Deqing County

County under Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Deqing (Deqing) generally refers to Deqing County
Deqing County, subordinate to Guangdong Province Zhaoqing City , on Guangdong Province Central by west Xijiang River The north bank of the middle reaches is adjacent to the south Xijiang River And Yunfu City Of Yunan County Yun'an District Across the river. Area: 2003 square kilometers [37] , governing 13 towns (streets) and 193 villages (residences) [37] It is a pilot project of financial reform directly administered by Guangdong Province [41] In 2023, Deqing County will have 338200 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 31.81%. [49]
Martial Emperor In the sixth year of Yuanding (111 BC), a county was established, named Duanxi County It is one of the 15 ancient Qin and Han counties in Guangdong. Eastern Jin Dynasty Established in 451, the seventh year of Yonghe Jinkang County In the fifth year of Tang Wude (622), Nankang Prefecture was set up, which was also in charge of the military affairs of six states in western Guangdong. Renamed in the 12th year of Zhenguan Period (638) Connecticut In the fourth year of Song Daguan (1110), it was promoted to Wangjun. In the first year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty (1131), Zhao Gouyin, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, used Kangzhou as his hidden residence, and promoted the imperial edict to the government, renamed it Deqing Mansion The name of Deqing has been used ever since. [1]
Deqing has convenient water and land transportation. There are national highway 321 running through the county, provincial highway Yuehuai Line, Xijiang Bridge and other road networks throughout the county. There are buses in villages, and Xijiang River runs through the south of the county. It has the navigation capacity of 2000 ton cargo ships, a national second-class port container terminal with an annual throughput of more than 1 million tons, and the waterway connects Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao. [2] The main specialties are Deqing cinnamon Deqing tribute orange Deqing Polygonum multiflorum Morinda officinalis in Deqing yes Yuecheng Dragon Mother Ancestral Temple , Confucius Temple Panlong Gorge Flower World Jinlin Watertown Three yuan tower And other scenic spots. [3]
In 2020, Deqing County will achieve an annual GDP of 15.7 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 4.6% (hereinafter referred to as "growth"); The general public budget revenue was 846 million yuan, up 85.44%; The added value of industries above designated size was 4.7 billion yuan, up 4.7%; Fixed asset investment was 11.05 billion yuan, up 12.8%; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 4.895 billion yuan; The actually utilized foreign capital was 61.84 million yuan, and the total import and export volume was 1.099 billion yuan; The per capita disposable income of all residents was 24560 yuan, up 7% [37]
Chinese name
Deqing County
Connecticut Duanxi
area number
four hundred and forty-one thousand two hundred and twenty-six [4]
Administrative Region Category
Guangdong Province Zhaoqing City
geographical position
Guangdong Province Central by west Xijiang River North bank of middle reaches
2003 km²
Area under jurisdiction
Jurisdiction over 12 towns and 1 street
Government residence
Decheng Street
Area Code
Postal Code
five hundred and twenty-six thousand and six hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
population size
338200 [49] (Permanent population in 2023)
Famous scenic spot
Yuecheng Dragon Mother Ancestral Temple , Confucius Temple, Panlong Gorge , Flower World, Jinlin Watertown, Three yuan tower
License plate code
Yue H
15.7 billion yuan (2020)
Local languages
Deqing dialect [44]

Construction history

Deqing County
Zhou dynasty When, is Baiyue (Guangdong).
Before the Qin Dynasty, Zhaoqing belonged to Baiyue. In the 33rd year of Qin Shihuang (214 BC), Qin pacified Baiyue and established Nanhai Prefecture, Guilin Prefecture and Xiangjun. Today, part of Zhaoqing belongs to Guilin County and Nanhai County. In the Qin Dynasty, Sihui County was set up, and its jurisdiction included all or part of Sihui, Guangning, Huaiji and other cities and counties, which were subordinate to Nanhai County.
Qin genus South China Sea County. Late Qin Genus South Vietnam Country.
In the sixth year of the Han Yuan Ding era (111 BC), Nanyue was destroyed and Duanxi (Stream) County was set up. The county government is located in today's Decheng Town, which is the beginning of Deqing's establishment of a county. It is named after the county government as the water outlet of Duanxi. At that time, Duanxi County was located in today's Deqing, Luoding, Yunan, Yunfu, Xinyi and other counties, under the jurisdiction of Jiaozhi Cangwu County. Later Han Dynasty It was still under the former system until the eighth year of construction and installation (203) Jiaozhou Cangwu County.
three countries In the fifth year of Wu Huangwu's reign (226 years), there were two sub prefectures, Jiaozhou and Guangzhou, and Cangwu County belonged to Guangzhou Duanxi County is still under Cangwu County.
In the first year of Taikang in the Jin Dynasty (280 years), Duanxi County was divided into Duanxi County and Yuanxi County. The governance of Duanxi County is still the same, and the governance of Yuanxi County is in Hongyuan, Yuecheng Town (formerly known as the old county village). Later, the south bank of the West River in Duanxi County is partially located in Duluo, Wucheng, Longxiang, Jinhua and other counties. Jin Yonghe In the seventh year (351), Cangwu County was divided into Jinkang County. Duanxi and Yuanxi were changed into Jinkang County. The county is located in Yuanxi County.
Southern and Northern Dynasties In the middle of Song Yuanjia period (about 440 years), Longxiang County was merged into Duanxi County. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, in the middle of the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty (about 460 years), Lecheng, Binjiang, Shuoyue and Wenzhao counties were added in Duanxi and Yuanxi counties. They all belong to Jinkang County, Guangzhou. The county is located in Duanxi County (Lecheng County is located in today's Yuecheng, Binjiang County is located in today's nine cities, Yuecheng County is located in today's Bozhi Town, and Wenzhao County is located in today's Fengcun Town). To the Liang Dynasty, Yuanxi County and Binjiang County were revoked.
Sui Dynasty In the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign (589), Jinkang County was revoked and Duanzhou was established. Duanxi, Lecheng, Yuecheng and Wenzhao are all subordinate to Duanzhou. In the 12th year of Kaihuang's reign in the Sui Dynasty (592), Yuecheng County and Wenzhao County were abolished and merged into Lecheng County.
Tang Dynasty In the fifth year of Wude (622), Duanzhou was established as Nankang Prefecture and also as the general manager's office (later called Kangzhou), which belonged to Lingnan Road and governed Duanxi and Lecheng counties. The prefecture is located in Duanxi County. In the first year of Tang Tianbao (742), Kangzhou was changed into Jinkang County and Lecheng County into Yuecheng County. Both Duanxi and Yuecheng are under the jurisdiction of Jinkang County (later renamed Kangzhou), and the county (prefecture) is located in Duanxi County, which belongs to Lingnan East Road.
Song Dynasty In the fifth year of Kaibao (972), Jinkang (today's Yunfu County), Yuecheng and Ducheng (today's Yunan County) entered Duanxi County. In the first year of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty (1131), Kangzhou was taken as the hidden residence and the imperial edict was promoted to the government. It was renamed Deqing Mansion, which belonged to Guangnan East Road. The name of Deqing begins from here. At that time, Deqing Prefecture led County 4: Duanxi, Longshui, Fengchuan and Kaijian. Duanxi County is governed by Deqing Prefecture.
In the 17th year of the Yuan Zhiyuan era (1280), the Zhaoqing Prefecture was changed to Zhaoqing Road, and the General Administration Office was set up, under the jurisdiction of Guangxi Road (changed to Guangdong Road in the 29th year). In the first year of Zhishun (1330 AD), there were 7 counties, 2 roads and 2 states: Duanxi County, Longshui County, Deqing Road;
bright In the ninth year of Hongwu's reign (1376), Deqing Prefecture was changed into Deqing Prefecture, and Duanxi County was revoked. The prefecture directly controlled the area, and the name of Duanxi County was abolished from then on. Longshui, Fengchuan and Kaijian are three counties under the prefecture. It belongs to the residence of Guangdong Chief Executive Si Zhaoqing. In the fifth year of Wanli (1577), Zhaoqing Prefecture was led by Deqing Prefecture (leading Fengchuan County and Kaijian County), Gaoyao, Sihui, Xinxing, Yangjiang, Yangchun, Guangning, Gaoming and Enping, one prefecture and eight counties. In the fifth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1577) Willow All riding Silao Dong'an County (now Yunfu County) is located in part of Longshui County, Furong Ertulian, Sidu and Xinxing County; Xining County (today's Yunan County) is located in the urban and rural areas in the southwest of the prefecture and part of Longshui County; Shenglongshui County is Luoding Prefecture. So far, the land to the south of Xijiang River has been completely separated. Deqing Prefecture leads Fengchuan County and Kaijian County.
clear Yongzheng In the eighth year (1730), the prefecture led Fengchuan County and Kaijian County, which were transferred to Zhaoqing Prefecture. Wuling County, Deqing Prefecture, belonged to Zhaoqing Mansion, Siling West Road, Guangdong Chief Executive, and later changed to Zhaoqing Mansion, Guangzhaoluo Road.
In October of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), Deqing Prefecture was changed into Deqing County. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), it belonged to Yuehai Road, Guangdong Province. In the ninth year of the Republic of China (1920), the abandoned roads were directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province. In the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923), it once belonged to Xijiang Aftercare Supervision Office. In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), it belonged to the Appeasement Commission of the Northwest District of Guangdong Province. In October of the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), it belonged to the Office of the Third District Administrative Inspector of Guangdong Province. In May of the 38th year of the Republic of China (1949), it belonged to the Administrative Inspector and Security Command Office of the 12th District of Guangdong Province.
On December 1, 1949, the People's Government of Deqing County was established, which belongs to the Xijiang Special Administration of Guangdong Province. In 1952, it belonged to the Central Guangdong Administrative Office. In 1956, it was under the special administration of senior officials. On October 25, 1958, Deqing County merged with Fengchuan County and was called Defeng County. It belongs to Jiangmen Special Administration. In April 1961, Deqing and Deqing were divided into counties, and the organizational system of Deqing County was restored. He is under the leadership of Zhaoqing Special Administration. In 1968, it belonged to the Zhaoqing Regional Revolutionary Committee. Guangdong Province in January 1980 Zhaoqing area administrative. In 1988, it was under the jurisdiction of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. [5]

administrative division


Division evolution

In 2002, Deqing County had jurisdiction over 15 towns, including Decheng, Xinxu, Guanxu, Maxu, Gaoliang, Mocun, Yongfeng, Wulong, Sozhi, Fengcun, Jiushi, Yuecheng, Huilong, Shabang and Gu, with 175 towns in total village committee , 17 neighborhood committee
On September 29, 2003, 14 towns were transformed into 13 towns: Shabang Town was abolished and incorporated into Guanxu Town. After the adjustment, Deqing County has jurisdiction over 13 towns, including Decheng, Xinxu, Guanxu, Maxu, Gaoliang, Mocun, Yongfeng, Wulong, Bozhi, Fengcun, Jiushi, Yuecheng and Huilong, with 193 village (neighborhood) committees.
On June 16, 2005, Guangdong Province Approved by the Department of Civil Affairs (Yue Min Qu [2005] No. 30): Canceling Decheng Town, Deqing County, and establishing Decheng Sub district Office as the agency of Deqing County Government. The Decheng Sub district Office has jurisdiction over the administrative area of the former Decheng Town, with 4 neighborhood committees and 4 village committees. The sub district office is located in the former German town government.
At the end of 2005, Deqing County had jurisdiction over one street in Decheng and 12 towns including Xinxu, Guanxu, Maxu, Gaoliang, Mocun, Yongfeng, Wulong, Sozhi, Fengcun, Jiushi, Yuecheng and Huilong.
By the end of 2009, Deqing County had jurisdiction over 1 street, 12 towns, 18 neighborhood committees and 175 Administrative village
Map of Deqing County

Zoning Details

As of October 2021, Deqing County has jurisdiction over 1 street and 12 towns: Decheng Street Xinxu Town Guanxu Town Maxu Town Gaoliang Town Mocun Town , Yongfeng Town Wulong Town Sozhi Town Fengcun Town Jiushi Town Yuecheng Town Huilong Town [6] The county government is located in Deqing Avenue, Decheng Street.

geographical environment


Location context

Deqing County is located in the northwest of Guangdong Province and connects to the east High priority area West, Northwest and Fengkai County Adjacency; Beilian Huaiji County Northeast boundary Guangning County It is adjacent to Xijiang River in the south and faces Yunnan County and Yun'an District across the river. be situated north latitude 23°04′~23°30′、 east longitude Between 111 ° 32 ′ and 112 ° 17 ′, the Tropic of Cancer passes through the northernmost part of the county. The county is 72 kilometers wide from east to west. It is 47 kilometers long from north to south. It is 92 kilometers away from Zhaoqing in the east, 200 kilometers away from Guangzhou, and 79 kilometers away from Wuzhou, Guangxi in the west. The total area is 2003 square kilometers. [7] [43]
Deqing County People's Government

topographic features

Deqing County is a hilly and low mountain and river alluvial landform, surrounded by mountains in the east, west and north, bordered by Xijiang River in the south, and the hills and valleys in the interior are interlaced. The whole county can be obviously divided into low mountainous areas, the east and west hills and wide valleys, and the river alluvial areas along the Xijiang River. The low mountainous area accounts for 38.85% of the total area of the county, the hilly and wide valley area accounts for 50.63%, and the Xijiang River alluvial area accounts for 10.52%. [8]


The soil in Deqing County mainly includes yellow soil, red soil, lateritic red soil, red lime soil, base water land, vegetable garden land, tidal sand soil, paddy soil, etc. The dry land is dominated by lateritic red soil and red soil, with lateritic red soil being the most widely distributed and largest area. Paddy soil is mainly retention type, swamp type, submergence type, infiltration type and incubation type paddy soil. The soil is mostly weakly alkaline and fertile. [8]


Deqing County
Deqing County is located in Subtropical Region, large solar altitude angle, radiation Strong, heat rich sunshine Adequate rainfall The climate features abundant water and heat in the same season, long summer and short winter.
spring (March to May): The temperature gradually rises. Since April, the rainfall has increased significantly, and the rainy season begins. Sometimes, cold air flows southward, and there are thunderstorms. The weather is changeable, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, the wind direction is mostly east, and the average wind force is 1-2.
summer (June to August): The sea warm and humid air is strengthened, and the wind direction is mostly southeast. It is sunny and hot. At the beginning of typhoon activity, there are many heavy rain and rainstorm days, often accompanied by short-time thunderstorms and gales. Mountain torrents and waterlogging are easy to occur, and flood control is at an important time.
autumn (September November): Affected by the Pacific subtropical high, the activities of marine typhoons and warm and humid air flow are weakened, the cold air in the north is active, the weather is getting cooler, the rainfall is significantly reduced, the autumn is high and the air is cool, "cold dew wind" and short-term autumn drought often occur, and the wind direction is mostly west or northwest.
winter (December to February): Controlled by the dry and cold air in the north, the weather is sunny, the climate is dry, the temperature is low, and there are often cold waves, resulting in frost, drought, and occasional icing in the north. Under the influence of cold air, February often has cold and rainy weather. The wind direction is mostly north and northwest.
Due to the geographical environment of the low mountains and hilly areas in the territory, the climate between the north and south is slightly different. The cold air invades from the north in winter and stops in the hills surrounded by mountains for a long time due to the blocking of mountains. The temperature in the northwest is generally 0.5 ℃~2 ℃ lower than that in the south along the river. The process of low temperature, overcast rain and rainy weather is also 1~2 days longer than that in the south. The cold dew wind weather is more obvious than that in the south. In summer, the southeast airflow from the South China Sea invades along the Xijiang River. The climate in the south is milder and cooler than that in the north, and the temperature in the north is hotter than that in the south. In spring and summer, the front is uplifted by the mountains, and the front rainfall in the north is greater than that in the south; In summer and autumn, the rainfall along the river in the south is greater than that in the north due to typhoon. The annual rainfall in the northwest mountainous area is more than that in the southeast along the river. [9]


In Deqing County Yuecheng River Mawei River Lushui River , Dayong River Basin, Yuecheng River and Mawei River are located in the east and west halves, flowing into the West River from north to south. There are rich surface water resources, 42 large, medium and small reservoirs, with a total reservoir capacity of 11.918 million cubic meters. [8]

natural resources


plant resources

According to Deqing County forest Resource survey statistics, forest Tree species There are 231 species in 72 families, and the main trees are Pinaceae Taxodiaceae Lauraceae Fagaceae Theaceae , Euphorbiaceae and Gramineae bamboos, etc. Precious local trees include red plum Awl Checkerboard , camphor nanmu , tung wood, lotus wood, etc. Among timber forests, Pinus massoniana is the dominant tree, and Pinus elliottii is an emerging pine species introduced from other places. The total area of the two forests is 1247599 mu, accounting for 84.35% of the timber forest and protective forest area, and the Chinese fir is an important forest, accounting for 8.25%; The economic forest is dominated by jade and osmanthus, followed by camellia , Camellia oleifera, mountain miscellaneous fruits, and withers are mainly distributed in Yongfeng, Wulong, Fengcun, Yuecheng, Gaoliang and other towns in the middle and east of the county. [10]

Animal resources

tiger Deqing County had many before the founding of the People's Republic of China, but after three heads were captured in 1962, it was rare; Leopard, rare; jackal 21 were captured in 1963; Mountain cattle, seen in Wulong; There are mountain pigs and porcupines; Civet yes Paguma larvata , tree passing civet, white nosed civet, seven room civet, five room civet, awn flower civet; There are goats, yellow bucks, spotted cats (bobcats), mountain hares, weasels (weasels); Rats have squirrels, Chipmunk , vole House rat , coquette; There are bats (excrement is used as medicine, named Yemingsha); There are pangolins, otters, etc. [10]
For meat pheasant Pheasant , water fowl, water duck, wild pigeon, quail, partridge, turtle dove, mountain bird; For viewing, there are thrush, Gu Wei, Laoge, Hualaoge (also known as cow dung), yellow warbler, white eye circle Magpie , Pulsatilla, Koji, Flower Wing, Black Wing; The migratory birds include swallow, wild goose, cuckoo (cuckoo), and sky hanging water; There are also woodpeckers, lovebirds, owls, eagles (big kites), crows, yellow cranes, white cranes, gray cranes, large kingfishers, small kingfishers (hanging fish), long tailed Shuo, mountain sparrows, house birds Sparrow Etc. [10]

mineral resources

Classification by metal element: ferrous metal iron manganese Heavy non-ferrous metals lead copper , tin, zinc, nickel; Precious metals include gold and silver; Rare high melting point metals include tantalum, niobium, tungsten, molybdenum and zirconium; Rare light metals include rubidium, titanium and beryllium; Rare earth metals include monazite, yttrium phosphate (containing more than 10 rare earth elements); Nonmetallic and semi metallic materials include fluorite, kaolin, potassium, sodium, phosphorous ash Muscovite Limestone, sericite, barite, granite, lignite, etc. Main mineral industrial reserves: 134 kg of gold, 460 tons of tantalum and niobium, 1389 tons of tin, 2305 tons of rubidium, 1375 tons of monazite, 187 tons of yttrium phosphate, 5769 tons of apatite, 10 million tons of potassium, 682 tons of lead and zinc, 100 million tons of limestone, 7 million tons of kaolin, 20 million tons of sericite, and hundreds of millions of cubic meters of granite. There are more than 230 known ore occurrences. [10]


According to the data of the seventh census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Deqing County was 331438 [36]
In 2023, Deqing County will have 338200 permanent residents, with an urbanization rate of 31.81%. [49]

Local languages

The local language of Deqing is called "Deqing dialect", which is a sub dialect of Guangdong dialect. [44]


Deputy county heads: Zhou Jianyi, Sun Yanpeng Liao Jianhong [46] [48]




In 2017, Deqing County completed GDP 13.368 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2% over the previous year, including 2.793 billion yuan of added value of the primary industry, an increase of 3.9%; The added value of the secondary industry was 4.095 billion yuan, up 7.7%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 6.48 billion yuan, up 5.9%. The per capita GDP reached 3763 yuan, up 5.0% year on year. 1、 The structure of the second and third industries has changed from 20.5:39.4:40.1 in the previous year to 20.9:30.6:48.5. The proportion of the primary industry increased by 0.4 percentage points, the proportion of the secondary industry decreased by 8.8 percentage points, and the proportion of the tertiary industry increased by 8.4 percentage points. [11]
In 2017, the overall level of consumer prices in Deqing County rose 1.6% year on year, and the overall level of retail prices rose 2.1%. The consumer price index of eight major categories of goods rose 7 times and fell 1 time. Among them, food, tobacco and alcohol declined 1.8%, clothing rose 1.2%, housing rose 2.3%, household goods and services rose 1.6%, transportation and communication rose 0.6%, education, culture and entertainment rose 1.5%, medical care rose 5.3%, and other goods and services rose 2.6%. [11]
In 2017, the local fiscal revenue of Deqing County was 822 million yuan, an increase of 173 million yuan, or 26.6%, year on year; The general public budget revenue was 537 million yuan, down 0.4%; The annual local fiscal expenditure was 2.649 billion yuan, an increase of 24.4% over the previous year, including 246 million yuan of general public budget expenditure, a decrease of 5.0%. [11]
In 2018, Deqing County's GDP reached 14.672 billion yuan, up 7.5% year on year. The general public budget revenue was 425 million yuan, with non tax accounting for 27.04%, down 10.75 percentage points year on year, creating the best level of fiscal revenue quality in the past 16 years. The total output value of industries above designated size was 15.52 billion yuan and the added value was 3.216 billion yuan, up 10.8% and 11% respectively. Fixed asset investment was 9.46 billion yuan, up 9.6%. The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 4.899 billion yuan, up 9.6%. The per capita disposable income of all residents was 21197 yuan, up 6%. [12]
In 2020, Deqing County will achieve an annual GDP of 15.7 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 4.6% (hereinafter referred to as "growth"); The general public budget revenue was 846 million yuan, up 85.44%; The added value of industries above designated size was 4.7 billion yuan, up 4.7%; Fixed asset investment was 11.05 billion yuan, up 12.8%; The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 4.895 billion yuan; The actually utilized foreign capital was 61.84 million yuan, and the total import and export volume was 1.099 billion yuan; The per capita disposable income of all residents was 24560 yuan, up 7% [37]

primary industry

In 2017, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in Deqing County was 4.332 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1% over the previous year. The agricultural output value was 2.836 billion yuan, the forestry output value was 667 million yuan, the animal husbandry output value was 631 million yuan, the fishery output value was 171 million yuan, and the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services was 28 million yuan, up 4.9%, 3.4%, 8.1%, 4.2% and 8.3% respectively from the previous year. [11]
In 2017, the annual crop sown area of Deqing County was 586100 mu, an increase of 5500 mu over the previous year, including 326500 mu of grain area, an increase of 3700 mu over the previous year, 123100 tons of dependent products, an increase of 1700 tons over the previous year, and 336300 tons of fruit, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year, including 182200 mu of orange, 323100 tons of output, an increase of 5.5% over the previous year, and 22300 tons of total meat output throughout the year, The output of pork was 10600 tons, up 12.1%; The output of poultry eggs was 2035 tons, up 7.5%, and the output of aquatic products was 18600 tons, up 3.0% over the previous year. [11]
In 2017, Deqing County cooperated with Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences to jointly build Deqing Orange Research Institute, build a virus free nursery breeding base for citrus and a tribute orange multiple cropping demonstration farm, with a planting area of 105000 mu. Deqing tribute orange won the title of "2017 Top 100 Regional Public Brands of Agricultural Products". The planting area of Zihuai Mountain is 45000 mu, and the annual output value is 1.102 billion yuan. Four planting bases of Zihuai Mountain have obtained the Inspection and Quarantine Record Certificate of Vegetable Planting Bases for Hong Kong and Macao. [11]
On November 18, 2019, Deqing County was selected as the "pilot county for the construction of the first pilot support system for green agricultural development". [13]
On February 26, 2020, Deqing tribute orange advantageous area with Chinese characteristics in Deqing County, Guangdong Province was identified as the third batch of advantageous areas of agricultural products with Chinese characteristics [14]

the secondary industry

In 2017, Deqing County introduced a project investment of 2.603 billion yuan in the whole year, completed 3329.2 mu of land reserved for the park, and 1971.57 mu of unused land newly developed and revitalized in the park. The industrial development carrier continued to be consolidated, actively connected with the "366" project of the city's industrial development, and accelerated the development of leading industries such as household building materials, forest chemicals, machinery and equipment manufacturing, food and southern medicine processing, In the whole year, industrial enterprises above designated size achieved a total industrial output value of 21.708 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5% over the previous year; The industrial added value was 6.359 billion yuan, up 8.7% over the previous year. In the whole year, the main business income of industries above designated size was 20.235 billion yuan, the profit was 870 million yuan, there were 7 loss making enterprises, and the loss of loss making enterprises was 31 million yuan. [11]
In 2017, the total output value of the construction industry in the whole year was 146 million yuan, a decrease of 25.0% over the previous year. The total output value of the construction industry in the whole year was 131 million yuan, an increase of 0.7% over the previous year. The sales area of commercial housing was 170200 square meters, up 31.7%, and the sales volume of commercial housing was 629 million yuan, up 39.8%. [11]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Investment in fixed assets
In 2017, Deqing County completed 11.63 billion yuan of fixed asset investment (excluding farmers, the same below), up 9.3%. In terms of three industries, the primary industry completed an investment of 3.41 billion yuan, an increase of 146.6%; The investment in the secondary industry was 3.77 billion yuan, down 21.0%; The investment in the tertiary industry was 4.45 billion yuan, down 0.8%. The investment in the real estate industry was 277 million yuan, up 41.8%. [11]
Domestic trade
In 2017, Deqing County achieved a total retail sales of consumer goods of 4.781 billion yuan, an increase of 10% over the previous year. In the whole year, the turnover of trade in urban and rural fairs reached 2.023 billion yuan, an increase of 13.0% over the previous year. [11]
Foreign economy and tourism
In 2017, Deqing County completed a total import and export value of 1210.34 million yuan, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year, of which the total export value was 1082.15 million yuan, an increase of 5.3%, and the total import value was 128.19 million yuan, an increase of 25.4%. The actually utilized foreign capital was 14.67 million US dollars, down 29.6% over the previous year.
In 2017, Deqing County received 8.268 million domestic tourists, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year; Tourism revenue was 5.29 billion yuan, up 5.3% over the previous year. [11]
In 2017, the deposit balance of financial institutions in Deqing County was 11.85 billion yuan, up 10.8% year on year, of which the deposit balance was 8.62 billion yuan, up 8.1% year on year. At the end of the year, the loan balance of financial institutions was 6.13 billion yuan, up 3.3% year on year. [11]
As of 2018, the deposit balance of financial institutions in Deqing County was 12.597 billion yuan, up 6.27% year on year, and the loan balance was 7.505 billion yuan, up 22.44% year on year. [12]


Deqing County
Deqing County is located in Xijiang Corridor Since ancient times, it has been the east-west traffic channel in Lingnan area. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Central Plains region communicated with Guangzhou, an important city in the south of the Five Ridges, via the Lijiang River or the Guiling Mountains, and also took Deqing as an important channel. The ancient post road passes through, and Deqing has a Shoukang post to greet and send off. Xijiang waterway is smooth all the year round and can pass through Yuecheng River Maxu River enters the inner countryside; Land transportation is mostly footpath.
Republic of China In the 21st year (1932), Deqing Gaoliang Highway, the first highway in the county, was completed and opened to traffic. Soon after, it was destroyed Counter-Japanese War land route Traffic is still a footpath.
After the founding of New China, highway construction has developed rapidly, and Xijiang waterway transportation facilities have become more perfect. By 1987, 75 roads had been built for land transportation in the county, with 607.4 kilometers of trunk lines and branch lines crisscrossing, connecting 15 towns, 157 administrative villages and forest product commodity bases in the county. The national road Zhaowu Highway runs through the county from east to west, the provincial road Luoxin Highway and Lihuai Highway run through the county from north to south, and the Renlu Highway and Mohe Highway connect the neighboring counties. There are 1427 operating vehicles, including 275 freight cars, 774.06 tons of load, 32 passenger cars, 1082 seats, 1066 walking tractors, 54 medium trailers, and the cooperation of other passing vehicles, The highway traffic inside and outside the county extends in all directions. Regular and irregular buses are set in the county, and direct buses are set in Gaoyao, Zhaoqing and Guangzhou in the east, Fengkai and Wuzhou in the west, Luoding in the south, Guangning and Huaiji in the north. Waterway transportation: three straight ship ports, Deqing Port, Yuecheng Port and Jiushi Port, and six other docking stations along the Xijiang River have been built. There are 529 large and small operating ships, with a load of 8003.8 tons. In addition, there are 24 passenger ships every day, which open the county channel day and night. They can go to Guangxi and Guangzhou to go to sea. [15]
As of 2017, Deqing County has a road network of 321 national roads, Yuehuai provincial roads, Xijiang Bridge and other roads all over the county. The Xijiang River runs through the county. It has a navigation capacity of 2000 ton cargo ships, a national second-class port container terminal with an annual throughput of more than 1 million tons, and a waterway connecting Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao. [2]
By 2017, Deqing County had completed 1005.43 million ton kilometers of highway cargo turnover, an increase of 4.9% over the previous year, and 87.91 million passenger kilometers of highway passenger traffic, an increase of 1.2% over the previous year. [11]

social undertakings



As of 2017, there were 44 schools of all levels and types in Deqing County, with 4556 teaching staff and 54043 students in school; The enrollment rate of primary school age population is 100%. [11]
Ordinary colleges and universities: Guangdong ATV Performing Arts Vocational College [42]

Science and technology

By 2017, the number of natural science and technology personnel in Deqing County had reached 8216, including 193 with senior professional titles, 3261 with intermediate professional titles, and 3811 with junior professional titles. The contribution rate of science and technology to economic growth reached 47.95%, 0.13 percentage points higher than that of the previous year, and the overall informatization comprehensive index reached 48.5%, 0.25 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. [11]
In 2018, Deqing County implemented 15 industrial enterprises above the designated size for technological transformation, added 7 new national high-tech enterprises, and realized 13 stocks, doubling; One provincial engineering technology research center, four municipal engineering technology research centers and one municipal science and technology enterprise incubator were newly added; There were 47 invention patent applications, double the number, and 26 invention patents, double the number. The first doctor workstation of Guangdong Province in Deqing County was successfully established; Five enterprises were approved to establish Guangdong Academician Expert Workstation, ranking first in the city; The province's first county level talent reserve center was established, and 27 high-level talents were introduced; It was rated as a model county for science popularization in Guangdong Province. The citrus research institute was jointly established with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering The joint construction of the Agricultural Industry Science and Technology Innovation Institute, the acceleration of the establishment of the provincial agricultural science and technology park, the Deqing tribute orange industry promotion project was selected into the central implementation of the green cycle, high-quality and efficient featured agricultural promotion project, the Deqing tribute orange cultivation technology project won the third prize of the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award, and was recognized as one national "Star Creation" enterprise and two provincial enterprises, both of which are the largest in the city. [12]

Cultural undertakings

Deqing County cultural heritage More abundant. There are 3040 cultural relics unearthed in the Song, Tang, Han, Qin and even the Neolithic Age collected in provincial, municipal and county cultural and museum departments. Since the Song and Ming Dynasties, there have been 128 volumes of literature in 61 editions, but few of them have been seen. Cantonese opera, folk art, folk songs, lion dance, dragon dance, chicken dance, white crane dance, butterfly dance and other artistic activities have been nongovernmental Spread.
During the Republic of China, special cultural institutions began to be established. In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), the county was established library In the 23rd year of the Republic of China (1934), the County People's Education Center was established to hold comprehensive mass cultural activities, but most of the activities were carried out in cities and towns, which was abnormal.
Deqing County Cultural Center was established in 1950 to comprehensively carry out various cultural work, and was established in 1951 film Projection team, opened in 1953 Xinhua Bookstore Later, with the development of the cause, various cultural institutions gradually became independent and self-contained. By 1987, the three-level cultural network of county, township (town) and village had basically formed. There are cultural centers, libraries, museums, film companies, cinemas, Cantonese opera troupes, workers' cultural palaces and Xinhua Bookstores in the county; There are cultural stations, cultural centers, film teams or theaters, and book stores in villages and towns; The village has a cultural office and a family run cultural hall. The archives and document institutions of counties, townships and county affiliated units are also improving. 1980-1988 The publication of Kangzhou Literature and Art was received by the whole county Literary and artistic works The annual average is 300 pieces. [16]
As of 2017, the comprehensive population coverage rate of Deqing County is 100% for radio and 100% for television. The 2017 "Zhaoma Deqing Station · Village Marathon" charity concert was successfully held. Actively organized cultural and sports exchange activities such as art, calligraphy, photography, square calisthenics, square dance, etc. [11]

medical and health work

As of 2017, Deqing County has 18 health institutions, including 6 county seats and 12 towns; 1610 health technicians, including 591 doctors and 768 nurses; There are 1433 beds, including 955 in county and 478 in towns. [11]
In August 2019, it was selected as a pilot county for the construction of close county medical community. [17]

social security

In 2017, Deqing County implemented 2562 pensions, subsidies and preferential treatment objects, 9 regular pensions, 2509 regular subsidies, 1256 preferential treatment objects enjoying medical security, 245 preferential treatment objects, and 3.087 million yuan in total. The number of urban residents with minimum living security is 286, the number of urban residents with minimum living security is 215, the total number of rural residents with minimum living security and traditional relief is 2831, and the number of rural residents with minimum living security is 1446. [11]

famous scenery

Deqing Academy
Deqing Academy
Deqing Academy It is located in the north of Chaoyang West Road, Deqing County. It was built in the fourth year of Dazhong Xiangfu in the Northern Song Dynasty (1011) and rebuilt in the first year of Dade in the Yuan Dynasty (1297). The school palace is composed of stone railings, Lingxing Gate, Panchi, Dacheng Gate, Minghuan Temple, Xiangxian Temple, Dacheng Hall, Apricot Altar, East West Hall, Holy Hall, and Sutra Pavilion, covering an area of more than 8000 square meters. There are still Dacheng Hall, Apricot Altar, East West Side Hall, Minghuan Temple, Xiangxian Temple and Zun Shengyi Temple, an auxiliary building built in the 29th year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1903). Since 2000, Panchi has been repaired and Lingxing Gate and Dacheng Gate have been rebuilt.
Dacheng Hall is five rooms wide and five rooms deep, 17.36 meters wide and 17.53 meters deep. The plane is slightly square, with an area of 304.3 square meters. The double eaves rest on the top of the mountain, 19.4 meters high, and the ridge of the hall is grey plastic, simple in shape. In the hall, four wooden gold pillars in the Ming Dynasty did not reach the top of the hall, and 12 groups of dougong were used to support the ping qi, which played the role of lifting the beam, showing the trend of "four pillars do not top". Under the double eaves on the left and right sides, the big Ding structure is adopted, and the middle two columns are removed in each province, making the hall unique by reducing 4 columns. The seven pavilions of dougong on the lower eaves are used as a single copy and three lower arches. The total length of the jump is 1.22 meters. Dacheng Hall retains the style and original structure of the wooden buildings of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and is the most important existing building of the Yuan Dynasty in Guangdong. In November 1996, the State Council announced it as a national key cultural relics protection unit. [18]
Three yuan tower
Deqing Sanyuan Tower
Three yuan tower Baisha Mountain is located on the north bank of Xijiang River in Deqing County. In the 27th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1599), it was founded by Shen Youyan, the magistrate of the state. It was named after the people of the state prayed for the imperial examination to win three consecutive victories.
The tower is a brick and wood tower with wall pierced and flat seat surrounded. The plane is octagonal, the appearance is nine levels, the interior is 17 floors, and the height is 58 meters. The tower foundation is built with red sandstone and granite stone. At the corner of Xumizuo, there are stone carvings with different looks. There are square leaning columns at the corners of each floor of the tower body, and architraves are arranged on the capitals. Gui shaped openings are set on each side of each floor. There are tower eaves on each floor. The tower eaves on each floor are short and high, and they are built with four to five layers of water caltrop bricks. The flat seats on each floor are short and shallow, and are built with three layers of rhombohedral bricks. The iron casting of the tower brake has been destroyed. The columns and beams of the tower are painted in silver, red and grey. In 1994, the floor slab, flat seat and handrail were restored and the tower brake was newly cast.
In June 1989, the People's Government of Guangdong Province announced it as a cultural relics protection unit. [19]
Sanzhouyan Cliff Carvings
Sanzhouyan Cliff Carvings
Sanzhouyan Cliff Carvings It is located in Sanzhou Cave, Jiushi Town, Deqing County. Stone carvings began in the Song Dynasty, flourished in the Song and Ming Dynasties, and were rare after the Qing Dynasty. Among the original 174 person time inscriptions, 106 are Song and Ming stone inscriptions, of which more than 60 are celebrity stone inscriptions. Most of the inscriptions are contained in the Deqing Prefecture Chronicle · Jinshi by the Guangxu Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Due to wind, rain, erosion, peeling and other reasons, only 86 remain. The earliest was the inscription of Matian, the transfer envoy in the third year of Qingli (1043) of the Song Dynasty, and the ancestor in the second year of Huangyou (1050). The most important stone inscriptions are those recorded by Yuan Jiang in the fifth year of Huangyou (1053) when Nong Zhigao, the leader of the Zhuang nationality, attacked Kangzhou, Wu Hougeng, Zhou Dunyi, and Su Dongpo in the third year of Yuanfu (1100) in the first year of Xining (1068). At present, only the inscriptions of Nanqin remain. Most of the stone carvings are from the Ming Dynasty, and only 6 from the Song Dynasty. The representative ones are the "Yaohua Cave" written by Gong Hui in the 26th year of Jiajing (1547) of the Ming Dynasty, the poems written by Lvhong, the Guangdong provincial procurator in the 9th year of Chenghua (1473) of the Ming Dynasty, and the "Shihe", "First Rock", "Sanzhou Cave", etc. The stone inscriptions of seal script, clerical script, regular script and cursive script are available. [20]
Longshan Palace
Longshan Palace
Longshan Palace It is located on Shezui Mountain, Guanxu Town, Deqing County. The existing "Iron Bell of the Holy Concubine of Longshan Palace" records that the Palace was "auspicious Hitachi in May of the 48th year of Wanli (1620)", which belongs to the Dragon Mother's Palace. Historically, during the birthday of Mother Dragon in May of the lunar calendar, the local people have the habit of "dancing dry dragons", "sacrificing mother dragons" and "chasing dragon boat fairs". After the activities, the props are placed in the ear room of Longshan Palace for preservation. In the Song Dynasty, there were more than 300 dragon mother palaces in Kangzhou.
Longshan Palace is located east to west and built close to the mountain, covering an area of 441.5 square meters. There are patios and two corridors in the middle of the front and back entrances, and ear rooms are set on the left and right sides. The front is 9.01 meters wide and 5.17 meters deep, three bays wide and three bays deep, and the top is hard. The middle of the upright ridge gray batch is straight, and the two ends are decorated with Kui patterns; The upper part of the ridge is decorated with a fish kiss, and the lower part is decorated with a Kui pattern. The width and number of bays of the backward side are the same as those of the forward side, but the depth is 7.63 meters. The main ridge and the vertical ridge are decorated with Kui patterns, and the ridge end is in the shape of curly grass. The front and rear gable walls are decorated with bat patterns. The roof is made of grey tube tiles, and the green glazed tiles drip water. The inner wall is 90cm wide along the tile surface, and is decorated with local murals. The beam frame of Longshan Palace is simple and unsophisticated in structure. The stone column foundation is built 1.5 meters high by round brick columns, and then the round wooden columns are carried on. The round coggygris bucket, popular in the Han Dynasty and rare in future generations, is used on the top of the column.
In June 1989, the People's Government of Guangdong Province announced it as a cultural relics protection unit. [21]
Panlong Gorge
Panlong Gorge Ecological Tourism Area
Panlong Gorge Ecological Tourism Area is located in the northwest of Deqing County, 28 kilometers away from the county seat, and covers an area of 30000 mu. This is a primitive natural eco-tourism area, with lush ancient trees and "living fossil plants" of national first-class protected plants Black Alsophila spinulosa It is the shooting base of Guangdong Photographers Association. The canyon has 1.25 billion air anions per cubic meter, which is the largest natural oxygen reservoir in China.
Panlong Gorge Ecological Tourism Zone has successfully developed warriors with its unique natural ecological resources such as mountains, water and forests drift waterfall Sightseeing, canyon oxygen tasting, the country's largest waterwheel group, the country's most stylish mountaintop log cabin resort, lavender log cabin kingdom hotel, Panlong Paradise Resort, high-altitude sliding rope, forest water world and other ecological leisure tourism products.
Yuecheng Dragon Mother Temple
Yuecheng Dragon Mother Temple
Dragon Mother Ancestral Temple is located in Yuecheng Town on the west bank of Deqing County. It is said to be the hometown of dragon mother. The Dragon Mother Temple is now a large ancient temple in Lingnan, which has a high architectural value. So far, there are still many unsolved mysteries. On the eighth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, large-scale folk sacrificial activities are held at the Dragon Mother Temple. More than 100000 people visit Zhaoqing's counties, the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong and Macao for many times. For more than ten days in a row, pilgrims gathered on the stone archway square in front of the Dragon Mother Temple, and cigarettes were wreathed. In the past, there were customs of "offering sacrifices to green snakes" and "touching the dragon bed to seek children".
Yuecheng Dragon Mother Temple The main building is a brick, wood and stone structure, which is composed of arches, mountain gates, incense pavilions, main halls, front and back wings and other buildings. The most praiseworthy aspect of the Dragon Mother Ancestral Temple is its architectural art. Its architectural system is designed according to the characteristics of the water area: the column base is extremely high, the walls are surrounded by terrazzo blue bricks, covered with glazed tiles, and the ground inside and outside the temple is paved with granite slabs. Every time the West River floods heavily, the streets outside the temple are often muddy to the knee, and the temple is clean after a little cleaning. Since the reconstruction in the 31st year of Guangxu period, after floods and thunderstorms, the walls have not cracked, the ground has not sunk, pests have not eaten, and thunder and lightning have not invaded, which is a unique event in the history of architecture. [22]

Local specialty

Deqing tribute orange
Deqing tribute orange
Gonggan is one of the characteristic agricultural products in Deqing County, with a long planting history. Deqing tribute orange It is a natural hybrid of orange and orange. Its fruit shape and color are similar to orange, the fruit head is moderate (120-150g per fruit), the peel is thin, the color is golden, and the fruit surface is clean and smooth; Its flesh also has the advantages of broad skinned citrus, such as tender and refreshing flesh, more juice, and delicate, transparent, crisp and refreshing pulp without residue; It is a fine variety with high sugar and low acid; It has high nutritional and health care value, contains a large amount of organic fructose sugar and organic sterile water, rich in a variety of vitamin Organic acids, trace elements, minerals, etc. Nutritionally, organic fructose can effectively supplement carbohydrates in the human body, and will not increase blood sugar in the same way as ordinary sugar. Fruit juice containing a large number of various nutrition and health care ingredients can effectively supplement a large amount of water and nutrients needed by the human body in autumn and winter dry seasons. [23] In 2017, the planting area of Deqing tribute citrus reached 105000 mu, with an output of 179 million kg. In 2017, it was selected as one of the "Top 100 Regional Public Brands of Agricultural Products in China". [24]
Deqing County has always been the production area of "Xijiang Guangxi". As early as the Ming Dynasty, there was a historical record of "many Guangxi in Deqing". The whole body of the osmanthus tree is treasure. Among them, cinnamon and cinnamon oil are valuable materials for making medicine, spices and cosmetics, which have the functions of expelling wind, cold, activating blood and strengthening stomach. Deqing cinnamon The production base is 300000 mu, with an annual output of about 20000 tons of cinnamon and 50 tons of cinnamon oil.
Polygonum multiflorum
Deqing Polygonum multiflorum
Deqing Polygonum multiflorum, a specialty of Deqing County, is a national geographical indication of agricultural products. Deqing County is mostly sandy loam soil, which is loose and fertile, and contains many minerals and trace elements Polygonum multiflorum Growth of. The tuberous roots of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. in Deqing are spindle or lump shaped. It is 5-15cm long and 4-10cm in diameter. The surface is reddish brown or reddish brown, uneven, with irregular longitudinal grooves and dense wrinkles, and transverse long lenticels and fine root marks. The cut section is yellowish brown or reddish brown, pink, and the skin has round shaped vascular bundles arranged in a circular manner to form a "brocade pattern". The central wood is large, and some of them are wood cores. [8]
Morinda officinalis
Morinda officinalis in Deqing
Deqing Morinda officinalis Deqing County's specialty, a national geographical indication of agricultural products. Morinda officinalis has a flat cylindrical appearance, slightly curved, 0.5-2 cm in diameter, grayish yellow or dark gray on the surface, with longitudinal lines and transverse cracks, and some of the skin is horizontally broken to expose the wood; Tough, thick skin on the section, purple or lilac, hard, yellowish brown or yellowish white, 1-5mm in diameter, easy to separate from the wood. Odorless, sweet and slightly astringent. [8]
Penny pole powder
It is characterized by delicious and refreshing taste, unique sauce, and distinctive taste Hefen It is also named after putting a bamboo pole to hang in the air. The climate in Deqing is hot and humid. Villagers often hang the newly steamed Jehol powder on the bougainvillea stem drying beancurd to cool before cutting it. In vegetable gardens and fields, villagers often eat porridge, home-made mustard tuber and chili sauce, "grunting in thin soup", full of flavor. Later, the surrounding villages continued to imitate and spread, taking advantage of the trend of tourism development, and became a famous snack in Deqing.
Wonton and Cantonese Wonton It is very different. The Cantonese style wonton has a lot of meat, while Deqing wonton pays more attention to the bottom of the soup and the moral people give it. The taste of the whole bowl of wonton is determined by the quality of the bone soup. The stuffing of wonton must be high-quality pork and mushrooms, while the skin making is more skillful. The thin wonton skin is wrapped with fresh pig meat filled with mushrooms, so as to ensure the good quality of wonton. [25]

Honors won

In 1996, it was designated as "Famous Historical and Cultural City of Guangdong Province". [44]
On October 29, 2019, it was selected into the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [47]
In January 2020, it was selected as one of China's top 100 spring leisure counties and cities in 2020. [26]
In February 2020, it was selected as one of the top 100 counties and cities of 2020 Chinese characteristic snacks. [27]
In June 2020, it was rated as the second batch of Guangdong province wide tourism demonstration areas. [28]
On June 30, 2020, it was included in the "Second Batch of Revolutionary Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Area and County List". [29]
In July 2020, it was selected as one of China's top 100 counties and cities for autumn leisure in 2020. [30]
On July 29, 2020, it was named as 2017-2019 National Health Township (County seat). [31]
In November 2020, it was selected as the 6th National Civilized City [32]
On November 16, 2020, it was selected into the "2020 China's Most Beautiful County List". [33]
In December 2020, it was awarded the honorary title of "Model City (County) of Double Support in Guangdong Province". [34]
In August 2021, it was selected as the national key leisure agriculture county in 2021. [35] [39]
In September 2021, it was selected into the "2021 China's Most Beautiful County List". [38]
In June 2022, it was selected into the national youth development county pilot list. [40]
On August 29, 2023, it was selected into the list of basic health comprehensive pilot areas in Guangdong Province. [45]