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Total galaxy

The part of the universe covered by human observation is called the total galaxy
total Galaxy It refers to the part of the universe covered by human observation. It is also believed that the total galaxy is a higher celestial level than the galaxy, and its scale may be smaller, equal to or larger than the part of the universe covered by observation.
Chinese name
Total galaxy
Foreign name
Total Galaxy
Typical scale
About 10 billion light years
Substance content
The most is hydrogen, followed by helium
application area


The structure and evolution of total galaxies are cosmology An important object of study. There is a view that the total galaxy was formed in a big bang 2 × 10e 10 years ago. such Big Bang Many observational facts (element abundance, microwave Background radiation red shift Etc.). Another view is that the current total galaxy is formed by the collapse of a larger system, but this view cannot explain the microwave background radiation.

Distribution range

Total galaxy
The typical size of the total galaxy is about 10 billion to 15 billion light years, the age is 15 billion years, and it contains more than 1 billion galaxies. Each galaxy has an average of 100 billion stars. By galaxy counting and microwave background Radiometry It proves that the distribution of matter and motion of the total galaxy is statistically uniform and Isotropy There is no special position and direction. There is no special direction or position. That is to say, neither the core and edge of the total galaxy nor the special trend of motion have been found. In the total galaxy, hydrogen is the most abundant material, followed by helium. Since 1914, galaxies have been discovered Spectral line There is a systematic red shift. If it is interpreted as the result of the retrogression of celestial bodies, it means that the total galaxy is expanding evenly.
The phenomenon of redshift of galaxy spectral lines, if used Doppler effect The explanation is that they all have great speed, which means that the total galaxy is expanding and expanding constantly. The structure and evolution of total galaxies are cosmology One of the fundamental issues in the study.

Observation history

Hubble, May 2019 Space telescope Scientists released the latest cosmic photo, the "Hubble Heritage Site" (HLF), which is a mosaic of 7500 sky photos taken by Hubble in 16 years. It contains about 265000 galaxies, some of which are at least 13.3 billion years old. Studying them will help scientists understand the earlier history of the universe. [1]