Thinking ability

[sī wéi néng lì]
A kind of personal ability
zero Useful+1
Thinking ability: refers to people working study When encountering problems in life, always“ think about it ", this" Think ", that is thinking It is through analysis, synthesis, generalization abstract , comparison, concretization and systematization sense data It is processed and transformed into rational knowledge to solve problems. We often say that concepts, judgments and reasoning are the basic forms of thinking. Whether it is students' learning activities or all human invention and creation activities, they can not do without thinking. The thinking ability is learning ability The core of.
Chinese name
Thinking ability
Foreign name
thinking ability
Thinking ability
Always "think about it" when encountering problems
The core of learning ability
Comprehension, analysis, synthesis, etc
Purposeful, planned and systematic educational activities
Ways to improve
Training methods of weeding out the old to bring forth the new, etc

brief introduction

Thinking ability map
Thinking skills include Understanding , analytical power, comprehensive power, comparative power, generalization power Abstract force , reasoning power, argumentation power Judgment Etc. It is the core of the whole wisdom, participate in , dominate all intellectual activities. Whether a person is smart or not depends mainly on his thinking ability. The most fundamental way to make oneself smarter and wiser is to cultivate thinking ability.




The training of thinking ability is a purposeful, planned and systematic educational activity. Its role cannot be underestimated. Human nature has an influence on thinking ability, but the influence of acquired education and training on thinking ability is greater and deeper. Many research results show that the acquired environment can create a new person to a large extent.
Research has confirmed that human beings have accumulated a huge and complex database from birth, including all kinds of words, numbers, symbols, tastes, food, lines, colors, formulas, sounds, etc. The brain's amazing storage capacity has enabled us to accumulate massive data. How can we extract so much information that is messy and unorganized? Just like computers, if there is no scientific retrieval system, it is easy to cause data unreadable, or even system crash.
However, if we look at the auxiliary memory methods like Newton and Da Vinci, they manage the data hierarchically and classically according to their correlations, so that the storage, management and application of data can be more systematic and increase the efficiency of brain operation. At the same time, by using colors, images, symbols, etc., they can gather a huge amount of information on a single map, It greatly improves the memory effect. After repeated research in modern science, scientists found that combining different elements into a picture can not only improve memory, improve thinking, but also coordinate the functions of the left and right brain. Therefore, this picture is called“ Mind mapping "。


The main purpose of thinking ability training is to improve the thinking quality and improve students' thinking ability. As long as we can grasp the thinking quality in practical training and make targeted efforts, we can successfully and effectively adhere to it. Thought is not a mysterious thing. Although it can't be seen, touched, come or go, it is a universal thing with characteristics and quality psychological phenomenon


From modern cognitive psychology From a perspective, the ability to classify is also a standard to measure infants' intelligence. Therefore, classification is very important for the development of infants' thinking. Whether it is from children's ability to learn reasoning, debate or mathematics learning ability when they grow up, mastering classification from an early age has a great impact on these abilities. Therefore, in the Early childhood education At this stage, if children learn to classify correctly, they can actually develop their thinking ability from a certain point of view.

ways and means

Improve children's thinking ability
Thinking seems mysterious, invisible, untouchable, shadowless and traceless, but it really exists and plays a very important role. Whether children's learning life or their work activities when they grow up, they can't live without thinking. Thinking ability is the core of children's learning ability. To improve children's thinking ability, the following aspects should be paid attention to:
Creativity refers to the creative consciousness and spirit of thinking activities, Non conformist, strange and change oriented Be able to creatively ask questions and solve problems. It is mainly manifested in: independence, dispersion and novelty. The tips for thinking training given by Golden Dolphin are: First, strengthen the independence of learning and maintain due curiosity. 2、 Enhance the awareness of problems, pay attention to finding and posing problems in class listening and reading. 3、 Pay attention to the divergence of thinking, and conduct multiple solutions and changes in problem solving exercises
Systematicity refers to the quality of thinking that is good at grasping all aspects of a problem without neglecting its important details. When considering problems, we should always start from the whole, Can handle the relationship between the whole and the part well. Systematic thinking can make a person become very rational, and the overall planning ability and foresight ability will be greatly improved, while systematic thinking ability is an indispensable ability for a leader.
Experts said that when thinking training is given to children, they should be trained to stand at a systematic height to learn knowledge, pay attention to the overall structure of knowledge, and often summarize knowledge. Look for the connection and difference between new and old knowledge, excavate the commonness, separate the individuality, and learn new knowledge through comparison. Pay attention to the vertical and horizontal links of knowledge, refine knowledge through integration, and understand its key, core and essence.
Profundity refers to the level of abstraction and logical reasoning of thinking activities, which is manifested in the ability to deeply understand concepts, analyze problems carefully, and grasp the essence and laws of things. "Therefore, parents should encourage their children. First, they should encourage their children to go to the bottom of the matter, ask why everything is done, and resolutely abandon rote learning. They should not only" know what it is ", but also" know why it is ". The second is to encourage children to actively carry out problem research and develop the habit of deep drilling and detailed research. Whenever you encounter a problem, try to find its regularity, or observe the same problem from different angles and directions to avoid being confused by false appearances. "
Agility refers to active thinking Reaction speed and proficiency , manifested as thinking Fast and flexible Be good at making decisions and solving problems quickly and accurately. Experts suggest: "Children should master the basic knowledge and basic skills at the appropriate stage. Practice makes perfect. Don't just try to speed up the progress and make it difficult. In class, we should strive for advanced thinking, think actively after the teacher throws out questions, and turn the process of passively accepting knowledge into the process of active thinking training. In addition, it is necessary to complete the learning task in a limited time, consciously limit the time, and cultivate the agility of thinking. "
"Flexibility" includes four aspects:
everything Starting point of thinking Flexibility, that is, whether the method To solve problems;
Second thinking process Flexibility, that is, whether it can be flexibly carried out from analysis to synthesis, from synthesis to analysis comprehensive analysis
Third Overview and migration Ability, whether willing and good at using law , can grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category
Fourth, is the result of thinking Multiple reasonable and flexible answers 。”
Experts remind that, first of all, we should pay attention to the application of knowledge, so that we can really learn and use knowledge flexibly, not just stay on the surface of book knowledge; In fact, we should pay attention to the mutual penetration and transfer of knowledge, Only when knowledge forms a system can it be truly absorbed and digested
Methods of improving children's thinking ability
When you see, hear or come into contact with a thing or thing, you should give it a new nature as far as possible, get rid of the shackles of old methods, use new ideas, new methods and new conclusions, and reflect originality. When you train students in thinking methods according to this idea, you can often get new results.
Aggregate abstract training method
Gather all perceived objects according to certain standards to show their commonness and essence, which can enhance students' creative thinking activities. This training method should first form a general outline of the perception materials, and find out very prominent characteristics from the sense; Secondly, we should dismember the analysis from the common problems we feel, form a number of analysis groups, and then abstract the essential characteristics; Thirdly, it is necessary to give a general description of the nature of the abstract things, and finally form a rational result with guiding significance.
This training method is very beneficial to students' thinking. It can enhance leaders' analytical thinking ability and foresight ability, ensure leaders to think carefully about a certain idea in advance, and deduce the results in the form of logical reasoning.
Questioning training method
This training method is to dare and be good at or put forward new ideas and suggestions about things or things that have been considered correct in the past or some fixed thinking mode, and can use various evidences to prove the correctness of new conclusions. This also marks the level of a student's innovation ability. The training method is: first, whenever you observe a thing or phenomenon, whether it is the first time or multiple contacts, you should ask "why" and form a habit; Secondly, whenever encountering problems in work, try to find the regularity of your own movement, or observe the same problem from different angles and directions, so as not to be confused by perceptual illusion.
This training method is an organized group. With the help of thinking, people communicate with each other, gather the collective wisdom of many people, and widely absorb useful ideas, so as to improve their thinking ability. This method is conducive to the formation of research results, and also has the potential role of cultivating students' research ability. Because when some students with rich personality gather together, they have different views and solutions due to their different starting points, angles of observation, research methods and levels of problem analysis. Through comparison, contrast and exchange of views, you will learn the other party's way of thinking, consciously or unconsciously, so that your thinking ability can be imperceptibly improved.

Cultivation environment

With the change and renewal of educational concepts, people have paid more and more attention to the requirement that students develop their intelligence and ability while mastering basic knowledge and skills in biology teaching. Let's talk about how to cultivate students' creative thinking ability in teaching.
Induce the engine and create the situation
Motivation refers to the reason for taking action to achieve a certain goal. Brain thinking must be motivated. Thinking without motivation can only be the repetition and reproduction of instinct. Generally speaking, thinking motivation can be divided into internal causes and external causes. How to use external causes to promote internal causes to work and improve thinking interest and motivation is where teachers play a leading role.
For example, when introducing a new lesson, whether the introduction designed by the teacher can produce suspense, stimulate students' desire for knowledge, and open the door to thinking is the key to the success of teaching. For example, when talking about "mitosis", I designed such an introduction: "(1) How does the number of cells increase? What is the significance of increasing the number of cells for biological life? (2) How do you keep the consistency of daughter cells and mother cells in the process of increasing the number of cells?" Another example, when talking about "water metabolism", I designed this introduction: "After a radish is put in clean water for a period of time, its weight will increase; after a period of time in salt water, its weight will decrease, why is that?" Such suspense aroused students' strong curiosity, which led to thinking. They immediately focused their attention, and then through teaching and discussion, they understood "mitosis" And "water metabolism", and improve students' interest in learning.
In the class summary, the teacher uses the suspense ending to leave the students with questions worthy of aftertaste, and let the students end the new lesson with questions to arouse their interest in constantly exploring new knowledge. For example, when I was teaching "mitosis", I summarized the quantitative relationship between chromosomes and DNA in the process of "mitosis" as follows: the number of chromosomes 2N2N2N4N2NDNA molecules 2N → 4N4N4N4N2N, and then asked the students: "How can these quantitative relationships be expressed in a rectangular coordinate system?" After class, the students had serious thinking and discussion, Many creative ideas were put forward.
Of course, to arouse students' interest in learning and stimulate their thinking motivation, it is not necessary to introduce all new lessons and classroom sections, but it is necessary to run through the whole process of teaching, that is, in each teaching link, teachers should touch students' heartstrings, put forward thinking questions based on students' reality and teaching content, so as to stimulate students' thinking. Although the students can't answer all these thinking questions for a while, they can all arouse their cognitive conflicts, activate their thinking, and arouse their interest, which plays a positive role in cultivating students' creativity.
Creating situations is also a good way to activate students' thinking. The so-called creation of a situation is that teachers use all conditions such as biological specimens, models, objects, videos, or some biological phenomena in daily life and production practice to create a state of feeling for students. For example, when talking about "meiosis", I asked students to observe the model of meiosis first, so that they can have a preliminary understanding, and then use multimedia to demonstrate the process of meiosis, so that students can enter the situation and arouse their desire to explore. For another example, when talking about "natural selection", I introduced the Keglen Island that Darwin visited, so that students can immerse themselves in the situation of insects fighting with storms, thus stimulating students' interest in learning and making them actively carry out thinking activities.
It is difficult to create contradictions
The cultivation of thinking ability always starts from the emergence of problems. According to this feature, in biology teaching, teachers should consciously create contradictions, set questions, strengthen students' thinking, and solve problems according to students' existing cognitive structure and thinking level. For example, after talking about the "top advantage", I asked the students: "Why can fruit tree pruning and cotton topping timely increase the yield?" After discussion, the students came to the conclusion that fruit tree pruning and cotton topping are to break the top advantage and make the lateral branches grow well. Then I took the opportunity to ask: "Do all plants want to break the top advantage? Will it be better to shade the plane trees when they grow to a certain height without topping? Will pine and fir trees get tall wood when they grow to a certain height without topping?" This deliberately creates conflict, draws students' attention and actively ponders the answer, which is much better than teachers' direct explanation of breaking the top advantage and using the top advantage.
To create contradictions, we must design problems well. First of all, we should pay attention to the design problems must be in line with the actual situation of students, from simple to deep, step by step. Otherwise, the contradiction will not be solved, but will also dampen the enthusiasm of students. Secondly, in the classroom, we should be good at inducing students to question, especially enlightening them to doubt from no doubt, and develop divergent thinking. For example, when talking about "transpiration", he asked the students: "As the saying goes, 'water flows to the lower part', why can the water in tall trees flow from the root to the crown?"“ protein metabolism ”When talking about the composition of "ecosystem", you can guide students to observe the "pond ecosystem map" and ask students: "What will happen if there is no decomposer in the ecosystem Knowledge and doubt will promote the development of students' thinking ability over time.
Continuous thinking, vertical and horizontal progression
One of the signs of creative thinking is to dare to rely on known knowledge to explore unknown problems and form continuous thinking activities. Therefore, special attention should be paid to creating conditions for students to associate in biology teaching, so that they can learn to associate and think deeply. Teaching practice has proved that vertical thinking and horizontal thinking can be adopted in the process of constantly leading students' thinking to depth. Vertical thinking is to develop in depth along the known problems, continuously consider and trace the origin. The main performance of teaching is that teachers continuously ask students questions, making the former question as the premise of the latter question, and the latter question is the continuation or conclusion of the former question. In this way, every question becomes a ladder for students' thinking, and many questions form a problem chain, so that students can obtain knowledge on the basis of clarifying the internal links of knowledge, and their thinking ability can be greatly improved. For example, when talking about "gene control of traits", after guiding students to observe the "schematic diagram of protein synthesis" and the "central rule", you can ask students such questions: (1) Where is the genetic information of organisms? (2) Why is there genetic information in genes? (3) How does genetic information transfer from genes to proteins? (4) Under what circumstances will errors occur in the transmission of genetic information? What are the consequences? Through these questions, let students think, step by step, layer by layer, so that students have a deeper understanding of knowledge.
The process of thinking itself is gradually leading from perceptual things to rational abstract generalization. If perceptual knowledge is closely combined with thinking activities, it will promote the improvement of thinking ability. Horizontal thinking is a way of thinking that inspires students to think about similar and related problems from existing knowledge. Continuous horizontal thinking can help students broaden their knowledge and implement the "transfer" of knowledge. The so-called "draw inferences from one instance" and "comprehend by analogy" are just the embodiment of this "migration". In the process of horizontal thinking, we can start from two aspects: seeking common ground and seeking differences. Seeking common ground is to guide students to pay attention to the common ground of phenomena and seek the common essence and laws contained in different phenomena. For example, aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration, although the conditions, decomposition degree and released energy are different, their essence is to decompose organic matter and release energy. Another example is gene recombination, gene mutation Chromosome variation Although in different ways, the fundamental reason for its variation is the change of genetic material. Seeking differences means guiding students to pay attention to the differences between phenomena. This is a relatively high, often with a strong creative spirit of thinking. Obviously, the thinking space brought to students by the thinking of seeking differences is far more than that of seeking common ground. It helps the thinking wings fly better. For example, the comparison of mitosis and meiosis enables students to identify the characteristics of chromosome behavior, the nature, number of daughter cells, and the differences of chromosomes in the process of mitosis and meiosis. For another example, by comparing the absorption of water and mineral elements by plants, students can identify that although the absorption parts of water and mineral elements by plants are mature areas Epidermal cell However, the main way for plant roots to absorb water is osmosis, which is closely related to plant transpiration; The main process of mineral elements absorption by plant roots is exchange adsorption and active transportation, which is closely related to the respiration of plants. Through horizontal thinking, we can also transfer the knowledge of other disciplines to biology teaching, and use the knowledge of other disciplines to solve biological problems. For example, when I talked about "energy metabolism", I used the conservation of energy , indicating that energy can neither be generated nor disappear, and can only be transformed from one form to another. For another example, when talking about the "diversity of DNA molecular structure", we used the knowledge of permutation and combination in mathematics. This not only deepens students' understanding of knowledge, but also greatly improves students' creativity in thinking. Through the cultivation of the thinking of seeking differences, students can broaden their thinking and improve their ability of analysis and identification. The world of different thinking is very broad, and the key lies in the proper guidance of teachers in teaching.
Analyze and synthesize, summarize and improve
Analysis and synthesis are indispensable in the process of thinking. Without analysis, understanding cannot go deep; Without integration, understanding cannot be improved. The relationship between them is interdependent and closely linked. Therefore, the law of "analysis synthesis reanalysis synthesis" should be strictly followed in biology teaching to cultivate students' creative thinking ability. Through the hierarchical analysis of various physiological phenomena, the characteristics of each system are clearly distinguished and summarized comprehensively, which can not only deepen the understanding of the structural characteristics and physiological functions of each system, obtain correct and complete knowledge, but also stimulate and activate students' thinking activities. For example, when teaching "material exchange between cells in the body", guide students to observe "the process diagram of material exchange between cells in the body and the external environment", and analyze: (1) the situation of material exchange between cells and the internal environment; (2) The internal environment absorbs nutrients through the digestive system; (3) Gas exchange between the internal environment and the outside through the respiratory system; (4) The internal environment discharges metabolic end products through the urinary system and skin. Then it is concluded that "only through the internal environment can the cells of higher animals exchange materials with the external environment". This part by part analysis enables students to grasp the context and ideas of knowledge, and finally summarize, so that students can understand the logical relationship between various parts of knowledge.