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Microwave detector

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Instruments and equipment for measuring and evaluating the thickness of lunar soil
Observe the changes of the moon. First, we need to turn on the microwave detector. The microwave detector is also very innovative. It is the first time for the Chinese to use the microwave radiometer to measure the lunar soil on the surface of the moon. In order to enable the microwave detector to make an assessment of the thickness of the lunar soil, four frequency bands are used to view the lunar soil with different wavelengths because of the penetration depth of different wavelengths in the lunar soil, The depth that can be seen is different. The frequency of four wavelengths is equal to four parameters to see the lunar soil. It is a scientific problem that needs to be studied to find out how thick the lunar soil is. Four frequency bands provide four parameters, and the scientific goal is to target the moon Chang'e Project The third goal is to evaluate the thickness of lunar soil.
Chinese name
Microwave detector
Used to measure and evaluate the thickness of lunar soil
Instrument and equipment
Microwave detector
After more than 50 years of development, computer software has become the key in the modern information society, affecting all fields of global human activities. Especially in the field of aviation and aerospace, software is the soul of the whole system, so it is more significant to study how to improve the reliability of on-board software. Based on a real on-board software project, this paper studies the support technology to improve reliability from the perspective of reliability analysis and design. In this paper, the software failure mode and impact analysis method of software reliability analysis method is used in the software engineering project of spaceborne microwave detector, and the causes of software failure and improvement measures are determined. In the software reliability design, the structural programming method is used to decompose the function into smaller modules, and the time redundancy design method is used to monitor the running state of the software, The software traps are set up, and the software failure countermeasures are formulated. The software reliability analysis and design method are used to design the software of satellite borne microwave detector, which effectively improves the software reliability and meets the requirements of software reliability in demand. [1]