power with a wide range of sports. It is a romantic country of sports. In addition, the Tour of Italy cycling race is held here every year, attracting many top riders from all over the world. Among the many Olympic events, track and field, football, cycling, fencing, men's basketball, women's volleyball, boxing, gymnastics Synchronized Swimming Such projects are Italy's strengths. A large number of Olympic champions have emerged in Italy's history, such as Manjarotti, Nenadi, Gaudini, De Feno, Ahadi, Medici, Pavesi, Frigelio Dibiasi , Menichelli, Bijankato, etc. Sports new generation fencers Wezali , triple jumper Martinez and other athletes are active in the international arena.
Italy was one of the first countries to participate in the international Olympic movement. international olympic committee Two of its founding members are Italian. Italy's sports promotion enjoys a high reputation in Europe. Rome Sports Post《 Tuttosport 》、《 Gazzetta dello Sport 》The three major media are very famous and have become powerful assistants of the local Olympic Committee. In addition to the decline in performance in the 1970s, the Italian team has almost always ranked in the top 10 in the Olympic Games. By the end of the Sydney Olympics in 2000, Italy had won 172 gold medals, 137 silver medals and 153 bronze medals in the Summer Olympics.
By 2012, Italy had hosted three Olympic Games, one of which was Summer Olympics The 1960 Rome Olympic Games, two sessions Winter Olympics That is, the 1956 Winter Olympic Games in Cortinarian Pezo and the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin.
Football Kingdom
Italy is known as "one of the football kingdoms in the world". Italy won four World Cup Champion The traditional shirt of the national team is blue shirt, white pants and blue socks. Its nickname is Azzurri (blue, Italian), and its Chinese nickname is "Blue Clothes Army". The Italian shirt sponsor is Puma.
Italian National Men's Football Team He won the World Cup in 1934 and successfully defended his title in 1938. So far, only Italy and Brazil have ever won the World Cup. In 1968, Italy won the European Cup. This champion is the first intercontinental champion of the Italian team since World War II. 1982 Spain World Cup Italy, with its outstanding performance, once again ascended the championship, and the hero of this session was Jin Tong Paolo Rossi , scored 6 goals in total. In 2006, in the head coach Marcello Lippi Under the leadership of, climb to the top of the world again. In 2012, Italy reached the European Cup final, but lost four goals to Spain.
Italian Football League A It is one of the top football leagues in Europe, and once had the title of "Small World Cup".


The press and publishing industry in Italy is relatively developed. There are more than 50 kinds of newspapers and magazines in the country. Major newspapers include: Evening Post, Republic Daily, 24-hour Sun, News Daily, Sports Daily, Messenger, Sports Post and Daily.
The main comprehensive periodicals in Italy are Panorama, Express, Modern Women and Christian Family.
Ansha News Agency : Established in 1945, it is the largest news agency in Italy.
Italian Radio and Television Company : Established in 1954, it is state-owned. There are three main channels broadcasting comprehensive radio and television programs. Italy has developed its radio and television industry. There are more than 500 private radio and television stations in the country. [10]

signal communication

Italy is the fourth largest telecommunications market and the third largest mobile communication market in Western Europe, and its mobile phone utilization rate is among the top in the world. Italy has 48 million users, more than 30 million smartphones, 8 million tablets and more than 94 million mobile phone cards.
The fixed broadband market in Italy started late, and its popularity and development status lag behind Germany, France and other countries. In recent years, the Italian government has been committed to supporting the development of fixed broadband services and encouraging the increase of Optical fiber In August 2015, the "ultra broadband" plan with a total amount of 12 billion euros was adopted, and the number of fixed broadband users increased year by year. In 2018, 73.7% of Italian households were connected to broadband networks, and 94.2% of enterprises with more than 10 people were connected to fixed or mobile broadband networks. The mobile broadband market in Italy is developing rapidly, and more than 97% of the population can pass through UMTS / HSDPA and WiMAX The network uses mobile 3G network, with more than 30 million actual users. In 2018, Italy completed the auction of 5G spectrum, winning a total of 6.5 billion euros. In 2019, Italy revised relevant laws and issued a cyber security law that includes the content of "gold power", included the 5G field in the scope of application of the "gold power" bill, and gave the Italian government the power to review Italian enterprises and institutions and entities outside the EU member states to sign contracts and agreements. In April 2021, when introducing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Prime Minister Draghi said that 6.31 billion euros would be allocated for ultra-high speed networks, broadband and 5G projects, so as to achieve full coverage of ultra broadband networks in all regions by 2026.
Post Office
Italy has a well-developed postal network, with 14000 post offices, 60000 mailboxes, 40000 special postal vehicles, 4500 postal ATMs, 200 parcel and mail sorting centers, and 140 branches in Italy. [8]


Italy cannot be self-sufficient in power energy, and it is the country that imports the most electricity among European countries. According to the data of Italian Power Grid Corporation (Terna), the total electricity consumption demand of Italy in 2020 will be 302.751 billion kWh, of which the domestic power generation will be 273.108 billion kWh, accounting for 90.2% of the total demand, and the net import will be 39.787 billion kWh, accounting for 13.1% of the total demand. Renewable energy accounts for 38% of the total power generation, and hydropower, solar energy and wind energy are the most important renewable power sources. [8]


According to the data of the Italian Social Security Agency (INPS), about 22% of the workers received hourly wages of less than 9 euros, 9% of the workers received hourly wages of less than 8 euros, 40% of the workers received hourly wages of less than 10 euros, and the overall hourly wage level was lower than the average of the euro area, about 82% of France and 90% of Germany.
The average salary in Italy is 20869 euros/year, and the highest paid profession is the judge, with an average annual salary of about 100000 euros per capita; The second is journalists, whose annual salary per capita is about 45000 euros; Credit and insurance practitioners ranked third, with an annual salary per capita of about 36000 euros. The average annual salary of ordinary workers is about 20000 euros; The average annual salary of civilian staff is about 25000 euros. [8]

the labor

The overall quality of Italian labor force is high, the education level is good, and the professional and technical level is strong. More than 20 Italian universities are among the top 500 universities in the world, with about 310000 college graduates every year.
The aging problem of the Italian population is becoming increasingly serious. In order to ease the pension pressure and ensure sufficient labor force, the Italian government has repeatedly raised the retirement age. According to the pension reform policy of the former government, since January 2018, the legal retirement age of Italian men and women is 66 years and 7 months, and private employees need to add an additional year. This policy makes Italy the country with the highest retirement age in EU member states. The legal retirement age in Italy is 67 years old, and at the same time, it needs to work for at least 20 years. [8]

International Relations


foreign policy

Italy's foreign policy is based on Europe and actively participates european union Construction, promotion European integration Process; rely on NATO , attach importance to developing trans Atlantic alliance; opinion security council Reform, but firmly opposed to increase Permanent members Stressing the leading role of the United Nations in establishing a new international order and resolving regional conflicts peace-keeping And Humanitarian relief Action to urge the EU and its member states to assume more responsibility on the refugee issue; stay counter-terrorism On the issue, it advocates strengthening international cooperation and addressing both the symptoms and the root causes; opinion World multipolarization And strengthening regional cooperation; It is believed that the current international financial system should be reformed, global economic governance strengthened, and cooperation with emerging countries such as China in international financial institutions enhanced Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Founding Member States. [10] [19]

external relations

Relations with China
On November 30, 1964, China and Italy signed an agreement on mutual establishment of private commercial representative offices in Rome. In early 1965, the two sides exchanged business representatives. The two countries officially established diplomatic relations on November 6, 1970. In June 1985, the two countries respectively Milan Shanghai Mutual consulates general. In June 1998, China Florence A consulate general was set up. In November, Italy set up a consulate general in Guangzhou. In 2014, Italy set up a consulate general in Chongqing.
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the friendly cooperative relations between the two countries in various fields have developed smoothly. In 2004, the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership. In recent years, China and Italy have maintained close high-level exchanges. [10] [25]
The two countries signed the Sino Italian intergovernmental agreement on scientific and technological cooperation in 1978, and established the Sino Italian Mixed Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation. In November 2010, the first Sino Italian Innovation Cooperation Forum was held in Rome, and later renamed Sino Italian Innovation Cooperation Week. It is held annually in turn in both countries, and has been held for 12 times so far. In February 2018, the "Zhang Heng I" electromagnetic monitoring experimental satellite jointly developed by China and Italy was successfully launched. President Xi Jinping and President Matarella sent a congratulatory message together.
China and Italy have close exchanges and cooperation in culture, education and other fields. In June 2014, the Ministry of Culture of the two countries signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishing a Cultural Cooperation Mechanism, and held the first plenary meeting of the Sino Italian Cultural Cooperation Mechanism in February 2017. In March 2019, during President Xi Jinping's visit to Italy, the two sides held the second plenary meeting of the Sino Italian Cultural Cooperation Mechanism. From April to June 2019, the "Return - Italy Returning Lost Cultural Relics Exhibition" was held in the National Museum of China. In 2022, the Sino Italian Year of Culture and Tourism will restart. In July, the "Origin of Italy - Ancient Roman Civilization Exhibition" was opened in the National Museum of China, and President Xi Jinping and Italian President Mattarella sent congratulatory letters to the opening of the exhibition. The two sides have paid attention to the establishment of 12 Confucius Institutes and 39 Confucius Classrooms through cooperation. So far, China and Italy have established 86 pairs of friendly provincial and regional relations.
Both sides have good law enforcement and security cooperation. The Sino Italian Treaty on Mutual Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Sino Italian Treaty on Extradition came into force in August and December 2015 respectively, laying a legal foundation for Sino Italian cooperation in judicial law enforcement and anti-corruption, fugitive recovery and stolen goods recovery. [29]
During the period from December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, Italian ordinary passport holders can enter China without visa for no more than 15 days of business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transit. [23]
Relations with the EU
As one of the founding member states of the EU, Italy has been highly valued and actively promoted by successive governments European integration Construction. It believes that EU integration is an effective means to deal with the challenges of globalization, and only by building a strong and united EU can we maximize the protection of Italy's security and interests. Support EU institutional reform and actively participate in the preparation and operation of the EU External Action Agency. Europe Sovereign debt crisis After the outbreak, it was proposed to set up a unified fund to deal with the crisis within the EU to support the three major economic governance measures of the EU, namely, the unified issuance of bonds by Europe, giving the European Central Bank more power, and increasing the coordination of institutional reform. 2020 Neocoronal pneumonia After the outbreak of the epidemic in Europe, Italy has repeatedly appealed to the European Union to unite to fight against the epidemic, actively promoted the EU member states to reach an agreement on the recovery plan, and obtained 209 billion euros of financial support from a fund totaling 750 billion euros, becoming the country with the largest share. [10]
Relations with the United States
Italy is a traditional ally of the United States. After the war, it has maintained close political, economic and military relations with the United States. We attach importance to developing the trans Atlantic partnership and advocate developing a special partnership with the United States. In October 2019 and September 2020, US Secretary of State Pompeo visited Italy twice. In June 2021, US Secretary of State Lincoln visited Italy and attended the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting. In October 2021, US President Biden went to Italy to attend the G20 Summit in Rome and agreed with Prime Minister Draghi to hold bilateral meetings. In May 2022, Italian Prime Minister Draghi visited the United States. In November 2022, Italian Prime Minister Meloni held a bilateral meeting with US President Biden during the G20 Bali Summit. In July 2023 and March 2024, Italian Prime Minister Meloni visited the United States. [28]
Relations with NATO
Italy believes that NATO It remains the main defense force in Europe and plays a central role in safeguarding the security of Europe and its member states. He advocated close cooperation between NATO and the EU in crisis management and peacekeeping operations. We support NATO in establishing a fast reaction force, and advocate that NATO and the EU fast reaction force complement each other and jointly safeguard the transatlantic alliance. support nato expansion And advocate the establishment of a new partnership between NATO and Russia. He advocated that NATO adhere to the defensive security policy and play an important role in resolving regional conflicts, counter-terrorism and non-proliferation actions. [10]
Relations with Russia
Italy regards Russia as a major political, military and energy country in the world, attaches importance to Russia's political and security cooperation in Europe, and has close energy and economic and trade cooperation with Russia. It was the first to propose that Russia and Europe share common cultural and religious origins, and that Russia should become a member of the future Greater Europe. In October 2018, Italian Prime Minister Koonte visited Russia. February 2022 Ukraine crisis After the outbreak, Italy strongly condemned the Russian military action and believed that Russia had seriously violated Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Italy supports and extensively participates in a number of sanctions measures issued by the European Union, provides funds, medical supplies and other humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, accepts migrants from Ukraine, supplies military equipment to Ukraine, and conducts military mobilization to Eastern Europe with NATO. At the same time, Italy believes that it is essential to keep the dialogue unblocked, and advocates the peaceful settlement of the crisis through negotiations. [10]
Relations with Balkan countries
Italy actively promotes cooperation in the region, and seeks to Balkans Play a greater role. Responsible for the UN Albania The command of the multinational peacekeeping force has played an important role in stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan. The amount of investment for reconstruction in the Balkans ranks second in the European Union, after Germany. It is an important trade partner of Central and Eastern European countries. [10]
Relations with Mediterranean countries
Think of yourself as Europe and mediterranean sea Successive governments have always regarded the region as the focus of Italy's geopolitical strategy. As an initiator of the "Mediterranean Charter for Peace and Stability" and a member of the EU Mediterranean Partnership, we intend to actively promote dialogue and cooperation between the EU and Mediterranean countries, implement the EU Mediterranean strategy and support the Barcelona process. He stressed the importance of NATO's southern wing and called on the EU to pay attention to the situation in the Mediterranean region. We will promote NATO to establish a "permanent Mediterranean fleet" and form a "Mediterranean rapid response force" with France and Spain. Italy has held the "Mediterranean Dialogue Forum" in Rome every year since December 2015. In recent years, many international conferences on Libya have been held. [10] [17] [19]
Relations with Asian, African and Latin American countries
Italy attaches importance to the same Asia Pacific And strengthen economic cooperation with Southeast Asian countries. Advocate India Pakistan reconciliation and actively promote Korean Peninsula The peace process promotes Indonesia's democratic process. Italy will actively participate in the post-war reconstruction of Afghanistan. In its relations with Asian countries, Italy focuses on developing China Japan Iran And bilateral relations among Central Asian countries. It means the first identical North Korea Western countries that have established diplomatic relations pay attention to Korean Peninsula situation. think North Korean nuclear issue Involving international security and advocating peaceful settlement through consultation and dialogue; It has deep historical origins with North African countries. In recent years, it has actively expanded relations with African countries, constantly deepened economic, trade, cultural and other cooperation, and expanded the scale of development assistance. [10]
Relations with Ukraine
On February 24, 2024 local time, Ukraine signed a security agreement with Italy. [27]



Main attractions

The Roman Colosseum
Circular arena (Translated again The Roman Colosseum )It is one of the greatest buildings in the Roman era and the best preserved amphitheater. Located in the city of Rome Piazza Venezia To the southeast of, Aurelian Inside the city wall. The ancient city structure is well preserved and is a world model. The Colosseum is one of the eight places of interest in the world and a symbol of the Roman Empire. The Colosseum looks like a huge blockhouse, covering an area of 20000 square meters. The perimeter of the wall is 527 meters, the diameter is 188 meters, and the height of the wall is 57 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 19 story modern building. There are 107000 spectators in the arena.
Basilicadi Santa Maria degli Angeli
Milan Cathedral
Saint Mary's Church of Angels is 1563 Michelangelo It was rebuilt from the ruins of the warm water hall of Diocleziano Bathing Beach, and changed from Luigi Vanvitelli to the existing appearance from 1863 to 1867 in the 18th century. Entrance imitation Pantheon The courtyard was 91 meters high, which was the limit of architecture at that time.
Duomodel Milano
Located in the center of Milan, Italy Milan Cathedral Also known as the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, Domo Cathedral, was built in 1386 AD, completed its vault in 1500, and gilded the central tower in 1774 Virgin Mary The statue (said to have been stolen) is in place. It was finally completed in 1897, lasting five centuries. Napoleon was crowned in Milan Cathedral in 1805.
Venice The world famous city built in the 5th century AD is located in the northeast of Italy, about 4 kilometers away from the mainland, and is located on about 118 large and small islands in the Venice Lake. More than 150 canals and 400 bridges crisscross the 118 islands into a whole city. Become the most attractive in the world tourist city
PiazzadelSan · Marco
San Marco Square It is known as the most romantic square, dove Is the biggest feature here;
The bridge of sighs The two buildings connected by the Sigh Bridge are the court and the prison; Generally speaking, people who enter the prison will not go out alive, and the sigh bridge becomes the only place where they can see the sun at last. Therefore, prisoners will not stop sighing when they pass here. As time goes by, these sighs will become the "sigh bridge"
Governor's Mansion, the highest in the Venetian Republic Authority Pink marble exterior walls, continuous pointed arches and four pattern round windows are typical Gothic style
St. Mark's Cathedral , a strong Byzantine style, which is said to be used to worship evangelists Gospel The church; The Holy Horse is the patron saint of Venice, and the symbol is the lion. Therefore, the lion is also the symbol of Venice.
The first floor of the old and new executive mansions on both sides of St. Mark's Cathedral is mostly used as a coffee shop; The most famous is Florian Cafe. It is said that Hemingway Byron Often linger here; Of course, the coffee here is also the most expensive in Italy.
Gondola It is said that the former boatmen were all young and handsome young men, singing love songs while rowing; In addition, gondola is the most expensive means of transportation in Venice.
Turin (Torino)
An ancient city of culture and art. There are many squares in the urban area Renaissance Art collections and architectural monuments. There are St. Giovanni Batista Church, Walden Xi'an Church, and luxury palaces. There are many parks along the left bank of Bo River. There are history and art museums. And the company founded in 1405 University of Turin , many science and engineering colleges and universities, the National Joseph Verdi Conservatory of Music, and the Modern Science and Technology Research and Experiment Center.
Turin also has ancient churches and palaces rich in art treasures. Guarini chapel in Turin Cathedral, where bags are kept Jesus Body sheets (famous Shroud of Turin )。
Florence In Italian, it means "the city of flowers". It is located on a flat river in the Arno Valley, surrounded by hills. The concept of Renaissance came into being in Florence. As European Renaissance Florence, the cultural center of the period, has left countless historical buildings and historical treasures to modern people. Piazzale Michelangelo The ancient bridge of Vecchio and the Leaning Tower of Pisa nearby are the most important tourist attractions.
In memory Pisa The city's patron saint Virgin Mary In 1063, the Pisans began to build the so-called Romanesque Pisa Style on the square in the northeast corner of the city Cathedral of Pisa (Duomo-theKaccedral)。 By sculptor Busketto- Pisano (Bonanno Pisano) presided over the design. In addition, there is a circular baptistery and a bell tower, forming a group of buildings, which is also a typical example of Italian Romanesque architecture.
sicily It is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and the largest province in Italy. Here, natural scenery and cultural scenery are integrated.

World Heritage Site

As of 2019, there are 55 in Italy World Heritage Site , as follows:
  1. one
    Karmonica Valley Rock Painting
  2. two
    Painted Vinci last supper 》Mural Santa Maria delle Grazie And Dominic Monastery
  3. three
    Roman Historical Center , the Vatican building enjoying extraterritorial jurisdiction and the church of St. Paul outside the wall
  4. four
  5. five
    Pizza Cathedral Square
  6. six
    Venice and lagoon
  7. seven
  8. eight
    Cave dwellings and stone church gardens in Matera
  9. nine
    Vicenza City and Villa Paladio in Veneto
  10. ten
  11. eleven
    Renaissance city Ferrara and Po River Delta
  12. twelve
    Napoli Historical Center
  13. thirteen
  14. fourteen
  15. fifteen
    Early Christian Relics in Ravenna
  16. sixteen
    Historical Center of Pienza City
  17. seventeen
    The Dome Rock House of Alberto Bello
  18. eighteen
    The 18th Century Palace and Garden in Caserta, the Wanvitelli Elevated Aqueduct and the San Leucio Building Complex
  19. nineteen
    Archaeological Area of Agrigento
  20. twenty
    Pompeii, Herculaneum and Toreanonziata archaeological areas
  21. twenty-one
    Padova Botanical Garden
  22. twenty-two
    The Cathedral, Civic Tower and Grand Square of Modena
  23. twenty-three
    Amalfi Coast
  24. twenty-four
    Port of Venere, Wucun Town and Islands
  25. twenty-five
    Savoy Palace
  26. twenty-six
  27. twenty-seven
    Roman Villas in Casale
  28. twenty-eight
    Archaeological Area and Cathedral of Aquileia
  29. twenty-nine
    Chilento and Diano Valley National Park
  30. thirty
    Historic Centre of Urbino
  31. thirty-one
    Hadrian Villa in Tivoli
  32. thirty-two
    St. Francis Cathedral in Assisi and other Franciscan relics
  33. thirty-three
  34. thirty-four
    Eoli Islands (Lipari Islands)
  35. thirty-five
    Estai Villa in Tivoli
  36. thirty-six
    Late Baroque towns of Val Dinoto (southeast Sicily)
  37. thirty-seven
    Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy
  38. thirty-eight
  39. thirty-nine
    Etruscan Cemetery in Chervetelli and Tarquinia
  40. forty
    Orchia Valley
  41. forty-one
    Syracuse and Pantalec Stone Tombs
  42. forty-two
    Genoa New Street and Raleigh Palace Complex
  43. forty-three
    Ancient and primitive beech forests in the Carpathians and other parts of Europe
  44. forty-four
    Mantova and Sabionetta
  45. forty-five
    Albra Bernina Section of Retika Railway
  46. forty-six
  47. forty-seven
    The Lombard Site in Italy -- The Land of Power (568-774)
  48. forty-eight
    Prehistoric wooden pile buildings on the lakeshore in the Alps
  49. forty-nine
    Medici Villas and Gardens in Tuscany
  50. fifty
  51. fifty-one
    Piemonte Vineyard Landscape: Lange Roero and Montferrato
  52. fifty-two
    The Cathedrals of Palermo, Chefalu and Monreale in the Arab Norman Period
  53. fifty-three
    Venice's fortifications from the 16th century to the 17th century: Stato Tatera Weststo Damar
  54. fifty-four
    Industrial city Evrea in the 20th century [6]
  55. fifty-five
    Provec Sparkling Wine Origin in Koneliano and Valdo Biadeni [4]