Weak action

Physical terms
zero Useful+1
synonym Weak interaction (Weak interaction) generally refers to weak interaction
Weak interaction (also known as weak force or Weak nuclear force )It's natural Fundamental force One of the three is Strong nuclear force Electromagnetic force and Universal gravitation Subatomic particle It is caused by radioactive decay of Hydrogen fusion It also initiates the process of. Weak interaction Will affect all Fermion , i.e. all spin Half odd number of particles.
Chinese name
Weak action
Weak force or weak nuclear force
Full name
Weak interaction
Four kinds of nature Fundamental force One of
Load flow interaction Neutral current interaction
Subatomic particle Radioactive decay of

brief introduction

Weak interaction (also known as weak force or Weak nuclear force )It's natural Fundamental force One of the three is Strong nuclear force Electromagnetic force and Universal gravitation Subatomic particle It is caused by radioactive decay of Hydrogen fusion It also initiates the process of. Weak interaction Will affect all Fermion , i.e. all spin Half odd number of particles. [1]
stay Particle physics Of Standard model The theory of weak interaction points out that W and Z bosons The weak force is caused by the emission (or absorption) of bosons, so it is a Non-contact force The most famous of these launches is Beta decay , it is radioactivity A performance of. Heavy particles are unstable in nature. Since Z and W bosons are much heavier than protons or neutrons, the interaction distance of weak interaction is very short. This interaction is called "weak" because the probability of beta decay is much lower than that of strong interaction, which means that its general intensity ratio electromagnetism and Strong nuclear force Several weak Order of magnitude Most particles will decay through weak interaction after a period of time. The weak interaction has a unique characteristic that is quark Taste changes - other interactions cannot do this. In addition, it will destroy Parity symmetry and CP symmetry The flavor change of quarks enables quarks to“ taste ”Interchangeable.
The earliest description of weak force is in the 1930s, which is four Fermion Contact interacting Fermi theory : Contact refers to no operating distance (i.e. completely physical contact). But now it is better to describe it in terms of a field with an effective distance, although that distance is very short. In 1968, electromagnetic and Weak interaction They are two aspects of the same force, now called Weak current interaction
Weak interaction in the Beta decay Is the most obvious in hydrogen production Deuterium and helium The process (energy source of star thermonuclear reaction) is also very obvious. Radiocarbon dating This is the decay Carbon-14 Decay through weak interaction Nitrogen - 14 It can also create Radiant cold light , common in Superheavy hydrogen Lighting; Has also created Beta volt This application field ( Beta ray The electrons of are used as current).


The weak interaction has several characteristics as follows:
  1. one
    The only way to change quarks taste Interaction.
  2. two
    The only command Parity Nonconservative interactions. So it's also the only violation CP symmetry Interaction.
  3. three
    By mass Gauge boson Mediated interactions. This unusual feature can be explained by Standard model Of Higgs mechanism obtain.
because Boson The probability of weak decay is relatively low compared with strong or electromagnetic decay, so it occurs slowly. For example, when a neutral pion decays through electromagnetism, its lifetime is about 10 -16 Second; When a charged pion decays through weak nuclear force, its lifetime is about 10 -8 Seconds, 100 million times the former. In contrast, the lifetime of a free neutron (decayed by weak interaction) is about 15 minutes.
For a long time, people thought that Laws of nature In Mirror reflex After that, it will remain unchanged, and mirror reflection will equal all Space axis reversal. That is to say, when you look at the experiment in a mirror, the experimental results will be the same as when you turn the experimental equipment to the mirror direction. This so-called law is called Parity Conservation, classical gravity electromagnetism and Strong interaction All abide by this law; It is supposed to be a universal law. However, in the mid-1950s, Yang Zhenning And Li Zhengdao propose Weak interaction It may break this law. Wu Jianxiong He and his colleagues discovered the weak interaction Parity nonconservation , which brought Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao The nobel prize in physics
Although previously used Fermi theory Can describe the weak interaction, but when it is found that parity nonconservation and Renormalization After the theory, weak interaction needs a new description. In 1957 Robert Marshak And George Sudarshan , and later Richard Feynman And Murray Gelman , proposed weak interaction V−A (vector V minus Axis vector A or left-handed) Lagrangian quantity In this theory, Weak interaction Only acts on left-handed particles (or right-handed antiparticles). Since the mirror reflection of left-handed particles is right-handed particles, this explains the largest destruction of parity. Interestingly, because V−A The Z-boson has not been found at the time of development, so the theory does not include the right-handed field entering the neutral current interaction.
However, the theory allows composite symmetry CP Conservation. CP Consists of two parts, parity P (left and right interchanged) and charge conjugation C (Replace particles with antiparticles). A discovery in 1964 completely surprised physicists, James Cronin And Val Fitch with K meson Decay, under the action of weak phase CP symmetry breaking They provided clear evidence, so they obtained The nobel prize in physics Kobayashi Cheng And Toshihide Maskawa In 1972, it was pointed out that the CP destruction of weak interaction requires more than two generations of particles, so this discovery actually predicted the existence of the third generation of particles, and this prediction brought them half the Nobel Prize in physics in 2008. Unlike parity nonconservation, CP violation has a low probability of occurrence, but it is still a key to solving the imbalance between matter and antimatter in the universe; It became Andrei Sakharov Of Baryon production process One of the three conditions.

Type of interaction

Weak interaction There are two kinds. The first is called“ Load flow interaction ”Because the particles responsible for transmitting it are charged( W+or W − )β decay is caused by it. The second is called“ Neutral current interaction ”, because the particles responsible for transmitting it, Z boson , is neutral (not charged).

Load flow interaction

In one of the load current interactions, the charged Lepton (e.g. electron or muon, with charge of − 1) can absorb W+
Boson (the charge is+1), and then converted into the corresponding neutrino (charge is 0), while the type (generation) of neutrinos (electrons, μ and τ) is consistent with that of leptons before interaction, such as:
Similarly, the lower type quark (Charge is − ⁄ three )It can be converted into an upper quark (with a charge of+⁄) by emitting a W − boson or absorbing a W+boson three )。 More accurately, the lower quark becomes the upper quark Quantum superposition state That is to say, it has the possibility of transforming into any of the three upper quarks. The possibility is determined by CKM matrix Described in. Conversely, an upper quark can emit a W+boson, or absorb a W −
Bosons, and then converted into the following type quarks:
Because the W boson is very unstable, it has a very short life and decays quickly. For example:
W bosons can decay into other products, with different possibilities.
In neutron so-called Beta decay In the middle (see the above figure), the lower quark in the neutron emits a virtual W − boson, which is converted into an upper quark, and the neutron is thus converted into a proton. Due to the energy in the process (i.e. the mass difference between the lower quark and the upper quark), W − can only be converted into an electron and an anti electric neutrino. At the quark level, the process can be described by the following formula:

Neutral current interaction

In neutral current interaction, a quark or lepton (such as an electron or muon) emits or absorbs a neutral Z boson For example:
Like the W boson, the Z boson also decays rapidly, such as:

Electroweak theory

In particle physics Standard model In the description, Weak interaction And Electromagnetic interaction Are different aspects of the same interaction, called Weak current interaction , this theory was published in 1968, and the developer Sheldon Lee Glashow Abdus Salam And Steven Weinberg Their research was obtained in 1979 The nobel prize in physics Yes. Higgs mechanism It explains the existence of three kinds of large mass bosons (three carriers of weak interaction), as well as the massless electromagnetic interaction photon
According to the weak electricity theory, when the energy is very high, there are four kinds of massless Gauge boson Fields, which are similar to photons, have a complex vector Higgs field Double state. However, when the energy is low, gauge symmetry will appear Spontaneous breakage , become electromagnetically interacting U(1) Symmetry (one of the Higgs fields has Vacuum expectation )。 Although this Symmetry breaking Three massless bosons will be generated, but they will fuse with three photon like fields, so Higgs mechanism Will bring quality to them. These three fields become the weakly interacting W+, W − and Z bosons, while the fourth gauge field remains massless, that is, the photon of electromagnetic interaction.
Although this theory makes several predictions, including the prediction of their masses before the discovery of Z and W bosons Higgs boson It has not yet been discovered. European Organization for Nuclear Research Subordinate Large Hadron Collider One of its main tasks is to produce the Higgs boson. On March 14, 2013, the European Organization for Nuclear Research issued a press release, officially announcing the detection of new particles, namely Higgs boson