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Inert material

biomedical materials
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Inert materials refer to a class of biomedical materials that can maintain stability in the biological environment without or only with weak chemical reactions, mainly inert bioceramics and medical metals and alloys. Since there is no completely inert material in practice, biological inert materials are basically free of chemical reaction in the body. The combination between biological inert materials and tissues is mainly a mechanical chimera formed when tissues grow into its rough surface, that is, morphological combination. [1]
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Inert material
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Inert material
Some materials that need to exist for a long time in vivo hope to make them biologically inert, that is, the materials are stable in vivo and do not produce harmful reactions to the host Non degradable Medical polymer materials Mainly polyurethane silicone rubber polyethylene Acrylate It is widely used in the repair of human soft and hard tissues and organs such as ligaments, tendons, skin, blood vessels, artificial organs, bones and teeth, and in the manufacture of adhesive materials, coatings, intraocular lenses, etc. It is characterized by the fact that most of them do not have biological activity and are not easy to firmly combine with tissues, which can easily lead to toxic and allergic reactions and other common biological inert polymers.