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Voluntary military service

The system of recruiting volunteers to join the army
Volunteer military service system refers to the system of recruiting volunteers to join the army. A way for the army to replenish its troops.
Chinese name
Voluntary military service
Foreign name
voluntary service system

System introduction

The people's army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has always practiced voluntary military service during all previous revolutionary wars. Through political education and mobilization, we will stimulate the political enthusiasm of the broad masses of workers and peasants, revolutionary intellectuals, insurgent soldiers and other patriotic elements, so that they can actively respond to the call for national liberation and the interests of the people, voluntarily join the people's army, and serve for a long time without pay. They and their families enjoy high political status and honor, and are well treated and respected by the revolutionary government and the people. This system has played an important role in ensuring the development and growth of the people's army and winning the victory of the Chinese revolutionary war. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the system of voluntary military service continued.

Historical evolution

Published in July 1955《 Law of the People's Republic of China on Military Service 》, stipulated to implement Compulsory military service
On March 7, 1978, the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress decided to change the compulsory military service system into a military service system that combines conscripts and volunteers. Volunteers are selected from the conscripts who have extended their service and remain in the army to continue their service.
The Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China, promulgated in May 1984, stipulates the implementation of a military service system that combines conscripts with volunteers, and militia with reserves, with the compulsory military service system as the main body.
The Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China, revised in December 1998, provides for the implementation of a military service system that combines conscripts with volunteers and militia with reserve service. Upon the expiration of two years of active service, a conscript shall, according to the needs of the army and on his own free will, be changed into a volunteer (also called a non commissioned officer) with the approval of a unit at or above the regimental level. Volunteers shall perform active service at different levels. The maximum length of active service for volunteers is 6 years for junior and 8 years for intermediate non commissioned officers, and 14 years or more for senior non commissioned officers. According to the needs of the military, volunteers can also be appointed from non commissioned officers and cadets graduated from military academies, or recruited directly from citizens with professional skills in non military departments. Volunteers who have been discharged from active service for less than 12 years shall be accepted by the local people's government at or above the county level in the place of their resettlement; At the end of 12 years, the local people's government at or above the county level in the resettlement area shall arrange work; Those who have served 30 years of active service or have reached the age of 55 shall be resettled for retirement. This system plays an important role in keeping the technical backbone of the army and improving its combat effectiveness. Britain, the United States and other countries also call the conscription system they have implemented voluntary military service. In peacetime, citizens who meet the conditions for active service sign contracts with the military to serve in the military.
Publisher: China Military Encyclopedia Editorial Office [1]