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Microbial nutrition requirements

Nutrients required by microorganisms to maintain their life and growth
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Microbial nutrition requirements are the nutrients needed by microorganisms to maintain their life and growth
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Microbial nutrition requirements
Nutrients required by microorganisms to maintain their life and growth
Microbial nutrition requirements All wastewater treatment faults are based on the nutritional conditions of microorganisms. The effects of nutrients on microorganisms include: ① providing substances needed for the synthesis of cytoplasm (CO2, HCO3 -, organic compounds, trace elements and auxin); ② As energy for cell growth and biosynthetic reaction (organic compounds, inorganic compounds, energy); ③ It acts as an electron acceptor (O2, compound oxygen in organic compounds and inorganic compounds) released by productivity reaction. According to the different forms of carbon sources required, microorganisms can be divided into autotrophic type (that is, CO2 or HCO3 - is used as the only carbon source) and heterotrophic type (that is, carbon in relatively complex reduced organic compounds needs to be absorbed). According to the different energy requirements, microorganisms can be divided into phototrophic and chemotrophic (that is, the oxidation reduction reaction is used to provide energy).