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Acute radiation sickness

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Acute radiation disease is a systemic disease caused by high dose (>1Gy) ionizing radiation exposure to the body in a short time. Both external and internal radiation may cause acute radiation sickness, but external radiation is the main. Radiation causing acute radiation sickness by external radiation includes Gamma ray neutron and X-ray Etc.
TCM disease name
Acute radiation sickness
Foreign name
acute radiation disease
common symptom
Fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, skin redness, ulcer, bleeding, hair loss, leukemia, vomiting, diarrhea, etc

Occurrence conditions


nuclear war

Exposed and shielded personnel in nuclear explosions of less than 101kt, shielded personnel in explosions of more than 101kt, personnel passing through and staying for a long time in heavily contaminated areas, and external exposure to early nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination are the main factors causing a large number of acute radiation sickness casualties.


1. Nuclear radiation accidents: At present, there are more than 430 nuclear power plants in operation around the world, and the number of new nuclear power plants is increasing. Since the 1950s, several accidents have occurred. The biggest one was in 1986 Chernobyl accident More than 200 cases of acute radiation sickness occurred and 29 people died. Various types of radiation sources are increasingly widely used in production and medical fields. Due to improper use or storage, hundreds of radiation accidents of various types have occurred. Since the 1960s, China has also had many radiation source accidents with many casualties.
2. Medical accidents: medical applications of radionuclides and radiation devices may also cause medical accidents. For example, there have been accidents in foreign countries where patients were treated with excessive radionuclides by mistake, resulting in acute radioactive death due to internal radiation, and there have also been accidents where patients were exposed to excessive radiation due to failure of radiation devices.
3. Therapeutic radiation: large doses of radiation given to patients for treatment may cause therapeutic acute radiation sickness. For example, high dose (>6Gy) whole body irradiation or whole body irradiation are commonly used before bone marrow transplantation lymph gland Irradiation as pretreatment before bone marrow transplantation.

Typing and indexing

According to the characteristics of radiation dose, pathology and clinical process, acute radiation sickness can be divided into three types, namely bone marrow type, intestinal type and brain type. Bone marrow type can be divided into four degrees according to the severity of injury.

Symptoms and signs

The symptoms of radiation sickness include fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, skin redness, ulcer, bleeding, hair loss, leukemia, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Sometimes it will increase the incidence of cancer, distortion and hereditary diseases, affecting the health of several generations. Generally speaking, the more radiation energy the body receives, the more serious the radiation sickness symptoms, and the greater the risk of carcinogenesis and teratogenicity.