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Miguel Pry de Rivera

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Spanish politicians
synonym Derhivira (Spanish soldiers) Miguel Pri de Rivera in general
Miguel Primo de Rivera (January 8, 1870-March 16, 1930) politician , the Prime Minister of Spain from September 1923 to January 1930.
Chinese name
Miguel Pry de Rivera
Foreign name
Miguel Primo de Rivera
date of birth
January 8, 1870
Date of death
March 16, 1930
Militarist , politician
one's native heath

Personal experience

Miguel Pry de Rivera in 1921
Miguel Pry de Rivera once founded a nationalism The regime of China tried to unify the country with the slogan of "state, religion and monarchy". His high handed methods have caused widespread dissatisfaction among the people. Born in a military family, he graduated from the Military Academy in 1888 and was later sent to Morocco Cuba and the Philippines Be an officer. In 1915, he served as the military chief of Cadiz, and four years later, he served as the guardian of Valencia, resolutely suppressing the riots. He believes that the unrest and unrest throughout the country are corrupt and incompetent Parliamentary system Degree. So after the coup in May 1923, he dissolution The parliament stopped implementing all items in the constitution ensure He was the biggest achievement It ended successfully in 1927 Seymour War (Tens of thousands of Spanish soldiers in Morocco were once“ guerrilla detachment ”After the defeat, Derhivira led a group of elite soldiers to fight in Mogadishu and won a big victory). His success won the king Alfonso XIII I appreciate that he is solving labor disputes and holding public utilities cause Some achievements have also been made. But his government Didn't get middle class We cannot carry out thorough land reform because we rely on the landlord class. De Rivera tried to establish a strong political party loyal to the Spanish tradition, but his patriotic alliance failed to realize this wish. In 1926, there were three attempts to overthrow the regime of Derhivira by force, and the dissatisfaction of the masses with this regime was growing. By 1929, discontent had spread to Sociology All classes of. When the Army stopped supporting him, he had to resignation And died soon after.
De Rivera (right) and Alfonso XIII in 1930

Family situation

Derhivira Statue
His son Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera It's a fascist party Spanish Lance Party Founder of.