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Zhang Guihua

Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, member of the Party Leadership Group (temporary), secretary of the Secretariat (temporary)
open 22 homonymous entries
Zhang Guihua, male, Han nationality, born in October 1973, is a graduate student, Doctor of Engineering, senior engineer of researcher level, and a member of the Communist Party of China.
He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, a member of the Party Leadership Group (on a temporary basis), and a secretary of the Secretariat (on a temporary basis). [2-3]
Chinese name
Zhang Guihua
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
October 1973
Political outlook
CPC member


He used to be the Deputy Director of the 49th Research Institute of CETC, the General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CETC Network Communications Group Co., Ltd., the Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the 54th Research Institute, the President and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Network Communications Research Institute, and the Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of CETC Network Communications Group Co., Ltd.
incumbent China Association for Science and Technology Member of the Standing Committee, member of the Party Leadership Group (temporary), secretary of the Secretariat (temporary). [2]

Appointment and removal

April 2022 Electronic Science Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation President, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.
In June 2022, he served as a member (temporary) of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. [1]