
[guī huà]
Acquire nationality
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Naturalization refers to the act of a person voluntarily and voluntarily acquiring the nationality of another country outside the country of birth. Generally, people living abroad will acquire new nationality according to the laws and regulations of the country where they live.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Active acquisition of nationality of other countries

Definition Introduction

Naturalization in law refers to the act of a person voluntarily and voluntarily acquiring the nationality of another country in addition to his or her birth nationality. Generally, people living abroad will acquire new nationality according to the laws and regulations of the country where they live. The opposite of domestication is Deprivation of nationality denaturalization )。
According to history, the word "naturalization" first appeared in China《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》Li. According to The Book of the Han Dynasty, The Legend of the Huns, "In the civil strife of the Huns, the Five Dans fought for their independence, the Japanese expelled the Huns, and the Han evil carried the country to naturalize, and helped the Huns to become courtiers."
The entry is clearly explained. In this context, "naturalization" means "surrender and be educated". Therefore, it can be concluded that "naturalization" is a "Chinese character" imported from China to Japan, not a "coined language" from Japan.

Basic Requirements

The period of legal residence in the country of naturalization.
The applicant guarantees to comply with national laws.
In some countries, applicants are required to take an oath of allegiance.
Some countries require applicants to pass the examinations of language (such as France), national culture, national law and other items.
In some countries, the condition is that naturalizers give up other nationalities to avoid dual nationality The generation of phenomenon. However, whether to retain the original nationality or not depends on the laws of both the original country and the naturalized country.
An unusual case of naturalization is Israel In 1950, the Law of Return, ⏵ ק ק ק ק ק ∨) stipulated that Jews who met its definition in terms of bloodline, marriage or religion had the right to apply for settling in Israel and immediately acquire Israeli nationality.

Naturalization case

In 1922, Greece granted large-scale naturalization treatment to Greek refugees in Turkey.
From 2001 to 2002, Argentina had a serious economic crisis. Spain and Italy respectively allow Argentine citizens who can prove their ancestry to apply for naturalization.

Naturalization in China

According to the official report released by the Daegu Entry Exit Foreign Affairs Office on the 17th, South Korea's former short track speed skater Lin Xiaojun has become a naturalist in China on June 3 last year. [1]

Naturalization in the United States



Where the United States Right of permanent residence (Green card) Those who have been qualified for more than five years and have reached the age of 18 can apply to the federal court to become US citizens through the Immigration Department. The procedure for applying for citizenship is called naturalization.

Reason for naturalization

Although the holder of a green card can live in the United States indefinitely, it does not guarantee that the holder enjoys the same rights as a citizen in the United States. Therefore, applying for naturalization and naturalization to become a US citizen is a way for those who have obtained the right of permanent residence to choose. And after applying for naturalization as a citizen, it has the following advantages:
(1) They can enjoy the same equal rights and status as other American citizens. For example: citizen election, employment qualification, business license qualification, state or federal government subsidies, etc.
(2) You can apply for immigration for parents, spouses, children or siblings, and the family can reunite as soon as possible.
(3) It can avoid the trouble of immigration officers or police in checking their legal residence status.
(4) It is also convenient to travel to other countries with a U.S. passport because the United States has visa free agreements with many countries.

Application conditions

To apply for naturalization, the following five conditions must be met:
1. At the age of 18, if you are under 16, there are two possibilities for naturalization:
(1) One of the parents is a U.S. citizen, and I have obtained permanent residence or have been in the United States. When a foreign father or mother applies for naturalization, he automatically acquires the right to American citizenship.
(2) If both parents are foreign nationals, when their parents are naturalized as American citizens, they also acquire citizenship.
2. Legal permanent residence, at least five years of residence in the United States. Any person applying for naturalization must have the qualification of legal permanent resident for five years. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot leave the United States during the five-year period. As long as the time of departure does not exceed one year at a time, the period of residence will not be affected. If it takes more than one year, they must wait four years and one day after returning to the United States before they can be naturalized. If the applicant has left the United States for more than 30 months within five years, he/she must continue to stay in the United States for a period of time until he/she has lived in the United States for 30 months in the previous five years when he/she applied to the court for naturalization. In order to keep the duration of residence uninterrupted, those who are sent abroad by the United States government, American companies, sects or some other institutions should apply for the retention of naturalized right of residence on Form N-470 when leaving the country.
If the applicant is the spouse of a US citizen, he/she can apply as long as he/she has resided for three years. However, within these three years, they must marry the same American citizen (the current spouse), and have lived in the United States for at least one year. Six months before the application form is sent to the immigration office, they must all live in the United States and never leave the country.
3. Be law-abiding and have good morality. All murderers, habitual alcoholics, polygamists, prostitutes, drug addicts, gamblers and those involved in other criminals can be regarded as misconduct and their naturalization applications are prohibited. Therefore, the applicant must be of good conduct for at least five years.
4. Willing to swear allegiance to the United States and renounce all acts of loyalty to the country of origin. Applicants for citizenship must renounce their original nationality, and at the same time, they must renounce the title of allegiance to other countries and any foreign countries, and ensure that they comply with the Constitution and laws of the United States. Therefore, those who want to retain their original nationality cannot apply for naturalization.
5. Good command of basic English and American government and history. Applicants for naturalization should be able to read, speak and write simple words in English, and can sign in English. The interview officer of the Immigration Administration will ask questions about the common sense of the US government and history in correspondence and simple English. Those who fail once will have two make-up examinations within a year. The scope of the examination questions is roughly not out of the "Federal Citizenship Examination Outline". If the applicant is over 50 years old and has lived in the United States for more than 20 years, the oral test can be conducted in his or her mother tongue, and English proficiency is exempted.

handle procedures

The naturalization application can be submitted to the local immigration office 60 days before the expiry of the five-year residence period. Before submitting the application, you can ask for a 400 form, an autobiographical data form and two fingerprint cards from the immigration office, and fill them out one by one according to their specific requirements. Never conceal the facts, otherwise, once found out, even if the naturalization has been approved, you can also be disqualified. After filling in the information, return it to the Immigration Office together with three two inch color photos, waiting for the oral examination notice. If you apply with a relative at the same time and want to accept an oral examination at the same time, you need to make a separate written statement, submit the statement together with the form, and indicate the name and green card number of the relative on the statement.
After receiving the examination notice, the applicant needs to invite two relatives and friends who are American citizens to go together as witnesses. After the oral examination, if the applicant meets the naturalization conditions, he or she can formally apply for naturalization and pay a certain application fee at the same time. The final procedure is to take an oath in the court. On the day of taking the oath, you can obtain a naturalization certificate and become a citizen of the United States.

Specific process

The first step is to prepare the notarial certificate. Generally, a birth certificate is required; Marriage notarial certificate of parents; Notarial certificate of relatives; If one of the relatives died; And a death certificate; If the naturalized party is married, a marriage notarial certificate is required; If you have a child, you need the birth certificate of the child. The notarial certificate shall be in duplicate, with translation.
The second step is to fill in various forms. The more troublesome forms are the naturalization motivation and resume. People often call to ask how to write the naturalization motivation book. Bad writing will be returned for rewriting. Instead, it is better to find professionals to write for you. A once in a lifetime event, don't be stingy about it. Resume is also troublesome, because I have been to Japan for a long time, and I have forgotten many things (such as my address). Big events: such as enrollment, employment, and transfer. I can remember them when I think about them slowly. Those who have moved home for many times can go to the foreigner registration office of the district service post to ask for a registration certificate with a fully recorded address. It is much more convenient to refer to such a certificate as a resume.
After the materials are ready, they can be handed over to the competent legal bureau of the residence. No problem, wait in line after taking it.
Face to face is to review the books submitted by naturalization applicants. Everyone has different qualifications for staying, and the focus of review is also different.
One of the submitted books is asset details. The responsible registrar will calculate the income of the applicant. If there is a contradiction between assets and income, the reason will be inquired in detail. Never say that you have real estate or deposits in China, so people in the Legal Affairs Bureau will think that applicants apply for naturalization only to live in the United States.
After the interview, the person in charge of the Legal Affairs Bureau may also visit his home or company. But there are also those who don't go, or just call to confirm.
If there is no problem in all the above links, the applicant's information will be submitted to the superior department. It will take another 4-5 months to get results. Therefore, it will take one year to apply for naturalization.