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[guī kǒu]
Chinese vocabulary
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Centralized (Pinyin gu ī k ǒ u), also can be understood as“ ascription ”It refers to which department or system it belongs to. Centralized management It refers to the implementation of management according to the rights, responsibilities and responsibilities granted by the state and specific management channels.
Chinese name
put under
guī kǒu
Dictionary definition
Classified into relevant departments by nature
To: Full time



[Pronunciation] gu ī k ǒ u
unabridged dictionary 】Return to: full-time;
Mouth: Channel.
[Dictionary definition] ① Classified by nature and assigned to relevant departments:~management.
② It refers to returning to the original industry or major: he was sent to the countryside for ten years, and later felt that his major was much less developed


For example, in the past, the ministries and commissions related to education were referred to as the "education portal", and as time passed, the administrative management Division of departments Differentiated“ gate of a yamen ”The word "belongingness" derives from the word "belongingness" in a similar context.


In fact, centralized management refers to the implementation of management according to specific management channels according to the rights, responsibilities and responsibilities given by the state.
For "letters and visits"
"Centralized management" generally refers to the management of Letters and visits Responsibility for the matter ascription "Article" and "block" are encountered in the identification of departments or units When crossing How to handle the centralized management is easy to cause difficulties and contradictions in identification, which also provides some local government departments with responsibility shifting objective condition , harming the complainant's Legal rights and interests
Yes“ financial budget ”For
The term "centralized management" is mainly used for the review of certain accounts of the budget budget management For some accounts due to Finance Department Can't understand its rationality , and give these subjects to some professional departments (i.e. the centralized departments) for review.