Spring stiffness

Physical terms
zero Useful+1
Spring stiffness is the ratio of load increment dF and deformation increment d λ, that is, the load required to produce unit deformation, spring stiffness Calculation formula F&# 39= dF/dλ。 For the spring whose characteristic line is an increasing type, the stiffness increases with the increase of load; The stiffness of the decreasing spring decreases with the increase of the load. As for the linear spring, the stiffness does not change with the load, that is, F&# 39= DF/d λ=F/λ=constant. Therefore, for a spring with a linear characteristic line, its stiffness is also called Spring constant
Chinese name
Spring stiffness
The stiffness of the spring is
Ratio of load increment dF to deformation increment d λ
The calculation formula is
T ---
Torque for the torsion spring
1. The deformation of the spring caused by the unit force, that is, the reciprocal of the stiffness is called the spring's flexibility
2. Calculation: spring stiffness refers to the load that causes unit deformation of the spring, and C and CT are used to represent the stiffness and Torsion spring The stiffness of the expression As follows:
For tension spring
Where: F --- Spring axial Tensile (compressive) force; λ --- axial elongation of spring or Compression amount
Spring stiffness
about Torsion spring T --- torque of torsion spring;
Stiffness of torsion spring
Φ--- Torsion spring Twist angle of.