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Loyal customers

Social terminology
Customers refer to the users or recipients of enterprise products or services.
Loyal customers refer to those customers who continuously pay attention to and purchase enterprise products or services. Loyal customers are those who are very satisfied with and trust the enterprise and buy the products and services of the same enterprise for a long time and repeatedly. From the perspective of purchase behavior, it has four characteristics: directional purchase, repetitive purchase, relevant purchase, and recommended purchase. [1]
Loyal customers' purchase behavior is based on their trust in the enterprise. They believe that the enterprise can treat people honestly, have the ability to meet their expectations, and can provide valuable products and services. Therefore, they may not pay much attention to the price, and may try to distance themselves from each other. In addition, when the enterprise makes some mistakes, it is easier for them to understand. Because of this, they are willing to let more people understand and share these values. [2]
In the 1990s, Harvard University According to the data of service enterprises, the two professors of. In the research, the two professors found that customer loyalty is an important factor that cannot be ignored for enterprise profits. The cost of developing a new customer is generally 5-10 times higher than that of maintaining an old customer; However, maintaining an old customer brings much more value to the enterprise than developing a new customer. Pareto, an Italian economist and sociologist, also showed that the biggest source of enterprise operating profit is the repeated purchase of loyal customers accounting for 20% of the enterprise customer group. [2]
Chinese name
Loyal customers
Foreign name
Loyal customer
Customers who continuously pay attention to and purchase enterprise products or services
customer yes enterprise The concept of recognition and satisfaction
Marketing Strategies for Loyal Customers
Loyal customers have great value to enterprises, but customers will not automatically form loyalty to enterprises. Customer loyalty is built on the basis of customer satisfaction. Therefore, enterprises should pay attention to the following marketing strategies in the process of market cultivation of loyal customers:
1. Firmly establish the marketing of "customers are everything and everything is for customers" purpose
Loyal customers are the most valuable customers of an enterprise and the cornerstone for an enterprise to obtain sustainable profits. Therefore, enterprises should invest their main resources in maintaining and developing the relationship with loyal customers, and implement one-on-one customer service strategies.
While meeting the actual needs of loyal customers, we should also be ahead of the potential needs of loyal customers, and actively provide loyal customers with products and services that they may not be aware of but objectively have needs. Meet the potential and hidden needs of loyal customers by continuously providing them with products and services that exceed the expected value. On the basis of satisfying loyal customers, strive to increase the total value of customers' purchase, reduce the total cost of customers' purchase, and provide loyal customers with more“ customer delivered value ”Products. At the same time, through systematic research on loyal customers, we can improve the level of service to loyal customers and improve their loyalty, so as to maintain a long-term win-win relationship between enterprises and loyal customers, in order to obtain and maintain long-term competitive advantages of enterprises.
2. Establish a comprehensive customer database and perfect customer relationship management (CRM) system.
In order to provide better services for loyal customers, enterprises should establish detailed and effective customer data databases. Through the database to track customer transactions, and use database technology to carry out extensive statistics, analysis and data mining, in order to effectively calculate customer loyalty.
At the same time, enterprises should also establish and improve customer relationship management (CRM) system. Through the customer relationship management (CRM) system, collect, track and analyze the information of each customer, strengthen the communication with loyal customers, so as to know who they are and what they need, so that enterprises can have a comprehensive understanding of customers. On this basis, the perfect customer relationship management (CRM) system is used to grasp the customer demand, reduce the investment and development risk of new products, shorten the development cycle of new products, and realize the "user cooperation mode" in the process of new product development. Finally, through the perfect customer relationship management (CRM) system, observe and analyze the influence of loyal customers' behavior on enterprise income, so that the relationship between enterprises and loyal customers and enterprise profits can be optimized.
3. Earnestly listen to customer feedback and suggestions, and properly handle customer complaints.
In the marketing process of enterprises, there are always mistakes in the service of enterprises. Service mistakes hurt the feelings of customers, which will inevitably lead to customer dissatisfaction, complaints and even deviation. However, if the enterprise can remedy the situation in a timely manner, such as apologizing, giving gifts, providing free additional services and other ways to express its sincere apology to customers, it can regain the trust of customers.
According to the White House National Consumer Survey, 81% of customers will not return if their complaints are not resolved, and 82% of customers will continue to interact with enterprises if their complaints are resolved quickly. Another view is that after service recovery, customers may be more loyal than before, because customers can easily feel the care of the enterprise in difficult times. According to the experience of IBM, if the after-sales problems can be solved quickly and successfully, the customer satisfaction will be higher than before.