Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture

Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Nujiang (Nujiang Prefecture) generally refers to Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, referred to as "Nujiang Prefecture" [44] , Yes Yunnan Province It governs the national autonomous prefecture, which is located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, between 98 ° 39 ′~99 ° 39 ′ E and 25 ° 33 ′~28 ° 23 ′ N, and connects to the north Tibet Autonomous Region Linzhi City Chayu County , northeast Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture , east lijiang , Southeast Company Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture , south baoshan With a total area of 14703 square kilometers. [10] By the end of 2023, the permanent population of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will be 535000. [41] As of May 2023, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has jurisdiction over one county-level city, one county, two autonomous counties, and Daliandi Street, Lushui City, the People's Government of the prefecture. [31]
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture gets its name because Nujiang River runs through the whole territory from north to south. It is the only Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in China, of which Dulong nationality and Nu nationality It is a unique ethnic group in Nujiang River. Nujiang Prefecture is an autonomous prefecture with the most ethnic groups in China and the largest population of ethnic minorities in China. [11] Nujiang Prefecture boasts the "Three Parallel Rivers" World Natural Heritage, Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve, and the reputation of "Natural Landform Museum, Biological Species Gene Bank, Virgin Land of Human Civilization, National Culture Grand View Garden". Representative scenic spots in the territory include Dulong River, Bingzhongluo, Shiyue, Laowo Mountain, etc. [32]
In 2022, the gross domestic product of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will reach 24.993 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 3.6%. [9]
Chinese name
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Foreign name
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Nujiang [44]
area number
five hundred and thirty-three thousand and three hundred
Administrative Region Category
autonomous prefecture
Yunnan Province
geographical position
The western border of Yunnan, adjacent to Myanmar
14703 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 county-level city, 1 county, 2 autonomous counties
Government residence
Daliandi Street, Lushui City
Area Code
Postal Code
six hundred and seventy-three thousand and two hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical mountain monsoon climate
population size
535000 (Permanent population by the end of 2023)
Famous scenic spot
Nujiang Grand Canyon N'Mai River Gongshan Primitive Forest
License plate code
Cloud Q
24.993 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Han dynasty It belongs to Yuexi, Yizhou, Yongchang and other counties.
During the Jin and Wei Dynasties, it belonged to Yongchang, Yunnan, Hexi and other counties.
In the Tang Dynasty (Nanzhao), Lanping, Bijiang, Fugong and Gongshan belonged to Jianchuan Festival; Lushui belongs to Yongchang Festival.
In the days of Dali, Lanping was located in Lancangjiang Prefecture (later Lanxi Prefecture), which belonged to Moutong Prefecture, and Bijiang, Fugong and Gongshan belonged to Lanxi Prefecture; Lushui belongs to Shengxiang County.
In the Yuan Dynasty, Lanping was set up as Lanzhou Tuzhi Prefecture, which belonged to Lijiang Road; Gongshan is subordinate to Linxi County and Lijiang Road with Bijiang and Fugong; Lushui belongs to Yunlongdian Military and Civil Mansion and Yongchang Mansion respectively.
In the Ming Dynasty, Lanzhou (Lanping) Tuzhizhou, Bijiang and Fugong were subordinate to Lijiang Military and Civilian Mansion; Gongshan is subordinate to Linxi County CommScope, Yezhitu Qianzong, and belongs to Lijiang Military and Civilian Mansion; On the east bank of Nujiang River in Lushui, there are Liuku and Laowo Tuqian, which belong to Yunlong Prefecture. On the west bank of Nujiang River, there are Denggang, Luzhang Tuqian and Maozhao Tuba, which belong to Baoshan County, Yongchang Prefecture.
In the Qing Dynasty, the local governor of Lanzhou was changed into a local governor of Lanzhou. Lanzhou, Bijiang and Fugong belong to Lijiang Prefecture; Gongshan belongs to the Acorus bucket area of Weixiting; Lushui Liuku and Laowo Tuqian belong to Yunlongzhou, and Denggeng, Luzhang and Maozhao Tuqian belong to Baoshan County, Yongchang Prefecture.
After the Revolution of 1911, Yunnan's "Nuqiu Border Colonization Corps" split into the Nujiang River and established three "Border Colonization Offices", namely Zhiziluo, Shangpa and Changputong. The "Border Colonization Bureau" was set up in Yingpan Street, Lanping County, directly exercising military and political jurisdiction over this side of the area, which will belong to Denggeng, Luzhang, Maozhao and their original owners in Baoshan County Yunlong County Liuku, Daxingdi and other places were merged to establish Luzhang Administrative Office.
In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), the colonial offices were changed into administrative offices.
From the 17th year to the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1928~1933), the administrative offices were successively changed into administrative bureaus in Lushui, Bijiang, Fugong and Gongshan, which were subordinate to the Lijiang and Tengchong Administrative Inspectors' Offices.
In 1950, it belonged to Lijiang District and Baoshan District respectively.
On August 23, 1954, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Region was established, and the People's Government of the Autonomous Region was stationed in Zhiziluo, Bijiang County. The three counties of Bijiang (Bijiang County Lisu Autonomous Region was revoked, and restored to be a county, and stationed in Zhiziluo), Fugong (Fugong County Lisu Autonomous Region was revoked, and restored to be a county, and stationed in Shangpa Street), Gongshan (Gongshan County Lisu Autonomous Region was revoked, and restored to be a county, and stationed in Dangdang Village), and Lushui County (in Luzhang Street), which was formerly a Baoshan Prefecture, are included in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Region.
On October 1, 1956, the original Gongshan County was changed into Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County.
On January 18, 1957, according to the Constitution, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Region was renamed Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. [38]

administrative division


Division evolution

In 1957, Lanping County (stationed in Lajijing), formerly part of Lijiang District, was incorporated into Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture.
On June 4, 1961, according to the provisions of the Sino Myanmar Friendship and Non aggression Treaty and the Sino Myanmar Boundary Treaty, the Chinese government officially withdrew Piece horse Pangugang Special Zone was established under Lijiang Special Zone. In September 1966, it belonged to Lushui County and Pangma Township was established.
In 1973, the Revolutionary Committee of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture moved from Zhiziluo, Bijiang County, to Xinzhai Township, Liuku District, Lushui County. It governs four counties, Lushui (in Luzhang Street), Bijiang (in Pihe Commune), Fugong (in Shangpa Street), Lanping (in Lajing Street) and Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County (in Cikai Commune).
On September 24, 1986, with the approval of the State Council, the organizational system of Bijiang County was revoked, and the territories were respectively assigned to Lushui County and Fugong County.
On November 27, 1987, with the approval of the State Council, Lanping County was revoked and Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County was established.
In 1988, Lanping County was changed into Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County.
On January 5, 2004, the Ministry of Civil Affairs approved the relocation of the People's Government of Lushui County from Luzhang Town to Liuku Street.
In 2006, Nujiang Prefecture had a total area of 14703 square kilometers. With a total population of 520400, it has jurisdiction over 2 counties, 2 autonomous counties, 9 towns, 17 townships, 3 ethnic townships, 10 neighborhood committees, and 258 village committees.
In 2016, the Reply of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China on Approving Yunnan Province to Revoke Lushui County and Establish a County level Lushui City (MH [2016] No. 176): with the approval of the State Council, it is agreed to revoke Lushui County and establish a county level Lushui City. The original administrative region of Lushui County is the administrative region of Lushui City, and the People's Government of Lushui City is located at No. 1 Longjiang Road, Liuku Street. Lushui City is under the jurisdiction of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. [38]
Standard Map of Nujiang Prefecture

Zoning Details

As of May 2023, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has jurisdiction over one county-level city, one county and two autonomous counties: Lushui City Fugong County Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County Daliandi Street, Lushui City, People's Government of Lushui Prefecture. [31] [39]
the measure of area
County government residence
Township, town and street under its jurisdiction
2938 square kilometers
2804 square kilometers
4455 square kilometers
4506 square kilometers
Note: Data of townships, towns and sub districts under its jurisdiction as of October 2023

geographical environment


Location context

Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, between 98 ° 09 ′~99 ° 39 ′ E and 25 ° 33 ′~28 ° 23 ′ N. Donglian Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture lijiang , West Neighbor Myanmar , south baoshan , bordering Nyingchi, Tibet Autonomous Region in the north Chayu County The boundary line within the territory is 449.467 kilometers long. The maximum longitudinal distance between the south and north of the prefecture is 320.4 kilometers, and the maximum transverse distance between the east and west is 153 kilometers, with a total area of 14703 square kilometers. [10-11]
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture

topographic features

The terrain of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is high in the north and low in the south. The four mountains of Dandang Lika Mountain, Gaoligong Mountain, Biluo Snow Mountain and Yunling Mountain range run from north to south, facing each other from east to west; Dulong River, Nujiang River and Lancang River flow from north to south among four mountains, forming a unique landform of "four mountains and three rivers". Nujiang River Grand Canyon is 316 kilometers long, with a height difference of more than 5000 meters and an average depth of 2000 meters. It is U-shaped in flood season and V-shaped in dry season. More than 98% of the prefecture's area is high mountains and canyons, with many mountains, large mountains and steep mountains. Nujiang Prefecture has more than 40 mountains above 4000 meters above sea level. The highest peak is Chululaka Peak in Gaoligong Mountain. The local people call it Gawagapu Peak, which is 5128m above sea level. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. There is a modern suspended glacier about 3km long, and the front edge of the ice tongue extends down to 4000m above sea level. The lowest point in the prefecture is Lengshuigou, Manyun Village, Lushui City, 738 meters above sea level. [18]
Gaoqing Map of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Satellite Map of Nujiang Prefecture
Topographic Map of Nujiang Prefecture
Nujiangzhou Electronic Map


The weather in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture varies greatly with different climates. The climate of Nujiang Prefecture has the common characteristics of the low latitude plateau monsoon climate with small annual temperature difference, large daily temperature and distinct wet seasons in Yunnan, and no obvious distinction between the four seasons. At the same time, due to the impact of landform and latitude differences, it is cold in the north, warm in the middle, and hot in the south; The high mountains are cold, the middle mountains are warm, and the riverside is hot; In some areas, the rainy season starts early, the dry season is short, the warm season lasts long, and there is no early spring. The three-dimensional climate shows the unique climatic characteristics of the chopsticks. There are two rainy seasons in Fugong and Gongshan in the north, one is the "Peach Blossom Flood" or "Spring Flood" from February to April, and the other is the main flood season from May to October. [14]
The average annual temperature in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is 15.8 ℃, the average temperature in the hottest month is 22.2 ℃, the average temperature in the coldest month is 9.1 ℃, the maximum temperature in extreme days is 40.3 ℃, and the minimum temperature in extreme days is - 10.2 ℃. The annual average precipitation is 1301.9 mm, the maximum monthly average precipitation is 214.1 mm, and the minimum monthly average precipitation is 18.6 mm; The average precipitation of Fugong and Gongshan from February to April is 591.4 mm, accounting for 36% of the annual precipitation, and the average precipitation from May to October is 899.7 mm, accounting for 55% of the annual precipitation; The average precipitation of Lushui and Lanping from May to October is 827.15mm, accounting for 84% of the annual precipitation. The annual average wind speed is 1.1 m/s, and the wind direction is mostly southerly. The annual average sunshine hours are 1576.8 hours, and the annual average evaporation is 1420.2 mm. [14]


Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has dense rivers, criss crossing, belonging to Nujiang River Lancang River Irrawaddy River Yangtze River Four major water systems. There are 292 rivers in the whole prefecture, including 6 rivers with a catchment area of more than 500 square kilometers, namely Nujiang River, Lancang River, Dulong River, Laowo River, Bijiang River and Tongdian River; There are 30 rivers with a catchment area of 500 square kilometers to 100 square kilometers; There are 53 rivers with a catchment area of 100 square kilometers to 50 square kilometers; There are 203 rivers with catchment area less than 50 square kilometers. [13]
Nujiang River


The types of soil species formed in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture are relatively complex. There are 11 species, 29 soil genera and 55 soil species in the whole prefecture, including 29 paddy soils and 35 dry land soils, forming horizontal, vertical and regional distribution characteristics. The soil in Lushui, Fugong and Gongshan counties (cities) is acidic, while the soil in Lanping County is alkaline. Soil organic matter content is high and potassium element is rich. The river bank of the valley below 1500 above sea level is mainly lateritic red soil, red soil; Half mountain area with an altitude of about 2000 meters is mainly yellow red soil and yellow brown soil; The mountain area with an altitude of 2500~3000 meters is mainly brown soil and dark brown soil. Above 3000 meters, grey brown forest soil and alpine meadow soil are in order. [12]

natural resources


land resource

By 2023, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will cover an area of 1458451.07 hectares and 68805.86 hectares of cultivated land (including 7450.48 hectares of paddy fields, 2204.75 hectares of irrigated land and 59150.63 hectares of dry land); 1081388.58 hectares of forest land (including 909493.28 hectares of forest land, 125664.33 hectares of shrub land, and 46230.97 hectares of other forest land); 122253.99 hectares of grassland (including 3894.33 hectares of natural grassland, 211.73 hectares of artificial grassland and 118147.93 hectares of other grassland). The land resources of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry are 1272448.43 hectares, accounting for 87.25% of the total land area of the prefecture. The land for water area and water conservancy facilities is 120432.98 hectares, accounting for 9.14% of the total land area of the state (including 8448.66 hectares of river surface, 248.89 hectares of lake surface, 160.78 hectares of reservoir surface, 132.48 hectares of pit and pond surface, 1085.00 hectares of inland beach, 2059.29 hectares of ditches, 85.05 hectares of hydraulic construction land, 108212.83 hectares of glaciers and permanent snow); Other land is 52707.65 hectares, accounting for 3.61% of the total land area of the state (including 55.90 hectares of facility agricultural land, accounting for 0.10% of the total land area of the state; 30203.97 hectares of ridge area, accounting for 57.35%; 45.31 hectares of marshland, accounting for 0.09%; 22402.47 hectares of bare land, accounting for 42.46%). [12]

Biological resources

  • plant resources
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has a large area of intact virgin forest distribution. The vegetation type, species richness and degree of endemism rank first in the world's continental flora. The vegetation is dominated by monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, medium mountain wet evergreen broad-leaved forest, warm coniferous forest, warm cool coniferous forest, cold temperature dark coniferous forest, cold temperature shrubs and warm shrubs. Due to the large altitude difference, the vertical belt spectrum of mountain vegetation is obvious. From the valley to the ridge, it is divided into monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest belt, warm shrub and reed like shrub belt, semi humid evergreen broad-leaved forest and warm coniferous forest belt, medium mountain wet evergreen broad-leaved forest belt, warm cool coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest belt, cold warm dark coniferous forest belt and alpine subalpine shrub meadow belt. Because Nujiang River is affected by the different climate of Nujiang River and Dulong River, as well as the barrier of Gaoligong Mountain to water, the vertical belt spectrum of mountain vegetation in Nujiang River basin and Dulong River basin is also different. [16]
  • Animal resources
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is rich in animal resources with a wide range of species. There are 205 species of mammals, 525 species of birds (including subspecies), 76 species of reptiles, 52 species of amphibians, 49 species and subspecies of fish, and more than 1720 species of insects. There are 36 species of national first-class protected animals, 190 species of national second-class protected animals, 5 species of provincial protected animals, and 19 species listed in the appendix of CITES. Rhinopithecus strykeri Trachypithecus pileatus Gongshan muntjac Gaoligong takin The endangered species of small populations, such as the white tailed pheasant and the white tailed pheasant, are mainly distributed in Nujiang Prefecture. Primates are rich in resources, including Nujiang Golden Monkey, Yunnan Golden Monkey Presbytis phayrei , hooded langur Macaque Indo Chinese Macaca mulatta Bear monkey Macaca mulatta Tibetan macaque Celestial gibbon West Black crested Gibbon and Macaca mulatta There are 12 species in total, accounting for 41.38% of 29 primate species in China and 66.67% of 18 primate species in Yunnan. It is the area with the most concentrated distribution of primate species in China. [15]

water resource

The total amount of water resources in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is 22.61 billion cubic meters, and the reserve of hydropower resources is 21.32 million kilowatts, accounting for 20% of the reserve of hydropower resources in Yunnan Province. The available installed capacity is 18 million kilowatts, and the annual power generation can reach 85 billion kilowatt hours, accounting for 19% of Yunnan Province. Two mainstream hydropower projects have been completed in the prefecture, namely Huangdeng Hydropower Station and Dahua Hydropower Station on the main stream of Lancang River, with a total installed capacity of 2.82 million kilowatts. There are 98 small and medium-sized hydropower stations operating on the grid with an installed capacity of 1546800 kilowatts, and 4 under construction with an installed capacity of 124600 kilowatts. [17]


By the end of 2019, the total permanent population of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture had reached 557000. Among them: 192700 in Lushui City, 102800 in Fugong County, 39500 in Gongshan County and 222000 in Lanping County. The urbanization rate reached 34.4%. [6]
According to the data of the seventh census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture is 552694. [3]
By the end of 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has a permanent population of 546000. [4]
By the end of 2023, the permanent population of the prefecture will be 535000, 11000 fewer than that in 2022. The urban permanent population of the prefecture is 290000, 4000 fewer than that in 2022; The rural permanent population is 245000, 7000 fewer than that in 2022; The urbanization rate is 54.21%, 0.33 percentage points higher than that in 2022. [42]
Change of permanent population in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture (2018~2022)
Reference source [3-7]


Current leaders (leader information statistics up to April 2024)
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China
Secretary of the State Party Committee
People's Congress of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Standing Committee
Deputy Director
Secretary general
People's Government of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Deputy Secretary of the State Party Committee, Governor
Lieutenant governor
Secretary general
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Committee
reference material: [19] [33-35] [40] [43]




In 2022, the gross domestic product of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will reach 24.993 billion yuan, a comparable increase of 3.6%. Among them, the primary industry completed 3.93 billion yuan, up 5% year on year; The secondary industry reached 9.462 billion yuan, up 2.9% year on year; The tertiary industry completed 11.601 billion yuan, up 3.6% year on year. The ratio of three industrial structures is 15.7:37.9:46.4. [9]
Change of Gross Domestic Product (2018~2022) of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture
Reference source [2] [6-9]
In 2022, the local general public budget revenue of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will be 1.503 billion yuan, a decrease of 5.1% in natural caliber and an increase of 5.8% in the same caliber; The general public budget expenditure of the prefecture was 13.427 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year. Non tax revenue reached 741 million yuan, up 9% year on year. The general budget expenditure was 13.427 billion yuan, up 4.3% year on year. Fixed asset investment increased by 4.9% year on year. The income of all residents was 15311 yuan, up 6.0% year on year; Consumption expenditure was 11440 yuan, up 3.0% year on year. [9]

primary industry

In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will achieve a total output value of 6.134 billion yuan for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, with a comparable increase of 5.5%. Among them, the agricultural output value is 2.132 billion yuan, the forestry output value is 1.143 billion yuan, the animal husbandry output value is 2.678 billion yuan, the fishery output value is 15 million yuan, and the total output value of the agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery service industry is 166 million yuan. [9]
In 2022, the grain sown area of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will be 58666 hectares, up 1.0% year on year; The oil area was 1138.91 hectares, with a year-on-year increase of 20.5%; The annual total grain output was 169800 tons, up 2.0% year on year, and the oil production was 946.77 tons, up 13.2% year on year; Sugarcane output was 3531 tons, up 61.2% year on year. [9]
In 2022, there will be 443200 pigs in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, an increase of 3.32% year on year; There were 105700 cattle on hand, up 0.51% year on year; The sheep population was 395100, up 9.84% year on year; There were 1.987 million chickens on hand, up 9.69% year on year. 537800 pigs were sold, up 5.46% year on year; 24500 cattle were sold, up 4.54% year on year; 328200 sheep were sold, up 8.51% year on year; 2.1766 million chickens were sold, down 5.42% year on year. 42700 tons of pork, up 7.44% year on year; 2900 tons of beef, up 3.96% year on year; 4900 tons of mutton, up 6.06% year on year; 3200 tons of chicken, down 4.9% year on year; Eggs were 1400 tons, down 8.77% year on year. [9]

the secondary industry

In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will achieve a total industrial output value above designated size of 10.214 billion yuan, up 9% year on year; The industrial added value above designated size dropped by 0.4% year on year. Among them, the added value of mining industry decreased by 3.8% year on year, the added value of manufacturing industry increased by 0.3%, and the added value of power, heat, gas and water production and supply industry increased by 0.3%. By industry. The growth rate of added value of the five major industries in the whole prefecture was: nonferrous metal mining and processing industry decreased by 3.8% year on year, non-metallic mineral products industry decreased by 35.8% year on year, ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 12.5% year on year, nonferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 13.3% year on year, and power, heat production and supply industry increased by 0.3% year on year. [9]
In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will achieve an added value of 5.14 billion yuan in the whole social construction industry, an increase of 6.2% year on year at comparable prices. [9]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will complete the total retail sales of consumer goods of 4.139 billion yuan, up 3.3% year on year. From the perspective of industry. The wholesale industry was 1.229 billion yuan, up 8.4%; The retail industry was 4.211 billion yuan, up 12.1%; The accommodation industry was 239 million yuan, up 4%; The catering industry was 647 million yuan, up 4.2%. [9]
In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will achieve a total import and export volume of 236 million yuan, down 63% year on year. Among them, the export was 158 million yuan, up 152.3% year on year; Imports were 78 million yuan, down 86.3% year on year (the total volume of foreign trade imports and exports was based on customs statistics). [9]
In 2022, the business income of the postal industry in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture (excluding the direct business income of Postal Savings Bank) will reach 83 million yuan, up 7.29% year on year. Among them, the revenue from express business totaled 51 million yuan, up 8.39% year on year; The business income of postal delivery service totaled RMB 0.6 billion, up 2.03% year on year. The business income of telecom companies was 145.38 million yuan, up 12.58% year on year; The main business income of China Mobile is 353 million yuan. [9]
In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will receive 7.2612 million tourists, down 2.87% year on year. The total tourism revenue was 6.083 billion yuan, down 2.87% year on year. [9]
By the end of 2022, the balance of RMB deposits of financial institutions in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture had reached 26.474 billion yuan, up 1.86% year on year. The balance of household deposits reached 13.765 billion yuan, up 9.59% year on year. The balance of RMB loans of financial institutions reached 28.089 billion yuan, up 16.45% year on year. [9]


In 2022, in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Lanping General Airport Completed and opened to navigation, Baoding Luzhou Expressway The trial section of Guyandu Tunnel of Qingwudian Lanping Section of Liuku Lanping Highway of Provincial Highway S321 was completed and opened to traffic, the first phase of Weixi (West) to (Dian) and Lanping (Fu Gong) to (Gong) project of Class II highway was completed and opened to traffic, all administrative villages in the prefecture were 100% accessible to hardened roads and buses, and 138 bridges of all kinds leaped over Nujiang River, Lancang River and Dulong River. There are also Nujiang Liuku Airport, Gongshan (Bingzhongluo) General Airport, Fugongshi Moon Airport, Dulongjiang General Airport and so on. [20-22]

social undertakings


Science and technology

In 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture will win 10.03 million yuan of provincial science and technology funds. [9]


In 2022, there will be 31 ordinary middle schools in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, enrolling 12264 students (including junior and senior high school students) (11903 in the previous year), up 3.03% year on year; 34790 students (including junior high school and senior high school students) (34364 last year), up 1.24% year on year; 10834 graduates (10297 last year), up 5.22% year on year. 169 primary schools (169 in the previous year), up 0% year on year; 7979 students enrolled (8491 in the previous year), a year-on-year decrease of 6.02%; 53506 students (53806 last year), a year-on-year decrease of 0.55%; 8075 graduates (7725 last year), up 4.53% year on year. One special education institution, with 6 students enrolled, 159 students at school and 23 graduates. [9]

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has 5 state-owned art troupes (teams); 5 cultural centers; 5 public libraries; There are 31 township (town) cultural stations. 26 radio and television wireless transmitting stations. [9]

medical and health work

By the end of 2022, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture has 356 health and medical institutions. Including: 11 general hospitals, 2 TCM hospitals, 2 specialized hospitals, 5 disease prevention and control institutions, 5 maternity and child health care and family planning institutions, and 5 health supervision institutions; 1 central blood station; 28 township hospitals and 4 community service centers (stations); 33 outpatient departments (stations) and 260 village clinics (including village medical points). In 2022, there will be 5058 health personnel in the whole prefecture: 3981 health technicians, including 1190 licensed (assistant) doctors, 1641 registered nurses, 154 pharmacists, 198 inspectors, 183 other technicians, 24 health supervisors and 591 other health technicians; There are 185 other technicians, 128 managers, 201 workers, 563 rural doctors and health workers. [9]


In 2019, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture won 42 places in various national and provincial individual events. Among them, there were 16 gold medals, 12 silver medals and 14 bronze medals. [6]

Historical culture


Origin of name

Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture gets its name because Nujiang River runs through the whole territory from north to south. [11]

Drinking custom

The drinking wine of Lisu people is low in alcohol and tastes mellow. Every family can make wine. Whenever there are big or small happy events, they will take out their own wine and wine to drink happily. The most distinctive feature is that the guests and guests drink "Tongxin Wine" together. The scene of Lisu people drinking "Tongxin Liquor" is very enthusiastic. As long as the host can trust you, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are of the same generation or not, and whether you are a native or a foreigner, they will pour a large bowl in front of you.
Nu people attach great importance to women, girls and children. They believe that this is the guarantee for the continuity of the nation and the prosperity of the family. Therefore, in their reproductive customs, they often entertain guests with wine and honey. After the birth of the child, relatives and friends who have learned the good news will bring chicken, rice, piglets, wine and other gifts to the maternity home to congratulate them. The host family should prepare food and wine to entertain guests, which is called "wedding wine". At the wedding banquet, some sang the ancient "Creation Song", and some told legends to congratulate the birth of small creatures in various ways. The most grand ceremony for drinking the wedding wine is to invite the most prestigious old man in the village to wash the baby's face and sing a blessing speech while scrubbing. [23]

Tea drinking custom

The method of producing and processing Lisu "Lacasso" (that is, tea making) is as follows: first, put an appropriate amount of brick tea into a pot, boil the spring water, filter out the tea, put crushed walnut kernels, peanuts, hemp seeds, well mixed eggs, and an appropriate amount of salt and oil into a wooden tube to stir and crack, so that the tea can be mixed with the ingredients, and then poured out for drinking. The most important thing for Nu people to drink tea is lacquer oil. Eggs are rarely used as the ingredients for tea, but some spices such as rump are added. Therefore, the local people call this tea "lacquer oil tea". The Nu people believe that it is impolite and lose face if the guests cannot drink painted tea. It is impossible to appreciate the folk customs here without drinking a few bowls of tea when visiting Lisu and Nu families. Pumi people are used to drinking tea regularly three times a day in the morning, middle and evening, which is essential every day. They often drink butter tea, oil tea, salt tea and dragon tea with sugar and rice flower (also called rice flower tea). [23]

cultural relics and historic sites

  • Yushuiping Site
Yushuiping Site
Yushuiping Site Located in Yushuiping Village, Tongdian Town, Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, it is an ancient site from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age. [36]
Yushuiping Site Longxue Rock is located in the south of the north, with hills in the east and north, Tongdian River in the south and west. The road from Tongdian Town to Hexi Township passes under the Longxue Rock. Now there are five large caves distributed on the Longxue Rock from east to west, which are all calcium carbonate limestone caves. The upper layer of the site is the remains of the late Neolithic Age; The lower layer is the remains of the late Paleolithic Age, with the lower layer dating from 30000 to 15000 years ago. The pottery pieces unearthed from Yushuiping site are decorated with reticulated and curved patterns. The walls are uneven in thickness, and the fire is low. The recognizable objects include pots. The stone tools are made of gravel. There are stone axes, stone adzes, crescent shaped stone knives and other artifacts, which are polished smoothly. The outstanding relics in the site are bone needles with holes and roe deer teeth with holes. The bone needle is finely ground and has a round perforation. There are 7 roe deer teeth with holes. The discovery of Yushuiping Site has pushed forward the history of human activities in Nujiangzhou for at least 10000 years. It is not only the only Paleolithic site in Nujiang Prefecture, but also one of the most important sites in the late Paleolithic period in Yunnan. It is an important material for studying the relationship between the stone industry in Yunnan and North China, as well as the relationship with the surrounding Paleolithic culture. [36]
In May 2013, Yushuiping Site was announced by the State Council of the People's Republic of China as The seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units [37]

famous scenery

  • Yaping Ecological Tourism Scenic Spot
Yaping Ecological Tourism Scenic Spot is located in Gaoligong Mountain on the west bank of Nujiang River. It is an important part of the Three Parallel Rivers World Heritage and Nujiang River Grand Canyon. The scenic spot integrates beautiful and dangerous landscapes, rich and mellow Nu Lisu folk culture, and border customs. According to the distribution of main tourism resources such as snow mountains, bamboo seas, primitive forests, and folk houses, a new pattern of tourism development of "one core, four zones, and six clusters" will be constructed. Relying on the Great Western Yunnan Tourism Loop Line, and taking the development of on road travel and self driving travel services as the support point, a tourist attraction integrating mountain and canyon sightseeing, ethnic cultural experience, ecological scientific research, and secret land exploration will be built. [24]
  • Dulongjiang Canyon
Dulongjiang Canyon
Dulongjiang Canyon Located in Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County, it is known as the "Natural Museum of Wild Plants" and is one of the areas with the most complete preservation of primitive ecology in China. Here, there are continuous snow mountains and steep valleys. The Dulong people, known as the "ancient people", have lived here for generations. The rural roads extend in all directions, and the "Crowloo" ethnic tourism village and four-star hotel have been built. [25]
  • Pianma Anti British Hump Route Memorial Museum Scenic Spot
The Memorial Hall of Pianma Anti British Hump Route is located in Pianma Town, Lushui City, Nujiang Prefecture, mainly composed of Pianma Anti British Memorial Hall Nujiang Hump Route Memorial Hall And the Monument to the People's Victory in Anti British War in Pianma. The Nu River Hump Route Memorial Hall is the only exhibition hall in mainland China that displays the precious relics of the crash wreckage of the hump, and it is supplemented by detailed picture materials that comprehensively reflect the joint efforts of the Chinese and American people to fight against Japanese fascism and commemorate the heroic sacrifice of Chinese and American pilots on the hump route. The Pianma Anti British Memorial Hall is to commemorate the spirit of the anti British struggle of the horse people. In 1986, the Pianma Anti British Memorial Hall was built and officially opened to the public in 1989. It is the only anti British victory memorial hall on the frontier of Yunnan Province. The Monument to the People's Victory in Anti British War in Pianma is adjacent to the Memorial Hall. It has a unique shape. It takes the crossbow and arrow as the design prototype. The arrow feather rises from the ground, the arrow faces upward, and three shields are embedded on the top, symbolizing the three anti British teams; At the foot of the stele is a white marble stele. The front and back sides of the stele are carved in Chinese and Lisu respectively. [26]
  • Other attractions
Teng Bamboo Bridge
Pianma Port
Lanping Scenic Area
Miraculous geocenter
Lanping Post Road
Nujiang Grand Canyon
Charming Luoguoqing
Qingna Barrel Valley
Lisu Zutanghui
Nujiang Grand Canyon Rope
Old Mden Christian Church
The obedient lake embraced by ice and snow

Local specialty

  • Musk deer
Musk deer
Musk deer, also known as musk deer and sweet water deer, is a precious wild animal in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. The musk deer has short forelimbs, long hind limbs, small hooves and big ears, and both sexes have no horns. The body is brown and the back is deep; Some are grayish brown, and some are slightly rusty yellow stripes and spots. The fragrance formed by the dried secretion from the umbilical gland of male musk deer is musk, which is a very valuable medicinal material and perfume. The output of musk in Yunnan Province ranks fourth in China, and Nujiang region ranks first in Yunnan Province.
  • Dulong cattle
Dulong Niu comes from the Lisu language "Quani", which is translated into Chinese as "Dulong Niu". In 2000 and 2006, the genetic resources were listed in the National Conservation List of Livestock and Poultry Varieties and the FAO List of Endangered Agricultural and Livestock Genetic Resources; In 1987, it was listed in the Livestock and Poultry Varieties of Yunnan Province. On June 9, 2009, the Department of Agriculture of Yunnan Province announced No. 15 in 2009 to be listed in the "Provincial Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Protection List of Yunnan Province". Dulong cattle is a unique local genetic resource in Nujiangzhou. It has the appearance characteristics and habits of bison, strong foraging ability, wide range of travel, and strong adaptability and resistance. It has strong physique, symmetrical structure, high cold resistance, rough feeding resistance, good meat production performance, high reproduction rate and survival rate, high density of muscle fiber cells, small fiber diameter, long muscle cells, bottom spacing, tender meat, low intramuscular fat content, low fishy smell, and plump muscles. It has the characteristics of beef cattle, and is known as "a game delicacy of Nujiang people". [27]
  • Hand pilaf
Lisu Handmade Rice
Hand pilaf is a snack with local flavor of Lisu nationality. The way to choose the ingredients is: boil the local special fragrant rice and pour it into a clean dustpan, put the small yellow braised pork, turkey, cooked ham and fried potatoes, cold mixed houttuynia cordata, boiled pumpkin and special condiments on the rice, and then put a bowl of fresh chicken soup in front of each guest. Guests must wash their hands before eating "hand pilaf", and then sit together around the dustpan, with their left hand as the bowl and right hand as the chopsticks, while eating "hand pilaf" and drinking wine. [28]

Honorary title

In July 2018, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture was listed in the first batch of "Intangible Cultural Heritage+Poverty Alleviation" key support areas by the Comprehensive Department of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. [30]
On October 9, 2020, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture was awarded the title of the fourth batch of national ecological civilization construction demonstration cities and counties by the Ministry of Ecological Environment. [1]
On January 19, 2021, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture was named by the National Ethnic Affairs Commission as the eighth batch of demonstration units for national unity and progress. [29]