Zhang Deyi

Political figures in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China
zero Useful+1
Zhang Deyi (1847-1918), also known as Zhang Deming, was born in Tieling, Shengjing (now the west of Tieling River in Liaoning Province) Cainiu Township Zhangjiazhuang), incorporated into the Han Army in the early Qing Dynasty Inlaid yellow flag Political figures in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. He went abroad eight times in his life and spent twenty-seven years abroad. Every time he went abroad, he wrote down a detailed diary, which was compiled into "Sailing Narrative", "Re Narrative", "Three Narrative", "Four Narrative" and "Eight Narrative", totaling about 2 million words. Among them, "Sailing Stories" and "Four Stories" have been copied and printed, and the rest have not been published. After Zhang Deyi died, his descendants were afraid of losing their ancestors' manuscripts. In 1951, they sent the manuscripts to the people's government for safekeeping and kept them in Beijing Library In the library of Berlin Temple.
Overview Chart Source [1]
Zhang Deming
At the beginning, Junfeng
Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China
Ethnic groups
Yellow Flag of the Han Army
date of birth
Date of death
Main works
"Narration of Strange Voyages"
True name
Zhang Deyi

brief introduction

He first translated such scientific and technological terms as telegraph, bicycle and screw that are still used by Chinese people today; It is the first time to introduce steam engines, elevators, sewing machines, harvesters, pipe gas, punctuation marks, and even chocolate to Chinese compatriots

Character's Life

Zhang Deyi's related books
In the 27th year of Daoguang's reign in the Qing Dynasty (AD 1847), Zhang Deyi was born into a declining family of flag people. His family was poor from childhood. With the help of his uncle, he read a little private school. However, he is "intelligent in nature... not weak in years, generous and ambitious". So study hard and persevere. At the age of 15, I was admitted to the first foreign language school in China at that time --- Beijing Tongwen Museum , is one of the only ten students in this school. After three years of hard work, he graduated with excellent results and served as the foreign language teacher of Emperor Guangxu.
The fifth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1866 AD) was an important year in the history of Sino foreign relations. When Zhang Deyi was 19 years old, he was Qing government He was assigned to participate in China's first overseas tour group to visit Europe. He traveled with the group to France, Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Hamburg, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia Prussia Ten other countries have enjoyed the world customs. In addition to the closed door Qing Dynasty, there was such a civilized world! This vivid reality opened his eyes. Originally, the purpose of going abroad to the Qing government was to understand the foreigners' inner story and "explore their advantages and disadvantages", but Zhang Deyi focused his main attention on the observation of Taixi (Europe)'s novel culture, in which he had a great interest in drama culture. After returning to China, he wrote "A Tale of Sailing", which recorded his observations in detail, and many dramatic activities vividly described the grand events of European drama activities. He was the first person in China to introduce European and American dramas.
Since then, Zhang Deyi has traveled abroad for many times. In 1868, he worked as a translator with the mission, and China sent a diplomatic mission to Europe and the United States for the first time; In 1870, he went to France again as an accompanying member of the diplomatic mission, which was the first time that China sent a diplomatic envoy to France Western European countries Handle negotiations; In 1876, he was stationed in Britain with an envoy translator, which was the first time that China sent an envoy to a foreign country; In 1887, he served as an attendant and went to France; In 1896, he served as a counselor to Japan; In 1902, he was awarded the second grade official title and served as the British ambassador; He returned to China in 1906. After the Revolution of 1911, he died in Beijing in 1918 at the age of 72. Zhang Deyi represented Qing government The signing of the Articles of Labor Protection in London, England, did not give the British any privileges in China.

Character experience

He is a Chinese who witnessed the Paris Commune Revolution
Paris Commune
Zhang Deming went abroad eight times in his life. He recorded his novel news in a diary style. He was a Chinese who witnessed the Paris Commune Revolution. At the time of the Paris Commune Revolution in 1871, China was still in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, and there was little communication between China and foreign countries paris commune The reflection of. But just one day before the outbreak of the Paris Commune Revolution, Zhang Deming entered Paris and became a witness of the social change. In 1870, Qing government send Chonghou Zhang Deyi translated for his entourage when he was sent to France. On the 27th day of the first month of the 10th year of Tongzhi, that is, on March 27th, 1871, he first went to Paris to discuss renting a house. The next day, he witnessed the earth shaking event.
In 1979 Beijing Library Berlin Temple In the library, 78 volumes of Zhang Deyi's diary manuscripts were found, all of which were well preserved except for the loss of Seven Narrative Novels, and the greatest record of witnessing the Paris Commune Revolution was found in Three Narrative Novels. This unexpected discovery has attracted the attention of Chinese and French historians.
Zhang Deyi, in his "Notes on the French Envoy (Three Stories of Strangeness)", described Versailles The army invaded Paris. From the street battle of commune soldiers, Vend me Column Historic scenes such as demolition are not only consistent with official records, but also have many vivid and specific details. As is recorded in the Paris barricade, "at the entrances of each alley, more earth and stone walls, several case walls, and wooden basket walls are built. They are woven with willows and thorns, and filled with odds and ends of things. They are piled into a platform. Although the cannons enter, they do not come out.". As he wrote about the crazy suppression of captured soldiers in Versailles' army, "they were all covered with black cloth and shot". However, the commune soldiers are brave and unyielding. On April 25, the 10th year of Tongzhi era (June 2, 1871 AD), it was recorded that "more than 1200 people were sentenced to bravery from downstairs, including two women. Although their clothes were broken and their faces were dusty, their majestic air overflowed in their eyebrows". Although Zhang Deyi was an official of the ancient feudal state in the East at that time, he was not sympathetic and could not understand paris commune However, he left these awe inspiring records as precious historical materials.

Personal works

The book "Si Shu Qi"
Unexpectedly Taode's "Four Stories of Strangeness" Shows homesickness
It was carved in the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1890) as Tieling, the first academy in northeast China in the early Qing Dynasty Yingang Academy The inscription on the stele for donating funds to repair the study room: among the newly added books in the Academy, there are Three Diaries of Ambassadors to Britain, France, Italy, and Italy, which is exactly Zhang Deyi's diary about his strange travels in Europe.
The author has a copy of "Si Shu Qi", which was written by Zhang Deming when he was a translator with the minister in 1876. This set of two letters and eight volumes is imitated by Zhu Yitang Rare edition , Rong Zhuping proofread, Zhang Deming's friends Chang Rui, Ying Xu wrote the preface and Zhang Deming's self preface, a complete travel diary in Europe. Before the title of each volume, "Tieling Zhang Deming" is mentioned to express his nostalgia for his hometown, "which means that he does not forget his hometown" (Zhang Deming's successor Zhang Zuming's "Letter on Ancestors").
Group photo of the Chinese mission to Europe and the United States in Beijing before departure
"Si Shu Qi" was printed about nine years after Guangxu, detailing Zhang Deming's departure from Dagukou, together with Guo Songtao, Liu Xihong They sent envoys to European countries to praise the beauty of their products, the essence of their toys, the local conditions, or the people. Such as the risk of collision with a ship: the British people are difficult to deal with the Chinese pollution; there is also the scene of the dead on the ship and the sea burial missionary Wu Jiesi chanting scriptures and pushing them into the sea. "Parisian women in France are all bare chested, with red or white skirts, pink or green skirts", witnessing the civilized society in France: "Britain's railway passenger and freight exchanges, and the train Euler is transporting goods. If there are many goods in a big country, the physiology must be big, the interest must be double, and if the interest is double, the tax will also be increased, which is actually the way to enrich the country and the people". The developed British railway transport industry has also been recorded. "On the seventeenth day of Ding You Yin, a new night photography method was invented in Britain. Its people used it in astronomy and chemistry. They made a fire from the brine, and the force was the same as that of the sun. The light from dozens of glass circles in the trumpet shaped copper cylinder was shot into the photo studio, and then it was baked with light. According to the sun photography, it took eight or nine days to finish. This law requires a temporary work, and you can remove the manuscript. It is really fast...", The British night photography is described. "It was cloudy and rainy in the morning of Dingyou on the 29th, and it was not yet right. An Shanbo, a British cotton medicine merchant, came to pay a visit and talked about the method of making medicine...". Among them, the new marriage customs of British men and women, Russian sailors, French export goods and other European customs are described in detail. When the British Post Office printed a postcard with a colorful portrait of Zhang Deyi, Zhang Deyi became the first ambassador to communicate with European and American countries.
Zhang Deyi, a Tieling native, is worthy of the title of a tourist, writer, calligrapher, diplomat and translator in the 19th century. Many valuable historical materials left by him are worth studying and learning.

Character characteristics

Once served as the Capital Tongwen School General teaching and Beijing Normal University American missionaries who are chief teachers Ding Weiliang When appraising the scholar bureaucrats in the late Qing Dynasty in "Flower Armor Memory", he said with emotion: "In literature, they are adults, but in science, they are still children."
Similarly, when communicating with Chinese farmers, Ding Weiliang realized the real ideas of the bottom of Chinese society. He is Beijing Xishan When chatting with a calloused farmer, the farmer asked, "Why don't you foreigners destroy the Qing Dynasty?" Ding Fei asked, "Do you think we can destroy it?" The farmer said, "Of course." He pointed to a wire at the foot of the mountain while saying, "The man who invented the wire can overthrow the Qing Dynasty.".
What China faced in the late Qing Dynasty was a revolution derived from advanced science and technology. The obstinate scholar bureaucrats insisted that although China did not invent wire and telegraph, it was still a great country
Zhang Deyi was a special figure among the scholars of the late Qing Dynasty who went abroad directly and came into contact with western modern scientific and technological civilization.
"Inferior" origin
Zhang Deyi (1847-1918), at the age of 15 in the first year of Tongzhi (1862), was admitted to the Tongwen Museum in Beijing. He was one of the first translators trained for the museum. Four years later, he accompanied the first official foreign mission in modern China Bin Chun A mission visit. In the following 40 years, although he did not serve as the highest envoy abroad, he always engaged in diplomacy and public functions involving foreigners Tongzhi Seven Years Pu Anshen When the mission went to Europe and the United States, he served as a messenger (translator) and traveled around Europe and the United States; In the ninth year of Tongzhi, an imperial envoy Chonghou because Tianjin massacre He made a special trip to France to apologize and served as an attendant. Here he witnessed paris commune uprising This great event was totally different from the traditional Chinese peasant uprising. Guangxu reign period In the second year (1876), he served as the translator of the Chinese Embassy in Britain, and in the thirteenth year of Guangxu, he served as the secretary. Later, he returned to China for a while and was an English teacher of Emperor Guangxu; In the 22nd year of Guangxu's reign, he served as an envoy to Britain, Italy and Belgium Luo Fenglu Counsellor of; In the 27th year of Guangxu's reign, he was named Minister of Britain, Italy and Belgium by the title of "Ji Ming Dao Er Pin Qing", and returned to China after the 35th year of Guangxu's reign. He went abroad eight times in his life and spent 27 years abroad. He died in Beijing in 1918. Zhang Deyi has successively written his stories into eight "stories", from the first to the sixth and the eighth, which have been included Hunan People's Publishing House Go to the World Series 》Publication. However, the seventh part of the novel is missing. It was thought to have been lost in the past, but recently Museum of Chinese History It is found in the collected literature.
After returning from overseas, Zhang Deyi was sent to work with Tongwen Museum Shen Duo, another alumnus of Emperor Guangxu Our English teacher. The emperor of China may be the only one who asks two professors to take one course at the same time. In order to show respect for his teachers, Emperor Guangxu allowed them to sit beside him when the princes and ministers knelt. It can be seen that Zhang Deyi's position after returning to China is extraordinary. But Zhang Deyi didn't think much of this, because he was full of inferiority about his own college background.
In China in the early 1860s, learning foreign languages was not the right way. However, for the sake of diplomacy, the Qing government could only encourage the children of the Eight Banners to learn English through the incentive policy. The reward terms are: three taels of "plaster silver" will be given every month. Those who study well will receive a bonus. After three years of study, they will be awarded seven, eight Nine rank official position But even then, in June 1862, they paid both money and officials Jingshi Tongwen Hall When the library opened, only 10 students were enrolled.
Tongwen Museum At the same time, our students have to face enormous social pressure. The Beijing teachers' good Samaritans used various insulting and attacking words to attack the students who entered the school: the so-called "if they don't speak the same words, they will lose their gentleness", the so-called“ Confucius Disciple , Mr. Guigu ”The so-called "trick is based on many ends, so that the small court will set up a Tongwen Hall; military aircraft are not far away, so that good children can be lured to learn from others". As a 15-year-old Han soldiers who defected to the Manchu invaders Inlaid yellow flag Zhang Deyi, his son, certainly has the courage to face this situation, but after all, he did not follow the right path of stereotyped people and still had regrets in his life.
When he died, someone sent an elegiac couplet - "Traveling around East Asia and Western Europe to make a grand view of the universe, how many such a magnificent journey can be; writing numerous books, explaining the mysteries of ancient and modern times, and Sizhen celebrities do not live in vain", which should be an objective and correct evaluation of him. Zhang Deyi was not proud of his experience in his later years. He taught his sons and daughters: "The right way of the country is to read and write....... I am ignorant and no one is on the right path, so I am ashamed to be associated with the right path; and the right path is also contemptuous of being associated with the right path. People's sons and daughters, whether smart or foolish, must take reading as a priority."
Zhang Deyi doesn't show off his language ability. His epitaph says: "Although you are familiar with overseas writing or have some advice, you can't smile and answer every time. You are not good at it. Sad husband!" Zhang Deyi's sense of inferiority comes from the deformed society in the late Qing Dynasty. He can't show off his knowledge. Of course, it is out of virtue, but more of it is the deformed environment of society. It's really sad to be so depressed.
Discovery as "First"
Compared with his contemporaries' foreign ministers, Zhang Deyi's observation of the West was very lifelike, probably because he did not give the important task of Sino foreign negotiations. Most of the Chinese people's understanding of the West in the late Qing Dynasty came from his account, and many of his findings were the first detailed observation of the West by Chinese people.
Related works
The first record of Western food: Western food had entered China before and after the Opium War. Western food appeared much later in northern China. In the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), Tianjin Concession There appeared a "Lishunde" that operated catering, hotels and warehouses. Its founder was English priest Yin Sen. Five years later (1866), Zhang Deyi accompanied the delegation on a visit and took a British ship from Tianjin to Shanghai, where he enjoyed western food for the first time. The meals on board are "snacks three times a day, big meals two times a day... The people who eat them are nothing more than burning beef, mutton, fish, sugar cakes, apples... cold water, sugar water, hot milk, vegetable broth, sweet and bitter wine", and "butter, spinal cord, yellow potatoes, rice and other things". Later, I changed to a French ocean liner, and the food was more abundant. Even when eating the tableware and condiments for western food, Zhang Deyi has detailed records in his diary: "each person has a knife, a spoon, a fork, a plate, a white cloth, and three glass wine glasses". When he writes about the condiment bottle, he calls it "Five Taste Frame", and "separate packing of oil, vinegar soy sauce , chili noodles, braised shrimp ". The most direct understanding of foreign civilization comes from the observation of lifestyle. Chinese food with a history of thousands of years has become a part of Chinese culture“ A master ”Western food is also a typical reflection of Western civilization. Zhang Deyi's meticulous record of western food shows that his understanding of the cultural differences between China and the West is very specific and direct. Chinese food is made by experience. The use of salt, soy and vinegar, and the control of the heat are completely dependent on the feeling. Western food is exquisite and accurate, which is a more quantitative method. These differences are probably shocking to the Chinese people of insight who are new to western food.
The first record of western punctuation marks: in February of the seventh year of Tongzhi (1868), Zhang Deyi accompanied the American envoy Pu Anshen Led the "Chinese Mission" to visit Europe and the United States. In Zaishu Qi (or Journey around Europe and the United States), he introduced Western punctuation: "The books of the western countries in Thailand are very boring to outline and explain. If the sentence is meaningful enough, remember it.; If the meaning is not enough, remember it.; If the meaning is insufficient, but the meaning is consistent with the previous sentence, remember it; If the meaning is not enough, add a sentence, remember it:; If the language is surprising and admiring, remember it!; If the question is asked, remember it?; Quote evidence, before and after the sentence, write" "; Add notes before and after the sentence; At the junction of the two paragraphs, add a horizontal line such as -. " It was nearly 40 years before Western punctuation marks were officially adopted in modern Chinese. Zhang Deyi's cultural observation is not insensitive.
First record paris commune In 1981, 110 years after Zhang Deyi wrote A Tale of France as an Emissary, Hunan People's Publishing House As《 Go to the World Series 》And published as one of them. Chinese people know that there are Chinese experiences and records of the Paris Commune. Zhang Deyi was on the fourth day of the twelfth lunar month (January 24, 1871) in the ninth year of Tongzhi, because“ Tianjin massacre ”Accompanying minister Chonghou He went to France to apologize, just in time for the Paris Commune riot. In his diary, Zhang Deyi, 24, regarded the Paris Commune as "rebellion" and named it "red headed civil affairs", but he still praised the brave men of the Paris Commune: "At the beginning of the Shen Dynasty, more than 1200 people, including two women, were relieved from rebellion downstairs, although their clothes were torn and their faces were dusty, their majestic spirit overflowed in their eyebrows... Rebellion is not only tough for men, but also for women. Everywhere you go, you are invincible. Living in high-rise buildings, eating delicious food, happiness, I do not know death. When he was about to lose, he burned all the buildings and half the treasures were ashes. Now we have captured hundreds of female soldiers, and Xun Ming confessed that he set fire to resist arrest, which is like a generation's plan. " Of course, young Zhang Deyi could not understand the worldwide significance of this movement and its great value in the history of human class struggle, but this "rebellion" different from the Chinese peasant uprising must have had a great impact on him.
The first recorded the names of some famous western tools, musical instruments and houses: the name of bicycle, which is from Zhang Deyi's records. He described London's bicycle in "Journey to Europe and the United States": "one wheel at the front and one wheel at the back, one big and one small, two inches at the big (should be" feet "), one inch (feet) and a half at the small, one person sitting on the top, rotating on the string, shaking the foot first, his hand pressing the axle, pushing forward and dragging backward, looking left and right, interesting." He was also the first Chinese to describe trains. In "The Legend of Navigation", he once described the British and French trains at that time: "The first-class carriages were divided into three rooms, two doors on the left and two windows on the right, and two windows beside the door, with movable glass to go up and down. The small blue silk curtains were self rolling and self relaxing, and the mechanism was very strange. The walls were pasted with ridges, and the walls were covered with mirrors, hat racks, and silk threads to hold things. The front and back two wooden beds, one foot five inches wide, were divided into four pieces, and could sit eight people. The cushion on the back is three inches thick, and the surface is covered with velvet. The floor is covered with tapestry and has a spit box. At night, the glass lamp will be burned on the roof, and the two beds can be pulled out to form a pit. " He was also the first scholar to describe the piano in the late Qing Dynasty: four Zhang Deyi passed through Shanghai in the early February of the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866) to visit the printer Jiang Bili, who once listened to Jiang's sister "playing" the lute. Zhang Deyi described that "the zither is as big as a box, its sound is sometimes loud, sometimes small, and its poor references are scattered, which is quite audible". There is no doubt that Jiang plays a piano. He also recorded the sewing machine for the first time (later he worked with the inventor of the sewing machine in France Elias Howe Meet): According to the "Sailing Tales", he visited Gordon, the British general who had suppressed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, at his home on April 19, the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866). "I saw an iron needle frame, commonly known as an iron tailor". Zhang Deyi described the iron tailor and said, "It is similar to a tea table in shape. There is a key in both the top and bottom. A stitch hangs forward on the face and an axis hangs behind it. When working as a female worker, she puts the cloth under the needle and puts her foot on the key. The needle and thread can run by themselves and sewing is very quick." He also translated the White House of the United States into "white room" for the first time. In his Travels around Europe and the United States, he said: "Zhu Wenxun (i.e. Johnson) has little ambition and is hidden in the seamen. All the books about astronomy, geography and governing the country and the people are respected by his countrymen because of his careless study. After the death of the former commander Ling Kun (i.e. Lincoln), people pushed him to the throne, and his countrymen called him" the seamen commander ". Three miles around his residence, it was built of white marble and surrounded by gardens. The natives call it 'white room', which is also a mockery. It is a white room when they call toilets in the middle of the country. " This is the first time to hear that the word "White House" has a mocking meaning in local folk customs.
The first Chinese to visit the pyramids: the earliest dialogue or direct contact between the pyramids and the Great Wall came from Zhang Deyi. He is the first Chinese recorded to have entered the pyramid. Napoleon After entering the pyramid, he was shocked and said nothing. Egyptian pyramids The architecture is extraordinary and the mystery is endless. The Chinese knew its intuitive situation in the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. The explorer Zhang Deyi (1847-1918) was a Tieling man. In 1866, Zhang Deyi was in Beijing Tongwen Museum When he graduated, he was 19 years old. During this time, he traveled abroad with a tourist group. He came to North Africa through hardships and saw the pyramids. Zhang Deyi first examined the appearance of the pyramid (namely the royal tomb) and recorded that the royal tomb, one large and two small, was in a "three pointed shape". The large royal mausoleum "is 180 zhang in week, 49 zhang in height, all piled up with huge stones... There is a hole in the front, about eight zhang in height, with an Egyptian text on it, which reads script style resembling bird-tracks , wind and rain erosion, indistinct and unrecognizable. " In front of the tomb, there was "a large head, about four zhang high, about three zhang wide, with clear eyes and ears." Then Zhang Deyi further investigated the situation inside the pyramid. Under the guidance of the natives, he went into the biggest pyramid curiously. He went in through a broken crack. The entrance was steep and narrow. There were huge stones stacked vertically and horizontally up, down, left and right. It was dark and he could only walk by candlelight. At first, it climbed like a snake, and then like an ape. "Step by step, you will stumble" and "the stone shakes with sound" make people "lose their trust". The passageway was winding, "going forward and losing, going back and losing". After walking for a long time, it suddenly became clear that he had entered the tomb. In fact, there is nothing strange in it, only "a sarcophagus without a cover, shaped like a manger, hit it with a bang and put it in the corner". Zhang Deyi and others lingered in the tomb for three hours. Due to excessive fatigue, "you will be in a cold sweat"! After returning to China, Zhang Deyi wrote a book about his experience of visiting the pyramids. This travel note became the first record of pyramids in China. According to the textual research, Zhang Deyi had the character of Chu, a Manchu, who had served as an important official of the Qing government and was an envoy abroad. His ancestral home is Cainiu Township, Tieling County From Zhangjiazhuang.
The first record of western contraceptives (condoms): In Zhang Deyi's works, he mentioned twice that there is an item called "kidney clothing" outside the country. For example, when he mentioned his experience in France in The Voyage (May 12, 1866), he wrote: "When we heard that there are people selling kidney clothing in Britain and France, we don't know what it was made of. According to the cloud, when we sleep as prostitutes, it will be the first thing in Longyang to avoid disease. The female and the male are compatible, and there is no room for one. Although the clouds are falling ill, it is always faster than being naked. " In "Journey to Europe and the United States · Franco's Journey to the West", he recorded what he saw when he visited France again: "When hearing that foreigners are tired of having children, they buy a kind of leather or silk cover, which runs through the penis. Although the phoenix has fallen from the phoenix and one has no egg," he recognized the two functions of condoms: prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and family planning. However, he used Confucianism to criticize such violations of human relations: "The law is solid and wonderful, and Mencius said: there are three ways to be unfilial, and there is no future. It is a pity that such people have not heard of it. If you want to advocate this law and make people cut off their descendants, they should not be blamed. The so-called originator, there is no future!"
Zhang Deyi's observation of the West is still China's perspective and position. Zhang Deyi's regret, of course, comes from his educational background. We cannot ask Zhang Deyi to have a more open vision nearly 150 years ago. In essence, he is still a typical Chinese traditional scholar bureaucrat. stay San Francisco Zhang Deyi's notes record his friction with an Americanized Chinese. This Chinese has come to the United States for seven years to study Christianity. Zhang Deyi once scolded him: "How can you have the face to go back to China when you have cut your braids? You have changed to American clothes, and we no longer regard you as a Chinese. Do you study Christianity? You have forgotten your own traditions. After you die, do you still have the face to see your ancestors?"

Introduce new punctuation

After the Opium War, new ideas were introduced and Western punctuation followed. The first person to introduce punctuation marks from abroad was the late Qing Dynasty Tongwen Museum Zhang Deyi, a student of. Tong Wen Guan is Westernization Movement Zhang Deyi was one of the first English class students set up by the Chinese and Qing governments to train foreign language talents.
In February of the seventh year of Tongzhi (1868), Pu Anchen, a retired envoy to China, led the "Chinese Mission" to visit Europe and America, and Zhang Deyi became one of the members of the delegation. Zhang Deyi has a habit that no matter which country he goes to, he likes to record the local scenery, famous objects, customs and habits and compile them into a booklet under the name of "Shuqi". During the period from 1868 to 1869, he completed "Re narrate Strangeness". This book is now called "Journey to Europe and the United States". There is a paragraph about Western punctuation, which says: "The books of the western countries in Thailand are very boring to outline and explain. If the sentence is meaningful, remember it.; If the meaning is not enough, remember it.; Although the meaning is insufficient, but the meaning is consistent with the previous sentence, remember it; If the meaning is not enough, add a sentence, remember it:; If the language is surprised and admired, remember it!; If the question is asked, remember it?; Quote the evidence and write "" before the sentence; Add notes before and after the sentence; At the junction of the two paragraphs, add a horizontal line such as -. "
Although Zhang Deyi is not consciously introducing punctuation to the domestic intelligentsia, even with a tone of opposition, he thinks that these punctuation are tedious. But in the process of planting willows unintentionally, it has brought new trends to the development of Chinese language symbols.

And Chinatown

Chinatown was first called "Datang Street". In 1673, Nalanxingde "Miscellaneous Knowledge of Lushui Pavilion": "In Japan, people began to go there in the Tang Dynasty, and the residents call it 'Datang Street', which is now ten miles long." In 1872. That year, Zhigang wrote in "A Tale of Early Missions to Taixi" that "Jinshan is a trade hub for all countries, and there are tens of thousands of Chinese Cantonese who come here to trade. They rent their shops and houses from foreigners, so foreigners call it" Chinatown ". Six guilds were established." In 1887, Wang Yongni also used "Chinatown" in "Diary of Returning to China" "Jinshan is the area of the Pacific Trade Hub. Sixty or seventy thousand Chinese come here. They rent four houses and call it Chinatown. The name of the Six Guild Halls is Sanyi and Yanghe." Wang Yongni's words are similar to those of Zhigang. Before that, Wang Ke could read The Story of the First Envoy to Taixi, so he followed Zhigang's "Chinatown" here. "Chinatown" is a name created by Cantonese and overseas Chinese.
In 1875, Zhang Deyi Journey around Europe and America Chinese nickname Chinatown It is called "Chinatown". Zhang Tong English, English called Chinatown. In fact, before that, Zhang Deyi was more direct. He literally translated Chinatown as "Chinatown", such as "Arrive at Annan Vietnam region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam China... More than forty miles to the northwest, there is a 'Chinatown', named after thousands of Chinese trading there. "

Tongwen Museum

In the first year of Tongzhi (1862), Zhang Deyi was 15 years old, which was also the turning point of his life. In this year, Westernization Faction The "Westernization Movement" initiated by officials is in full swing. In order to train talents who can handle Westernization, the "Premier's Yamen" decided to establish the "Peking University Tongwen School", inviting foreigners to teach Chinese to speak and write foreign languages. establish Tongwen Museum The primary purpose of the project is to train translators.
Qing government The use of communication in dealing with foreigners did not begin until after the Opium War, let alone 1860《 Beijing Treaty 》It started after signing, but it has already existed. At that time, the "Tongshi" group spontaneously emerged and formed mainly because of the activities such as foreign trade of Guangzhou Yikou, the contact with foreigners in the corner of Macao, and the activities of missionaries. No one consciously cultivates them. Only in the north, because of more contacts with Russia, and Russian communication is difficult to find, did the Qing Dynasty set up a Russian museum in Beijing. The Opium War, especially The Second Opium War Later, the envoys were stationed in Beijing, and the number of negotiations with western countries began to increase, with Britain and France being the largest. Therefore, there is an urgent need for talents who understand English and French. In the past, although there was a communication spontaneously formed from compradors and other channels, on the one hand, the number of such people was limited and their quality was not high, which could not meet the requirements of the open situation and the country's formal diplomacy; On the other hand, most of these communicators are closely related to foreigners, Qing government They expressed distrust of them. In fact, some of them could not be trusted. Soon after arriving in Shanghai, Li Hongzhang discovered the bad deeds of these generalists and exposed them:
"The most profitable way to find out about Shanghai is to become a professional in addition to scholars, farmers, industry and commerce. There are two kinds of people: first, the children of Guangdong and Ningbo businessmen, who are frivolous and idle, and who have no other way to transfer deacons, often take learning to become a refuge; 1、 Britain, France and other countries have set up free schools to recruit local poor children and teach them with food and clothing. The history of these schools is hard to know. They are all infected with the habits of pidgin, and they are also teaching them. These two kinds of people are both stupid in nature and mean in mind. They don't know anything else except their money and money. " (They don't have much knowledge, and the translation is often untrue) "Only know that they use the influence of foreigners to sow and instigate, so as to fulfill their desire for profit, despise officials, bully civilians, and have no scruples." (They even) "They bully me into being deaf and dumb, show off their bravado, or use small disrespect to cause big challenges."
It was on behalf of the Qing Dynasty that they negotiated and signed with Britain and France that they felt the urgency of cultivating translation talents《 Beijing Treaty 》For one thing, he said, "In dealing with foreign countries, we must first understand their temperament. Today, we don't know the language, we don't know the language, we don't know the language, and we hope they can compromise!" For another thing, "If we want to know the situation of various countries, we must first understand their language, and then we won't be fooled by others." It is a progress to develop from just eliminating the "diaphragm" to "not being fooled by others.". At the forefront of negotiations in Shanghai Jiangsu Governor Li Hongzhang, more eager to train translation talents than Yi, expressed this feeling:
Fuwei The handover between China and the foreigners must first communicate their aspirations, reach their intentions, and be aware of their hypocrisy, honesty, and hypocrisy. In the past 20 years of the exchange, there have been many people who have learned my language, especially those who can read my classics and history, and describe the history of the imperial constitution, the government officials and the people; Few of our officials and gentlemen are fluent in foreign languages. Countries have set up two translators in Shanghai. When foreign ministers meet and discuss matters, they rely on foreign translators to convey them, and it is difficult to avoid favoritism. Those who can speak the foreign language in China rely only on communication. Any negotiations between the customs bureaus and military barracks are nothing more than hiring people to communicate, and their people are the great harm of the foreign affairs. "
Tongwen Museum Affiliated to the Premier's Yamen, it was the earliest in the late Qing Dynasty Westernization School The English Museum was initially established, and from 1863 to 1897, French, Russian, computational, chemical, German, astronomical, Gezhi (the general term for natural sciences such as sound, light, chemistry and electricity), Japanese and other museums were successively added. The educational system is divided into five years and eight years. The eight year system is divided into front hall and back hall. Those who have achieved success in the back hall science have been promoted to the front hall, where they also study mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, physics, medicine, machine manufacturing, foreign history and geography, and public law of nations.
At the beginning of the establishment of Tongwen Museum, the teachers were to be selected from Guangdong and Shanghai merchant secondary schools who learned English, French and Chinese. So the Qing court ordered two people from Guangdong and Shanghai to understand foreign languages (English, French and meters) and bring books from various countries to Beijing for teaching. After the imperial court issued the imperial edict, it was a pity that Guangdong and Shanghai failed to find suitable candidates for teaching. In 1862, Yi Xin, with the help of the Englishman Weitoma, asked the British priest Paul Teng to serve as a teacher. At the beginning, students were mainly recruited from young Eight Banners children, with a total of 30 students from Britain, France and Russia. As a result, it backfired. If no suitable students could be selected, they had to first set up an English library. The enrollment was also extended to older Eight Banners children and Han students“ Eight Banners The Manchu, Mongolian and Han people are idle inside, and they can be admitted according to their own discretion ".
Although since the Opium War, the traffic between China and the West has been frequent, and the West is gradually gaining strength in the east, the conservative Chinese feudal literati and officials still strictly guard against the "difference between barbarians and Xia". Always call foreign countries "barbarians" and foreign languages“ southern barbarians The voice of the tongue of the central bird is opposed to the Chinese learning to speak a foreign language. at that time Tongwen Museum At the beginning of its establishment, it was criticized by many stubborn and conservative bureaucrats. It claimed that "there are many tricks to make the small court set up a Tongwen Hall; military aircraft are not far away, and good children are lured to learn from others"; Youyun“ Confucius Disciple Mr. Ghost Valley "," In a word, Civic will lose his life ", which is sensational. In such a social environment, those "righteous people" who hope that their descendants will be born on the right path of the imperial examination will never send their "good children" to the Tongwen School to "worship others as teachers", and do such a "disgrace to gentility". Only people like Zhang Deyi, who are born in a poor family, talented and eager to learn, are willing to study in the Tongwen School. In this way, Zhang Deyi was admitted and became one of the first ten students of Tongwen School.
In order to reward admission, Tongwen University stipulates that all students have a silver allowance. Students with the seventh grade of official will be given a salary of forty-five liang silver per year, forty-two liang silver per year for the eighth grade of official, and thirty-two twenty-five yuan per year for the ninth grade of official. And according to the difference of students' education, they can give three liang to fifteen liang of plaster silver every month. Those who have achieved excellent results in the quarterly and annual examinations will be awarded the seventh, eighth and ninth grade officials. Zhang Deyi relies on Tongwen Museum The silver was distributed to support the family until the fourth year of Tongzhi (1865) when he completed his studies in the museum.
After graduation, most of the students of Tongwen University will be government interpreters, diplomats, officials of foreign affairs agencies, and teachers in schools. In 1889 Zeng Jize The level of students has been counted once: among more than 100 students in this class, about 20% are excellent learners; More than 10 people, about 10%, are unable to be created and should be eliminated. During this period, the Beijing Tongwen School trained a group of outstanding foreign language talents and 28 senior diplomats. Zhang Deyi is one of the best. His life left many "first" records:
The first foreign language school in modern China, the first student of Jingshi Tongwen School.
The first batch of foreign language translation talents trained by ourselves in Chinese history.
The first generation of professional diplomats in China.
What is more praiseworthy is that he left more than 2 million words of overseas stories, opening a window of enlightenment for Chinese people in the closed period, which is amazing. In 1918, Zhang Deyi died of illness in Beijing at the age of 71. At the time of death, someone sent an elegiac couplet: "Traveling around East Asia and Western Europe to make a grand view of the universe, how many such magnificent deeds can be; writing many books to explain the mysteries of the ancient and modern times, and the real celebrities do not live in vain".

And philately

Philatelic activities have been carried out in China for more than 100 years. When did the "philatelic" activities originally originated from the West enter the closed market Qing Empire Who is the first stamp collector in China? Because of its long history, I'm afraid it's hard to verify. However, it is well documented that the first person in China to record "stamp collecting" activities in Chinese was Zhang Deyi, a Chinese diplomat. Zhang Deyi (1847-1919), whose real name is Zhang Deming, was born in the early Qing Dynasty Inlaid yellow flag People. In 1862, he entered the Qing Dynasty as one of the first batch of scholars Prime Minister's Yamen for International Affairs Warehouse cooperative Tongwen Museum After three years of study, he graduated in 1865; 1866 Hurd He visited 10 countries in Europe, including France, Britain, Belgium and Russia; In the same year Pu Anshen The mission visited Europe and the United States as a translator; From the ninth year to the eleventh year of Tongzhi (1870-1872) Chonghou Diplomatic mission to France; Guangxu reign period Two years (1876) Qing government Guo Gaotao, the first ambassador to the United Kingdom, served as a translator in the Embassy of London. During this period, he went to Russia with Chonghou from 1878 to 1879; 1887 Heaven Serve as an accompanying member of the Embassy in Berlin; In 1891, he served as an English teacher for Emperor Guangxu; In 1896, with Luo Fenglu Diplomatic Missions to Britain, Italy and Belgium Counsellor In 1901, he accompanied Natong to Tokyo Embassy as Counsellor; From 1902 to 1906, he served as an envoy to the UK Zisbania (Spain) and Switzerland. At that time, the Emperor of Qing Dynasty asked diplomatic envoys abroad to keep a diary of what they saw and heard and report it to the imperial court regularly. Zhang Deyi obeyed the emperor's order, and since 1867, he has successively written his overseas stories into eight kinds of stories with more than 2 million words, such as "Sailing Stories", "Re Storing Stories", and "Eight Stories". Among them, in the chapter "English Travels" of the "Remarkable Struggle" (also known as "Journey to Europe and the United States"), the diary of "My Hero on the 6th day of November in the 7th year of Tongzhi (1868)" records the situation of stamp collection in Britain: "I heard that two or three years ago in Britain, there was a kind of bad custom. Anyone who received a letter ticket, put it on the wall, and it was customary to regard more as the most expensive. Women were not married because they did not have many letter tickets. According to Ai Jiaoxi, a poor woman with the surname of Ying deserves 120 taels of silver in arrears, and a million old letters can't be obtained, so everyone gathered more than ten thousand and sent them. " Published in England in 1840“ Black pence ”Stamps have been collected for 28 years, which shows that the British people have carried out stamp collecting activities extensively, and their love for stamps has reached a level of ecstasy. In the eyes of Zhang Deyi, who is relatively open and advanced, his interest in stamp collecting is so incomprehensible and unacceptable that he calls it "vulgar"; At the same time, it reflects that Chinese people are unfamiliar with "stamp collecting" from the side; The Chinese also do not know "stamps", and call them "letter stamps". Who knows that time has passed, things have changed and stars have moved, and the trend of historical progress is only ten years old Guangxu reign period In 1878, China also issued First set of stamps —— Dragon stamp What Zhang Deyi did not expect is that today's Chinese philatelic activities are booming, and the original "vulgar customs" have become an important activity in the construction of mass spiritual civilization. Although Zhang Deyi has different views on "philately", perhaps because of his "narration", he played a role in introducing and spreading "philately" into China, making him the first "philately translator" in China, and creating a precedent in the history of Chinese philately. The attached picture is a portrait of Zhang Deyi, selected from the group photo of officials of the mission.

Related events

retention Versailles As a spectator
After many twists and turns, Zhang Deyi finally left Paris and followed Chonghou They came to Versailles on March 30 and successively met the head of the French government, Thiel, the foreign minister, Favre, and others, but the French government, which was overwhelmed by the uprising of the Paris Commune, had no time to pay attention“ Tianjin massacre ”。 So the mission stayed in Versailles again until early June paris commune He returned to Paris after being suppressed. In this way, Chonghou, Zhang Deyi and others, as bystanders, once again observed and described the relevant situation of the Paris Commune Revolution from the perspective of Versailles.
On the first night of his visit to Versailles, Zhang Deyi saw a "troop gathering" outside the hotel. It turned out that the government army was unwilling to fight with the revolutionary army, and the government had to mobilize the navy to suppress the revolution. Later, the government forces and commune forces continued to fight fiercely, which Zhang Deyi and others witnessed.
On April 3, the commune mobilized 40000 National Self Defense Forces in three directions Versailles The government troops went out of the city to fight. As the Versailles army bombarded Paris for a long time, Zhang Deyi witnessed that the city of Paris was full of smoke and flames, which seemed to burn thousands of houses.
On May 21, Versailles launched a general attack on Paris. The famous“ May Bloody Week ”。 On the 23rd, Zhang Deyi met more than 20000 captured communes for the first time in Versailles. Zhang Deyi believes that these people are just poor people under duress and have not committed too much crime. However, he is very sad to think that they will be punished soon. On the 28th, the commune was suppressed, and on the 29th, Zhang Deyi witnessed the return of 30000 or 40000 "victorious teachers" in Versailles. These people have dark faces and stagger. Some of them lie on the ground while walking. This one just surrendered Prussia , and took up the gun to suppress the army of their own insurgents, which was totally unlike the appearance of a victorious division!
Return to Paris to complete the mission
On May 28, paris commune They were suppressed and a large number of insurgents were executed. In early June, Zhang Deyi followed Chonghou Enter Paris again. Zhang Deyi and others witnessed the scene of the government troops chasing and killing the insurgents, and many times they truly recorded the spirit of the commune members to face death with great dignity. On the day of Zhang Deyi's arrival in Paris, he saw more than 2000 people from the captured commune in the street. These people "had smokers and singers", and they were not afraid at all. It can be seen that Zhang Deyi still has some sympathy for the commune soldiers who died generously. At that time, China had just suppressed Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement It is very valuable for a Qing official to have such an attitude.
Later, Zhang Deyi and others participated in two "aftercare" issues in Paris. One is to visit the demolished Vend me Column The Wandom Column was originally napoleon i When defeating the enemy, use the captured Copper gun It is recast. On May 6, the commune demolished this symbol of imperialism and Chauvinism And pushed it down Napoleon Stone statue of.
Second, I participated Versailles The authorities held a funeral for the former Archbishop of Paris, Darbudawa. At the beginning of April, in order to eliminate the counter revolutionary forces, the commune issued an order on hostages and captured and killed Bishop Darbudawa. After Versailles captured Paris, a funeral was held for him in early June, and envoys from all countries were invited to attend. Chinese envoys were also invited.
Chonghou Since the mission is to“ Tianjin massacre ”He apologized and explained the matter to the French government. but Teyer The government has been ignoring it. It was not until December of that year that Teyer formally received the Chinese delegation, accepted credentials and addressed each other. After Teyer's reprimand, Chonghou and his party also completed their mission to France.
Zhang Deyi, a native of the Qing Dynasty, was in Paris and witnessed the social situation in Paris paris commune Witness of.
Zhang Deyi once studied foreign languages at the Tongwen School in Beijing. In June 1870, the foreign church“ drug and kidnap "Young children", forcibly occupying the land and oppressing the people. The people of Tianjin became furious, burning down churches in France, Britain, the United States and other countries, and killing more than 20 foreign officials such as French consul Feng Daye. Tianjin massacre ”After that, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Russia, Belgium and Spain jointly protested, Qing government Mission Minister of Commerce of Sankou Chonghou Zhang Deyi accompanied the imperial envoy to France to apologize for his "begging".
On the eve of the workers' uprising in Paris on March 18, 1871, Chonghou and his entourage, who arrived in Bordeaux, France, sent Zhang Deyi to Paris to find a museum for the Chinese envoys. Due to the martial law in Paris, Zhang Deyi was stranded in Paris and forced to become paris commune Witness of. Zhang Deyi was the most widely traveled person in the Qing Dynasty. He wrote his travel notes about his travels to 15 countries. The third part of his travel notes, San Shu Qi, mainly recorded his experiences in France. Zhang Deyi wrote that when he first entered Paris, he saw a different situation. When the country was in danger, government officials were still "playing games", while workers were rapidly armed to fight against the government's traitorous activities. When Tiyar ordered the government army to suppress the workers, some government troops "resisted and disobeyed, and turned against each other". The workers' armed forces defeated the government army, "shot dozens of officers and soldiers", and the government army led by Tiyar was defeated and fled Versailles Then the workers' armed forces entered the center of Paris. "Barry (Lebanon) had no owner, and traitorous (workers' armed forces) ordered". Zhang Deyi witnessed the armed occupation of the city hall and other government organs by workers, the government forces and their officials fled one after another, and the working class dominated everything. But the Paris proletariat, lacking political experience, did not immediately attack Versailles, the nest of reactionaries, eliminate the counter revolutionary forces, and was too busy with commune elections, so that the reactionaries won a breathing space Prussia Collaborate to encircle and suppress together paris commune Zhang Deyi wrote: "On the sixth day of April (May 24th), the sound of artillery was incessant". The reactionaries occupied Paris, and the workers' armed forces fought tenaciously to the end. Zhang Deyi saw a large number of workers falling into a pool of blood, but they faced death, "their majestic spirit overflowed in the eyebrows".
It is no wonder that Zhang Deyi, from the standpoint of the ruling class, called the workers in Paris "traitorous". Later, Zhang Deyi was once Qing government Minister in Britain, Belgium and Italy; After returning to China, in 1891 Emperor Guangxu Our English teacher.

And coin culture

Zhang Deyi, the Tieling people who first introduced European and American coin culture
In the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866), the Qing government sent a tourist group to Europe for the first time. The tour group is composed of four people, including Zhang Deyi, a 19-year-old Tieling person. At this time, he had just left Beijing Tongwen Museum After graduation, he acted as the interpreter of the tourist group. In the seventh year of Tongye (1868), Zhang Deyi went abroad again. On this trip, he will follow Pu Anshen The mission first went to the United States via Japan, then to Europe via the Atlantic Ocean, and then to Europe through Britain and France, and then returned home early for some reason. Zhang Deyi has enjoyed exotic customs during his two trips abroad. After returning to China, he wrote a travel book about his experiences, such as A Tale of Sailing, like A Journey Around Europe and America. In the book, for the first time, China was introduced to foreign coin making, coin shape and coin anecdotes. Zhang Deyi visited several "Mints" in Europe and America. He is observant and keeps true records. On March 28 of the lunar calendar in the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866), he went to the Paris Mint in France with a tourist group and witnessed the vivid scene of coinage: "Entering the west front door is the place where the coins are minted. Copper pieces are used to cut coins, carve flowers and carve characters, all using firearms, and you can get thousands of coins at a time. Gold and silver coins are divided into two types, each of which is unfavourable, and foreign money is the purest." Perhaps it is a preference, Or he did not observe carefully for the first time, so two months later, he visited the mint again. This time, I was with a French friend named Deshan, who shared the same view of Deshanzhi's coin casting, and made a supplementary record of the mechanical part: "The gunshot of its drum casting was driven by water and air, so that it could move forward and backward in the iron pipe to turn the big wheel. The big wheel had numerous long shafts, the middle one had hundreds of small wheels, and the lower one was connected with various machines, which were connected with each other by weitiao. The big wheel moved with different machines, very quickly. The coins are made of gold, silver and copper, and they are different in size. "
In April of the same year, Zhang Deyi and his entourage traveled to Britain. They visited the coinage technology in London, the capital of England. There is nothing special about the coinage method, machinery and technology in Britain, but the factory buildings are relatively wide. In addition to coining British coins, it also made copper and silver coins of different sizes in Hong Kong, India and other places.
On the eighth day of the third lunar month in 1868, Zhang Deyi and his party came to the United States San Francisco They visited the local mint and observed the whole process of the factory and coinage in detail.
Zhang Deyi is a conscientious person. He not only observes how foreigners make coins, but also pays great attention to the coins themselves. He has made detailed notes on various coins of various countries
To understand and record.
He introduced the coins of France at that time, including "Louis", "Difranc", "Sianfang", "Franc", "Dusu" and "Sangdi Mu". These are gold, silver and copper coins. In addition, there is a "silver note" called "Babbitt Banger".
The monetary system of Russia is relatively complex, including ancient money, current small money, large silver money, small silver money, large copper money, etc. The coins have different weights and names.
Japanese coins are novel and unique, with flowers, lines, characters and butterflies printed on them. Some are cubic and some are oval. In particular, some are very large, with square holes in them.
Zhang Deyi's record and introduction of coins of various countries can be described as very detailed. Here he not only introduced the types, names, weight, quality, size, shape and face value of his coins, but also introduced the exchange relationship between them.
In his travel notes, Zhang Deyi also introduced some anecdotes about foreign coins, recording the circulation of Chinese coins abroad.
In Egypt, when he got into the pyramid, he saw that there was nothing in it. But when he climbed out, he saw many "natives holding green porcelain figurines, blue rust copper coins for sale, all of which were dug up from the tomb". It seems that it was a legitimate act to sell and resell the unearthed cultural relics - ancient coins, and the Egyptian government did not interfere. In the United States, he found that ancient Chinese coins were very popular with Americans. When he was invited to visit the home of US Prime Minister Donald Schuld, he found that this important person had collected a lot of ancient Chinese money, Zhongtu Ancient coins, such as half liang, five baht, Jiayou, Jianxing, etc., and the Qing Dynasty's "Tongfu Lindongjiang" 20 character coins, are all nailed to the paper plate and placed in the glass cover. Schuld can be called a "coin collector".
In France, Zhang Deyi found that "the exhibition of coins of various countries" was held in the special building used by the Mint. In many Ancient coins In China, Chinese coins occupy an important position. Zhang Deyi recorded this:
"The French Money Bureau has collected gold, silver and copper coins from all countries in the world in the east tower. There are large glass boxes on the table, each containing only one national coin. See China Ancient coin , bronze coins, red copper coins Iron coin , tin money, as well as ten money, a hundred money, a thousand money. The words of other countries' money are difficult to recognize. "
Zhang Deyi's introduction to foreign coin culture is very helpful for us to study coin history and understand coin cultural exchanges. Perhaps these introductions will add new knowledge and interest to coin collectors.

Old age never realizes

Such a person has long been unknown since the Republic of China! If not for the famous publisher in the 1980s Zhong Shuhe Mr. Zhang Deyi is ingenious in planning and publishing a set of "Going to the World Series", and has taken pains to dig out some of his works and sporadic deeds. Zhang Deyi is really buried by history!
Why? Mr. Zhong hit the nail on the head - Zhang Deyi has no achievements as a professional diplomat, he is a mediocre! In the changing political arena of the late Qing Dynasty, people would never want to catch a glimpse of him! After five years as "Emperor Teacher", I have never heard of him leaving any impression on Guangxu! No wonder Mr. Zhong said unkindly that the value of all Zhang Deyi's works, just like his book title, is limited to "narrating strange things".
Careless brushwork can fully outline the ideological style of Siren——
A women's primary school in New York invited Zhang Deyi to give a speech. He talked about loyalty, filial piety and righteousness to the doll.
Whenever someone asks him for English, he always smiles without answering. Because he mocked himself as a "tongue talker", he thought that he only knew English and belonged to the stream of uneducated and incompetent people.
Until he went to the republic, he was still dying and had never participated in The imperial examination For the greatest regret, we earnestly instruct our children and grandchildren to read the "Sage Scripture".
Zhang Deyi died in“ the May 4th Movement ”The year of the outbreak. The whole country is“ Paris Peace Conference ”While the resolution was filled with indignation, the senior diplomat over 70 years old“ Xuantong "Ten years" is the title of the year. He presented his last words to the 13 year old Emperor Puyi, who was the abolitionist emperor at that time Eight Banners World servants, a mediocre fool... I can't wait to see the Que court! "