sexual reaction

Responses of men and women in sexual life
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Sexual reaction means that men and women sex life In reaction Generally, it can be divided into four stages: excitement stage, upsurge stage, climax stage and decline stage.
Chinese name
sexual reaction
sex life
Excitement, upsurge, climax and decline

Reaction stage

Generally, it can be divided into four stages: excitement, upsurge, climax and decline.
The excitement period is when both men and women have sex Sexual desire , Preparation Sexual intercourse The stage of Sexual stimulation Caused by. Now the man Penis Erection , female Vestibular gland Increased secretion, vagina It is smooth, and both men and women are excited. They take the initiative to get close to each other and ask for sexual intercourse. The sexual intercourse started, and now it has entered the upsurge period, and gradually there is a pleasant feeling. The length of this period is related to people's physique, age, mood and the interval between sexual intercourse. When the sexual reaction enters the climax period, men appear ejaculation Movement, Women vagina Paroxysmal contraction occurs and secretion increases Sexual pleasure Especially obvious, the spirit is highly excited. The climax period is the shortest, only a few seconds. After the climax period is the period of decreased sexual response, and the whole sexual intercourse process ends.

reaction rate

The sexual reaction of men and women is different in time. The sexual reaction of men is fast, while that of women is slow. Such as the man Inattention This sexual response of the woman is often not synchronized during sexual intercourse. This means that the man has arrived orgasm (i.e ejaculation ), sexual intercourse has ended, but the woman has not yet reached the climax, so she cannot get Sexual satisfaction In addition, the regression period of men's sexual response is short, while that of women is long. If men want to sleep after ejaculation, this will affect women's sexual satisfaction to some extent. To make Harmonious sexual life So that the woman can also get sexual satisfaction. The preparation stage should be longer Caress kiss Wait to motivate the woman Sexual desire , wait until the woman enters the excitement period before having sex. After sexual intercourse, the man continues to caress the woman, and ends it together after the woman's sexual desire completely disappears sex life