University of Gottingen

Public universities in Lower Saxony, Germany
zero Useful+1
synonym University of Gottingen (University of Gottingen, Germany) Generally refers to the University of Gottingen
Georges Augustus Gottingen University( German :Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Latin : Universitas Regi ∨ Georgi ∨ August ∨) referred to as the University of Gottingen, a comprehensive university Research University [19] German elite universities , also U15 University Union of Germany Global Alliance of Universities and Colleges Coimbra Group Important members of [1] College reasons Germany Duke of Hanover and King of England george ii Is created.
Gottingen University is located in the Lower Saxony south Gottingen City, yes the Second World War The former world academic center has traditional advantages in computer science, physics, social science, etc [20]
Gottingen University is famous in the world and has Max Planck biophysics Chemical Research Institute as well as Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research [2] , and has maintained a world leading position in the field of biophysics and space theory for a long time.
As of 2017 Nobel Prize The number of winners is 45, ranking second in Germany and 15th in the world.
Chinese name
Georges Augustus Gottingen University
Foreign name
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (German)
Universitas Regiæ Georgiæ Augustæ (Latin)
University of Göttingen (English)
University of Gottingen
Time of establishment
a founder member
george ii
Nature of running a school
Public University
School category
Comprehensive research university
School characteristics
Global Alliance of Universities and Colleges member
Current leaders
Dr. Martin Tolan [5] President
School setting
School of Chemistry, School of Mathematics and Computer Science medical college , Business School, Law School, Biology and Psychology School, Humanities School, etc
School motto
Latin: In public commoda
Lower Saxony Gottingen city
University of G ö ttingen, University of G ö ttingen
School official website

Historical evolution

In 1734 King of England and Hanover Archduke george ii Decided to appoint his important minister Feng Minghehausen to Gottingen Establish a university to promote Europe Age of Enlightenment As a result of the concept of academic freedom, the University of Gottingen (also translated as the University of Gottingen or the University of Gottingen) has opened the atmosphere of academic freedom in European universities. At the beginning of its establishment, the university has four classic disciplines: theology, law, philosophy and medicine natural science And law.
 logo  logo  logo
Throughout the 18th century, the University of Gottingen was the center of German universities because of its extremely free spirit and atmosphere of scientific exploration. By 1812, the university had developed into a modern university with a book collection of 250000 and was recognized at home and abroad. Napoleon He studied law here and said that "Gottingen belongs to all Europe".
Gottingen University was initially famous for its jurisprudence. Peter, a famous German national law master in the 18th century, taught here for half a century, which attracted a large number of students, Austria prime minister Klemens Wenzel von Metternich University of Berlin Founder of Wilhelm von Humboldt They are all his students. By 1837, when it was founded 100 years ago, Gottingen University was known as the "University of Law" because almost every year the number of students enrolled in the law school accounted for more than half of the total number of students enrolled in the school. As a result, Gottingen University became a public law school in Germany in the 18th century Mecca
At the end of the 18th century, the Columbia University Library described by painters
In 1837, the famous“ Gottingen Seven Gentlemen Incident ”Seven professors in Gottingen objected Hanover The king abolished the constitution and was expelled from Gottingen University, Brothers Green Also in this list, this event reflects the love of freedom and the courage of the intellectuals in Gottingen to defend the Constitution. Since then, Gustav· Hu Guo And Eichhorne taught here in the 19th century and became Germany Historical school of law The pioneer of. At the end of the 19th century“ Culpa in contrahendo ”A famous civil law scholar in theory Yelin Teach here.
What makes Gottingen the center of science that attracts the world's attention is its natural science, especially mathematics. Known as the "most important mathematician" Gaussian In the 18th century, he taught here and founded Gottingen School thereafter, Riemann Dirichlet and Jacobian He has made contributions in the fields of algebra, geometry, number theory and analysis. By the 19th century, famous mathematicians Hilbert and Klein It also attracted a large number of mathematicians to Gottingen, so that Germany Gottingen School of Mathematics It entered its heyday. By the beginning of the 20th century, Gottingen had become the undisputed world mathematical center and Mecca Holy Land. At that time, the most resounding slogan of the students studying mathematics all over the world was "Take up your backpack and go to Gottingen".
From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the academic position of Gottingen University in Europe and the world reached its peak. Come out of here in the past half century Nobel Prize The number of winners ranks eighth in the world universities, creating the "Gottingen Nobel miracle".
In addition, German Empire The "Prime Minister of Iron and Blood" of the period Otto von Bismarck Federal Germany ex-president Richard von Weizscker And before prime minister Gerhard Schroeder Both studied law at the University of Gottingen. German poet Heine He also obtained a Doctor of Law here. The Green brothers taught here and wrote the first German dictionary. Phenomenology master Edmund Husserl Teaching here, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer , Master of Sociology max weber And Jurgen Habermas He also studied in Gottingen.
This period was the most brilliant period when German universities were at the top of the academic world. Students from Europe and the United States are proud to study in Germany, especially the University of Gottingen and University of Berlin At that time, if a scholar did not have German learning experience, he would be considered not to have received complete academic training. German has also become the international academic language, and even many papers in Britain and the United States are directly named after German.
However, the First World War It has caused great damage to German academia, and the international academic community has become hostile to German academia.
nazi Period, 1933 Hitler Come on, right Israel Carry out cruel persecution. Between 1933 and 34, about 7000 people in German universities fled to the United States. By 1940, Germany had lost more than 500 natural science professors, 450 medical professors, and 300 humanities professors, which led to the regression of German academic level for decades. The University of Gottingen was also fatally hit. A large number of well-known Jewish scientists and scholars were forced to leave Gottingen for the United States.

academic research


Scientific research platform

  • graduate school
Among these departments, there are more than 170 research institutes, and the department heads are Academic Committee Members.
In addition, Gottingen has 4 Max Planck The Institute has cooperated with the University of Gottingen in disciplines, so that Gottingen maintains a leading position in scientific research. They are:
  1. one
    Max Planck Institute of Ethnic and Religious Diversity [formerly known as the Institute of History]
  2. two
    Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry
  3. three
    Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine
  4. four
    Max Planck Institute for Dynamics
Gottingen University and China Nanjing University Co organized by Sino German Institute of Law

Academic resources

Gottingen Lower Saxony The library of the State and Gottingen University has a rich collection of more than 5 million books, which is one of the five largest libraries in Germany today.

School running conditions


School setting

In 2014, the number of registered students at the University of Gottingen was nearly 28000, including more than 700 doctoral students. There are 495 professors and more than 15000 teaching and research personnel. The medical school it belongs to has 19 centers, including various clinics. Since 1980, the university has established 13 departments according to different disciplines. include:
Humanities (2)
  1. one
    Department of Theology
  2. two
    Department of Philosophy
Social Sciences (3)
  1. one
    Department of Sociology
  2. two
    Law Department
  3. three
    Department of Economics
Natural Science (4)
  1. one
    Department of Mathematics and Informatics
  2. two
    Department of Physics
  3. three
    Department of Chemistry
  4. four
    Department of Geology
Life Sciences (4)
  1. one
    Department of Agronomy
  2. two
    Department of Forestry
  3. three
    Department of Biology and Psychology
  4. four
    department of medicine

Professional settings

(Note: The following is only a part)
Science and Engineering Examination Major: agricultural science , Enterprise Principles of Economics , Biology, Chemistry, Protestant Theology , Forestry, Geography, Geology/ Paleontology geophysics , Mathematics, mineralogy Physics, psychology, sociology( bourgeois class political economics economic information , Economic Education.
Liberal Arts Examination Major: archaeology Assyria , Christian archaeology, Byzantium Art History , Geography, Germanic literature , History, Greece and Literature, India Germanic family of languages Of Comparative linguistics , Japan and literature, art history/art science, Latin literature, musicology Eastern Europe Southeast Europe History, pedagogy, philosophy, politics, sinology, sociology, Physical Education , Linguistics, Tibetan Studies/ Myanmar Language and literature research, turkey Science, prehistoric historiography, ancient history, ethnology / ethnology folklore
National examination majors: medicine, law, dentistry, etc.

Social evaluation

  • University reputation
Gottingen University and Germany Heidelberg University University of Freiburg University of Tuebingen Similarly, Gottingen University belongs to the traditional university town, which is "a university without gates and walls".
The alumni of Gottingen University are all over the natural sciences, humanities And the social and political elites. Among them, in the field of natural science, Heisenberg, Planck, Fermi, Born, Pauli and others have made great contributions to human beings Modern natural science Famous scientists who have made outstanding contributions; In the field of humanities, Gottingen University also has Green Brothers, Heine, Schopenhauer, Goethe, J.P. Morgan, Ji Xianlin And other outstanding alumni; There are Klemens Wenzel von Metternich Otto von Bismarck Richard von Weizscker Gerhard Schroeder Etc.
October 19, 2007, the second round in Germany“ Elite university ”The selection was finally announced, and Gottingen University became one of the nine elite universities in Germany.
On October 12, 2012, 15 universities in Germany were announced to be established U15 The University of Gottingen is also a member of the University Alliance. U15 University Alliance members are: Gottingen University Free University Berlin HU Berlin University of Munich Heidelberg University University of Cologne University of Tuebingen University of Freiburg University of Bonn Goethe University Frankfurt Hamburger University University of Leipzig University of Mainz Munster University Universitaet Wuerzburg [1]
Gottingen University Coimbra Group Coimbra Group, or CG for short, is a group of 39 Europe's oldest and most prestigious elite universities.

International ranking

  • Comprehensive ranking
Gottingen University Teaching quality and Scientific research achievements In recent years, we have achieved good results in university rankings. Of course, German universities are generally excellent, and the selection of majors and schools needs to be based on the ranking of relevant fields. The following data are the rankings of universities in recent years, for reference only:
2023 Thames Higher Education World University ranked 119. [21]
2022-2023 CWUR World University Ranking 89th [18]
two thousand and twenty-one Academic Ranking of Soft Science World Universities 101-150 [7] ,2022 Times Higher Education World University Ranking 119th [4] 2022QS World University Ranking 204th [8] ,2022U. S. News World University Ranking 149th [17]
two thousand and twenty Academic Ranking of Soft Science World Universities 101-150 [7] ,2021 Times Higher Education World University Ranking 130th [4] 2021QS World University Ranked 195 [8] ,2021U. S. News World University Ranked 158th [17]
two thousand and twenty Times Higher Education World University Ranking 125th [4] , ranking 197 in the 2020QS World University [8]
two thousand and twenty Moscow International University Ranking 70th [3]
two thousand and seventeen Times Higher Education World University Ranking 112th
2016U. S. News World University Ranking 134
2016《 Times Higher Education 》Promulgated Wikipedia In the ranking of world university influence, the University of Gottingen ranks 3rd in Germany and 23rd in the world. [6]
In the 2015 "U.S. News Global University Ranking", it ranked 5th in Germany and 93rd in the world.
In 2014 Times Higher Education World University Ranking In China, the University of Gottingen ranks second in Germany and 67th in the world.
In 2011 World University Academic Ranking In ARWU, the University of Gottingen ranks 4th in Germany and 86th in the world. Among them, chemistry and life sciences have ranked around 50 in the world in recent five years.
In 2010 Times Higher Education World University Ranking In China, the University of Gottingen ranks first in Germany and 43rd in the world.
stay Millennium Ranking of Global Universities In China, the University of Gottingen ranks second in Germany and fifth in the world.
  • Professional ranking
Professional ranking
QS World University Professional Ranking Archaeology Ranking 50-100 [10]
Shanghai Jiaotong University World University Academic ARWU Ranking Chemistry and Life Sciences Ranking 50 [9]

Cultural tradition


Academic tradition

Gottingen old city hall At the entrance of the cellar restaurant, there is still a famous Latin An old saying is used to describe the life of Gottingen college students: "There is no life outside Gottingen. Even if there is a life, it is not such a life."
 The State Library of Saxony and Gottingen University, Germany The State Library of Saxony and Gottingen University, Germany
Campus buildings
famous historian history of education Professor Rudolf Smende, an expert, once described the University of Gottingen in the 19th century as follows: "The professors of Gottingen University never accept the appointment letter of a foreign university, even if it comes from University of Berlin The letter of appointment is no exception. stay Berlin If we do not make a fundamental comparison, we may not feel the special status of Gottingen University. Merging( Prussia )In the following ten years, even the University of Berlin could not win the favor of the professors of Gottingen University. "
Famous American mathematician in the 20th century Saunders Mac Lane After visiting the University of Gottingen, the professor commented: "There is no other place in the world that can compare with it. It is a real intelligent activity center, where very exciting work is being carried out. Whatever makes people feel that it is the real essence, the center of things.... I once Chicago As a graduate student, it is much better than Chicago Yale As a college student, it is ten thousand times better than Yale! " When it comes to American Harvard Berkeley When the university also had an active academic atmosphere later, he especially emphasized that "but Gottingen was the first one".
In the 1970s, Britain BBC In the global documentary series The Ascent of Man, which was shot by the company, Jacob Bronowski, a famous British Jewish mathematician, once described Gottingen as "all ancient universities have wonderful similarities. Gottingen is as remote and rare as Cambridge in Britain or Yale in the United States. But except for those scholars. The professors are convinced that this is the center of the world. The old saying engraved on the wall of the old city hall of Gottingen is that there is no life outside Gottingen. Oh, this sentence, the professor of Gottingen takes it more seriously than the students. "
The academic tradition is highly respected in Gottingen. There is a statue of "Goose Girl" in the center of Gottingen, which comes from the fairy tale of Green. It tells the story of a princess. The main idea of the story is: a princess took her maid to a foreign country to perform her engagement with a prince. The princess and the maid changed their clothes on the way, and the maid took the token. When she arrived, the maid pretended to be a princess, and the princess was taken as a maid to release the geese. There was a talking horse near the princess who wanted to tell the prince the truth but was killed. The horse's head hung on the city wall. The princess lost the token and even the horse died. Now no one can prove her identity. The princess was heartbroken. When the prince met the maid and passed the city gate, the horse opened his mouth and told the truth, so the prince went to the outskirts of the city to find the princess who put the geese, and successfully married. The poignant and touching story has long been linked with the famous and interesting academic tradition of Gottingen University: on the day when doctoral students obtain their doctorate through defense, they will wear their heads doctorial hat Accompanied by relatives and friends, take a float to the Goose Girl Square in the center of the city to offer flowers to the "Goose Girl Statue" and kiss the Goose Girl. Tourists often stop to watch and become a sight of Gottingen. Due to the large number of kissers, Goose Girl has become the "most kissed girl in the world". In order to maintain order and protect the original statue, the city hall had ordered that the statue should not be kissed. Since there were many violators, the original statue has been collected by the museum. What stands here is a replica, and the city hall did not actually prohibit the newly baked doctors from climbing the statue and offering their kisses.
Universities are scattered throughout the city. The "Blue Tower" of the Central Campus of Liberal Arts is close to the old city and is the seat of the social science departments such as God, Law and Commerce. Humanities departments such as literature, history and philosophy are also nearby. The old building of the mathematics department is in the southwest of the old city. Most natural science departments are located in the newly built northern campus. The Medical Department and Gottingen Hospital are integrated and located at the foot of the mountain. Generally, all departments have canteens and a few student dormitories nearby.
In addition to the bustle of the old city, there are mountains in the east of Gottingen and Jisi Lake in the southwest, which are both good places for leisure and meditation.

Ten years in Germany

"Gottingen seems to be my second hometown."《 Ten years in Germany 》In the book, Ji defined his experience of studying abroad in Gottingen University in Germany.
Ten years in Germany
In 1935, young students Ji Xianlin He went to Germany to study and began a ten-year detention career. Decades later, Mr. Ji, the academic magnate, was nearly eighty years old. Recalling the past, he wrote a book, "Ten Years of Staying in Germany", which describes the process of Mr. Ji's leaving home to study in Germany. At the famous University of Gottingen, Mr Indian Studies As a major, she devoted her enthusiasm and hard work to him, and finally obtained a doctor's degree, which also laid a solid foundation for lifelong academic research. In the process, Mr the Second World War The haze of "The Great Wall" brought about dramatic suffering, but in addition to suffering, it was more unforgettable for seniors to think deeply and for friends to love deeply.
President Feguha once told reporters that at Gottingen University, "everyone must know Ji Xianlin. He is the pride of our school, and we will always respect and remember him." His book "Ten Years of Staying in Germany" has been translated into German "This will make the people of our country remember him forever."

Cooperation and exchange


Well known alumni

By 2016, there were 40 professors, students and visiting scholars from Gottingen University Nobel Prize The winners have studied, taught or studied at the University of Gottingen, most of which are physics and chemistry awards, and others are medicine, peace and literature awards. However, since most Nobel Prizes were won in the first half of the 20th century, most of the winners have died.
The people related to the University of Gottingen who recently won the Nobel Prize are the winners of the Physiology Prize in 2013 Thomas Judkhov Professor and winner of 2014 Chemistry Prize Stefan Hale Professor.

natural science

  1. one
    Mathematician- Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (Professor of Gottingen University)
  2. two
    Mathematician- John Dirichlet
  3. three
    Mathematician- Bernhard Riemann
  4. four
    Mathematician- Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind
  5. five
    Mathematician- Felix Klein
  6. six
    Mathematician- David Hilbert
  7. seven
    Mathematician- Emmy Noether (Professor of Gottingen University)
  8. eight
    Mathematician- Herman Weir (Professor of Gottingen University)
  9. nine
    Mathematician- Herman Minkowski (Einstein's teacher, professor of Gottingen University)
  10. ten
    Physicist- J. Robert Oppenheimer (First batch of atomic bomb makers, doctor of Gottingen University)
  11. eleven
    Physicist- Wilhelm Wien (1911 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner, Gottingen University student)
  12. twelve
    Physicist- Max von Laue (1914 Nobel Prize winner in physics, student and honorary professor of Gottingen University)
  13. thirteen
    Physicist- Max Planck (winner of the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics, member of the Academic Committee)
  14. fourteen
    Physicist- Johannes Stark (1919 Nobel Prize winner in physics, professor of Gottingen University)
  15. fifteen
    Physicist- Robert Andrews Millikan (1923 Nobel Prize winner in physics, student of Gottingen University)
  16. sixteen
    Physicist- Sigbarn (1924 Nobel Prize winner in physics, student of Gottingen University)
  17. seventeen
    Physicist- James Frank (1925 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner, student and professor of Gottingen University)
  18. eighteen
    Physicist- Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1925 Nobel Prize winner in physics, student of Gottingen University)
  19. nineteen
    Physicist- Werner Heisenberg (1932 Nobel Prize winner in physics, student and professor of Gottingen University)
  20. twenty
    Physicist- Paul Dirac (1933 Nobel Prize winner in physics, visiting scholar of Gottingen University)
  21. twenty-one
    Physicist- Enrico Fermi (1938 Nobel Prize winner in physics, student of Gottingen University)
  22. twenty-two
    Physicist- Wolfgang Pauli (1945 Nobel Prize winner in physics, assistant professor of Gottingen University)
  23. twenty-three
    Physicist- Tom Blackett (1948 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner, teaching assistant of Gottingen University)
  24. twenty-four
    Physicist- Max Born (1954 Nobel Prize winner in physics, doctor and professor of Gottingen University) Physicist- Bott (1954 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, member of the Academic Committee)
  25. twenty-five
    Physicist- Wigner (1963 Nobel Prize winner in physics, assistant professor of Gottingen University)
  26. twenty-six
    Physicist- Gopert Meyer (1963 Nobel Prize winner in physics, doctor of Gottingen University)
  27. twenty-seven
    Physicist Paul (1989 Nobel Prize winner in physics, professor of Gottingen University)
  28. twenty-eight
    Physicist- Hans Dehmelt (1989 Nobel Prize winner in physics, doctor of Gottingen University)
  29. twenty-nine
    Physicist - Cromer (2000 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner, PhD, University of Gottingen)
  30. thirty
    Physicist- Ludwig Planter (Father of modern aerodynamics, professor of Gottingen University)
  31. thirty-one
    Physicist- Theodore von Karmen (Authoritative expert in engineering mechanics and aviation technology, student of Gottingen University, tutor of Qian Weichang, Qian Xuesen, Guo Yonghuai and other scholars)
  32. thirty-two
    Chemist- Otto Wallach (1910 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner, student and professor of Gottingen University)
  33. thirty-three
    Chemist- Theodore Richards (1914 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, visiting scholar of Gottingen University)
  34. thirty-four
    Chemist- Walter Nernst (1920 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, professor of Gottingen University)
  35. thirty-five
    Chemist- Richard Sigmund (1925 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, professor of Gottingen University)
  36. thirty-six
    Chemist- Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (1928 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner, Professor of Gottingen University)
  37. thirty-seven
    Chemist- Irving Langmuir (1932 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, doctor of Gottingen University)
  38. thirty-eight
    Chemist- Peter Debye (1936 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, professor of Gottingen University)
  39. thirty-nine
    Chemist- Haworth (1937 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, doctor of Gottingen University)
  40. forty
    Chemist- Adolf Butenandt (1939 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, doctor and professor of Gottingen University)
  41. forty-one
    Chemist- Otto Hahn (1944 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, member of the Academic Committee)
  42. forty-two
    Chemist- Manfred Eigen (1967 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, doctor of Gottingen University)
  43. forty-three
    Chemist- Gerhard Herzberg (1971 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner, post doctor of University of Gottingen)
  44. forty-four
    Chemist- Thomas Steitz (2009 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, visiting scholar of Gottingen University)
  45. forty-five
    Chemist Stefan Hull( 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner, Professor of Gottingen University)

social science

  1. one
    Austria Prime Minister- Klemens Wenzel von Metternich (Law student of Gottingen University)
  2. two
    German Empire Prime Minister- Otto von Bismarck (Law student of Gottingen University)
  3. three
    Federal Germany President- Richard von Weizscker (Doctor of Law, University of Gottingen)
  4. four
    Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany- Gerhard Schroeder (Law student of Gottingen University)
  5. five
    Chief Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court- Hans Hugo Klein (Retired Professor of Law Department of Gottingen University)
  6. six
    Andreas Paulus, Chief Justice of the First Division of the Federal Constitutional Court (current law professor of Gottingen University)
  7. seven
    Judge of the Second Division of the Federal Constitutional Court - Christine Lunnfeld (current law professor of Gottingen University)
  8. eight
    Historical jurist- Friedrich Carl von Savigny (Law student of Gottingen University)
  9. nine
    Civil jurist- Rudolf von Ihering (Law student and law professor of Gottingen University)
  10. ten
    International jurist- Lhasa Oppenhai (Doctor of Law, University of Gottingen)
  11. eleven
    Civil jurist- Karl Larenz (Doctor of Law, University of Gottingen)
  12. twelve
    Public jurist- Hartmur Maurer (Doctor of Law, University of Gottingen)
  13. thirteen
    Politicians- Ludwig Quaid (1927 The Nobel Peace Prize Winner, PhD, University of Gottingen)
  14. fourteen
    Politicians- Nathan Soderblom (Winner of the 1930 Nobel Peace Prize, member of the Academic Committee)
  15. fifteen
    Financier - Lionel Nathan Rothschild( Rothschild family Third generation descendant, student of Gottingen University)
  16. sixteen
    Financier- John Pearmont Morgan morgan family Representative, student of Gottingen University)
  17. seventeen
    Entrepreneurs- Kleinfeld (President of Siemens, student of Gottingen University)
  18. eighteen
    Sociologist- max weber (Student of Gottingen University)
  19. nineteen
    Sociologist- Jurgen Habermas (Student of Gottingen University)
  20. twenty
    Philosophers- Arthur Schopenhauer (Doctor of Gottingen University)
  21. twenty-one
    Philosophers- Edmund Husserl (Professor of Gottingen University)
  22. twenty-two
    Famous German poet- Heinrich Heine (Doctor of Law, University of Gottingen)
  23. twenty-three
    Fairy tale writer and linguist- Brothers Green (Professor of Gottingen University)
  24. twenty-four
    German writer Voiken (1908 The Nobel Prize in Literature Winner, Gottingen University student)
  25. twenty-five
    German writer - Gunter William Glass (1999 Nobel Prize winner in literature, student of Gottingen University)
  26. twenty-six
    Famous educator and founder of Berlin University- Wilhelm von Humboldt (Law student of Gottingen University)
  27. twenty-seven
    President of the European Commission (2019 -)- Ursula von der Leyen (Student of Gottingen University)

life sciences

  1. one
    Medical scientist- robert koch (1905 Nobel Prize in Medicine Winner, Gottingen University student)
  2. two
    Medical scientist- Mechnikov (1908 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, student of Gottingen University)
  3. three
    Medical scientist- Paul Ehrlich (1908 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Honorary Professor of Gottingen University)
  4. four
    Medical scientist- Corepos (1953 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, student and honorary doctor of Gottingen University)
  5. five
    Medical scientist- Delbruk (1969 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, doctor of Gottingen University)
  6. six
    Medical scientist- Irwin Nell (1991 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, professor of Gottingen University)
  7. seven
    Medical scientist- Bert Sakmann (1991 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, doctor and assistant professor of Gottingen University)
  8. eight
    Biologist- Thomas Judkhov (2013 Nobel Prize in Medicine Winner, PhD, University of Gottingen)

Chinese alumni

  1. one
    Master of Chinese traditional culture and famous writer Ji Xianlin
  2. two
    Mathematician and philosopher Wei Shizhen [12-13]
  3. three
    Politicians and militarists Zhu De [14-15]
  4. four
    Militarist Xie Weijin [16]
  5. five
    Hydrodynamic scientist Lu Shijia