circular economy

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Circular economy, a complete expression of resource circular economy. An economic development model characterized by resource conservation and recycling, which is harmonious with the environment. It emphasizes that economic activities should be organized into a feedback process of "resource product renewable resources". It is characterized by low mining, high utilization and low emission. All materials and energy can be reasonably and permanently used in this ongoing economic cycle to reduce the impact of economic activities on the natural environment to the smallest possible extent. [1]
In July 2021, with the consent of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission issued《 The 14th Five Year Plan for Circular Economy Development 》(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). [5]
Chinese name
circular economy
Foreign name
Circular economy
Proposed time
Applicable fields
Chemical industry, economy and society
Applied discipline
chemical industry

Connotation and definition

The idea of circular economy sprouted in the United States in the 1960s. The term "circular economy" appeared in China in the mid-1990s. In the process of research, the academic community has taken the perspective of comprehensive utilization of resources, environmental protection, technological paradigm economic form It is defined from different angles, such as the angle of growth mode, broad sense and narrow sense. At present, the state is widely promoted in the society NDRC Definition of circular economy: "The circular economy is an economic growth model that takes the efficient use and recycling of resources as the core, takes the principle of 'reduction, reuse, and recycling', takes low consumption, low emissions, and high efficiency as the basic characteristics, and conforms to the concept of sustainable development. It is a fundamental change to the traditional growth model of 'mass production, mass consumption, and mass waste'." This definition not only points out the core, principles and characteristics of circular economy, but also points out that circular economy is an economic growth model that conforms to the concept of sustainable development. It has grasped the crux of the relative shortage and large consumption of resources in China at present, and has urgent practical significance to solve the bottleneck constraints of China's resources on economic development.
People oriented is the essence and core of the scientific outlook on development. Adhering to the principle of putting people first requires us not to see things without seeing people, but to improve people's living conditions and improve people's material life The quality of political and spiritual life and the promotion of people's all-round development are transferred. We must adhere to the scientific concept of development to guide the economy social development Overall, promote the coordination of economic development with population, resources and environment. In the long run, circular economy is essentially an ecological economy, which is the concrete embodiment and realization way of the concept of sustainable development. It requires following the ecological laws and economic law , make rational use of natural resources and environmental capacity recycling ”To develop the economy on the principle of Natural ecosystem Material circulation and energy flow Regularly reconstruct the economic system, make the economic system harmonious into the material circulation process of the natural ecosystem, realize the ecological transformation of economic activities, and build an ecological type that is in harmony with the structure and function of the ecological environment system Socio economic system
Circular economy originates from ecological economy. After Kenneth Balding, an American economist, published "A Science - Ecological Economics" in 1966, and pioneered the concept of ecological economy and the theory of coordinated development of ecological economy, people increasingly realized that Eco economic system The growing economic system has an endless demand for natural resources Resource supply There must be a contradiction throughout the whole process between the limitations of. To promote the process of modern civilization around this contradiction, it is necessary to take a more rational path of ecological economic development that emphasizes the mutual adaptation, promotion and coordination of ecological system and economic system. Ecological economy is a form of economic activity that organically combines economic development with ecological environment protection and construction to promote each other. It requires that under the guidance of the idea of coordinated development of economy and ecology, and according to the principle of hierarchical utilization of material energy, nature, economy, society and environment should be considered as a systematic project, based on ecology, focusing on economy, and emphasizing that economic construction must pay attention to Ecological capital And realize that the ecological environment is not only the carrier of economic activities, but also an important factor of production. Economic development, resource conservation, environmental protection and harmony between man and nature should be coordinated and organically unified.
● Develop circular economy to realize Environment and development The highest goal of coordination is to achieve a qualitative leap from end treatment to source control, from waste utilization to waste reduction
The fundamental purpose of circular economy is to reduce resource input as much as possible in the economic process, and systematically avoid and reduce waste. Waste recycling is only to reduce the final amount of waste treatment. The importance of "reducing, reusing and recycling" - the "3R" principle of circular economy is not parallel, but they are arranged in a scientific order. Reduction - belongs to the input end, which aims to reduce the quality of materials entering the production and consumption processes; Reuse - a process aimed at extending the time of products and services; recycling ——It belongs to the output end and aims to recycle the waste again to reduce the final treatment amount. The priority of waste treatment is: avoid generation - recycle - final disposal. That is, first of all, we should fully consider saving resources, improving the utilization rate of resources for unit production products, and preventing and reducing waste generation at the source input end of production; The second is to recycle the pollutants that cannot be cut at the source and the packaging waste and used goods used by consumers, so that they can return to the economic cycle; Only when the generation avoidance and recycling can not be realized, can the final waste be environmentally friendly treated. The highest goal of the coordination of environment and development is to achieve a qualitative leap from end treatment to source control, from waste utilization to waste reduction, and to fundamentally reduce the consumption of natural resources, thus reducing environmental load pollution.
Theoretically, "reduction, reuse and recycling" can include the following three levels:
(1) Product Green design The concept of "reduction, reuse and recycling" runs through. Green design includes all kinds of design work fields. All designs that are based on a high degree of concern for the earth's ecology and human living environment and are conducive to the sustainable development of society and the healthy development of human and even biological living environment belong to the category of green design. Green design specifically includes the design of products from creativity, conception, pollution-free and non-toxic selection of raw materials and processes to manufacturing, use, and recycling and reuse after waste, that is, the whole product life cycle Design. Designers are required to take into account the basic functional attributes of the product, as well as prevent the negative impact of products and processes on the environment in advance.
(2) material resources The concept of "reduction, reuse and recycling" runs through the whole life cycle of its development and utilization. That is resource development Reasonable development and multi-level reuse of resources shall be considered in the stage; At the stage of product and production process design, consider the design idea of product oriented reuse and recycling; In the design of production process system, the multi-level utilization of resources and the integrated and standardized design idea of production process are considered; Process integration and waste reuse shall be considered in the production process, product transportation and sales stages; Consider extending the service life of products and realizing multiple utilization of resources in the circulation and consumption stages; At the end of the life cycle, consider the reuse of resources and the recycling and recycling of waste.
(3) Redevelopment and recycling of ecological environment resources. That is, the reproduction and reuse of renewable resources in the environment, the restoration, reuse and recycling of space and environmental resources.
As for the boundary between reuse and recycling, it is necessary to recognize the following limitations of waste recycling: first, recycling is still a post event solution in nature, rather than a preventive measure. Although waste recycling can reduce the final amount of waste treatment, it does not necessarily reduce the speed of material flow and the scale of material use in the economic process. Second, reuse itself cannot be guaranteed to be an environmentally friendly processing activity. Because it costs money to use recycling technology to treat waste Mineral energy , water, electricity and many other substances, and many new pollutants are discharged into the environment, causing secondary pollution. Third, if the content of reused resources is too low, the cost of collection will be high, and reuse will have no economic value.
The ranking of the "3R" principles of circular economy actually reflects the three processes of people's ideological progress on environmental and development issues since the second half of the 20th century: in the first stage, people realized that environment disruption In pursuit of the harm of economic growth at the cost, people's ideas have been raised from discharging waste to requiring waste purification through end treatment; In the second stage, it is recognized that the essence of environmental pollution is resource waste, so it is required to further sublimate the waste from purification to reuse and recycle the waste; In the third stage, it is recognized that waste utilization is still only an auxiliary means, and the highest goal of the coordination of environment and development should be to achieve a qualitative leap from waste utilization to waste reduction. Accordingly, in human economic activities, different ideas lead to three different ways of using resources. One is the traditional way of combining linear economy with terminal governance; Second, only reuse and recycling Resource recovery mode that works in principle; The third is to include the whole "3R" principle and emphasize the low or even zero emission of waste.
Academics have proposed "4R", "5R" and "6R" principles, such as "3R" plus "reorganize", "rethink", "remanufacture", "repair" and so on. We believe that these principles are more specific and targeted for some different levels or fields, such as management level, consciousness level or some industry fields, and are reasonable, But it cannot replace the basic and universal nature of the "3R" principle.
● Circular economy is a systematic project, not a simple economic problem, but should focus on economy
Circular economy and sustainable development come down in one continuous line, emphasizing Socio economic system Harmonious coexistence with natural ecosystem is a systematic project integrating economy, technology and society. Circular economy is not a simple economic problem, nor a simple technical problem or environmental protection problem. It is based on the principle of coordinating the relationship between man and nature, simulates the operation mode and law of natural ecosystem, changes social production from quantitative material growth to quality service growth, and promotes the whole society to embark on the path of civilized development with production development, rich life and good ecology, It requires humanistic culture, institutional innovation technological innovation And structural adjustment.
It should be noted that the implementation of circular economy is a cost economy. The implementation of circular economy requires technology, investment and operating costs, which is based on the flow of funds. The implementation of circular economy should not only pay attention to the cost and capital elements, but also pay attention to the possibility and rationality of connecting the material and energy recycling in the time space allocation. The implementation of circular economy is based on the basic principle of "3R", which effectively integrates material, energy, time, space, capital and other elements under certain conditions.

Implementation principles

In the practice of circular economy and the realization of sustainable development, the following principles should be grasped as the guidance of practice.
Principles of system analysis
Circular economy is an economy that comprehensively analyzes input and output. It studies economic principles that conform to objective laws and balances economic, social and ecological benefits in the large system of population, resources, environment, economy, society and science and technology. Its basic tool is application system analysis. It includes a series of new disciplines such as information theory, system theory, cybernetics, ecology and resource system engineering management.
In the era of traditional industrial economy, economic production is regarded as a system isolated from the rest of the world, only considering economic benefits, or even simply referring to profits. This one-sided economic thinking idea does not conform to the actual situation, but also violates the laws of nature. In fact, any economic production must obtain raw materials from nature and discharge waste to nature. However, a variety of strategic economic resources, such as oil, coal and fresh water, are limited or even in short supply. If we do not take this into consideration, we will eventually lead to the depletion of resources, which will be a waste of resources. The production discharges waste to the nature, and the capacity of the ecosystem is limited. If this is not considered, it is the basis of self destruction. Therefore, ecological system must be considered in economic production. Similarly, social consumption should also consider the carrying capacity of the ecosystem, must follow the basic ecological objective laws, and consider population, economy, society, resources and environment as a large system to achieve the harmonious development of all subjects in the system.
Principle of total amount control of ecological cost
As a part of economic production system, natural ecosystem has the cost of ecosystem in its production. When investing, any industrial producer must consider its own capital situation, while borrowing needs to consider its repayment ability. Similarly, when asking for resources from the nature, we must also consider the carrying capacity and self-healing capacity of the ecosystem. There should be a concept of total control of ecological costs.
The so-called ecological cost refers to the cost of artificial restoration after the destruction of the ecosystem caused by economic production. Taking river water intake as an example, traditional industrial water intake only considers the cost of water intake engineering, machinery and labor, but does not consider the cost of water resources, and believes that water resources are inexhaustible. This understanding is right when water is rich in resources, such as taking seawater; However, if the downstream ecosystem is damaged due to water cut off after water intake, there will be not only a cost of water resources, but also a high cost of water ecosystem; The discharge of sewage into the water destroys the quality of water. This is another kind of water, which is also high
The environmental cost of Ang. Ecological cost should have a concept of total quantity control. If water is taken from a river, UNESCO Through the statistical study of hundreds of cases, it is concluded that the amount of water taken from rivers in temperate semi humid areas should not exceed 40% of the total amount of river water resources. That is, less than 40% of the total water resources are taken from the whole river, so as not to cause flow interruption, or when the sewage treatment meets the discharge standard, the self purification capacity of the river can be maintained.
Other principles
The traditional economy regards the natural ecosystem as the borrow area and garbage dump, which is completely an unreasonable linear economy. Circular economy is an ecological closed-loop economy, which forms a reasonable closed cycle. It requires human economic activities to be organized into a process of repeated circulation and flow of materials "resource products renewable resources renewable products" according to the natural ecosystem model, All raw materials and energy should be used in the most reasonable way in this ongoing economic cycle, so that the impact of economic activities on the natural environment can be controlled at the lowest possible level. There is no real waste in the circular economy. Only the resources in the wrong place. Circular economy requires that social economic activities should be based on the basic principles of "reduction, reuse and recycling".
1. The principle of resource utilization reduction
The principle of reduction is the first principle of circular economy. It requires the improvement of management technology in the production process. Reduce the amount of material and energy entering the production and consumption process. In other words, the principle of reduction requires that in order to make this growth sustainable and environmentally compatible in the process of economic growth, people must learn to fully consider saving resources, improving the utilization rate of resources for unit production products, and preventing the generation of waste at the input end of the production source, rather than focusing on the treatment of waste generated. For the production process, enterprises can reduce the use of raw materials and pollutant emissions per unit of product production through technological transformation, adoption of advanced production processes, or implementation of cleaner production. In addition, the principle of reduction requires that the packaging of products should be simple, not luxurious and wasteful, so as to reduce waste emissions.
2. Reuse principle of product production
The second principle of circular economy is to use what people buy as many times as possible and in as many ways as possible. By reusing, people can prevent things from becoming garbage prematurely. In production, it is required that the manufactured products and packaging containers can be reused in the initial form, so as to extend the service life of the products as far as possible, rather than being updated very quickly; Encourage the development of remanufacturing industry to disassemble, repair and assemble used and broken things. In life, we oppose the proliferation of all disposable items, and encourage people to return usable or maintainable items to the market system for others to use or donate items they no longer need.
3 Principle of waste recycling
The third principle of circular economy is to recycle or recycle as much as possible. It is required to reprocess (regenerate) the "waste" as a resource as far as possible to make it into a new product with less resources and energy and enter the market or production process again, so as to reduce the generation of garbage. There are two cases of recycling: the first is primary recycling. Also called primary recycling, it refers to the recycling of waste abandoned by consumers to form new products that are the same as the original ones, such as producing recycled paper from waste paper and steel from waste steel. The second is secondary recycling or secondary recycling, which is the recycling process of using waste to produce raw materials for other products with different properties, such as bagasse produced by sugar mills as the production raw materials of paper mills, molasses as the production raw materials of wineries, etc. The efficiency of primary recycling in reducing raw material consumption is much higher than that of secondary recycling, which is an ideal state for recycling economy [2]
basic feature
circular economy
Traditional economy It is a one-way linear process of "resource product waste". The more wealth created, the more resources consumed and waste generated, and the greater the negative impact on environmental resources. The circular economy uses as little resource consumption as possible and environmental costs To obtain the greatest economic and social benefits as possible, so as to make the material circulation process of the economic system and the natural ecosystem harmonious, and promote the sustainable use of resources. Therefore, the circular economy is the key to "mass production Mass consumption The fundamental change of the traditional economic model of "massive abandonment". Its basic characteristics are:
In the process of resource exploitation, efforts should be made to improve the comprehensive development and recycling rate of resources.
In the link of resource consumption, we should vigorously improve the efficiency of resource utilization.
Vigorously carry out waste production Comprehensive utilization of resources
stay Renewable resources The production link should be vigorously recycled Waste resources
In society Consumption link , we should vigorously promote green consumption [3]

support system

The implementation of circular economy must be supported by five systems.
1. Support of national policies, laws and regulations.
2. Technical support.
3. Fund support.
4. Support for management and supervision.
5. The enterprises in the circular economy chain must be supported by economic benefits, must make profits, and must continuously increase in value to ensure the sustainable and extensive development of the circular economy.
Efficient utilization and recycling of resources is the core of circular economy. Therefore, the recycling of scrap metal, waste electronics, and waste plastics is of far-reaching practical significance. For enterprises, the recycling of these waste products in Hong Kong is more economically significant than that in China. It is thought that reducing tariff expenditure for enterprises, while protecting the environment and saving energy, it can be said that more can be done at one stroke. [3]

basic principle

The "3R principle" is the code of conduct for circular economic activities, and the so-called "3R principle" is called reduction
(reduce) principle, reuse principle and recycle principle.
Reduction principle
It is required to use as few raw materials and energy as possible to achieve the established production goals and consumption goals. This will reduce the consumption of resources and energy at the source and greatly improve the environmental pollution. For example, we make our products smaller and lighter; Make the packaging simple and practical rather than luxurious and wasteful; To minimize waste discharge in the process of production and consumption.
Reuse principle
It is required that the products and packages produced can be used repeatedly. In the process of product design and production, producers should abandon the idea of one-time use and pursue profits, and try to make products durable and reusable.
Recycling principle
It is required that the product can be turned back into usable resources after the use function is completed, and that the leftover materials, intermediate materials and other materials generated in the production process can also be returned to the production process or used separately.

Mainly reflected

circular economy
As a scientific concept of development, circular economy is a brand new economic development model , has its own independent characteristics, which experts believe are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

New system view

Circulation refers to the movement process within a certain system. The system of circular economy is a large system composed of human, natural resources, science and technology and other elements. The concept of circular economy requires that when considering production and consumption, people no longer stay outside of this big system, but study economic principles that conform to objective laws as part of this big system“ Returning farmland to the lake ”、“ Conversion of farmland to forests ”"Returning grazing land to grassland" and other ecosystem construction should be taken as the basic work to maintain the sustainable development of the large system.

New economic outlook

Among the elements of the traditional industrial economy, capital is circulating, labor is circulating, and only natural resources are not circulating. The concept of circular economy requires the use of ecological laws, not just the laws of mechanical engineering since the 19th century to guide economic activities. Not only the bearing capacity of the project, but also the ecological bearing capacity should be considered. In the ecosystem, the cycle of economic activities exceeding the carrying capacity of resources is a vicious cycle, which will cause ecosystem degradation; Only a virtuous circle within the carrying capacity of resources can make Ecosystem balance Local development.
Circular economy is an important force to promote industrial upgrading and transform the mode of economic development in China, and it is also one of the important means to achieve the goal of energy conservation and emission reduction in China.

New values

Circular Economy Report
When considering nature, the concept of circular economy no longer regards it as a "borrow pit" and "garbage dump" like traditional industrial economy, nor only as a usable resource, but as the basis for human survival, which is an ecosystem that needs to maintain a virtuous cycle; When considering science and technology, we should not only consider its ability to develop nature, but also take full account of its ability to repair the ecosystem, making it a technology beneficial to the environment; When considering man's own development, we should not only consider man's ability to conquer nature, but also pay more attention to man's ability to live in harmony with nature to promote Human's all-round development

New production concept

Circular economy mode
Traditional industry Economic Production concept Is to maximize the development and utilization of natural resources and create public wealth To maximize profits. The production concept of circular economy should be fully considered Natural ecosystem To save natural resources as much as possible, improve the utilization efficiency of natural resources, recycle resources, and create benign social wealth. stay Production process The concept of circular economy requires compliance "3R" principle resource utilization The principle of reducing is to input as few natural resources as possible at the input end of production; The principle of product reuse is to extend the service life of the product as far as possible and use it in many occasions; Waste recycling (Recycle) principle, that is, to minimize waste emissions, strive to achieve harmless emissions, and achieve resource recycling. At the same time, it is also required to make full use of the available Cyclic regeneration Of Resource substitution Non renewable resources, such as solar energy Wind energy And farmyard manure, so that production can reasonably rely on the natural ecological cycle; Make use of high-tech as far as possible, and replace material input with knowledge input as far as possible, so as to achieve the harmonious unity of economy, society and ecology, so that human beings can produce and live in a good environment, and truly improve the quality of people's life in an all-round way.

New consumption concept

The concept of circular economy requires that we should go out of the misunderstanding of traditional industrial economy of "desperate production and consumption", advocate moderate consumption and hierarchical consumption of materials, take into account the recycling of waste while consuming, and establish the concept of circular production and consumption. At the same time, the concept of circular economy requires passing tax revenue And administrative means to restrict the production and consumption of disposable products made of non renewable resources, such as disposable articles in hotels, disposable tableware and luxury packaging in restaurants.

Main approaches

circular economy
The main way to develop circular economy, from the organizational level of resource flow, is mainly from the three levels of enterprise small cycle, regional cycle and social big cycle; From the technical level of resource utilization, it is mainly from the efficient utilization of resources, recycling and waste Harmless treatment Three technical paths.
Three organizational levels of development
From the organizational level of resource flow, circular economy can be developed from three levels: the small cycle within enterprises, production bases and other economic entities, the middle cycle between enterprises and industries in the industrial concentration area, and the large cycle of the whole society in the production and life fields.
(1) Based on the material circulation within the enterprise, build the small circulation within the economic entities such as enterprises and production bases. Enterprises, production bases and other economic entities are the micro main body of economic development and the smallest cell of economic activities. Rely on scientific and technological progress, give full play to the initiative and creativity of enterprises, and build a micro construction system of circular economy with the main purpose of improving the utilization efficiency of resources and energy and reducing waste emissions.
(2) Take the material circulation in the industrial concentration area as the carrier to build the medium circulation among enterprises, industries and production areas. With the promotion and application of ecological parks in a certain region as the main form, through the rational organization of the industry, establish the integration of energy flow and logistics and the recycling of resources between enterprises vertically and horizontally, focusing on waste exchange and comprehensive utilization of resources, so as to realize the Contaminants Low emission or even "zero emission", forming a circular industrial cluster or a circular economic zone, realizing the full utilization of resources between different enterprises and industries, and establishing a circular economic industrial system with the reuse and recycling of secondary resources as an important part.
(3) Focusing on the material cycle of the whole society, we should build a big cycle of the whole society, including production and life. We should coordinate urban and rural development, production and life, and build a harmonious relationship between urban and rural areas, human society and natural environment A circular economic circle is established between the two. It establishes a large material and energy cycle of production and consumption within the whole society, including production, consumption and recycling, builds a social system that conforms to the circular economy, builds a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, and maximizes economic, social and ecological benefits.
Three technical paths for development
From the technical perspective of resource utilization, the development of circular economy is mainly realized through three technical paths: efficient utilization of resources, recycling and harmless production.
circular economy
(1) Efficient use of resources. Rely on scientific and technological progress and Institutional innovation And improve the utilization level of resources and the output rate of unit factors. stay In the field of agricultural production, the first is to explore efficient production methods, intensively use land, save water resources and energy. For example, the promotion of efficient cultivation techniques such as interplanting and intercropping, and efficient mixed breeding techniques, the introduction or cultivation of high-yield and high-quality seed seedlings and breeding varieties, and the implementation of facilities, large-scale and standardized agricultural production can improve the output level of unit land and water surface. Water saving in planting can be achieved by optimizing multiple water source utilization schemes, improving water delivery systems such as ditches, improving irrigation methods and digging agronomic water-saving measures. Through the development of intensive and water-saving aquaculture, water conservation in aquaculture can be achieved. The second is to improve the quality of land, water and other resources and improve the sustainability and carrying capacity of agricultural resources. Through straw returning Soil testing formula Scientific fertilization and other advanced practical means to improve soil organic matter As well as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements necessary for efficient growth of crops, improve soil fertility.
Tongzhou Circular Economy Conference
(2) Recycling of resources. By building a resource recycling industry chain, we will establish a recycling channel for renewable resources in production and life, achieve effective utilization of resources, reduce demands on natural resources, and promote economic and social development in a harmonious cycle with nature. In the field of agricultural production The planting of crops, livestock and poultry, and aquaculture itself must conform to the laws of natural ecology. To realize the organic coupling agricultural circular industrial chain through advanced technology is to follow the laws of nature and organize effective production according to economic laws. Including: First, the planting feed breeding industry chain. According to the feeding habits of herbaceous animals, give full play to the natural feed function of crop straw in the breeding industry, and build a planting and breeding chain; The second is the industry chain of breeding - waste - planting. Through the production of organic manure from livestock and poultry manure Pig manure And other breeding wastes are processed into organic fertilizer and biogas slurry, which can provide clean and efficient Organic fertilizer The biogas residue fermented by livestock and poultry manure can also be used for planting characteristic vegetables such as mushrooms; The third is the aquaculture waste aquaculture industry chain. Carry out fish culture with silkworm excrement Chicken manure The development and promotion of practical technologies such as shellfish and fish farming, pig manure fermentation, biogas residue farming, earthworm farming, etc., can realize the internal circulation of the aquaculture industry, which is conducive to reflecting the dual effects of pollution control and resource conservation; Fourth, ecological compatible planting - breeding industry chain. Under the premise of controlling stocking density, using open planting space to raise some livestock and poultry or aquatic animals that are not harmful to crops or even have a positive effect, and conditionally build a compatible industrial chain of "rice duck co breeding", "rice crab symbiosis", free pheasant and other types of planting and breeding, which can promote both planting and breeding; The fifth is waste energy or pest control industry chain. Livestock manure methane The biogas produced by fermentation can provide farmers with clean domestic energy for lighting, heating, cooking, grain storage, preservation, chicken incubation and other aspects, and can also be used to provide agricultural production with carbon dioxide Gas fertilizer, light trapping and other purposes. Crop waste straw is also formed Biomass energy It is an important raw material that can be excavated and utilized.
(3) Harmless discharge of wastes. Through the Harmless treatment , reduce production and living activities ecological environment Impact. In the field of agricultural production , mainly through the promotion of ecological aquaculture, clean aquaculture. application Biogas fermentation Technology, dealing with excrement from livestock and poultry breeding, turning harm into benefit, and producing biogas and organic fertilizer; Control drug use in aquaculture, promote scientific feeding, and reduce water pollution caused by aquaculture. Explore the breeding of ecological complementary aquatic products, strengthen the harmless treatment of livestock and poultry feed, epidemic situation inspection and prevention; Implement cleaner agricultural production, adopt integrated biological and physical pest control, reduce the use of pesticides, reduce pesticide residues in crops and the accumulation of pesticide toxins in soil; Use degradable Agricultural film And implement agricultural film recycling to reduce residues in the land.

development history

The sprout of the idea of circular economy can be traced back to the 1960s when environmental protection rose. 1962 United States ecologist Rachel Carson Published《 Silent spring 》, pointing out the dangers faced by the biological world and human beings. The term "circular economy" was first proposed by American economist K. Bolding, which mainly refers to the transformation of the traditional linear growth economy relying on resource consumption into an economy relying on ecological resource recycling in the whole process of resource input, enterprise production, product consumption and abandonment within the large system of people, natural resources and science and technology. Its“ Spaceship economic theory ”It can be used as an early representative of circular economy. The general content is that the earth is like a spaceship flying in space, which must survive by constantly consuming its own limited resources. If resources are not developed properly and the environment is damaged, it will be destroyed like a spaceship. Therefore, Spaceship economy A new concept of development is required: first, the "growth" economy in the past must be changed into a "reserve" economy; Second, we should change the traditional "consumption economy" and replace it with a recuperating economy; Third, implement the economy of welfare quantity, and abandon the economy that only focuses on production quantity; Fourth, the establishment will neither exhaust resources nor cause environmental pollution And a "circular" economy with ecological destruction and the ability to recycle various materials to replace the "single program" economy in the past.
After the 1990s, the development of knowledge economy and circular economy has become the two major trends of the international community. China has introduced the idea of circular economy since the 1990s. Since then, the theoretical research and practice of circular economy have been deepened.
In 1998, the concept of German circular economy was introduced to establish the central position of the "3R" principle; In 1999, the circular economy development model was integrated from the perspective of sustainable production; In 2002, the development significance of circular economy was recognized from the perspective of emerging industrialization; In 2003, circular economy was incorporated into the scientific concept of development and the development strategy of material reduction was established; In 2004, it was proposed to vigorously develop circular economy from different spatial scales: urban, regional and national levels.
At the 2015 China Circular Economy Development Forum held recently, China Circular Economy Association Chairman Zhao Jiarong told the media that after nearly 10 years of development, the circular economy has played an important role in adjusting the industrial structure, transforming the development mode, building ecological civilization and promoting sustainable development. According to statistics, China's circular economy development index in 2013 was 137.6%, 37.6 percentage points higher than that in 2005. In the first four years of the 12th Five Year Plan, China's resource output rate increased by about 10%, gdp energy intensity Decrease by 13.4%, unit: Industrial added value Water consumption decreased by 24%. "In 2014, China's resource recycling industry had an output value of 1.5 trillion yuan, 20 million employees, and nearly 250 million tons of waste and renewable resources were recovered and recycled. Compared with the use of raw resources, nearly 200 million tons of standard coal were saved, 9 billion tons of wastewater were reduced, and 1.15 billion tons of solid waste were reduced."
At the same time, breakthroughs have been made in technological innovation of circular economy. A large number of advanced technologies with independent intellectual property rights have been developed in the fields of cleaner production, comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, comprehensive utilization of solid waste, resource recycling, remanufacturing, waste recycling, agricultural and forestry waste recycling, etc. Some technologies have filled the domestic gap and rapidly realized industrialization.
During the 13th Five Year Plan, an evaluation index system for ecological civilization construction should be established. Specifically, for circular economy, first, the indicator system for evaluating the effectiveness of circular economy development itself, such as resource output rate; The second is the index to evaluate the contribution of circular economy to the greening degree of economic development. Relevant research work has been carried out. It can be predicted that during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, along with the in-depth reform of prices and charges, finance, taxation, finance, industrial policies, etc., the market-oriented mechanism for the development of circular economy will accelerate to form, which will lead to more new economic growth points. [4]

Relevant legislation

Chinese Circular economy legislation It is mainly reflected in two aspects Basic laws , i.e.:
The Cleaner Production Promotion Law passed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in June 2002 and implemented on January 1, 2003;
Adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in August 2008 and implemented on January 1, 2009《 Circular Economy Promotion Law 》。
As cleaner production is a subsystem of circular economy, the latter will have some contradictions with the former after it is passed and implemented. Some people think that the former law should be abolished. For example, the former stipulates that the economic and trade administrative department of the State Council is responsible for organizing and coordinating the promotion of cleaner production throughout the country. The latter stipulates that the development and reform department of the State Council is responsible for organizing and coordinating the work of the national circular economy. After the institutional reform in 2003, the State Economic and Trade Commission has been abolished, but local government departments at all levels have not. This resulted in the management vacuum of the National Development and Reform Commission and the local economic and trade commissions.

principles of legislation

The circular economy system is an ecological economic system characterized by cleaner production of products, recycling of resources and efficient recycling of waste. As it minimizes the damage to the environment and maximizes the use of resources, it greatly reduces the social cost of economic development and is conducive to sustainable economic development. For our country, vigorously developing the circular economy is an essential part of taking a new road to industrialization. As the main body of establishing the social mechanism of circular economy, governments at all levels should pay close attention to formulating relevant laws and policies, and gradually establish and improve the management system and mechanism to meet the requirements of the development of circular economy. Although there are some differences in the level of economic development among regions in China, the following principles should be followed when formulating relevant laws and policies:
Focus on technical standards rather than specific technologies. When formulating regulations and policies to meet the requirements of circular economy, the government should focus on specifying the index content of final products and the index content of waste discharged in the production process, rather than directly stipulating that enterprises must use a specific energy-saving and environmental protection technology. Only in this way can different enterprises give full play to their own advantages, show their strengths and create a broad platform for technological innovation. Otherwise, it is easy to limit the creativity of enterprises in multi-path.
The control standard shall be close to the end user as far as possible, and innovation in the upstream industry shall be encouraged. The standards and regulations close to the end users can make enterprises have a great space for innovation in product design, production and distribution channels, thus helping to realize the recycling of various intermediate wastes. Moreover, the work of avoiding waste pollution starts from the upstream, which often reduces the pressure of the downstream. Therefore, more policies and regulations should be formulated to encourage upstream enterprises to implement technological innovation and reduce environmental pollution. On the other hand, if we start from the downstream to solve the problem of environmental pollution, because each production link in the upstream has more or less specified the material properties and product structure of products and components, it will form many complex constraints on the pollution control work of downstream enterprises, which will increase the cost of governance or transformation of downstream enterprises and make it more difficult.
Consider the cycle rhythm of industrial investment and promote it in multiple stages. The industrial investment cycle has its own regular rhythm, that is, investment operation return accumulation reinvestment. When formulating relevant regulations and policies, the government should take into account the industrial investment cycle rhythm of relevant industries, and should not blindly require enterprises to quickly apply high standards of environmental protection technology, even regardless of its application costs. If the rhythm of industrial investment cycle is taken into account, corresponding guiding policies can be formulated for different links in the cycle, such as setting environmental protection standards for design and construction in the investment link; Establish environmental protection standards for production, transportation and recycling in the business link; In the return and accumulation link, set up the policy of retaining the proportion of environmental protection funds; In the process of reinvestment, set higher environmental protection standards for design and construction, so that enterprises can continue to carry out technological innovation in the long-term cycle of investment, production and operation. At the same time, as the relevant laws and regulations formulated will continuously improve the requirements for enterprise technical standards over time, this will make the technological innovation competition become a major competitive point in the future enterprise market competition, which can urge enterprises to increase the strength of technological innovation. On the contrary, if the regulations formulated urgently require enterprises to quickly apply high environmental protection standard production technology or high standard pollution control technology, without considering the cycle rhythm of industrial investment, enterprises may focus on how to avoid these regulations, rather than how to innovate and transform existing technologies, which will eventually lead to no technological innovation.
Integrate and coordinate regulations and policies related to technology. When formulating regulations and policies to encourage technological innovation, we should avoid taking industry as the main division standard, and should take the nature of technology as the main division standard. This is because, in terms of China's national conditions, the most important link to realize the circular economy is to change many existing production technologies and operating technologies, and the technological impact between industries is often not vertical but cross diffusion. For example, the development of the plastic industry will directly affect the development of many industries, such as refrigerators, televisions, air conditioners, washing machines, household products, and so on. The technological development of the communication industry will directly affect the development of securities, aviation, military and other industries. Therefore, it is an inherent requirement and inevitable choice to formulate laws and policies to encourage technological innovation by taking the nature of technology as the main criteria for division.

Traditional differences

Circular economy industry
The traditional economy is a kind of economy with unidirectional flow of materials consisting of "resources - products - pollution emissions". In this kind of economy, people combine the earth's materials with energy development In the process of production, processing and consumption, a large amount of pollution and waste are discharged into the environment. The use of resources is often extensive and one-time. By continuously turning resources into waste, quantitative economic growth is achieved, resulting in the shortage and depletion of many natural resources and catastrophic environmental pollution consequences. In contrast, the circular economy advocates an economic development model based on the continuous recycling of materials, which requires that economic activities be carried out according to Natural ecosystem It is organized into a process of "resources - products - renewable resources", which makes the whole economic system and production and consumption process produce little or no waste, only misplaced resources, but no real waste. It is characterized by low input of natural resources High utilization and low discharge of waste will fundamentally resolve the sharp conflict between environment and development for a long time.

social foundation

1、 resources of talents And human resources belong to the education and cultural industry of circular economy, which is the most active economic factor and the most important economic factor;
2. National comprehensive national strength And dynamic support of economic development level, with dynamic limit requirements of upper and lower limits of green circular economy;
3. All recycling and remanufacturing of recyclable resources need economic input, and the output must be greater than the input in order to be valuable. It must have a certain input-output ratio, or it will be a disaster to the country and the people, cheat the public trust, and damage the national interests;
4. The scientific and technological achievements accumulated through history and the scientific and technological laws that can be followed are the scientific and technological basis of green circular economy. It is worthless to talk about circular economy without support;
5. Beware of investment, financing, development and construction of environmental resources such as policies, laws, standards, norms and information that use the concept of circular economy and break away from the comprehensive national strength;
6. Supported by professional research institutions. At the national level, such as the Circular Economy and Ecological Civilization Research Office of the Institute of Resources and Environment of the Development Research Center of the State Council, the Circular Economy System Research Office of the Institute of Physical Management of the National Development and Reform Commission, the China Circular Economy and Environmental Assessment and Prediction Center of the Institute of Statistics and Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Circular Economy Technology Research Center of the Institute of Process Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences China Recycling Economy Industry Research Center, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Recycling Economy Research Institute, School of Government Management, Peking University School of Engineering, Peking University The Research Center for High Efficiency and Recycling of Resources and other local governments and universities also have several professional institutions.

Code of Conduct

Principle of reduction
It is required to use less raw materials and energy input to achieve the established production purpose or consumption purpose, and then pay attention to saving resources and reducing pollution from the source of economic activities. There are several different manifestations of decrement. In production, the principle of reduction is often manifested in the requirement of miniaturization and lightness of products. In addition, the principle of reduction requires that the packaging of products should pursue simplicity rather than luxury and waste, so as to achieve the goal of reducing waste emissions.
Reuse principle
It is required that manufactured products and packaging containers can be reused in their original form. The principle of reuse requires that we should resist the proliferation of disposable products in the world today. Producers should design products and their packaging as a daily life appliance, so that they can be used again and again like tableware and backpacks. The reuse principle also requires that manufacturers should try to extend the service life of their products rather than update them very quickly.
Recycle principle
It is required that the produced goods can be turned into usable resources instead of unrecoverable garbage after completing their use functions. According to the idea of circular economy, recycling There are two situations. One is primary recycling, that is, waste products are recycled to produce new products of the same type, such as newspapers, cans, etc; The other is secondary recycling, that is, waste resources are converted into raw materials for other products. The efficiency of primary recycling in reducing the consumption of raw materials is much higher than that of secondary recycling, which is the ideal state of circular economy.
The "3R" principle helps to change the environmental image of enterprises and make them change from passive to active. A typical example is DuPont Of researchers creatively“ 3R principle ”It has developed into a "3R manufacturing method" combined with the reality of the chemical industry to achieve the environmental protection goal of less or even zero emissions. By abandoning the use of certain environmentally harmful chemicals, reducing the use of certain chemicals and inventing new processes to recycle our products, they have reduced the solid waste caused by production by 15% and the toxic gas emissions by 70% in the past five years. At the same time, they recycled chemicals from waste plastics such as discarded milk cartons and disposable plastic containers, and developed new products such as durable ethylene material Vick.

Document content

The Plan points out that vigorously developing circular economy and promoting resource conservation and intensive recycling are of great significance for safeguarding national resource security, promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and promoting the construction of ecological civilization. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the development of China's circular economy has achieved positive results, the efficiency of resource utilization has been significantly improved, and the utilization capacity of renewable resources has been significantly enhanced. Resource recycling has become an important way to ensure the security of China's resources.
The Plan proposes that by 2025, the resource recycling industry system will be basically established, the resource recycling system covering the whole society will be basically completed, the efficiency of resource utilization will be greatly improved, the proportion of renewable resources to the original resources will be further increased, and the role of circular economy in supporting resource security will be further highlighted. Among them, the output rate of major resources is about 20% higher than that of 2020, the energy consumption and water consumption per unit GDP are about 13.5% and 16% lower than that of 2020, the comprehensive utilization rate of crop straw remains above 86%, the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk solid waste reaches 60%, the comprehensive utilization rate of construction waste reaches 60%, and the utilization of waste paper and steel reaches 60 million tons and 320 million tons respectively, The output of renewable non-ferrous metals reached 20 million tons, and the output value of resource recycling industry reached 5 trillion yuan.
The Plan puts forward the main tasks for the development of circular economy during the "14th Five Year Plan" around the three major fields of industry, social life and agriculture. First, by promoting green design of key products, strengthening cleaner production in key industries, promoting circular development of parks, strengthening comprehensive utilization of resources, and promoting collaborative disposal of urban waste, we will build a resource recycling industrial system and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. The second is to build a recycling system of waste materials and a resource recycling society by improving the recycling network of waste materials, improving the processing and utilization level of renewable resources, standardizing the development of second-hand commodity markets, and promoting the high-quality development of the remanufacturing industry. The third is to deepen the development of agricultural circular economy and establish a circular agricultural production mode by strengthening the resource utilization of agricultural and forestry wastes, strengthening the recycling of waste agricultural materials, and promoting the circular agricultural development mode.
The Plan has deployed five major projects and six major actions in the field of circular economy during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, including five major projects such as the construction of the recycling system of urban waste materials, the recycling development of parks, the demonstration of comprehensive utilization of large solid wastes, the demonstration of resource utilization of construction waste, the innovation of key technologies and equipment in the circular economy, and the high-quality development of the remanufacturing industry There are six key actions, including recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, full life cycle management of automobile use, full chain management of plastic pollution, green transformation of express packaging, and recycling of waste power batteries. [5]