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morphological structure

Geometric arrangement of macromolecular chains in solid polymers
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Morphological structure is the geometric arrangement of macromolecular chains of solid polymers, including amorphous morphology, crystalline morphology (semi crystalline morphology) and orientation morphology.
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morphological structure
Geometric arrangement of macromolecular chains in solid polymers
The crystallinity of amorphous form is zero, the crystallinity of ideal pure form is 1 (actually does not exist), and the crystallinity of semi crystalline form is between 0~1. The amorphous macromolecules have large inter chain gaps, changeable chain conformation, and small inter chain forces; The crystalline macromolecule chain has a very strict conformation in the lattice, and the inter chain force is large. Polymers with the same chemical structure after undergoing different molding and processing conditions. It can form various morphological structures. The properties of materials are different with different morphology and structure. There are various forms of polymer crystals, such as single crystal, spherulite, string crystal, columnar crystal, extended chain crystal, etc. Different crystalline forms endow polymers with different properties. [1]