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Enneper Ruhr County

A county in central North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
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Ennepe Ruhr Kreis, Germany North Rhine Westphalia A county in the central part of China Arnsberg Administrative Region , the capital of Schweim.
Chinese name
Enneper Ruhr County
Foreign name
geographical position
North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
408.31 km²
Logo of Enneper Ruhr County
[Edit] Geography
Enneper Ruhr and Mekish Counties Oberbergischer Kreis , Metman County, Bochum City, Dortmund City, Hagen City, Wuppertal City and Essen City are adjacent.
Federal state: North Rhine Westphalia
Administrative Region: Arnsberg Administrative Region
Capital: Shwem
Area: 408.31 square kilometers
Population: 340557
(December 31, 2006)
Population density: 834 persons/km2
Vehicle grade: EN
Subordinated towns: 9 cities