Zhang Heng

Scientists and litterateurs in the Eastern Han Dynasty
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Zhang Heng (78-139), styled Pingzi, Nanyang County Xi'e County (Today Henan Province Nanyang City Stonebridge )People [1] Eastern Han Dynasty He was an outstanding astronomer, mathematician, inventor, geographer and litterateur in his period. [23]
In his early years, Zhang Heng went to study in the Imperial College and refused Filial piety Life saving The government Recruitment. It was once Nanyang County during the period Registrar , and later resigned to live at home. until Yongchu Five years (111 years) Empress Dowager Deng To enter Beijing by imperial edict [26 ] Successive posts Doctor Taishiling Waiter , Hejian State Minister Grade. In his later years, he entered office due to illness Shangshu , died in the fourth year of Yonghe (139) at the age of 62. [8] Northern Song Dynasty At that time, he was posthumously named West Obo. [7]
Zhang Heng is proficient in astronomy Calendar calculation , once created water driven Armillary sphere , the invention can detect the source direction Seismograph as well as Guide car Dufei Woodcarving Nine scientific and technological inventions [26 ] , found solar eclipse and lunar eclipse The reason for the mapping and recording of 2500 stars star map It was in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty that the viewpoint of "the universe is infinite in appearance and the universe is infinite in end" was put forward Huntian said One of the representatives of《 Lingxian 》Notes to the Hunyi Diagram, etc; Mathematical works include Suanwang Lun; Literary works《 Erjing Fu 》《 Fu on returning to the fields 》And others, and Sima Xiangru Yang Xiong Ban Gu Syndication“ Four masters of Han Fu ”。 Because he has made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese astronomy, mechanical technology and seismology, he is praised as“ Wooden sage [2] 、“ Kesheng ”。 Because of Zhang Heng's outstanding contribution, International Astronomical Union Name a crater on the back of the moon“ Zhangheng Ring Mountain ”, the asteroid 1802 in the solar system is named“ Zhang Hengxing ”。 The original anthology has long been lost. Mingren Zhang Pu Compiled《 Zhang He Jian Ji 》。 Today's People《 Zhang Heng's Poetry Anthology 》。 [23]
Source of pictures in the overview: Jiang Zhaohe Painting the Statue of Zhang Heng [22]
Full Name
Zhang Heng
Zhang Pingzi
Seal number
West Obo (Song Zhuofeng)
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Nanyang West Hubei (today Henan Nanyang City Stonebridge
date of birth
78 years
Date of death
139 years
Key achievements
Pioneer in astronomical and geographical research in China
Invention of seismograph
Named after "Zhang Heng Star" and "Zhang Heng Ring Mountain"
Four masters of Han Fu one of
Highest office
Taishiling, Hejian State Minister , Shangshu
Honorable title for future generations
Musheng, Kesheng

Character's Life


Early study tour

Zhang Heng's family was Nanyang, and his grandfather was Zhang Kan, the governor of Shu County in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. Zhang Heng was born in the third year of the founding year (78 years). Zhang Heng studied hard since he was young and would write articles when he was young. In the fifth year of Yongyuan era (93 years), Zhang Heng left his hometown and came to Sanfu (now the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province). The magnificent mountains and rivers in Sanfu and the magnificent old capital accumulated rich materials and field investigation experience for his "Xijing Fu". In the seventh year of the Yongyuan era (95 years), Zhang Heng, on his way from Sanfu to Luoyang, the capital teacher, passed through Lishan Mountain and wrote the "Hot Spring Fu". After arriving at Luoyang, he entered the Imperial College for further study, studied the Confucian classics, and received direct or indirect guidance from a group of Confucian masters. He became familiar with the physical and human conditions of the capital teacher, and conducted a lot of investigation and research work for the creation of "Tokyo Fu". During his stay in Beijing, he made some friends who were interested in learning, including Cui Yuan, his lifelong best friend. [27] During his study tour in Beijing, he successively completed Seven Debates and Love Love Fu. [4]

Nanyang Master Book

Jiang Zhaohe painted the portrait of Zhang Heng
During the reign of Yongyuan (89-105), Zhang Heng was elected as a filial and honest man, but he did not accept it, and the government did not recruit him several times. [27] In the 11th year of Yongyuan (1999), Zhang Heng returned to Nanyang from the capital. The next year, Zhang Heng was asked by Nanyang Prefecture Chief Bode to act as the chief bookkeeper and take charge of the paperwork. During this period, Zhang Heng was highly regarded by Baud, and wrote many articles on behalf of Baud, such as "Shousi Ming", "Situ Lu Gong Lei", and "Situ Chen Gong Lei". In order to satirize and admonish the excessive extravagance of Wang Hou Gongqing after Chengping for a long time, Zhang Heng imitated Ban Gu's "Ode to Two Cities", exhausted his energy and thought for ten years, and finally wrote "Ode to Two Cities" (that is, "Ode to Western Cities" and "Ode to Tokyo") in Nanyang as the chief book. [5]

Home schooling

In the 12th year of Yongyuan (the 100th year of Yongyuan's reign), Zhang Heng was appointed as Nanyang Taishou Baud I made his master book and was in charge of paperwork. In the second year of Yongchu's reign (108 years), Baud was transferred to the post of Grand Secretary of Agriculture, and Zhang Heng resigned from the post of chief clerk to concentrate on learning. During this period, Zhang Heng has reached a deep attainments in astronomy, yin and yang, and calendar calculation, and is particularly obsessed with the study of the Xuanjing. Deng Zhi, the great general, appreciated Zhang Heng's talent. Zhang Heng did not answer his call many times. [5] In the fourth year of Yongchu's reign (110 years), he wrote "Nandu Fu". [21]

Official worship doctor

In the fifth year of Yongchu (111 years), locust plagues occurred all over the country. In order to cope with the disasters, Emperor Han'an ordered officials at all levels to recommend talents, and at the same time sent bus features to Beijing, saying "I will visit you personally". [28] Therefore, Zhang Heng was recruited into Beijing and worshipped as a doctor. In the sixth year of Yongchu's reign (112 years), he consulted with Liu Zhen to formulate the Han family etiquette. [27] During this period, Zhang Heng completed his works such as "Book with Cui Yuan", "Notes to the Taixuan Sutra", "Xuantu", and "Eulogy of the Great Nong Baode". In the first year of the early Yuan Dynasty (114 years), he moved to a minister and wrote the Yellow Emperor Flying Bird Calendar.
Zhang Heng is good at machinery, especially focusing on astronomy, yin and yang, and calendar calculation. Usually like Yang Xiong Of《 Taixuan Sutra 》He said to Cui Yuan, "I only knew Ziyun's (Yang Xiong's character) wonderful Tao number when I saw Tai Xuan, but compared with the Five Classics, it is not just a biography. It makes people argue about Yin and Yang, and the Han Dynasty has won the books of the world for 200 years. Will the Tai Xuan Sutra decline in another 200 years? Because the author's fate will show for a lifetime, which is of course a sign. At the 400 years of the Han Dynasty It needs to be revived. " [21]

First Zhang Taishi

In the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (115), Zhang Heng was appointed as the imperial historian, in charge of astronomy, ephemeris, calculation and ancient books. Zhang Heng entered a period when his scientific creation was most vigorous and his scientific achievements were most fruitful. In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty (117 years), the water powered armillary sphere was invented. During this period, he successively wrote Topographic Map, Notes to the armillary sphere map, Notes to the Water Leakage Turning armillary sphere, Lingxian, Lingxian Map, and Suanwangdun, among which Lingxian is the first astronomical theory work in China. [21]

Ren Bus Order

In the first year of Jianguang (121 years), the Empress Dowager Deng Suisui died, and Emperor Han An was in charge. [24] Zhang Heng was transferred to the post of bus steward, and was in charge of the guard and reception of the Sima Gate in the palace. During this period, he wrote "Yu Te Jin Shu", "Xing Yi Li in the same week", "Dong Xun Gao", "Solar Eclipse List" and so on. [27]
At this time, the new dignitaries and courtiers were corrupt and tyrannical, and the Eastern Han Dynasty changed from prosperity to decline. Zhang Heng has always appreciated his specialty Deng Zhi He made a request: "Penglai, the secret palace of the Taishi, is highly valued by Taoism. If Heng is more appropriate, it's lucky to steal it." (See Zhang Heng's book "Yu Te Jin Shu" for details). Zhang Heng hoped to take the responsibility of the imperial court, stay in the imperial court and stay away from politics, and continue his academic research. Who knew that Deng Zhi had already become the target of elimination, and a few months later, he and his son went on a hunger strike to commit suicide, and the matter ended. [68 ]

Fu Zhang Tai Shi

Zhang Heng does not admire merit, fame, wealth and rank, and cannot be promoted for many years. In the first year of Emperor Shun Yongjian's reign (126 years), Zhang Heng returned to the post of Taishi. In view of the fact that people mocked his "non enterprising trend" and "thought he was losing his ambition", Zhang Heng wrote Ying Jian that year to express his passion and calm scholar nature of "not suffering from the disrespect of position, but suffering from the disrespect of virtue; not ashamed of the lack of cooperation of salary, but ashamed of the lack of wisdom". [27] The first year of Yangjia (132 years) [69] He created the first seismograph in the world to measure the direction of earthquakes. He also created an instrument for measuring the weather, the Yihou Wind Instrument, and produced a three wheel guide car with automatic steering and a wood sculpture with automatic takeoff. In view of the popular "theory of Chenwei" at that time, Zhang Heng wrote a memorial on "On Tribute and Election" to expose the vanity of Chenwei. During this period, he also wrote Shundi Fengshi, Hongfu Bingxu, Danfu Bingxu, Feather Hunting Fu, Chen Shishu and other works. [21]

Move up to Shizhong

In the second year of Yangjia era (133 years), Zhang Heng was promoted to the position of servant. Emperor Shun once asked Zhang Heng about the people hated by the world in the inner court. The eunuchs were afraid that he would say something bad about himself, so they stared at him with their eyes. Zhang Heng had to answer with a lie before leaving the inner court. Zhang Heng often thought about how to save his life. He thought that good or bad luck, dark and subtle, was not easy to understand, so he wrote "Sixuan Fu" to express and express his feelings. [6] In the early years of Emperor An of the Han Dynasty, Liu Zhen and Liu Gui, a school scholar, were invited to participate in the discussion of Han Ji, which was compiled in the Dongguan Temple. After he became a servant, he collected the lost documents to supplement and revise the Han Ji. It also points out that more than ten events recorded by Sima Qian and Ban Gu are inconsistent with the literature. Zhang Heng also believed that the biography of Wang Mang only needs to record the usurped Han Dynasty. As for the chronology and disasters after Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, they can be included in the Chronicle of the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty; He also believed that the name of the revolutionary year should be listed before Guangwu, because at that time, people generally regarded the revolutionary emperor as orthodox, even though Liu Xiudu, the Guangwu emperor, first served as a general under the revolutionary emperor, and then inherited the great unity. Zhang Heng repeated his opinions, but they were not adopted. Since then, most of his works have not been collected, which made people very regretful. [25]

Interriver facies

Zhang Heng often stayed around Shun Emperor, but did not join the eunuch group. The eunuch group always regarded it as a disaster and kept slandering Shundi. In the second year of Yonghe (137), Zhang Heng was expelled from Beijing and became the Prime Minister of Hejian. Liu Zhengjiao, the king of Hejian, was extravagant and dissolute, and did not obey laws and disciplines; There are many brave and powerful people who gather together to make trouble. After Zhang Heng came to office, he tightened the law and discipline, cracked down on the powerful and powerful, secretly discovered the name of the traitor party, and was arrested for a while. He was solemn from top to bottom. He was famous for his clean government. However, Zhang Heng felt that the imperial court was corrupt, and it was difficult to achieve his ambition. He wrote "Grievance" and "Four Sorrow Poems" to express his feelings. There are also "Calvary Fu" and "Tomb Fu". [21] In the third year of Yonghe (138 years), Zhang Heng wrote the "Return to the Land Tax" and wrote a letter begging for bones. He was graciously allowed to return to the courthouse and worship the Shangshu. The following year, Zhang Heng died at the age of 62 in a depressed and desolate mood in his old age. [27]

Key achievements



Zhang Heng advocated that Huntian said that the sky is spherical, like an egg, the sky is equivalent to an eggshell, and the earth is like egg yolk. The sky wraps the earth in the middle. The earth is flat, surrounded by water, and the earth floats on the water. [29] Zhang Heng was the first in the East to correctly explain the lunar eclipse, pointing out that the lunar eclipse was caused by the Earth's shadow "dark and empty" covering the moon, and measured the apparent diameter of the sun and the moon to be about 365.25/730 degrees, equal to about 0.5 degrees, close to the current measurement. [30] Zhang Heng drew a star map, recording 124 star officials, 2500 stars, 320 of which have names, [31] It is pointed out that the calendar must be formulated according to the measured results. He participated in the calendar debate in 123 years and opposed the "Jiayin Calendar" formulated according to the divination. [32] He proposed a new calendar based on the "Nine Way Method" according to the law that the moon moves slowly, but it was not adopted by the imperial court. [33] He put forward the theory of the apparent motion of the five stars. He believed that for the same planet, its orbit was sometimes close to the ground and sometimes far away. He explained the speed of the five stars by saying that "near the sky is late, far away is fast". [30] Zhang Heng classified the slow moving outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as Yang, and the fast moving inner planets Mercury and Venus as Yin. [34] Zhang Heng did not realize that the height of the Arctic will change with the location, and he determined that the height of the Arctic is 36 degrees, [35] He was unable to recognize the precession, because the winter solstice point was difficult to observe, he only converted from the old values measured in the late Western Han Dynasty, and determined that the winter solstice point was 20 degrees in the ecliptic, more than 3 degrees east of the actual situation at that time. He determined that the farthest point of the winter solstice is 115 degrees, and the farthest point of the summer solstice is 67 degrees. Due to the limitation of instruments, the data is slightly inaccurate. [36]
Zhang Heng wrote "Lingxian", describing the theory of universe generation, and his view is close to the Western Han Dynasty "Huainanzi Astronomical Training". He put forward three stages of the formation of the universe. The first is "Ming Zi", the original state of Qi, the stage of "nothing", and the root of Tao; The second is "Pang Hong", which is a state of chaos in which the vitality starts to be launched, linked together; The third is "Taiyuan". The vitality is divided into hardness, softness, clearness and turbidity. The heaven and earth are formed respectively, and the four seasons of yin and yang produce everything. He believes that the sky is round and the horizon is flat, the sky is a hollow sphere, and the earth is a hemisphere, flat at the top and round at the bottom, in the lower half of the celestial body. The eight poles are about 2332300 li long, 1000 li less from north to south, and 1000 li more from east to west. The distance between heaven and earth and the thickness of the earth are equal to half of the eight poles. He pointed out that the universe is infinite, [37] Affirm the infinity of time and space, and put forward the concept of nature based on "qi". Human beings are the aggregation of vitality, such as the condensation of water into ice, and the death of human beings is the dissipation of vitality, such as the melting of ice into water, returning to vitality, and becoming one with nature. [38]


Seismograph structure
In 132, Zhang Heng invented and manufactured the world's first seismometer, the "Waiting for the Wind Seismometer", which is shaped like a round wine jar, with a section diameter of eight feet. In the center of the seismometer, there is a very heavy column called "Du Column", which can lean or tilt in eight directions; There is a faucet in each of the eight directions outside the wine jar. There is a toad under each faucet, opening its mouth to the faucet. Each of the eight dragons has a copper pill in its mouth. When the pillar tilts to a certain direction, the dragon mouth in that direction opens, and the copper pill falls into the mouth of the toad. When an earthquake occurs, only the faucet in the source direction opens, so we can know the direction of the earthquake. In the Longxi earthquake of 134, Luo Yang did not feel the earthquake, but a copper pill fell out of Longkou. The news of the Longxi earthquake later confirmed its efficacy. [39] The so-called "waiting for wind" of the seismograph for waiting for wind refers to measuring the change of wind. The earthquake is considered to be formed by the combination of yin and yang. The change of gas will produce wind. Where there is an earthquake and where there is a change of gas, there will be wind. The seismograph of waiting for wind spread to the Sui Dynasty, and Xindufang in the Northern Dynasty and Lin Xiaogong in the Sui Dynasty were studied, but it was lost in the Tang Dynasty. [31]
The seismograph uses the inertia of objects to measure earthquakes. There are two main views on its structure in the academic community. First, Du Zhu is a hanging pendulum, heavy and thick. There is a small copper ball under the Du Zhu, which forms a trigger mechanism. In the horizontal movement of seismic waves, Du Zhu shifts, the small copper ball falls off, and hits the mechanism. Or Du Zhu drives eight arms extending in eight directions to connect the shoulder pole. When Du Zhu swings in a certain direction, the dragon mouth will open. Another view is that the Du column is an inverted pendulum with a heavy hammer attached to the base. There are eight groups of mechanical devices around it. In case of an earthquake, the heavy hammer overturns, the Du column loses its balance, and touches the channel mechanical device to open the corresponding gap. Japanese scholars have conducted experiments with a vertical pendulum seismograph model, proving that if the initial earthquake is strong, the copper ball will fall due to the first arrival of the longitudinal wave to determine the direction of the earthquake; However, other scholars have pointed out that the toppling direction of the vertical pendulum is random, it is slow to respond to the vibration, and it has no seismic test function. The spring used at the bottom of the vertical pendulum can not be the product of the technical level of the Han Dynasty. The suspended seismograph model, through the test of Chinese seismologists using a shaking table to simulate the seismic state, has been recognized by the Chinese academic community. [39] Zhang Heng seismograph is more advanced than the western mercury seismograph until the early 19th century, [31] Some scholars also questioned the records of seismometers in Hou Han Shu, pointing out that from the point of view of modern seismology, it is difficult to determine the source if only one instrument is used to measure at one place. [37] In recent years, some scholars believe that Du column is a precise and small column "landing on the ground". [40] Another scholar proposed a technical scheme of seismometer restoration with compound physical pendulum and mechanical lever amplification. [41]
In 116, Zhang Heng drew and presented the "Topographic Map", which spread to the Tang Dynasty. Needham speculated that Zhang Heng used the grid drawing of the planning party, but this theory was questioned by other scholars. [42]


Zhang Heng's commemorative stamp
Zhang Heng is a famous writer of Ci and Fu, who pushed Han Fu to its peak and developed from singing praises to lyrical small Fu. The Ode to Xijing describes the geographical situation of Chang'an, the capital of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, the luxury of the capital of Xidu, the grandeur of the palace, the breadth of the city, the prosperity of the market, the fraud of merchants, the style of rangers, and the hunting in the garden. The Ode to Tokyo traces the history from the emperors of Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties, using Mr. Anchu's words to praise Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, etc., described Luoyang's beauty and Han's rituals; Erfu also describes religious activities and folk customs, [37] For example, monks in the Western Regions who adhere to the Lust Precept [49] Acrobatic singing and dancing and other "hundred operas" performances, exorcism ceremony, have their historical value, can make up for the lack of official history; "Xijing Fu" was quoted many times by the "Three Supplementary Yellow Paintings" of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the "Chang'an Annals" of Song Minqiu of the Northern Song Dynasty to illustrate the face of Chang'an. [50] Many five classics sentences are quoted in Erjing Fu. Why did Yan's Jingfu Temple Fu, Zuo Si's Shudu Fu and other later generations use these verses. [51] The Fu on Nandu praises Nanyang City, which was ignored by the imperial court at that time, but its form is more rigid and clumsy, and its language is more obscure. [52] Some scholars believe that the theme of Erjing Fu is not "satire and remonstrance", but a sign of the transformation of the creation of Ci Fu from "satire and remonstrance" to "eulogy". [53]
Zhang Heng's "Mysterious Ode" is a lyric work expressing his ambition, publishing his own ideal, imitating Chu's "Yuanyou" and Ban Gu's "Youtong Fu", repeating Qu Yuan's quest in "Yuanyou", first going to the east, south and north, boarding Penglai, collecting chi in Yingzhou, and then meeting the Queen Mother of the West, going to the "Qiong Palace" in the fairyland to enjoy the entertainment of sound and color, and then returning to his hometown. [54] Zhang Heng was deeply influenced by the Songs of Chu and often quoted the traditional myths of Chu. "Returning to the Field" explores the theme of pastoral seclusion in the poems, expresses his desire to retire, opposes the power of eunuchs, and is unable to save himself due to political corruption. It means that he is unwilling to join forces with others. It praises the rural life of the people, and the landscape scenery makes people relaxed and happy. It is a rare short story in Han Fu, which enlightens Tao Yuanming's "Returning from Home" and other works expressing the feelings of seclusion in later generations, [55] The natural scenery he wrote is joyful and harmonious, which also enlightens Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection" and other later articles, [56] The Taoist thought in the article is bright, which can be said to be the pioneer of metaphysical poetry in later generations. [57] The Calvary Ode expands the fable in Zhuangzi Zhile in a dialogic form, and the skull in the Ode is Zhuangzi. [58]
Some later generations criticized Zhang Heng for his lack of originality, mainly imitating previous works. For example, "Erjing Fu" imitated Ban Gu's "Liangdu Fu", "Nandu Fu" imitated Yang Xiong's "Shudu Fu", "Yingjian" imitated Dongfang Shuo's "Answering Guests' Difficulties", and "Qibian" imitated Mei Cheng's "Qifa". [37] However, Zhang Heng's creation and change in sentence pattern and structure layout, as well as his new exploration in theme, sketch, language style, and structure conception, changed the traditional style of Fu, which deeply affected the creation of Fu at the end of Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasty; His "Seven Debates" and Fu Yi's "Seven Stimulations" changed the traditional theme of "asking for illness" to "hiding", and had a great impact on the theme, style and form of later generations. [59]
In poetry, Zhang Heng created the seven character ancient poem "Four Sorrow Poems", which was separated from the sentence pattern of Chu songs and close to pure seven character poems, [60] Qu Yuan used the expression technique of "vanilla beauty" to metaphor political relations, and through Zhang Heng's application and play, an important poetic expression mode was formed. [59] Zhang Heng's "Singing in unison" is the bride's confiding to the groom, describing the beauty of the new marriage. The poem also mentions the contents of the book "The Sutra of Pure Women", which is a kind of art in the bedroom. [61]


Politically, Zhang Heng insisted on criticizing the reality, deeply worried about the dirty and treacherous palace politics, and opposed the luxurious life of princes and nobles. [62] Influenced by Taoism, he advocated inaction, impermanence of life, seclusion and cynicism, and attempted to transcend secular life. His cosmology also reflected Taoist ideas. His late work, Sixuanfu, had a stronger Taoist tendency. Zhang Heng inherited Dong Zhongshu's theory of disasters and human nature interaction in the Western Han Dynasty. He believed that the star variation and earthquakes and other disasters were God's condemnation to the world and the imperial court, which prompted him to make more sophisticated instruments to understand the universe and detect earthquakes to understand the will of heaven; However, he objected to the prophecy of Chenwei, and went to the book "Please forbid the prophecy", pointing out that the prophecy was falsified to cater to those in power. He praised Yang Xiong's Tai Xuan in the Western Han Dynasty, [38] He believes that "Xuan" is the fundamental principle of the universe, and the book "Tai Xuan" is profound and difficult to understand. He believed that there were many gods, star gods, square gods, emperors and so on in the sky. There were gods not only in the sky, but also in the mountains, forests and fields. The organization of celestial bodies corresponded to the organization of the imperial government on the ground, [37] There is a toad on the moon, changed by Chang'e, [34] Stars can affect people's fate. [31] Zhang Heng is familiar with the technique of "Wind Corner", and believes that we can know the good and bad through watching the wind, [63] Believe in divination, there is a mysterious force in the universe, and not all things can be explained rationally. [54]


Zhang Heng improved the design of Geng Shouchang in the Western Han Dynasty and built the armillary sphere, [46] He also wrote a volume of "The Sphere" to explain it. One is installed indoors and the other is installed on the observation platform "Lingtai". The armillary sphere, cast in copper, is a hollow sphere with a diameter of about five feet, painted with 28 constellations, Chinese and foreign stars, the ecliptic, and the equator; The celestial sphere is half exposed on the horizon and half hidden under the horizon, and the celestial axis is supported on the meridian circle. The celestial sphere can rotate around the celestial axis, which is consistent with the actual celestial sphere movement and can predict the movement of celestial bodies. [29] Horizon ring, equator ring and meridian ring are installed outside, and four circles are set inside. Some scholars believe that Zhang Heng's armillary sphere is equipped with a telescope that can look at the position of celestial bodies, which has both demonstration and observation functions. [34] Some scholars also believe that this armillary sphere has no observation tube, only demonstration function, and is a celestial sphere in nature. [33] The armillary sphere rotates around its central axis evenly every day, with water dripping as its driving force, [30] Connected with the leak, water flows into the bucket of the leak continuously and slowly. The bucket was originally stationary. When the water injection reached a certain amount, its weight would exceed the resistance of the armillary sphere and the gear. The lug would make the gear rotate one tooth, and then against the next tooth to stop again. The armillary sphere would rotate slowly through gear transmission. The armillary sphere created by Zhang Heng fifth century invasion of China by northern nomads Medium damage; In the West, similar autorotation images appeared in the 16th century. [47]
In addition to the armillary sphere and the seismograph, Zhang Heng also invented Guide car 、“ Dufei Woodcarving ”And mechanical calendar, and improved the structure of the omission. The guide car is a two wheeled carriage with built-in gear device. Even if it turns several times when driving, the portrait on the car will always point to the south; The guide car built by Zhang Heng was destroyed in the war at the end of the Han Dynasty. Zifei Woodcarving is a wooden bird with wings and machinery in its belly, which can fly. Zhang Heng once mentioned in Ying Jian that it can only fly: "Woodcarving can fly alone.". Needham speculated that the self flying woodcarving was powered by a spring and had a propeller to drive a helicopter top. Zhang Heng used a siphon (called "Yuqiu") to replace the drain spout at the bottom of the kettle, and added a compensation kettle between the water storage kettle and the receiving kettle to make the timing more accurate; A small statue is cast on the lid of the receiving kettle. The left hand holds a vertical indicator rod that can float up and down ("leaky arrow"), and the right hand points to the scale on the indicator rod. [31] [47] Like an armillary sphere, the mechanical calendar "Ruilunwenzi" is hydraulically driven and can display the phase of the moon and the days of the new moon. [48] Some scholars believe that the "wind waiting seismograph" actually refers to two kinds of instruments, namely, wind vane and seismograph. This kind of wind vane is bird shaped and can rotate with the wind. [30]


Ji Qingyuan painted Nanyang Zhang Heng
Around 130 years ago, Zhang Heng completed the calculation Pi According to the Three Kingdoms Times Liu Hui In the Notes to Nine Chapters of Arithmetic, Zhang Heng believes that the ratio of the volume of a cube and its inner sphere is 8:5. From the formula of circle erection, the pi is calculated and the square root of pi is 10. [31] In the Huntian Lun written by Zu Xuan of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, another number proposed by Zhang Heng was mentioned: 736/232=3.1724. [37] Other scholars believe that there is a derivation in this document, and Zhang Heng's figure is actually more accurate 730/232=3.1466, [43] This statement is not widely accepted. Zhang Heng's Pi figure is rather crude. Criticized by Liu Hui, Liu Xin pointed out that Pi was 3.1547 in the late Western Han Dynasty, which was more accurate than Zhang Heng's; However, Zhang Heng's calculation does not rely on actual measurement, but is based on ideas, and still has pioneering contributions. [44] Zhang Heng also studied the volume of spheres, but there was no significant progress. [45]

Historical evaluation

Statue of Zhang Heng
Cui Yuan : ① Math is a poor way to make Mou Luck. ② Yu Weizhangjun, who is highly qualified, is admired by De Maocai, and is brilliant. If you don't learn, why don't you learn? Yingke died and became Zhang Naida. It's really a shame to know nothing. It's very pleasing to hear a good word. It includes all kinds of products. The gift is invisible, and it can be used endlessly. Lin Linqishu, Liu Qiji, was born with a number, and Shao Shengzuo was a teacher. If you want to be honest, you should make virtue only respectful, and if you want to be honest, you should make filial friends only tolerant. Let me show you here. Emperor Wei reads merit, harmonizes with talented women, and harmonizes with people. Mintian doesn't hang up. He is responsible for this. Philosophers are withered and can't bluff from time to time. It will be remembered in Ming Le and will be honored forever. It will be immortal after death. [10]
You Heng : Nanyue has its essence, and you are born in its own way; Clear and reasonable, Junda its opportunity. Therefore, he can write and embroider words and raise his hand to fly. In the past, when Yin was in charge of Tang, Lv Wang met Dan, he was only in charge of Han. Flies fight for flight, the phoenix has scattered, the Yuan tortoise can be restrained, and the river dragon can be tripped. The stone is hard and decaying, the star is bright and perishing, but the road is prosperous and eternal. Your voice will float forever, and the river will be exhausted. Your voice flows forever, but your light does not shine. After the rest of your life, you will still be traveling. Scholars should know their friends. Don't worry about them. [11]
Xiahou Zhan : Yi Yi, Zhang Sheng, Bing De, Shuqing. Deep research and comprehensive management, thinking of talents and talents. Take control of the world and praise the gods. The best is the best, the best is the best. The bandits are only heavenly phenomena, but also humanistic. Some of them are still shining, while others are refreshing. Look up and learn from the lost books, and aspire to philosophers. Invest well in the world, and pay attention to God for a hundred years. I was ordered to go out of Ertu in Nanbang. (Que) and the head of the tunnel, stop in front of the road. Wandering the venerable stele, carefree old ruins. The enterprise looks forward to the network and has a long mind. In the past, virtue was the only way to make friends. Ancient but not dead, willing to hand in hand. The world is so devoid that Tao is (Que). In Zhu Yong Sui, Yu Bi said He. How about life? Looking at both Beijing and Taiwan, and thinking about the river beyond. [12]
Fan Ye Later Han Dynasty 》:① Cui Yuan It is called Pingzi's saying that 'numeracy is a poor way to make Mou Zaihua'. Si Zhike can say something! If we push the two instruments, heaven and earth have no spirit; If you are lucky, you can't participate in your intelligence. Therefore, we know that thinking leads to deep and subtle, and people are superior to art. It is recorded that: 'Virtue goes up, and virtue goes down‘ How can we measure our thinking? What a loss! [8] ② The three talents are reasonable and the human spirit is overshadowed. The approximate form calculation is used to draw the depth lag far away. If there is no mystery, who can make it clear? [8] ③ If Li Gu Zhou Ju The abyss is profound, Zuo Xiong Huang Qiong The political affairs are solid, Huan Yan Yang Hou Advance with Confucianism, Cui Yuan author of many commentaries on the Classics In the article, Wu You Su Zhang Species weevil Luanba Good work of herdsmen, Pang Shen Yu Xu The grand rules of the general, Wang Gong Zhang Hao Be modest and try to push people, Zhang Gang duccio Straight to correct violations, Langyi The Yin and Yang are detailed, Zhang Heng's machine skill is extraordinary, and he is a scholar in Tokyo. [13]
Zhang Yanyuan : This is divided into three ancient times to determine the status of nobility and inferiority, and the Han and Wei three kingdoms are ancient times, so Zhao Qi , Liu Fei Cai Yong Zhang Heng Cao Feng Yang Xiu Huan Fan Xu Miao Cao Buxing Zhuge Liang Such people are right. [14]
Zheng Gu : Zhang Pingzi is superior to others, skillful in nature, like tomorrow, and good at painting.
Return to light : Jia Sheng's accessibility, Cai Yong's literature, Zhang Heng's refined thinking, Zhuo Mao Zhixunliang, Li Ying High section, Huang Xian Elegance, Deng Yu There are many merits that can not be counted. [15]
Wang Fuzhi He Xiu Zheng Xuan The treatment of menstruation, Jingfang Xiang Kai The theory of governance of Langyi and Zhang Heng began with the influence of ghosts and demons. And when the Emperor is moved up and the Master is drummed down, he calls this sage's heaven to govern people. [16]
Guo Moruo Zhang Heng (79-139) was an outstanding litterateur at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. His Liangjing Fu had a superior position in the literature of the Han Dynasty. But in astronomy, he also has unique achievements. At 40:00 A.D. (117 A.D.), the armillary sphere was made to observe the movement of celestial bodies. In the following fifteen years, a seismograph for waiting for wind was made to measure earthquakes. Such a fully developed person is also rare in world history. It is admirable to worship thousands of years old.
Jian Bozan Outline of Chinese History 》: The representative of Huntian Theory is Zhang Heng, the imperial historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Zhang Heng is a famous litterateur, an anti divination thinker and an outstanding scientist.
historian Compendium of Chinese General History: Wang Chong Zhang Heng's invention promoted scientific knowledge. On Balance Wang Chong and Zhang Heng are two great figures in the cultural circle of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
Bai Shouyi Zhang Heng was a great scientist and writer in Chinese history. His literary creation reflects the twists and turns and frustrations he suffered in his official life. He has outstanding achievements in poetry, prose and other aspects, showing originality. [17]
Guo Moruo : Such a fully developed person is also rare in world history. Thousands of temples are thousands of years old, which is admirable. [21]
Qian Weichang : Zhang Heng created the theory of Huntian, and made the armillary sphere Its ingenuity has never been seen before. Zhang Heng not only made great achievements in astronomy, but also invented the seismograph for waiting for the wind. At the same time, he is also a number of writers and artists. After his death Cui Yuan He wrote a stele for it and said that he 'made Mou Zaihua by using mathematics to limit the world.' There is no doubt that people like Zhang Heng can become a rare person in any era Zhang Heng created the theory of muddy sky, which explained the operating principle of celestial phenomena. According to the star map mapped by him, the 'Lingxian Map', this is the original ancestor of the modern 'false celestial instrument'. It is amazing that our motherland, which was about 2000 years before the development of the machinery industry, could invent such exquisite instruments. Scholars of the Han Dynasty Cai Yong After visiting this instrument, I felt that I was willing to lie down in the armillary sphere all my life, which shows that Zhang Heng is great and the armillary sphere is exquisite.
Lai Jiadu: During his life, Zhang Heng studied hard, worked hard, and kept improving without burnout and complacency. No matter in the field of knowledge, his accomplishments are extensive and profound; There are his excellent works in literature and art, his comprehensive research in astronomy and calendar, his special skills in machinery manufacturing, and he has insisted on the struggle against divination in academic thought, and he has also had positive and progressive activities in political practice; Especially in natural science, he has unprecedented inventions such as the armillary sphere and seismograph. These rich and precious achievements occupy a lofty position in the history of science of our motherland and the world, and are worth remembering and learning.
Yan Keats : Jingyi uncovers heaven and earth, and Kesheng writes Qianqiu.
Stellar Physics: Zhang Heng 'It is an incredible miracle that there were great discoveries in experimental science in the early development of human culture.'
Concise Encyclopedia Britannica 》Zhang Heng was appointed as the imperial historian twice, which is the theory of the structure of the universe in ancient China Huntian said On behalf of.

Anecdotes and allusions

Foot painted monster
The Record of Famous Paintings of Past Dynasties records a legend about Zhang Heng's use of "toes to paint monsters": Zhang Heng heard that there was a monster with a rag body and a human head in the water of Pucheng, Jianzhou, so he went to paint it. But this monster is afraid of being painted, so it can't come out of the potential pool. Zhang Heng then threw away his pen and paper, and the monster came out. He quietly drew the line of the monster with his toes. Although it is a legend to draw from life with toes, it can also be seen that Zhang Heng's paintings were not inferior at that time. [9]

interpersonal relationship



  • Ancestors
The ancestor of Zhang Heng can be traced back to Xie Zhang, a nobleman in the Jin State (with the name Zhang Hou). His descendants began to take Zhang as their surname. After the three families were divided into Jin, the Zhang family lived in South Korea for generations, and their descendants were named Zhang Liang at the beginning of the Han Dynasty. [27]
  • grandfather
Zhang Kan , the word "Junyou". In the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, officials came to the prefecture magistrate of Shu. [3]
  • Offspring
Zhang Fu Shi Wei, the governor of Qinzhou in the Western Jin Dynasty, was granted the title of Tinghou Marquis in Yichang. [18]


  • Baud
Baud Zhang Heng was invited to be the chief secretary of Nanyang Prefecture, and later he paid homage to the great minister. Zhang Heng《 Name 》Praise the virtue of Bao Shi in "Nanyang Literature Scholars", praise his achievements. [27]
  • Cui Yuan
Cui Yuan He is a close friend of Zhang Heng. The two met at the beginning of Heng's visit to the "Imperial College" in Beijing. Since then, they have known each other closely. Zhang Hengyou《 With Cui Yuanshu 》On the way of learning. Cui Yuan After the death of Zhang Heng, he wrote the Tablet of Zhang Pingzi. [27]

Existing works

Zhang Heng's original anthology has been lost. There are nine poems in the collection of Han Poetry. [65] There are 14 volumes of Zhang Heng Collection in Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi, which have been lost for a long time. Zhang Pu, a native of the Ming Dynasty, compiled the Collection of Zhang Hejian, which received《 Collection of One Hundred Three Schools in Han, Wei and Six Dynasties 》。 Full Chinese 》Volume 52-55 contains his poems and fu memorials. [66-67] Published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House《 Zhang Heng's Poetry Anthology 》。
Zhang Heng's existing works can be divided into three categories: "" literature "and" science and technology ". Among them, the" political history "works include" Shangshun Emperor Fengshi "," Shangchen Shishu "," On Tribute Jushu "," Please ban Tu Jishu "," Countermeasures against the Beijing Earthquake in the second year of Yangjia "," Eclipse Shang Biao "," Shangshu asked a special official to receive the inspection posthumous articles "," Three History of Seeking Unity ", and" Inconsistencies in Sima Qian and Ban Gu's Narration ". The "science and technology" works include Lingxian, the armillary sphere, Xuantu and Liyi. "Literature" works include five "poems": "Four Sorrow Poems", "Simultaneous Songs", "Complaint Poems" (also titled "Complaint Poems"), "Songs" (also known as "Yangchun Song", or "Love Song"), and "Late Youth"; In addition, there are "seven words", "love poems", "dance poems", "thought poems", "four words", "thought poems", "east tour gao poems"; Twelve pieces of Fu: "Hot Spring Fu", "Erjing Fu", "Nandu Fu", "Sixuan Fu", "Guitian Fu", "Dong Die Fu", "Zhong Fu", "Wu Fu", "Yu Lie Fu", "Love Fu", "Fan Fu", "Hong Fu", "Wen" two pieces: "Ying Jian", "Qi Bian" (actually a kind of Fu), "Ming" one piece: "Shou Si Ming", "Gao" one piece: "Dong Xun Gao", "Lei" Three articles: "Eulogy of Situ Lu Gong", "Eulogy of Sikong Chen Gong", "Eulogy of Grand Si Nong Bao De", two "books": "Book with Cui Yuan", "Book with Special Progress", and one "praise": "Book of Nanyang Literature Scholars". [27]

Commemoration for future generations


a burial

Tomb of Zhang Heng It is located 20 meters west of Nanxiaoshiqiao Village, Shiqiao Town, 25 kilometers north of Nanyang City, Henan Province. According to historical records, in the Han Dynasty, the mausoleum was built grandly, Wengzhong and stone animals were opposed, and the temple was magnificent. After the war, the past victories disappeared. In 1956, the cemetery of Zhang Heng and the "Pingzi Reading Table" were rebuilt. The cemetery covers an area of more than 12000 square meters. The burial chamber is 8 meters high and 79 meters long. Pines and cypresses are planted all around the tall ancient tomb. The Ming and Qing steles in front of the tomb are covered with steles, and there is one cube stele in front of the tomb, with the inscription: Guo Moruo compose. In the north of the tomb, the site of the reading platform was rebuilt. [19] Zhang Heng's Tomb is a national key cultural relics protection unit under the State Council.


In order to commemorate Zhang Heng's achievements, the UN Astronomical Organization named a crater on the back of the moon in 1970 as“ Zhangheng Ring Mountain ”In 1977, the asteroid 1802 was named“ Zhang Hengxing ”。 In 2003, the International Asteroid Center named 9092 as“ Nanyang Star ”。 The Chinese Astronomical Society set up the "Zhang Heng Special Contribution Award", which was first awarded in 2002. Another natural mineral of copper zinc alloy is also named after Zhang Heng, namely Zhang Heng Mine. [64]
There is Zhangheng Road in Huawei Base, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, and Zhangjiang High tech Park, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Zhangheng Road , Wolong District, Nanyang City, Henan Province Zhangheng Avenue

Film and television image

1983 film Zhang Heng: Xu Huanshan As Zhang Heng.
2012 Film《 Han Taiwei, Yang Zhen 》: Chen Bing plays Zhang Heng. [20]

Historical data index

Fan Ye Later Han Dynasty ·Volume 59: The Forty ninth Biography of Zhang Heng [8]