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Drama and film terms
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Characterization is the core problem in shaping typical characters. Also, "typical characters" are called "typical characters" to show their characteristics. Character is the sum of people's spiritual and psychological characteristics Character He summarized his understanding of human characteristics and qualities. Character is the foundation of literary works. Without profound, artistic, real, thoughtful and moving characters, there can be no real art.
Chinese name
Shaped by performing arts
The sentimental and indecisive Hamlet

Detailed introduction

Actors use performance artistry to create distinctive and typical character images, and carefully reflect the personality characteristics permeated with the common characters, which is called characterization. In the history of drama and film, all the indelible and impressive successful artistic models are outstanding and distinctive characters. The sentimental and indecisive Hamlet, the credulous and jealous incarnation Othello, and the pathetic Don Gifford, who is obsessed with the dead society regardless of the development of the times and who fights with the reality in vain, have become typical images in the writings of classical writers, such as the loss of answer to the synonyms of hypocrites, and the miser Abagong, So far, it still has strong artistic vitality. October Revolution After that, the socialist Soviet Union appeared on the screen with new features proletariat Excellent artistic models of ideology and character, such as: Xia Boyang, Maxine, Sorenova Valvara Vasilievna Poleshayev Wait, we are familiar with and like them. Especially the Soviet people's actors Shi Chujin In the influential films Lenin in October and Ning in 1918 proletariat The brilliant and vivid artistic image of Lenin, the revolutionary mentor. On screen Lenin His image is so vivid, profound and touching that he has impressed the living image of Lenin in the hearts of the people of the Soviet Union and the people of the world. Even bourgeois critics have to admit: "The power of this film lies in Shi Chujin Decorated Lenin The scene we remember is his description Lenin The character of. His energy, his optimism, anger, impatience, fortitude, humor, humility, boldness and determination, and so on. " After the success of China's revolution, the young film of New China also created a series of distinctive characters with Chinese national characteristics and revolutionary characteristics in just 20 years. Dong Cunrui, Zhang Lianchang in Shangganling Zhu Laozhong , Zhao Yulin, Li Shuangshuang, Qionghua, Huacheng, Zhou Tingshan, Pan Dongzi Deng Shichang Lin Zexu Xianglin's sister-in-law, Lin's boss in Lin's Shop, etc. These typical images reflect the gratifying achievements made in China's film art.

Character building

Character characterization [1] The task of script writing The script should provide the basis of the play that is sufficient to reveal the depth of the characters' thoughts and personality characteristics, including the theme of the script, the flavor of the times, the flavor of life, the breadth and depth of life, plot, language, character relations, and so on. However, the characters on the stage and screen are finally reflected by the actors. Excellent plays are the basis of successful creation rather than the whole creation. The next step is to rely on the creative team of the film shooting team to complete the work. The important part is the creation of the actors. If the same role is played by excellent actors and mediocre actors, the results will be very different Beethoven The works of piano The effect will be the same in a thousand different ways.

Essential characteristics

typical Character It is the unity of generality and individuality. In class society, as a typical artistic figure, the first step is to reveal the essential characteristics of the age and class of the figure, that is, the common essential characteristics of the ideological character formed by the same economic foundation, class status and living conditions in a certain age. On the other hand, the commonness of characters is permeated in personality, and commonness can only be revealed through unique and prominent personality characterization. In life, just as people have different facial features, each person has his own unique physiological conditions, different origins, experiences, social relations and specific environments, thus forming unique personality characteristics. There is no person with the same personality in life. According to the typical personality created in real life, personality must also be distinctive and unique. The more prominent the personality characteristics and the more distinctive the personality color of the characters, the deeper the impression they leave on the audience. Just as Engels said: "Everyone is typical, but at the same time, it is a certain unit individual. Just as the old man Hegel said," this one "