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Ideological and moral construction

One aspect of socialist spiritual construction
Ideological and moral construction is one aspect of socialist spiritual construction Civic morality We should follow and serve the Party's line and program ideology In terms of theoretical guidance, we must adhere to the fundamental guiding position of Marxism. stay Ideology We must not diversify our guiding ideology, which is a basic position that we must always adhere to in the ideological and moral construction of the primary stage of socialism.
On October 18, 2017, in the report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out that we should strengthen the ideological and moral construction, improve the people's ideological awareness, moral standards, and civilization, and improve the overall Social civilization Degree. [1]
Chinese name
Ideological and moral construction
guiding ideology
Spiritual construction
Scope of application
People all over the country
Theoretical concept
The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics must be inherited by today's minors, Chinese nation It is up to today's minors to create a better future. The quality of minors determines the future development and destiny of the Chinese nation. Education and training of minors should not only vigorously improve their science Cultural quality And physical health, but also to vigorously improve their ideological and moral quality. At present and in the future, the guiding ideology for strengthening and improving the ideological and moral construction of minors is to adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixteenth National Congress, and comprehensively implement< Outline of patriotism education >、< Implementation Outline of Civic Ethics Construction >, closely combining the reality of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and aiming at the characteristics of physical and mental growth of minors, Active exploration New Century New stage The law of ideological and moral construction of minors, adhere to the people-oriented principle, and educate and guide minors to establish socialism with Chinese characteristics Ideal and belief And correct world outlook outlook on life , values, cultivate noble Ideological quality And good Moral sentiment , strive to cultivate Ideal, moral, educated and disciplined Virtue, intelligence, physique and beauty Comprehensive development And successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The whole party and society of the Communist Party of China should, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Committee, attach great importance to and care passionately about the healthy growth of minors, and in particular, vigorously strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors. We should give full play to the role of schools, families and communities, and the role of the Communist Youth League, the Young Pioneers Women's Federation , trade unions and other organizations to enhance the working force, improve the overall effect, and form a good situation where the whole party and society care about the ideological and moral construction of minors. We should strive to create favorable Public opinion environment Cultural environment and legal environment And form a good social atmosphere of respecting, caring, caring and helping minors. We should vigorously carry forward the spirit of seeking truth and pragmatism, advancing with the times, and strengthen Research We should conscientiously sum up our experience, strive to explore and grasp the laws of the ideological and moral construction of minors under the new situation, and truly implement the requirements of strengthening and improving the ideological and moral construction of minors.