Thinking form

The form by which thinking can be realized
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The form of thinking is the form by which thinking can be realized. Concept, judgment, reasoning and proof are different forms of thinking. Judgment forms with different structures Reasoning form Form of proof It is also a different form of thinking. stay Concrete thinking In, the form of thinking and the content of thinking are always combined. There is neither the content of thinking without form of thinking nor the form of thinking without content of thinking. However, the form of thinking is relatively independent of the content of thinking, so logic You can take out the thinking form as your research object.
Chinese name
Mode of thinking
Foreign name
form of thinking
The form by which thinking can be realized
For the content of thinking Independence

Main forms

Thinking in images abstract thinking inspiration thinking They are three common forms of thinking. The thinking of specific people cannot be limited to any one. Solve a problem, do a job or something thinking process , at least two kinds of thinking. The two are abstract thinking and image thinking. The so-called three are inspiration.

abstract thinking

abstract thinking
Abstract thinking is a thinking process that reflects reality by using concepts, judgments, reasoning, etc logical thinking
1、 Abstraction: abstract thinking sets aside the concrete image of things and extracts their essence, so it has the characteristics of abstraction.
2、 Logicality The process of abstract thinking is a process of reasonable expansion and scientific extraction of the essence of things, so it is logical.

Thinking in images

Thinking in images
Image thinking is a thinking process that develops with the help of specific images, also known as direct thinking. Because artists and writers often use image thinking in their creative activities, some people also call it artistic thinking Image thinking has the following three characteristics:
1、 Based on specific image: thinking in image is based on the specific image of things.
2、 Using imagination: thinking in images must be based on objective world Get materials and use imagination.
3、 Similarity: Image thinking is not as direct as induction and deduction in abstract thinking, and its process may be more complex.

inspiration thinking

Inspirational thinking is suddenly Rapid occurrence A special form of thinking, also called insight thinking or Intuitive thinking
inspiration thinking
Inspirational thinking has the following two characteristics:
1、 Sudden: Inspirational thinking always happens suddenly, without premonition or omen.
2、 And the subconscious Closely related: there is a brewing process before inspiration bursts, often with hard mental labour To nurture. Some scholars put forward that the gestation of inspiration is not within the scope of consciousness, but before consciousness, it can be called the stage of subconsciousness. Before inspiration appears, it is first brewed in the subconscious. Once it is mature, it immediately emerges in the form of inspiration thinking. The subconscious can not only store and extract information, but also process and process information outside of consciousness. It seems that there is an independent system. This is the theory of "one more self". In a word, inspiration thinking is more complex than image thinking, which is a three-dimensional "body type" thinking.

Basic explanation

1. [Thought] [Philosophy]: the process of analysis, synthesis, judgment, reasoning and other cognitive activities based on representation and concept. Thinking is a unique spiritual activity of human beings [1] and management
2. [Thinking]: It means that the brain is receiving and processing specific things or concepts expressed in words, indicating the state of brain movement, which is equivalent to the Chinese word "thinking". [Thought] [Zhe]: English Thought is Think past tense and past participle , which means that the brain has completed the reception, processing and output of internal and external information. It is equivalent to "thought about" in Chinese.

Philosophical terminology


Introduction to Thinking

Thinking is the active operation of the subject on information, such as collection, transmission, storage, extraction, deletion, comparison, screening, discrimination, arrangement, classification, transformation, transformation, integration, expression, etc. Press Marxist philosophy The thinking subject mainly refers to man, and the thinking object refers to the object of the subject's thinking, including man himself. Animals in nature, such as dogs and cats, also have Thinking ability , but not advanced enough; Artificial intelligence products such as robots and computers, no matter how perfect, are all products of human brain, and also do not have the ability to think.

Thinking cell

Concept is the cell of thinking. Concepts are of things Essential attribute The reflection in the human brain. The so-called essential attribute of things is that they are shared by the same kind of things and make this kind of things different from other kinds of things Inherent attribute For example, the concept of "toy" reflects the essential attributes shared by many items used for games, such as a ball, a doll, a wooden gun, a car, and so on, without involving their specific characteristics that are different from each other (for example, the doll is a girl, the ball is round, the car can walk, and so on).
The content on which thinking operates is the input, connection, separation, output, etc. of countless concepts. Without concepts or concepts expressed in languages, words, pictures and other forms, thinking will be like water without a source and difficult to operate.

Mode of thinking

Thinking can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. Broad sense thinking is the generalized and indirect reflection of human brain on objective reality, which reflects the essence of things and the relationship between things Regularity The connection between logic thinking and image thinking. In the narrow sense, thinking in the general psychological sense refers specifically to logical thinking.
Mode of thinking It is the internal program of human brain activity, which plays a decisive role in people's words and deeds. The way of thinking is superficially wrong Materiality And materiality. such Immateriality The contradictory movement of the evolution and development of the way of thinking can be formed by the cross influence of materiality, "nothing is born, something is born without".
So, what are our ways of thinking?
one Image thinking method ——The method of thinking through images. It has Imagery Emotion is an important symbol that distinguishes from abstract thinking.
2. Deductive thinking method - it is from universal to special Thinking method , the specific forms are syllogism Syntagmatic reasoning Hypothetical reasoning Disjunctive reasoning Etc.
3. Inductive thinking method - it is a kind of thinking form of reasoning based on the principle that is generally contained in the special.
five Reverse thinking method ——It is the counterpart of goal thinking Target point The thinking method of anti deduction conditions and reasons. It is also an effective innovation method.
six Transplant thinking Law refers to a creative thinking method that applies scientific and technological achievements in one field to other fields, bionics It is a typical case.
seven Convergent thinking Law - also known as Thinking of seeking common ground It refers to the thinking process and method of seeking a correct answer from different sources, materials and directions.
8. Goal thinking method - the thinking method to achieve the goal step by step after the goal is established. Its thinking process has Directivity Hierarchy
nine Divergent thinking ——It is based on a certain point of existing information, and then uses known knowledge and experience, through speculation and imagination, to think in different directions, reorganize the information in memory and the information in front of you, and generate new information. It can flow freely flexibility Originality Three levels.

Thinking carrier

Language or speech is the symbol carrier of thinking.
There are several hypotheses about the relationship between language, speech and thinking. One view is to regard language, speech and thought as the same thing. stay ancient Greek Times, Plato He thought that "when the mind is thinking, it is nothing more than talking in the heart, asking and answering questions... Thought is the speaker, and judgment is just a statement that is spoken, just silently speaking to itself, not loudly speaking to others." Behaviorist psychology I also hold this opinion. Watson believes that there is no difference between thinking and talking to himself. He regards thinking as a silent language, but because the body interaction is hidden and weak at this time, it is difficult to observe using the usual method. Skinner, a new behaviorist, believes that thinking is silent, weak or hidden Speech act
Another view is that thinking is different from language and speech. ancient Greek Aristotle With this view, he thought: "Speech is the symbol of mental experience, and words are the symbol of speech. Humans will not have the same problem, nor will they have the same pronunciation; but the psychological experience represented by these words and sounds and the things reflected by these experiences are common to everyone." That is to say, thinking is not equal to language. Many western psychologists also hold this view, and J. Piaget is one of them. From the origin history of the relationship between language and thought, from individual generation and Development trend , from normal children to blindness Deaf mute children Of comparative study It is found that thinking precedes language, and language can help the development of thinking through the role of abstraction. Language and thinking depend on each other. The more accurate thinking is, the more language is needed. front Soviet Union psychologist Vygowski It is also believed that thinking and vocal language have different origins and different development routes. Thinking and spoken language are not the same thing.
Another view is the extreme view that B · L language determines thinking. He believes that language dominates thinking. It is the shaper of thought and the individual Psychological activities Personal analysis of phenomena, guidelines and guidelines for personal comprehensive ideological data. The formation of thought is not an independent process, but a part of a special grammar; In different grammars, the formation of ideas is somewhat different.
Language, speech and thinking are closely related. First of all, language and speech are the tools of human communication, the main tools of thinking, and the direct realization of ideas. Language consists of certain words (including Morphology , pronunciation, meaning) rule of grammar A tool for people to express and exchange ideas; Speech is the process of using language to express and exchange ideas. Words are not empty sound streams, but have definite meanings and contents psychological phenomenon The meaning of speech (the meaning of words and sentences) is the content of thinking and people's ideas; Grammatical institutions and rules are also the concrete manifestations of the logical laws of human thinking. The difference of individual thinking level also directly affects the difference of speech level. People should carry out indirect and generalized Abstract logical thinking More need to use language. Therefore, language and speech are the most appropriate "material shell" of thinking. Thinking must take the lead in the expression of words and sentences and speech. The final result of thinking must take this as its undertaker. Although not all people think in words, sometimes science notation (such as quantitative formula, numbers, notes, bell, siren, light symbols, flag language, band, traffic director, etc.), but these symbols are only auxiliary forms of language. Without language and speech, people's thoughts cannot be clearly and accurately expressed. Individual language mastery and language use Thinking development Play an important role in. Practical proof Speech can promote the development of human thinking.
But language, speech and thinking cannot be equated. First, thinking and the basic forms of thinking (concepts, judgments, reasoning) reflect the essential characteristics and laws of objective reality objective things There is an inevitable connection between them; Language and speech are just signs and symbols of objective things. They are not necessarily connected with objective things, but represent thinking to reflect objective reality. Therefore, they cannot be equated. Second, words in language and speech are not identical with concepts in thinking. The unified concept can be marked by many different words, such as doctors, doctors, doctors, doctors, etc; The same word can express different concepts. For example, "benevolence" represents not only the concept of fruit, but also the concept of Moral concept In addition, there are Function word It does not represent a concept. Third, thinking is a spiritual phenomenon without materiality, while language is its material coat with a certain materiality (morphology, pronunciation), so the two cannot be confused. Internal speech have Articulatory organ The characteristics of concealment. When people think in silence, its Muscle tissue Let's Cerebral cortex send out Kinesthetic stimulus But this Internal language Is not equal to thinking. Fourth, there are often contradictions between thinking, language and speech. People are using linguistic data When expressing ideas, words fail to convey the meaning and words differ from each other. If language, speech and thought are equal or identical, this will not happen. Fifth, grammar rules and Law of thinking It is not the same. Although there are similarities in grammar rules of various nationalities, their differences are very obvious; Although there are some differences in the law of thinking among different nations, the common law is the main one.

basic feature

The premise of thinking is that people have formed or mastered concepts. Mastering a concept is to analyze, synthesize and compare a class of things, and abstract common and essential attributes or characteristics from them to summarize. Generalization is the basis of intellectual qualities such as the speed of thinking activities, flexible migration, breadth and depth, and creative procedures. Former Soviet psychologist Rubinstein believes that migration is generalization. The higher the generalization, the stronger the systematization of knowledge, and the more flexible the migration, then a person's intelligence and thinking ability creative ability It should be developed more and more.
2. Indirectness: Indirectness is the indirect reaction of thinking to objective things by virtue of knowledge and experience.
First, thinking depends on Knowledge and experience , yes, no Direct action to sense organ And its attributes or relations. For example, if we wake up early in the morning and find that the ground in the yard is wet and the roof is wet, we can judge that it rains at night.
Secondly, with knowledge and experience, thinking can reflect things and their attributes that cannot be directly perceived. In other words, thinking inherits and develops perception and Memory representation But it has gone far beyond their boundaries. The indirectness of thinking enables people to reveal the essence and internal laws of things that cannot be perceived.
Third, thinking, relying on knowledge and experience, can spread and expand endlessly on the basis of understanding the real things. Assumptions, imagination and understanding are all based on the indirectness of such thinking. For example, making plans and forecasting the future are manifestations of this aspect. This indirectness of thinking enables thinking to react on practice and guide practice.
3. Logic
Logic reflects that thinking is abstract Theoretical knowledge It shows that the thinking process has certain forms and methods, and is carried out according to certain laws.
The formation condition and basis of the concept is social practice. A wealth of perceptual experience comes from practice, which promotes people's cognitive activities and produces concepts.
On the basis of the concept, it further constitutes judgment and reasoning. Judgment is a form of thinking that affirms or negates the object of thought, expressed in sentences. Judgment is a form of thinking, but it is different from sentence: (1) Judgment is a form of thinking, while sentence is a form of speech. (2) The same judgment can be expressed in different sentences, such as "all things contain contradictions". This judgment can be expressed in sentences such as "there is no thing that does not contain contradictions", "there is no thing that does not contain contradictions!". (3) Not all statements express judgment. For example, the statement "What day is today?" does not judge things. Judgment not only reflects the thinking process, but also reflects people's feelings and wishes. For example, "I love Beijing Tiananmen ”, "I want to buy a TV set", etc. Judgment can also show people's evaluation of things. At this time, people use a certain standard as the basis for judgment.
Reasoning is a form of thinking that deduces new judgments from one or several known judgments. Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning There are two main types Reasoning form In inductive reasoning, we start from the facts and generalize, so as to explain the relationship between the observed things and draw a general conclusion. From general to individual, applying theories and principles to concrete is deductive reasoning. Concept, judgment and reasoning are the forms of thinking.
4. Profound
The profundity of thinking means that the human brain sense data On the basis of, through the thinking process, eliminate the rough and extract the essence, eliminate the false and retain the true, from one to the other, from the outside to the inside, so a sudden change in the cognitive process is generated in the brain, resulting in generalization. Because of generalization, people have grasped the essence of things, the whole of things, the internal relations of things, and understood the regularity of things. In this process, individuals show profound differences. The profundity of thinking focuses on deep thinking, grasping the laws and essence of things, and predicting the development process of things.
Thinking form Personality difference That is, there are differences in the depth of forming concepts, making judgments, reasoning and argumentation.
The individual differences of thinking methods, that is, how to concretely, comprehensively and deeply understand the essence of things and the internal regularity relationship, are just like how to unify inductive and deductive reasoning, how to unify special and general, and how to unify concrete and abstract.
The individual differences of thinking laws, that is, in the laws of ordinary thinking dialectical thinking There are differences in the profundity of the rules and the specific rules used in thinking about different disciplines. Only by consciously following the law of thinking, can we make the concept clear, judge properly, reason reasonably, demonstrate correctly, and have abstract logic, that is, profundity.
There are differences in the depth and breadth of thinking and the degree of difficulty, that is, there are differences in the degree of thoroughness and delicacy. A person who can think in depth, breadth and difficulty can comprehensively and carefully consider problems, take into account all conditions related to problems, and systematically and profoundly reveal the nature and internal regularity of things.
5. Flexibility
The flexibility of thinking refers to the intellectual flexibility of thinking activities. Including: First, the starting point of thinking is flexible, that is, from different angles, directions, aspects, can use a variety of methods to solve problems; Second, the thinking process is flexible, from analysis to synthesis, from synthesis to analysis, and comprehensively and flexibly make "comprehensive analysis"; Third, generalization - strong migration ability and regular application Consciousness High; Fourth, be good at Combination analysis Scalability Large; Fifth, the result of thinking is often a variety of reasonable and flexible conclusions, which not only have quantitative differences, but also have qualitative differences.
6. Originality
Originality of thinking emphasizes thinking individual difference The intellectual quality of. finger Independent thinking Create social (or personal) value Novelty The intellectual quality of ingredients. After highly summarizing the information, the subject conducts centralized and systematic migration, carries out novel combination analysis, and finds out new and different levels and intersections. The higher the generalization, the more systematic the knowledge, the greater the reduction, the more flexible the mobility, and the more focused the attention, the more outstanding the originality.
seven Critical
Critical thinking refers to the intellectual quality of being good at strictly estimating information and carefully examining the thinking process in thinking activities.
From the perspective of individual differences in thinking, there are five critical characteristics of thinking:
(1) Analytical. In the process of thinking, constantly analyze the conditions on which to solve problems and repeatedly verify the proposed assumptions, plans and schemes.
(2) Strategic. In front of problems, the subject constructs corresponding strategies or problem-solving means in his mind according to his original thinking level and knowledge experience, and then makes these strategies effective in solving thinking tasks.
(3) overall Be good at objectively considering both positive and negative arguments in thinking activities, carefully grasp the progress of the problem, adhere to the correct plan and correct the wrong plan at any time.
(4) Independence. That is to say, they are not influenced by situational hints, do not follow others, and follow blindly. (5) Correctness. The thinking process is rigorous and organized; The result of thinking is correct, and the conclusion is realistic.
eight Agility
The agility of thinking refers to the speed or speed of the thinking process. Yes Mental agility In the process of dealing with and solving problems, they can adapt to the urgent situation to actively think, carefully consider, correctly judge and quickly draw conclusions. Some people say that the speed of thinking includes the degree of correctness. But we believe that the thoughtlessness of thinking is by no means the agility of thinking. When we cultivate the agility of thinking, we must overcome the thoughtlessness of thinking.
Agility itself does not have a thinking process like the above characteristics, but it is also connected with the above thinking characteristics. It is not only a necessary prerequisite for the above thinking characteristics, but also a concentrated expression of these thinking characteristics. Without the depth, flexibility, originality and criticality of highly developed thinking, it is impossible to have positive thinking to adapt to the urgent situation in the process of dealing with problems and solving problems, and to draw conclusions correctly and quickly. Especially the generalization of thinking activities. Without generalization, there would be no "reduction" form, let alone speed. At the same time, the profundity, flexibility, originality and criticality of highly developed thinking must be reflected correctly and quickly with speed as the indicator.

Basic method

Analysis and synthesis are the most basic thinking methods and the basis of other thinking processing methods. Analysis is used to grasp things Basic structure The attributes and characteristics of ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",". The analysis methods are qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis structural analysis functional analysis , information analysis pattern analysis And process analysis. Synthesis is a way of thinking that unifies all parts, sides or attributes of things into a whole, aiming to grasp the essence and laws of things as a whole. Synthesis is to reproduce the whole thing in thinking according to the internal relations of things. Analysis and synthesis are dialectical unity. Analysis and synthesis are both different and interdependent. On the one hand, analysis is the basis of synthesis. Without analysis, thinking cannot go deep into details and grasp the details of various parts, sides and attributes of things Prescriptive Of course, there is no way to synthesize; On the other hand, analysis cannot be separated from synthesis. Analysis should always be conducted under the guidance of some kind of comprehensive results and with synthesis as the purpose. No synthesis, thinking Information materials It is fragmentary and fragmentary, cannot be unified as a whole, and it is difficult to have an accurate understanding of each part, side and attribute.
2. Comparison
Comparison is to compare the Psychological representation Compare them to determine the difference or the same relationship between them.
Abstraction and generalization are more advanced analysis and comprehensive activities. Abstraction is to extract the essential attributes of things and abandon them Nonessential attribute For example, the abstraction of all kinds of clocks and watches is to extract the essential attribute of "being able to time" and discard the non essential attributes such as size and shape.
Summary: It is to synthesize the extracted essential attributes and extend them to Similar things Go to the middle. For example, put the "three line segment Closed figure ”Called triangle A figure, regardless of its size, shape and location, is a triangle as long as it has the characteristics of "composed of three line segments" and "closed figure".
4. Materialization and systematization
(1) Materialization is the use of abstract and generalized knowledge for individual and specific occasions.
In teaching or practical work, the application of general principles to solve specific problems is a concrete manifestation, which deepens and develops our understanding of things.
(2) Systematization is the process of dividing things with the same essential attributes into certain categories and generalizing them into a certain category system.
stay teaching process Classify the learning materials, prepare an outline Column Chart All these are systematic work, which makes our understanding of things clearer, clearer and more complete.
thinking process
The thinking process refers to the use of memory in the mind Long term memory The process of analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, abstracting and generalizing the information input from outside.
The thinking process can also be divided into stages: one is the primary stage - the stage of ordinary logical thinking, which follows the law of synonymy Law of excluded middle and Law of contradiction Three principles; The other is the advanced stage—— Dialectical logical thinking Phase, following the unity of opposites, quantitative change and qualitative change the negation of negation The law of thinking.
Classification process
(1) According to the content of the problem to be solved by thinking, it can be divided into: Action thinking , image thinking and abstract thinking.
(2) According to the direction of thinking activities and the characteristics of thinking achievements, it can be divided into: concentration( convergence )Thinking and divergent thinking
(3) According to the novelty and originality of thinking, it can be divided into: Conventional thinking and Creative thinking
(4) It can be divided into intuitive thinking and Analytical thinking
(5) According to whether thinking is based on daily life experience or Scientific concepts It can be divided into: Experiential thinking and Theoretical thinking

Medical terminology


Thinking disorder

It includes obstacles in the form of thinking and structural obstacles in the form of thinking. The former can be represented by the speed, structure and continuity The latter refers to the logical disorder in the use of concepts, judgment and reasoning.
The main symptoms are:

Thought running

It shows that the speed of association is significantly accelerated, concepts emerge in large numbers, and even it is too late to express Speech increase , eloquent, eloquent, witty and funny, making people laugh. As attention tends to shift with the environment, the topic will change accordingly, lacking focus. There are internal connections between the former and the latter concepts when Lenovo runs away, which can be seen in Manic state

Slow thinking

And Thought running On the contrary, thinking is inhibited, Concept formation Slow, Speed of thinking Blocked, answer Unresponsive , thinking is difficult and speaking is slow. See at depression , dementia, etc.

Poor thinking

Although this symptom is similar to the above symptoms in appearance, it is different in nature. Its main characteristics are empty thinking content, poor concepts and vocabulary,
The patient often has no clear response to general questions, or simply answers "don't know" or "nothing", and usually doesn't take the initiative to speak Be indifferent Poor thinking is often associated with Apathy Lack of will Concomitant Schizophrenia Three Basics of negative symptoms Poor thinking can also be seen in dementia.

Loose thinking

It's thinking Purposiveness The obstacles to coherence and logic are Associative relaxation The content is confused, and it is difficult to clarify very simple questions, and it is difficult to talk. Generally speaking, the sentences of conversation are still complete, but the structure between the sentences is not closely linked, making it difficult for people to understand its theme and meaning. Seen in schizophrenia.

Thought breakdown

Thinking structure The relaxation of Loose thinking It is even more serious, and can not express a complete sentence. The speech is fragmented, or it is a jumble of words, which is called "word jumble". Seen in schizophrenia. Incoherent thinking: Consciousness obstacle Class occurs when Thought breakdown Its speech content may be more disordered and fragmented, with no theme to speak of. Common in infection or poisoning Craniocerebral trauma Disorder of consciousness and epilepsy caused by Mental disorders

Pathological redundancy

With the theme transformation in the thinking process Viscosity Its main feature is to stay on some side issues without grasping the main links. The patient expressed trembling speech and could not get to the subject for a long time. When the doctor asked the patient to answer a brief question, the patient stubbornly repeated it according to his own thinking process. This Thinking association disorder It is mainly found in various brains organic The most typical mental disorder caused by damage is epileptic mental disorder.

Thought interruption

In the case of unconscious obstacles or external interference, the train of thought is suddenly blocked, which means that the conversation is suddenly interrupted. When the conversation stops for a while, the content or another topic has changed. Patients often describe that there is a "blank" or no explanation in the train of thought at the moment. Seen in schizophrenia.
When the consciousness is clear, there is no external reason, and the patient experiences that his thinking is taken away by some external force. It is an important symptom for diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Thought insertion

Patients feel that some kind of thinking does not belong to themselves, but is forced into the patient's brain by others or some external force. Some patients can make delusional explanations for these involuntary ideological processes.

Thought gathering

also called Compulsive thinking It means that the ideological trend is not dominated by the patient's will, and a large number of compulsory thoughts flow into the brain. The content is often chaotic. Patients are also surprised, even disgusted. It often appears suddenly and disappears rapidly. It is commonly seen in schizophrenia.

Thinking voice

When patients think, they experience their own thoughts and become speech sounds, which can be heard by themselves. It is one of the characteristic symptoms of schizophrenia.

Thought diffusion

As soon as patients experience their thoughts, they become known to everyone, and feel that their thoughts are shared with others without privacy, which is an important symptom in diagnosing schizophrenia.

Symbolic thinking

The patient will concrete concept And abstract conception Confusion: the patient uses irrelevant concrete concepts to represent an abstract concept, which cannot be understood by others without the patient's own explanation. It is commonly seen in schizophrenia.
The patient fuses and condenses concepts or words with different meanings, or makes irrelevant pieces, or creates words, graphics, symbols, and endows them with special concepts. Without the patient's explanation, others cannot understand them. It is commonly seen in schizophrenia.
The reasoning lacks logic, has neither premise nor basis, or confuse cause and effect , the reasoning is strange and incomprehensible. See in schizophrenia, etc.
It refers to some recurring thoughts, impulses, impressions or concepts, which the patient wants to eliminate when he/she knows they are unnecessary, unreasonable or meaningless, but it is difficult to restrain and get rid of. Often accompanied by nervousness, restlessness or Compulsive behavior See at obsession , schizophrenia (early or convalescence )Etc.