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Film and television industry

Terms in the field of film and television
Broadly speaking, the film and television industry refers to the production Marketing , Issue, Post product The industrial system consists of a series of industrial chain links, manufacturers and related services such as development. In a narrow sense, the film and television industry refers to the film and television production industrial system consisting of all products and services required for the production of film and television works, including equipment, technical services and manufacturers required for pre production, post production, finished product production and other links. It can be seen that China's film and television industrialization, in a narrow sense, is still in the primary stage, and in a broad sense, it is in a low-level stage.
How to view whether the film and television industrialization of a country or region is mature?
1. Consulting industry: The maturity of the film and television industry consulting industry is the most important sign.
2. Specialization: the degree of specialization of each link: equipment, technology, personnel, etc.
3. Influence: influence in a country or even in the world: economic output value, cultural output value, soft power
4. Legal environment: whether the legal environment is complete.
5. Production capacity: whether there is a considerable production of film and television works.
Chinese name
Film and television industry
Production and marketing around film and television works
Production needs and services of film and television works
industrial system

present situation

1. Global Film and Television Industry Center: Hollywood, USA
2. The second tier: India Bollywood in Asia, and France in Europe (for the existence of Europa, let's consider it);
3. The third echelon: South Korea and Japan in Asia (these two countries rise and fall one after another, and South Korea is relatively prosperous in recent years), Nigeria and Nilewood in Africa
4. Others: China, Britain, Germany, Thailand, Iran, Russia, you can list many, China is in the middle of this pile.
Star system specialized Post product marketing, cross industry penetration and globalization: the five most important keywords in Hollywood film and television industry.


We often say that Hollywood movies can reach the world market because of their high degree of industrialization. 2009 Academy Awards The award ceremony is still the film award ceremony with the highest ratings in the world, which undoubtedly shows the indestructibility of Hollywood as the number one hegemon in the film and television industry.
Don't be jealous, because in China, the film and television industry is still a specious, ambiguous concept. In addition to the establishment of capital giants such as China Film Group, the official film and television industrialization has produced private capital film and television companies such as Huayi Brothers. However, in addition to their increasingly international operations in capital operation, marketing and distribution, these companies have made no contribution to China's film and television industry in a narrow sense, no matter in terms of equipment, technology or services, Its level has not been improved much. The pre production is mainly a few people workshop operation, and the post production is still done in foreign countries. Although the government has invested in such big projects as Hualong and China Film Digital Production Base, the staff level is not up to the standard. In fact, the problem is even bigger. Hualong's equipment is not low-end at all, but it can not come out of the later stage with industrial standards. Industrialization can realize the construction of the capital production industry chain, but the maturity of industrialization needs to be followed up by the level of personnel.
We talk about domestic film and television, especially Film production As soon as the budget goes up, the international production staff or at least Hong Kong staff will be adopted immediately. The special effects and post production, let alone the equipment, are not a problem. The money of Chinese people is not a problem, but a problem of personnel. The evil result of long-term small workshop production is that the staff level is uneven, with Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige, Jia Zhangke is a group of people who don't communicate with each other. Let each flower blossom and talk about industrialization. Circularization leads to information blockage, information asymmetry, and industrialization can never be talked about. This is why China doesn't even have a decent camera brand. How can industrialization begin!


1. Digitization has had and will continue to have a profound and significant impact on the film and television industry, including the early, late, distribution, and employees. The DV era will gradually promote the arrival of the true digital film era.
2. Globalization will further accelerate the integration of the global film and television industry, accelerate the global division of labor and cooperation in the film and television market, and the degree of film and television industrialization of each country will determine its position in the global film and television market.
3. The further penetration of the Internet into various fields of mankind will have a significant impact on the production and distribution methods of the film and television industry.
4. The film and television industry will become one of the main industries contributing to GDP in a country, and become an important field for a country to display and promote its soft power. (The United States has already done so)


The "information opacity" and "information asymmetry" caused by the "encirclement" of the film and television production field are the core factors that restrict the process of China's film and television industrialization.
1. Legal environment: needless to say
2. Personnel quality: "encirclement" is probably difficult to achieve the overall improvement of the quality of employees. The quality of employees cannot be improved, and the level of the film and television industry cannot be mentioned.
3. Production mode: The director centered workshop production mode will never realize real industrial products.
Some common questions:
Film and television industrialization=commercial film production?
Of course not. Commercial films are one kind of industrial products, but not all. Industrialization only provides a professional environment, a good means and a more mature production method.
Only industrialization can continuously promote the continuous improvement of film and television technology and equipment services, and provide more diversified and mature production methods. Otherwise, we may still be in the stage of black-and-white silent film and television world.
Will the industrialization of film and television weaken the creation of independent films?
Of course not. Independent films lie in the spiritual core, not in the way of production. On the contrary, the more mature the industrialization is, the more opportunities the spiritual core of independent films will have to be explored and displayed. The advent of the digital age is the best example.