Accidental injury

Accidents that cause bodily injury
zero Useful+1
synonym Accidental injury accident (Sudden, caused in an instant) Generally refers to accidental injury
Accidental injury refers to the event that the body is injured due to accident, which is commonly used in Insurance According to the common definition of the insurance industry, accidental injury refers to external, sudden, unintentional, and non disease objective events that cause physical injury.
Chinese name
Accidental injury
Foreign name
Accidental injury
Accidents that cause bodily injury
External, sudden and unintentional
Commonly used for

Four elements



That is, unexpected and unintentional accidents, such as aircraft crash Street tree Falling down, etc. Some accidents should be expected, but they are caused by negligence. For example, if the power supply is not cut off when the power supply is cut off to repair the line, and the power supply is restored soon, the person dies of electric shock. There are also some accidents that can be predicted, but can't be resisted objectively or avoided technically, such as building fire, fire blocking the door and walkway, forced to jump from the window, and serious injuries. Or although measures can be taken to avoid it technically, due to the provisions of laws and duties, or due to the performance of obligations, the bank staff will not escape, such as being injured in the fight with the bank robbers to protect national property.
These are accidents. Any intentional act that causes injury to oneself, such as suicide and self injury, is not an accident.

External causes

It refers to accidents caused by external reasons, such as food poisoning, foot fall and water fall.
Note: Injury caused by disease is not an accident, because it is the result of internal physiological failure or metabolism of human body.


That is, accidental injuries occur in a very short time without enough time to prevent them, such as pedestrians being suddenly knocked down by cars. Lead poisoning silicosis Although other occupational diseases are the infringement of foreign harmful substances on human body, they are not accidents because the injury is gradual, predictable and preventable.


It refers to physical injury not caused by disease.

Insurance implications

Accidental injury includes accident and injury.
1. The so-called accident refers to Insured In terms of subjective state, it means that the insured did not foresee the occurrence of the injury or the occurrence of the injury is against the subjective will of the insured, which is characterized by unintentional, external and sudden.
2. The so-called injury refers to the objective fact that the insured's body has suffered from external accidents, which has damaged the integrity of the human body or damaged the physiological functions of organs and tissues. There are three essential processes of injury, namely, the cause of harm, the object of infringement, and the fact of infringement.
According to whether it is insurable or not, accidental injury can be divided into non insurable accidental injury, specially insured accidental injury and general insurable accidental injury.




Non insurable accidental injury, that is, the exclusion of accidental injury insurance. Based on legal provisions or the requirements of social public interests, the insurer should not cover such accidental injury [1]

Special insurance

Specially insured accidental injury refers to the accidental injury that the insurer generally does not underwrite, considering that the insurance liability is difficult to distinguish or limited to the underwriting capacity, and can only be underwritten after a special agreement is made between the applicant and the insurer, and sometimes an additional premium is charged.

General insurable

General insurable accidental injury is an accidental injury that can be insured under normal circumstances. Except for non insurable accidental injuries and specially insured accidental injuries, they are all ordinary insurable accidental injuries.

Insurance indemnity standard

In case of personal injury, disability or even death caused by accidental injury, the injured party may, according to the law, make the following claims for damages to the injured party:
1. If the victim suffers from personal injury, the expenses for medical treatment and the reduced income due to missed work include Medical expenses charge for loss of working time , nursing fees traffic expense The compensation obligor shall compensate for the accommodation expenses, hospitalization food allowance and necessary nutrition expenses.
2. If the victim is disabled due to injury, the necessary expenses incurred due to increased living needs and the income loss caused by the loss of labor capacity, including a disability The person liable for compensation shall also pay compensation for compensation, fees for disability aids, living expenses of the dependants, and actually necessary rehabilitation fees, nursing fees, and follow-up treatment fees arising from rehabilitation care and continuous treatment.
3. If the victim dies, the compensation obligor shall compensate for the relevant expenses specified in the first paragraph of this article in addition to the rescue and treatment Funeral expenses The living expenses of the dependants, death compensation, and other reasonable expenses such as transportation expenses, accommodation expenses and loss of work delay paid by the victims' relatives for funeral.
4. If the victim or the near relatives of the deceased suffer from mental damage, the person with the right to compensation also has the right to request the people's court to pay compensation for mental damage.

First aid principle

In case of accidental injury to children, if the person concerned has the knowledge of rescue and self rescue and can take emergency measures calmly, calmly and quickly, he/she can often buy time to a large extent, reduce the loss caused by the accident, and reduce the disability and death of children [2]

Weight classification

1. Those that quickly endanger life, such as drowning, electric shock, lightning stroke, traumatic massive bleeding, trachea foreign bodies, traffic accidents, poisoning, etc. This kind of accident must be rescued at the scene against time to prevent avoidable death.
2. Another kind of accidental injury, although not fatal in an instant, is also very serious, such as various burns, fractures, snake bites, dog bites, etc. If it is delayed or improperly handled, it can also cause death or lifelong disability.
3. There is another kind of minor accidental injury, such as a small cut by a knife, a small skin break, a small blister burning, etc. These can be simply treated at home and treated in the hospital if necessary.

Principles of first aid treatment

(1) To save life, the first thing to notice is whether the injured child's breathing and heartbeat are normal.
If the injured child's heartbeat and breathing are irregular and are about to stop or have just stopped, the top priority is to try to temporarily use artificial force to help the sick child breathe, so as to restore spontaneous breathing and support the normal function of the sick child's heart. Under normal temperature, if breathing and heartbeat completely stop for more than 4 minutes, life will be in jeopardy; It is difficult for the sick child to recover after more than 10 minutes. Therefore, when the patient's breathing and heartbeat are seriously obstructed, if he or she does not give first aid immediately, he or she can only be sent to the hospital for rescue, which often leads to irreversible consequences.
(2) Pain reduction In the on-site rescue, try to reduce the pain of the sick child to improve the condition. Because accidental injuries are often serious, such as various burns, severe pain in fracture, and even shock, aggravating the condition. Therefore, when handling and carrying, the action should be gentle, the position should be appropriate, the language should be gentle, and if necessary, analgesic and sedative drugs should be given.
(3) Prevention of complications When rescuing sick children, we should try to prevent and reduce the occurrence of complications and subsequent sequelae. Spinal fracture may occur if children fall or fall. When the sick child has pain in the back and is suspected of having spinal fracture, it is strictly prohibited to let the sick child walk around, and the wooden board must be used as a stretcher for transportation. If the patient is allowed to walk around, or transported with a rope or other soft stretcher, or carried or carried on his back, spinal cord nerves may be injured due to spinal activity, resulting in paraplegia.

Preventive methods

(1) Strengthen safety education for children: take targeted measures to strengthen safety education for children, especially preschool children's education and management, and educate children to obey traffic rules, not to run red lights, not to play near busy roads, not to play alone in rivers and fish ponds, and must be accompanied by adults when swimming to avoid drowning. It is forbidden to play dangerous goods and games to prevent injury. Do not eat unwashed vegetables and fruits. Do not play in the kitchen to avoid being scalded by hot oil, hot soup and boiling water.
(2) [3] Strengthen health education for parents: according to the analysis of data in this group, the peak age of accidental injuries in children is the 1-4 year old group and the 5-9 year old group, of which the proportion of children in rural areas is significantly higher than that in urban areas, indicating that children at this age, especially children in rural areas, are the main target of prevention. Therefore, strengthening the education of children's safety awareness for parents, especially those in the suburbs, is an effective measure to reduce accidental injuries. Publicize the preventive measures against accidental injuries to children, guide parents to strengthen the care of children, educate parents to strengthen the management of hazard sources, and pay attention to the proper storage of pesticides, rodenticides and other medicines. Vegetables, fruits and melons that have been sprayed with pesticides must go through the specified time before they can be put into the cabinet. Fresh vegetables, fruits and melons should be soaked for a long time when they are washed, and the fruits and melons should be washed, peeled and eaten, Rodenticide baits must be put in the evening and put away in the morning to prevent children from taking them by mistake. All kinds of drugs should be properly placed, such as adult drugs such as contraceptives, external drugs, sedatives and sleeping pills, etc. should be locked to prevent children from taking them by mistake. Hot soup, hot oil and hot water bottles should be placed in places that are not easy for children to get. When young parents bathe their children, they should first put cold water into the basin and then heat the water to avoid scalding. Because the accidental injury is sudden and unpredictable, parents should be explained and demonstrated emergency treatment methods, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation for children, basic rescue and wound dressing for trauma, first aid for foreign bodies in the trachea, emesis after taking poison by mistake, and parents' awareness of prevention and first aid knowledge should be improved through explanation, demonstration, lectures and other forms.