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Acute and chronic hepatitis

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Hepatitis refers to necrosis of liver cells caused by various reasons, Abnormal liver function Acute hepatitis The main difference between chronic hepatitis and chronic hepatitis is the right or wrong condition. Acute hepatitis refers to liver lesions caused by infection with hepatitis virus, and the general course of disease does not exceed 6 months. Chronic hepatitis is mostly caused by Acute hepatitis B The course of acute hepatitis C has evolved for more than half a year. In addition, chronic hepatitis also includes those patients who are not caused by virus, but whose clinical manifestations are chronic hepatitis, including patients with fatty liver disease and drug hepatitis.
Acute and chronic hepatitis
Common location
Common causes
Hepatocyte necrosis caused by various reasons
common symptom
Abnormal liver function


Viral hepatitis : Yes by hepatitis virus Common causes Infectious Diseases It has the characteristics of strong infectivity, wide prevalence and high incidence. According to the different pathogenic viruses, viral hepatitis can be divided into many types. Internationally recognized viral hepatitis includes A, B, C, D Hepatitis E Etc.
Other hepatitis: including Alcoholic hepatitis Drug-induced hepatitis Autoimmune hepatitis Ischemic hepatitis Genetic metabolic liver disease, chronic hepatitis of unknown cause, etc.
Liver disease is common Low immune function The most obvious manifestation is that it is difficult to completely eliminate the virus in the body, and the disease is easy to recur. Selenium is a powerful immune regulator, which can stimulate humoral immunity and cells immune system The enhancement of immune system function is conducive to improving various symptoms of liver disease patients, such as type A hepatitis B Selenium supplementation can greatly improve the symptoms of anorexia, exertion, and dull face in a relatively short time. Selenium malt can regulate immunity, which has a good effect on nourishing liver, protecting liver and increasing appetite of patients with liver diseases.


Most patients with acute inflammation have a good prognosis. More than 90% of the patients can recover within three months. Less than 10% of the patients can become chronic persistent hepatitis or chronic active hepatitis, and only 1% to 2% of the patients can develop cirrhosis or liver cancer. Acute liver; The conversion from inflammation to chronic hepatitis is generally related to the following factors
(1) Hepatitis type Hepatitis type is the type of virus infected. Generally, hepatitis A and hepatitis E will not become chronic. Even if they continue for a little longer, they can eventually be completely cured. It is extremely rare that hepatitis A and hepatitis E exceed 6 months. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are different and can easily become chronic. 5%~lO% of adults infected with hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus After that, about 50% will become chronic. The original hepatitis B virus infection plus hepatitis B virus infection is called Superinfection It is more likely to become chronic, because the virus is not easy to be cleared and persists in the body for a long time.
(2) Gender and age If infants are infected with hepatitis B virus, more than 90% of them will become long-term carriers of the virus. Some of them will get sick later, and the older ones will get sick Acute hepatitis It is easy to become chronic. According to data statistics, 22.2%~40% of people over 40 years old with acute hepatitis will become chronic persistent hepatitis or chronic active hepatitis, while only 6.3%~8.9% of people under 40 years old will become chronic: in gender, men are more common than women, but pregnant women are more likely to become chronic after hepatitis.
(3) Those who do not have a good rest in time or a bad rest after illness, overwork, emotional tension, insomnia all night, and do not think of food are easy to turn to chronic hepatitis.
Why do some people become chronic after suffering from hepatitis? Patients with liver disease should develop a good lifestyle, healthy eating habits, and maintain a happy mood. In addition, patients with liver disease should pay attention to the important line of treatment. In fact, many patients are deteriorating due to untimely treatment.

Route of transmission

1. Blood transmission: Hepatitis B Little Three Yang Each milliliter of patient's blood contains 10 million to several hundred million mature hepatitis B virus particles. A tiny amount of blood enters healthy people Skin mucosa The breach of can cause infection.
2. Iatrogenic transmission: medical equipment, blood sources and blood products contaminated by hepatitis B virus, such as acupuncture needles, dental equipment and endoscopes, may transmit hepatitis B virus when used.
3. Sexual transmission: sexual transmission is one of the main ways of hepatitis B transmission. For vulnerable people, condoms should be used.
4. Vertical propagation: vertical propagation includes Mother to child transmission , father to child transmission and familial infection. Vertical transmission accounts for more than 70% of hepatitis B transmission.
5. Close contact: kissing, toothbrush, razor, nail clipper, etc. Recommendation: Is there a high probability of hepatitis B infection
6. Other ways: tattoos, tattooed eyebrows, tattooed eyeliner, tattooed lip liner, shaving, etc., can infect hepatitis B through damaged skin.