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Characters in Mahabharata
Drona's Epic in Ancient India《 Mahabharata 》China is the guru of the Gulu and Pandu nationalities. During the Borneo War, Drona and bhishma Similarly, he is also a great warrior with high prestige.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Nissar Khan (2013 TV series Mahabharata)
Debut works

Life experience

Drona's father was the Brahraraj. During a sacrificial activity, Brahmaputra happened to see the jade body of the Heavenly Maiden, Halidaji, and couldn't help but let the Yuanyang come out. He put the semen into a wooden bowl, and from this, Drona was born.
Drona is the guru of the gods in the heaven Sacrifice the Master Immortal Part of.


The name Dro ṇ a/्रोण means "wooden bowl". The name comes from his birth experience.

Weapons and magic weapons


Divine Sword and Armor

Drona has the original sword, Asi, which was born in the mind of Brahman and was handed over to Rudra to kill Tannava. Later, the original sword belonged to Indra, King Manu and the kings of the Sun Dynasty, and was handed over to Drona through the hand of Brahrarajra. Behind Drona, it was finally acquired by the twin who was the best at swordsmanship among the five sons of Pandu.
In addition, Drona also had a piece of armor given by Brahma to Indra to fight with Frito. This armor is bound by Buddhist thread. You must recite a spell before using it, so that the wearer can not enter. On his fourth day as commander in chief of the whole army, Drona gave the armor to the enemy.

Other armed forces

The divine bow of Drona was given by its ancestor, the Immortal Yangqiluo. His flag emblem is a gold altar, water jug and bow.

Magic weapon

Drona owns Narayanastra. This magic weapon was the grace given to Narayan by thanking him for his worship when he was transformed into a Brahman. It "will not return if it does not kill the enemy. There is no one it cannot kill". Once it is sacrificed, it will send out all kinds of shining arrows, hundred kill weapons, flywheels and iron balls in the air; But you can't kill people who are not in the fight. Drona did not use it during his lifetime.
Drona learned other methods of using magic weapons from Rama with an axe. Among them, "Brahmashira" only taught the most proud disciple Azhouna and his own son Ma Si.




Drona learned Veda and martial arts in the Pure Forest when he was young, and he was classmates with Muzhu, the son of the Water Drop King. The two are close to each other. Muzhu said that he would let Drona enjoy his kingdom and wealth after inheriting the throne in the future. Later, Muzhu returned home to inherit the throne. Drona also took a wife and gave birth to sons. When Rama with an axe gave alms to Brahman, he arrived late and the alms had been finished. So Rama with an axe gave him all the magic weapons.
Later, Drona went to pay a visit to the Wooden Pillar King. Unexpectedly, King Muzhu refused to recognize him as a friend because their current status and wealth did not match. In a fit of pique, Drona went to the Elephant City and served as a martial arts teacher for the Gulu and Pandu nationalities.

Teaching in Xiangcheng

When Drona came to the Elephant City, the prince of the Dulux family dropped a ball into the well and was helpless. Drona took a reed, read the spell, shot the ball in the well with it, and then connected many reeds to each other, so that the ball was taken out. The astonished princes told Vishma this scene; The latter immediately recognized the famous Drona and asked him to be their teacher.
Teach Ajna
After receiving all the princes as students, Drona asked them to promise to do something for him after they learned martial arts. The other princes were silent, but Ah Chou accepted. Drona embraced him happily and shed tears of joy. A Zhou Na served his Shifu carefully and studied martial arts diligently. He became Drona's beloved disciple. Garna, the half brother of the Bandu family, was also a teacher in the elephant city of Bydrona.
Later, Prince Duzhuo of Nishatuo also came to learn from his master. However, Drona did not accept Duzhuo because he was a Nishatuo person (i.e., Shoutuora who lives by fishing and hunting). Therefore, the independent Zhuo molded the image of Drona with clay in the forest. He took Drona as his teacher and devoted himself to learning martial arts. During a forest hunting, the sons of Bandu found that their solo archery was extraordinary. When Drona learned this, he found Solo and offered to accept him as a student, but he wanted to use his right thumb as a reward. Solo cut off his right thumb without thinking and gave it to Drona. Drona took this cruel way to ensure that no one can beat Ajna in archery. As the solo is the top priority, Drona does not think that his behavior is against the law. Another time, Drona and his disciples bathed together in the Ganges River. A crocodile bit Drona's calf. The other disciples were all flustered, and Ah Zhou Na quickly shot the crocodile with an arrow. For this reason, Drona gave Ajna the supreme magic weapon named "Brahma Skull".

Apprentice leaves school

After Bandu's sons completed their studies and mastered martial arts, Drona asked them to seize the kingdom of Muzhu King for him. They conquered Queen Muzhu, and Drona returned half of the land to King Muzhu to show that they were equal at this time and could become friends. King Muzhu held a sacrifice to kill the son of Drona. In this way, the son Mengguang and the daughter Black Princess were born from the sacrificial fire. Later, in order to maintain his reputation, Drona accepted Meng Guang as his disciple and taught him martial arts. The enmity between Drona and King Muzhu reveals the contradiction and conflict between Brahman and Satiri in ancient India, which is often reflected in Mahabharata. This also explains why there are also samurai in the Brahman caste.
As a court martial arts teacher, Drona experienced the royal struggle between the Dulu and Pandu clans and fully understood the persecution of Pandu's sons. After Azhouna won the Black Princess for Pandu Wuzi, Drona agreed with Vishma's opinion and asked the holder country to recall Pandu Wuzi and give them half of their land. He was one of the Dulu generals defeated by Azhouna in Mocha; Before the outbreak of the war, Drona made it clear to the enemy that Ah Zhouna was the greatest archer in the world, and he valued Ah Zhouna more than his son Ma Si. He tried to persuade Nandi and Pandu to make up.

Vaishimo Chapter

Although Drona's feelings are on the side of Pandu Five, as a warrior, he must work for his master. At the beginning of the war, Jianzhan paid tribute to his teacher Drona according to the ancient etiquette and asked him to allow himself to fight. Drona said to him that "the Dulu have tied me up with wealth", and that "I fight for the Dulu, but I hope you win". He also pointed out to Jianzhan that no one could kill him on the battlefield unless he wanted to die and dropped his weapon. He said: "If I hear credible people on the battlefield announce extremely terrible news, I will abandon weapons."
After the war, Derona, together with Cimin, Shaliya, King Xindu, Shanqiao, Chengjia, Mahsi, Garna, Guangsheng, Shagoni, and Bolika, served as the commander of the eleven armies of the Gulu nationality.
On the sixth day of the war, the terrorist army entered the Dulu lineup and marched forward. Mengguang assists the terrorist army and exerts "enchanting" weapons on the Gulu army, while Drona uses "wisdom" weapons to disintegrate Mengguang's "enchanting" weapons. On the eighth day of the war, Drona defeated Pilozha and killed Shang Kharosh, son of Pilozha. After Vishma was defeated, Drona took over the command of the whole army.


When Nandi appointed Drona as the commander of the army, Drona asked Nandi what his wish was? The invincible asked him to capture the battle alive. Drona was glad to hear that the invincible desire was to capture the battle, not to kill it. He thought that the invincible was going to defeat the Bandu clan first, and then make up with the Bandu clan again. After hearing the explanation of Nandi, he knew that Nandi wanted to capture the tough battle alive, gamble with him again, and exile the sons of Bandu in the forest. Because he thought that killing Jianzhan would not solve the problem, but would enrage Ah Zhouna and kill them all. After learning of the enemy's sinister intentions, Drona promised to capture the enemy alive and put forward a condition to the enemy, asking him to distract Ajna in the battle. Drona proposed this condition, on the one hand, to give difficult problems to the enemy, on the other hand, to try to avoid a fierce battle with Azhouna.
In the battle of the previous two days, Drona did not capture the battle alive. In the face of unbeatable complaints, Drona repeatedly stressed that Arjuna should be diverted in the fight. On the third day, Drona arranged the wheel lineup and launched a strong attack on Azhouna. Jianzhan appointed Arjuna's son to attack Drona's team. Anger broke the wheel array, but because the backup was cut off, Anger was alone and trapped in the enemy's encirclement. Drona, together with Mercy, Garna, Mahsi, Great Power and Cheng Bao, besieged one person. Fight fiercely. Finally, Drona shot his sword, Garna shot his shield, and Nanjiang crushed him with an iron pestle.
On the fourth day, the enemy complained that Drona preferred the sons of Bandu and didn't fulfill his promise to protect the King of Victory, so that Azhouna broke through the defense line. On the one hand, Drona stressed that the chariot driven by the dark sky was extremely fast, on the other hand, he stressed that he should fulfill his promise to capture the battle alive and not catch up with Azuna. At the same time, Drona gave the magic armor that could resist all weapons to the enemy to show his loyalty. Drona tied the armor for the enemy and asked him to stop Ajna.
On the fifth day, Drona killed King Muzhu and King Pilozha in the battle. Seeing that Drona is invincible, the dark sky has to use a stratagem to make Jianzhan falsely claim that Ma Si has died in battle. Then, the terrorist army smashed an elephant named "Ma Si" with an iron pestle, and rushed to Drona, shouting: "Ma Si is dead!" When Drona heard that his son Ma Si was dead, his heart was tight and his limbs were heavy, but he suspected that it was a lie. So he asked about the tough battle known for honesty. Egged on by the dark sky, Jianzhan also replied to Drona with a lie that the horse was dead. After hearing this, Drona was utterly disillusioned. Finally, he decided to lay down his weapons and practice yoga to get relief, just like a luminous body flying away into the Brahma world. The fierce light only killed Drona's body.

member of family

Father: Brahmaputra Immortal
Wife: Cimin (Her name is synonymous with that of her twin brother, another weapon master of the Gulu nationality, Cimin. It only differs from Yin and Yang in part of speech.)
Son: Ma Si

Film and television image

In the 2013 TV series Mahabharata, Derona was played by Nissar Khan.