psychological feature

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psychological phenomenon Divided into Psychological process mentality And psychological characteristics. Psychological characteristics refer to Psychological activities The stability that is often shown in the process. [1]
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psychological feature
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psychology feature
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For example, some people observe keenly and accurately, while others observe carelessly; Some people think flexibly, while others think deeply; Some people Emotional stability Introverted, some people are prone to emotional fluctuations, extroverted; Some people act decisively, others irresolute and hesitant , etc. These differences reflect individual differences in ability, temperament and personality. [1]


According to the difference of their stability, psychological phenomena can be divided into three types: psychological process, psychological state and psychological characteristics, among which psychological characteristics can be further divided into Conditioned reflex And Unconditioned reflex Two. And the psychological characteristics are further based on stability, and if the use and scope of reference action activities are mixed point Different, it can be divided into ability, temperament, character, etc. Psychological characteristics can be divided into human nature Personality trait And character accomplishment.

Form of expression

psychological phenomenon It can be divided into two aspects: psychological process and psychological characteristics, which are directly expressed by the psychological state formed on the basis of the combination and unity of the two. In other words, all psychological phenomena are actually directly expressed in the psychological state, which is exactly Soviet Russian Psychology The master Pavlov understood psychology as the science of mental state. [2]


"The psychological state is from the psychological process to Individual psychological characteristics Intermediate transition link of transformation ", [3] A certain psychological state may be transformed into individual corresponding psychological characteristics (especially personality) after people's multiple psychological state experiences, so people's certain psychological state is easily confused with the corresponding psychological characteristics. For example, the confusion between courage and boldness, patience and perseverance, and anxiety and enthusiasm. [2]

Psychological effect

Woodworth, an American psychologist, created the concept of motivation in 1918, and defined motivation as the internal motivation that determines behavior. From a philosophical perspective, human behavior is the interaction between individuals and the external environment, and accordingly Psychological activities In terms of level, the so-called "individual itself" refers to the psychological characteristics of human beings, because this is the most stable level of psychological activities and only has Representativeness Part of; The "interaction and reflection between individuals and the external environment", from the perspective of psychological activities, means that individuals objective things The reaction of this Psychological process Therefore, from the perspective of psychological activities, behavior is the process and result of the interaction between individual psychological characteristics and their psychological processes. However, due to the interaction and reaction between psychological characteristics and psychological processes mentality Therefore, from the perspective of psychological activities: Behavioral motivation In fact, it belongs to the psychological state.
In the running state of the machine, it really provides energy for the machine drive It refers to power and other energy sources. We can't think that starting and manipulating is the energy of the machine's running state just because starting and manipulating make the machine run. In contrast, in the psychological state, what really provides energy for the psychological state or behavior is the psychological characteristics including individual ability, intelligence, temperament, personality, etc Affective process and Conscious process Elicitation When we think of behavior, we think that these psychological processes are the potential energy of mental state and behavior.
Just as power and other machines work Raw energy It is a natural or refined result. The psychological characteristics in the formation of psychological state elements are almost the same, which originate from people's innate, past training and life experience Results. Congenital non in psychological characteristics Conditioned reflex Instinct can provide physiological driving force for the formation of mental state, acquired conditioned instinct, skills, physical ability and other abilities can provide potential possibilities for mental state to complete tasks, while personality can provide individual unique habitual attitude and behavioral reaction force for completing group and long-term goals. [2]

And personality tendency

Personality tendency is the belief in Behavioral goal Task performance. belief It refers to people's ideas and consciousness about themselves Behavioral tendency , strong and firm conviction and trust, which is a stable unity of corresponding cognitive process, emotional process and consciousness process in psychological process or psychological performance. Belief in psychology Reaction process In addition to the corresponding belief and worldview in the cognitive process, and the dignity and respect consciousness of the corresponding things in the emotional process, it will also show the corresponding personality tendency in the conscious process. The so-called personality tendency refers to people's active Directivity It is the reflection of individuals' fundamental direction of their thoughts, words and deeds and their control ability. Personality tendencies can be divided into aspiration and interest according to their different origins and production processes. The personality tendencies formed on the basis of rational concepts such as individual belief in the world outlook are called aspiration, while the personality tendencies formed on the basis of perceptual concepts such as individual hobbies and interests are called interest. Personality tendency is the basic standard for individuals to judge good and evil, beauty and ugliness, good and bad. [2]
Personality tendency is the result of passive or active selection of the conflicting instincts (psychological characteristics) in the individual's inner heart. The formation process of individual personality tendency will always struggle and compromise with each other in their own hearts on the basis of their contradictory and conflicting instincts (psychological characteristics), with their own belief world outlook, dignity awareness, etc. as the standard, and finally recognize the instinctive nature of voluntary behavior, so that they will be aware of different opportunities Different things show different attention, evaluation, allocation and esteem. On the basis of the balance and unity of the individual's belief world outlook, dignity and respect consciousness and their corresponding aspirations, individuals can fundamentally choose between the corresponding behavior goals and behavior processes in specific behavior efforts, which is to promote the external awareness (confidence response) and internal awareness (attitude response) of behavior Corresponding combination can take place on behavior task goals volitive process [2]
If personality tendency is determined by human entirety To individuation, it can be divided into human nature Personality trait And character accomplishment. [4] Human nature refers to the psychological attributes commonly possessed by human beings, including human innate learning instinct Psychological growth And the instinct of evolution, the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages; Personality traits refer to the psychological characteristics that are unique to individuals or corresponding groups through genetic or physical changes, including the unique temperament, intelligence, physical ability, etc. of individuals. Both human nature and personality traits are innate or naturally generated through the growth and development of the acquired, while personality accomplishment refers to the acquired human and related external environmental effect The psychological characteristics that can only be possessed include the ability, knowledge, experience, character, habit and conduct that can only be possessed after the acquired experience, training, learning and cultivation. Personality traits can exist based on human nature, and personality traits can also exist in parallel with human nature, while personality literacy is developed and evolved on the basis of human nature and personality traits. [2]