
One of the Twelve Titans
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Twelve Titans One of the first names of "θε" appeared in Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture [1] In the middle, it is the yin of "θε ∨ (God, Goddess)", which means "Goddess, Goddess". Hesiod thought she was Gaia and Ulanos Daughter, in later myths, has received general support [1-3] stay Homer In the prayer song, it is called "ε ὐ ρν ≤ε σ σ α (transliteration: Euryphaesa)", which literally means "vast light" [4] Therefore, she is regarded as the ancient goddess of light.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Gaia Ulanos
Helios Selenaeus
Teya( Ancient Greek Θεία , English: Theia MYTHOS in Twelve Titans one of [1] , Prayer for Helios [3] It is called "ε ὐ ρ ∨ ≤ε σ α β ῶ π ∨ (the eye-catching Euryfaesa, β ῶ π ∨, literally means" Niu Mou " [4] ), according to Hesiod Of《 Divine Scripture 》She and Sepperion The union gave birth Helios Helios , Moon Goddess Selene and Dawn Goddess Eos Therefore, she is called the Mother of the Light Gods. ancient Greek A great poet Pindar The direct call to Teya is "ᾶᾶἉἉἉἉἉ" [5-6] ”。
The ancient Greeks believed that the eye would emit a light like a lamp, and people could see things only when it shone on objects. Therefore, Thea represents vision and light in a clear sky. Her name may be derived from the ancient Greek meaning of "vision". Pindar called her "multi named Thea", which seemed to imply her assimilation with some goddesses, not only referring to similar mothers of light, such as Phoebe and Leto , may also include Ruiya Cybele And some more common mother gods.