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Engler System

The system used in the great book "Natural Branch of Plants" in 1897
Engler's system is composed of the German taxonomist A. Engler and Brandt (K. PrantI) in 1897《 Flora Naturalis 》The system used in the masterpiece is taxonomy The first relatively complete system in history, which will Flora There are 13 doors, and the 13th door is Spermatophyta , subdivided into Gymnosperms and angiosperm Two Yamen, Angiosperma include Monocotyledon and Dicotyledon Two principles, and Dicotyledons Divided into Septalaria ( Paleoperiantha )And Polyphylla ( Metaperiantha )。
Foreign name
Engler system
Chinese scientific name
Engler System
Engler System
Engler system diagram
Engler system put monocotyledon before dicotyledon, and put the petal plants into one group, which is considered as an evolutionary group of plants. The catkin plant is regarded as the most primitive group of dicotyledon, and Magnoliales Ranunculaceae Are considered to be more evolved groups Leguminales Classified as rosales Many modern taxonomists disagree with these views.
Engler's system has been revised several times, and was published in 1964《 Flora 》In the twelfth edition, dicotyledons have been placed before monocotyledons. There are 62 orders and 344 families, including 48 orders and 290 families of dicotyledons and 14 orders and 54 families of monocotyledons. The angiosperm classification part of the textbook of medicinal botany adopts the revised Engler system, but some contents have changed.