emotional state

Psychological terminology
zero Useful+1
There are narrow sense and broad sense, the former mainly refers to mood , is the psychological state of emotion, which is persistent, explicit, situational, and personalized; The latter refers to the existing form of emotion itself, mainly divided into mood passion and stress Several. mood It is a weak and lasting emotional state, characterized by exaggeration and dispersion; passion It is a strong and transient emotional state with impulsive and explosive characteristics; stress It is a highly nervous emotional state that occurs in an unexpected emergency. There are two extreme manifestations, one is be confound at terrified , the other is have quick wits idea occurred to one 's mind at the crucial moment , power increases rapidly. [1]
Chinese name
emotional state
Foreign name
emotional state [2]
mood passion enthusiasm and stress


According to the intensity, continuity and tension of emotion, emotional states can be divided into mood passion enthusiasm and stress


mood It is a kind of weak, diffuse and lasting emotion, which is also called the mood at ordinary times. The good or bad mood is often caused by a specific and direct reason. The happiness or unhappiness it brings will last for a long period of time, and will bring this emotion into work, study and life, affecting people's perception, thinking and memory. A happy mood makes people energetic, perceptive, active and tolerant; The unhappy mood makes people depressed, insensitive to perception and thinking, suspicious of seeing and hearing all the things that are not satisfactory and satisfactory.


passion It is a violent, swift and transient emotion, similar to the excitement usually said. Passion is an attack on the spot caused by an event or cause. The emotional performance is fierce, but it does not last long and involves a wide range of people. Passion bursts out through intense words, which is an expression of psychological energy. From a longer period of time, it is beneficial to the balance of people's physical and mental health, but excessive emotions will also cause possible danger to the imbalance at that time. Especially when the passion is expressed as panic, rage and can not break out, the whole body trembles, hands and feet are cold Urinary incontinence . He is paralyzed, so he must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.


enthusiasm It is a strong, powerful, stable, lasting and profound emotional state. It is not as widespread as the diffusion of the state of mind, but more powerful and profound than the state of mind; Not as violent as passion, but more lasting and stable than passion. Enthusiasm itself has no opposite poles, its opposite is coldness and indifference; But enthusiasm has differences in degree and direction. Those who devote themselves to study, work, life and career with full enthusiasm will live a full and meaningful life, and will be more likely to get achievements and admiration.


stress It is the systemic non-specific adaptive response of the body when stimulated by various internal and external environmental factors, social and psychological factors, also known as Stress response These stimuli are called Stressor Stress is a highly tense emotional state caused by unexpected urgency and danger. The most direct manifestation of stress is mental tension, which refers to the sum of all kinds of excessive adverse stimuli and their physiological and psychological reactions. Stress response refers to all Biological system The sum of nonspecific physiological and psychological reactions leading to loss. Stress or stress reaction refers to the non-specific systemic reaction when the body is stimulated by various strong factors (stressors).


mood Is characterized by: First, moderate and weak; Second, the duration is long; Third, it is a non directional and diffuse emotional experience.
passion Is characterized by: First, they are excitable and impulsive, with strong strength; Second, the attack is short, and the impulse weakens or disappears quickly; Third, seizures are usually caused by special objects, and the directivity is obvious. In a word, passion has three remarkable characteristics: strong explosiveness, transience and directivity.
stress Is characterized by: Stress, also called stress state, is an emotional state caused by unexpected tension and dangerous situations. When people encounter some unexpected danger or face some sudden event, they must concentrate their wisdom and experience, mobilize all their strength, quickly make choices and take effective actions. At this time, people's body and mind are in a state of high tension, that is, stress.

Measurement of emotion

With respect to existing theories and technologies, we know that Measurement of emotion There is this method:
(1) Physiological Measurement of Emotion In the existing theory, we know that emotional inner experience and external behavior, as well as its physiological mechanism. because autonomic nervous system When an organism is in a certain emotional state, a series of physiological changes take place inside it. According to these physiological changes, we can get some physiological indicators to measure emotion. These indicators usually include blood pressure, pulse rate, spontaneous skin electricity, pulse amplitude fluctuation, respiratory fluctuation and comprehensive physiological indicators of skin electricity, pulse and respiration.
(2) Facial expression measurement There are three theoretical bases for expression measurement. 1、 Facial expression is an explicit behavior that transmits specific information; 2、 Facial expressions are common to all human beings; 3、 The newborn has the facial expression pattern of basic emotions revealed without learning. Under the guidance of these theories, some specific research methods came into being. Facial action coding system (FACS), maximally discriminative facial movement coding system (MAX) and system for identifying effect expression by subjective judgments (AFFEX) are widely used and representative.
(3) Subjective experience measurement This method, together with the above physiological measurement indicators and expression research methods, forms a methodology system. The measurement method is to measure the emotional experience of the subjects with a standardized scale. The commonly used scales with high internal and external validity include adjective scale, dimension scale, differentiated emotion scale and applied emotion scale. Why does this method play an important role in emotion research? First, for theoretical consideration, emotion is a function of the brain and an objective phenomenon. What exists objectively can be recognized. Based on this, although these methods are not perfect, they have made progress on the road of exploration. Therefore, theoretical or methodological considerations have prompted people to explore research methods for establishing emotional experience. Second, for application considerations. Complex instruments and equipment are required for both physiological measurement and expression measurement. Not suitable for life, education, especially clinical diagnosis Research on. For this reason, it is necessary to measure as easily as possible. [3]


Their physical and mental impacts on people are:
(1) mood It has a great impact on people's life, work, study and health. A positive and optimistic mood can improve the efficiency of people's activities, enhance confidence, and be full of hope for the future, which is beneficial to health; Negative and pessimistic mood will reduce the efficiency of cognitive activities, make people lose confidence and hope, often in a state of anxiety, which is harmful to health.
(2) passion It has a dual role. Positive passion, which is linked with reason and strong will, can inspire people to overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties. It is a great driving force for human behavior. Negative passions can have negative consequences. When individuals are in a state of passion, their cognitive range is narrow, their ability of rational analysis is inhibited, their ability of self-control is weakened, and they cannot correctly evaluate the consequences of their actions. But human reason and will can control and control their own emotional impulses.
(3) stress It has both positive and negative effects. The general stress state enables the body to have a special defense or risk elimination function, which enables people to be energetic, increase their activity, think clearly, and act nimbly, helping people to overcome danger and get out of difficulties in time. But stress can also cause people to get excited all over the body, narrow the scope of attention and perception, irregular and incoherent speech, disordered behavior and action, and even shock and death may occur due to intense and long-term stress.