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Zhang Ji

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Former Chairman of the Kuomintang Party History Compilation Committee
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Zhang Ji (1882 - December 15, 1947) was named Pu Quan. He is from Cangxian County, Hebei Province.
Studied in Baoding in the early years Lianchi Academy In 1899, he went to Japan to study politics and economics, first in Tokyo's Good Neighbor Academy, and then in Waseda Special School (renamed as University). He served as the chairman of the Kuomintang Party History Compilation Committee in 1937 and died on December 15, 1947.
Chinese name
Zhang Ji
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
Date of death
University one is graduated from
Waseda University, Japan
one's native heath
Cangxian County, Hebei Province

To study in the east

Studied in Baoding in the early years Lianchi Academy In 1899, he went to Japan to study politics and economics, first in Tokyo's Good Neighbor Academy, and then in Waseda Special School (renamed as University). He accepted the influence of western bourgeois theory, witnessed the corruption of the Qing government, and sprouted revolutionary demands. In 1902, he joined the Tokyo Youth Association of Overseas Students, and later met Sun Yat-sen

Propaganda revolution

He returned to Shanghai in 1903, and Zhang Taiyan Zou Rong Zhang Shizhao To become brothers, Ren《 Su Newspaper 》Participation. Su Bao was sealed and continued to run with Zhang Shizhao and others《 National Daily 》。 In 1904, he went to Changsha, Ren Mingde School instructor , participation Huang Xing found Huaxinghui 's activities and subsequent consequences Wanfuhua The governor of Guangxi before the assassination Wang Zhichun Involved in the case, he was detained with Huang Xing and others. After being released, he went to Japan and was promoted as the Director General of the International Student Association.

Embrace Sun and oppose Yuan

Joined in Tokyo in 1905 Alliance , was promoted as a judge of the Ministry of Justice and《 People's Daily 》Editor and issuer. In 1908, he went to France to participate in the office《 New Century 》Magazine. Revolution of 1911 Later, he returned to China and served as Director of the Communication Department of the League and Head of Hebei Branch. In August 1912, the League Meeting was changed to the kuomintang , as a member of the Senate. In April 1913, the Congress was established and was elected President of the Senate. Second Revolution ”After the failure, he went into exile in Japan and went to Europe and America to engage in activities against Yuan Shikai.
In 1917, he went to Guangzhou with Sun Yat sen The law protecting military government Representative in Japan. In 1921, he served as the Secretary General of the Guangzhou Special Office of the Kuomintang, the Propaganda Minister of the Kuomintang, and the Beijing Branch Minister. At the beginning of Sun Yat sen's alliance with the Russian Communist Party and the reorganization of the Kuomintang, he was one of his supporters.

Go against the Communist Party

In November 1922, he took Sun Yat sen's personal letter from Shanghai to Beijing, and Soviet Russia messenger Overflight Interview. He hoped to immediately receive arms assistance from the Soviet Union and overthrow the Beijing government by military action. As he was unable to get arms assistance for the time being, his attitude towards the United Russia and the United Communist Party gradually cooled down. At the first National Congress of the Kuomintang, he was elected as the Central Supervisory Committee, but then he openly opposed Sun Yat sen's alliance with Russia, the Communist Party, and support for farmers and workers Three major policies , with Xie Chi Deng Zeru The joint proposal of "impeachment of the Communist Party" and the request of Sun Yat sen to oppose the Communist Party were severely reprimanded by Sun.
After Sun Yat sen died, he and Xie Chi native places of Mencius and Confucius respectively They intensified their activities against Sun Yat sen's three major policies. In November 1925, the so-called Fourth Plenary Session of the First Central Committee of the Kuomintang was held in Xishan, Beijing, and a series of anti Communist resolutions were passed. Although he was unable to attend due to illness, he still signed to participate. March 1926 Xishan Conference School The so-called The Second National Congress of the Kuomintang He presided over the opening meeting and was elected as the so-called Central Executive Committee.
After the first Kuomintang Communist cooperation broke down in 1927, Chiang Kai shek intimate of Sun Yat-sen Joining the Xishan Meeting School, he was regarded as an anti Communist "elder" and was listed as a member of the "Special Committee" when it was formed in September. In October 1928, he served as Vice President of the Judicial Yuan of the Kuomintang Government and Chairman of the Peiping Political Branch. In December 1931, he served as the president of the legislature. In February 1933, he served as the director of the Kuomintang Office in North China.
Counter-Japanese War After the outbreak, he still adhered to the anti Communist position, and in 1939, he served as the head of the central consolation mission to the north Yulin Routes Yan'an , Yes liberated area All of them mean "more disgusted". Later, he advocated "revision" Political Consultative Conference and Military trio The terms of the agreement support Chiang Kai shek in starting a civil war.

Late life

In his later years, he presided over the compilation of the history of the Kuomintang party and the history of the Republic of China. In early 1937, he concurrently served as the chairman of the Kuomintang Party History Compilation Committee. January 1947 Academia Historica Curator. He died on December 15 of the same year. [1]