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[guī rén]
Municipalities under Pyeong Dinh Province, Vietnam
open 6 entries with the same name
Guiren (Vietnamese: Qui Nh ơ n) is a port city in the central part of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Binh Dinh Province The provincial capital, with a total area of 216.44 square kilometers and a population of about 250000. To Pinglow Mountain in the north, to Qioumeng Mountain in the south Guiren Bay west bank. This place used to be Champa Kingdom Occupy the city Linyi )For five consecutive centuries, Kyoto is a place where talents and cultural celebrities come forth in large numbers.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Vietnamese: Qui Nhon
Administrative Region Category
Vietnam? Binh Dinh Province
geographical position
Central Vietnam
216.44 km²
climatic conditions
Tropical monsoon climate
population size
About 250000
Vietnam? Central port city, Binh Dinh Province Capital. stay Guiren Bay west bank. The population is 250000. It was built as a port in 1874. The situation is dangerous, with a peninsula as a barrier in the east. air base. Guiren Bay is 27 kilometers long from north to south and can berth 10000 tons of seagoing ships. There are fish processing and salt making industries. The railway is flat and connected Hanoi - Ho Chi Ming City Trunk line; Road 1 is open Nha Trang Guangyi, No. 19 Highway Bolaigu There are Zhancheng State Ancient Capital Site.