
Xiaxia Town, Lankao County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Zhangjunmu Town (Zhangjunmu Town) generally refers to the town
Kaucheng, under Henan Province Kaifeng City Lankao County , located in the southeast of Lankao County Putaojia Township Xiaosong Township Nanzhang Town Xuhe Township Bordering, east and south respectively Minquan County Beiguan Township, Lidian Township and Chengzhuang Township are adjacent, The total area is 125.43 square kilometers. [3]
In 1954, Kaocheng County And Lanfeng County Merger, the county government moved to Lan Feng The county seat was renamed Zhangjun Tomb Area. [2] In 2014, Zhangjunmu Town was renamed Kaocheng Town. By the end of 2018, Kaocheng Registered population 93792. [3] As of June 2020, 50 cities and towns have jurisdiction Administrative village The township people's government is located in the north of Nanfan Road.
In 2011, the total urban financial income was 8.15 million yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers was 5189 yuan. [2] In 2018, there were 215 industrial enterprises in Kaocheng, including 4 industrial enterprises above designated size, and 175 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with a business area of more than 50 square meters. [3]
Chinese name
Administrative Region Category
Kaifeng City, Henan Province Lankao County
geographical position
Southeast of Lankao County
125.43 km²
Area under jurisdiction
50 administrative villages
Government residence
Nanfan Road North
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and seventy-five thousand and three hundred
License plate code
Yu B
93792 (registered population in 2018)

Historical evolution

In 1949 Kaocheng County People's government residence.
In 1954, Kaocheng County And Lanfeng County Merger, the county government moved to Lan Feng The county seat was renamed Zhangjun Tomb Area.
In 1958, Qunying Commune was established.
In 1983, the village was changed.
In 1986, the village was removed and Zhangjunmu Town was built. [2]
On July 2, 2014, Zhangjunmu Town was renamed Kaocheng Town. [5]

administrative division

At the end of 2011, Kaucheng had jurisdiction over Shizhai, Houji, Dawangzhuang, Duzhuang, Maji, Jiaolihe, Nanlizhuang, Dalizhuang, Zhaozhai, Hu Yuanzi, Zhengzhuang, Banjilou, Shilou, Menglou, Li Sanyang, Beisunzhuang, Wangtu Mountain, Liutu Mountain, Lvzhuang, Xiaohu Village, Zhangbei, Zhangdong, Dongguan Road, Nanwang Village, Nansun Village, Zhangnan, Dongma Village, Fengzhuang, Dahu Village, Zhongliu Village There are 51 village committees in Linhezhai, Zhangxin, Zhangxi, Yuanzhuang, Xuzhai, Longwangmiao, Ruanzhai, Zhaizhuang, Instructor Li, Kongzhuang, Shen Songji, Wantushan, Jiamakou, Mazhuang, Sanying, Wei Huayuan, Cao Li, Houyangzhuang, Ningzhuang, Liubukou, and Northeast China, with 340 village groups. [2]
By the end of 2019, Kaucheng had jurisdiction over 50 administrative villages, 137 natural villages and 340 villagers' groups.
As of June 2020, there are 50 administrative villages under the jurisdiction of cities and towns, The township people's government is located in the north of Nanfan Road.
Details of town zoning
Chengnan Village
Xiaohu Village
Dawangzhuang Village
Menglou Village
Zhaizhuang Village
Chengxi Village
Lvzhuang Village
Maji Village
Li Sanyang Village
Weihuayuan Village
Xuzhai Village
Fengzhuang Village
Duzhuang Village
Dongguan Road Village
Liubukou Village
Longwangmiao Village
Beisunzhuang Village
Dalizhuang Village
Nanwangzhuang Village
Caoli Village
Ruanzhai Village
Wangtu Mountain Village
Jiaolihe Village
Jiamakou Village
Mazhuang Village
Zhongliuzhai Village
Zhaozhai Village
Nansun Village
Linhezhai Village
Sanying Village
Chengbei Village
Dongmazhuang Village
Zhengzhuang Village
Wantu Mountain Village
Ningzhuang Village
Chengdong Village
Dahuzhuang Village
Huyuanzi Village
Shensong Market Village
Houyangzhuang Village
Yuanzhuang Village
Shizhai Village
Banjielou Village
Kongzhuang Village
Li Jiaoguan Village
Liutushan Village
Houji Village
Shilou Village
Zhang Xincun
Nanlizhuang Village

geographical environment


Location context

Kaucheng, located in Lankao County Southeast, west, north and east respectively Putaojia Township Xiaosong Township Nanzhang Town Xuhe Township Bordering, east and south respectively Minquan County Beiguan Township, Lidian Township and Chengzhuang Township are adjacent. The maximum distance between east and west of the district is 30 kilometers, and the maximum distance between north and south is 10 kilometers, [2] The total administrative area is 132.5 square kilometers.

topographic features

Kaocheng Town Location Zhongmou Sui County Northeast of the dune plain, The old course of the Yellow River Across the whole territory. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east. [2]


River channel in Kaocheng Town Huaihe River Basin Drainage area 80 square kilometers. The main rivers are Beisha River, Weidong Trunk Canal, Sangan Canal and Heli River. The Beisha River flows through the territory from Yuanzhuang to Liutu Mountain and Lvzhuang, with a length of 0.7 kilometers. The main tributaries are Ruanzhai Valley, Wangchaolan Valley, Liufeng Valley, Zhaoma Valley, Wangzhizhuang Valley, Xuzhai Valley, etc. [2]


At the end of 2011, the total population of Kaocheng District was 82000, of which the urban population Permanent population 3000 people, Urbanization rate 3.7%。 have other floating population 1026 people. In the total population, there are 45190 males, accounting for 55.1%; 36810 women, accounting for 44.9%. In the total population, the Han nationality accounts for 99.95%, accounting for 81958 people; 42 Hui people. In 2011, Birth rate 14‰, Population mortality 5.1‰, natural population growth rate 8.9‰。 [2]
At the end of 2017, Kaocheng Permanent population 48835. [1]
By the end of 2018, Kaocheng Registered population 93792. [3]
By the end of 2019, the urban population was 96000, with a natural population growth rate of 12 ‰. [5]




In 2011, Kaocheng Total financial revenue 8.15 million yuan, an increase of 22% over the previous year. From the perspective of main taxes Sales Tax 2.71 million yuan, value added tax 210000 yuan, corporate income tax 170000 yuan, individual income tax RMB 40000, up 8%, 6%, 2% and 75% respectively over the previous year. a farmer per-capita net income 5189 yuan. [2]
In 2018, Kaocheng has industrial enterprise 215, including 4 industrial enterprises above designated size Business area 175 comprehensive stores or supermarkets with an area of more than 50 square meters. [3]


In 2011, Kaocheng Town had 120000 mu of arable land, 1.5 mu per capita. In 2011, Total agricultural output value Reached 460 million yuan, an increase of 8% over the previous year, Agricultural added value It accounts for 30% of the town's GDP. Grain crops are mainly wheat and corn. In 2011, 56000 tons of grain were produced, including 30000 tons of wheat and 26000 tons of corn. The main economic crops include oil crops, cotton, vegetables, melons and fruits. In 2011, the planting area of oil crops was 3477 mu, with an output of 8003 tons; The vegetable planting area is 12900 mu, and the output is 18800 tons. The main varieties are celery, spinach, green onion, cabbage, etc. There are 180 mu vegetable greenhouses centered on Zhengzhuang, Shizhai and Zhangbei villages, more than 1000 mu garlic planting area centered on Lijiaoguan village, more than 1500 mu yams, scallions and sweet potatoes planting area centered on Shilou village, and more than 300 mu isatis root planting area centered on Houji and Dongguanlu villages.
In 2011, there were 30 large agricultural machines in Kaucheng. [2]

Animal Husbandry

Kaocheng's animal husbandry is mainly for raising pigs, goats, dairy cattle and poultry. There are 2 standardized pig farms with an annual output of more than 700 pigs and 50 professional breeding associations. In 2011, the number of pigs raised was 130000, with 190000 on hand at the end of the year; The number of goats raised was 95000, and 140000 goats were sold; The number of dairy beef cattle raised is 500, with 500 on hand at the end of the year; The number of poultry raised is 600000, and 200000 are listed. In 2011, it produced 15000 tons of meat, including 910 tons of pork, 1000 tons of beef and 4000 tons of mutton; 65000 tons of eggs and 45 tons of fresh milk. The total output value of animal husbandry is 78 million yuan. By the end of 2011, 227.1 mu of corridor greening project, 1160 mu of sand prevention and control, and 64000 trees have been planted; Agricultural paulownia intercropping 2301 mu, planting 21000 trees; 195 mu of villages and towns were afforested and 58000 trees were planted; The forest coverage rate is 21%, and the volume of standing trees is 380000 cubic meters. There is a 1000 mu green tree planting base in Huyuanzi Village. The annual fruit planting area is 3000 mu and the output is 4000 tons. The main varieties are apples, peaches and pears. There are small mixed fruit economic forests in Sanying, Houyangzhuang, Shilou and other villages, with a planting area of more than 2000 mu. Green agricultural products include greenhouse vegetables. [2]


Kaocheng industry has initially formed an industrial system focusing on plate processing and building materials, focusing on planning medium-sized industrial clusters such as plate processing. In 2011, the total industrial output value reached 2.66 billion yuan, an increase of 29% over the previous year. In 2011, there were 11 industrial enterprises above designated size with 1650 employees. The industrial added value was 250 million yuan, an increase of 26% over the previous year. [2]


At the end of 2011, Kaucheng had 818 commercial outlets and 1926 employees. In 2011, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 370 million yuan, an increase of 20% over the previous year; The trade turnover of urban and rural fairs was 3 million yuan, up 17% over the previous year. [2]


At the end of 2011, three banks and financial institutions in Kaucheng had opened branches or offices. The balance of various deposits was 370 million yuan, an increase of 20% over the previous year; The per capita savings is 4208 yuan; The balance of various loans was 90 million yuan, an increase of 30% over the previous year. [2]

Postal service

In 2011, Kaocheng's postal business income was 40000 yuan. [2]


At the end of 2023, there will be Lancao Highway (Provincial Highway 313) and Chengnan Highway (from Chengzhuang Town of Minquan County to Nanzhang Town of Lankao County) passing through Kau Town [5] It is 8 kilometers long and has four lanes in one direction, leading to Xuhe Township and Putaojia Township. There are 7 county/township (town) roads with a total length of 55 kilometers. One town passenger station. In 2011, the total passenger transport volume was 900000 person times. The total length of roads in the town is 2.3 kilometers, and the length of roads per capita is 0.9 meters; The road pavement area is 76000 square meters, and the per capita road area is 3 meters; There are 19 bridges with a total length of 1520m. The town has opened one bus line, with a total operating mileage of 40000 km, 40 bus operating vehicles, 2 sets per 10000 people, and an annual passenger capacity of 900000 people. [2]

social undertakings


Cultural undertakings

At the end of 2011, there were 6 cultural and art groups in Kaocheng, 39 members, including 19 group members and 20 individual members; 15 various art performance groups with 150 performers; There are two film companies and two film screening units, with 610 annual screenings and 28000 audiences; One town cultural station, with a construction area of 280 square meters; 50 public libraries of all kinds, with a total construction area of 1500 square meters and a collection of more than 60000 books; 2 employees in the cultural industry. The folk arts with local characteristics include Zhuizishu, Waist Drum and Suona. There are 51 loudspeakers, with 100% household access rate, 100% loudness rate and 100% comprehensive radio coverage; The number of cable TV users reached 12000, accounting for 75%. [2]


At the end of 2011, there were 34 primary schools in cities and towns, 7320 students, 304 full-time teachers, and the enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools was 100%; There are 4 junior high schools, 1860 students and 106 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high schools is 98.3%, and the enrollment rate from primary school to junior high school and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education reach 100%; One ordinary high school with 4876 students and 173 full-time teachers; One private school and educational institution of all levels and types. The main schools are Zhangjunmu Town No. - Middle School, Town No. 2 Middle School, Town No. 3 Middle School and Town No. 4 Middle School. The Second High School of Lankao County is located in the district. In 2011, the education fund reached 6.3 million yuan, and the national financial education fund was 1.122 million yuan. [2]

medical and health work

By the end of 2011, there were 52 medical and health institutions of all levels and types in Kaocheng, 1 town hospital and 51 village clinics; There are 510 beds, including 300 beds in public health institutions, 6 medical beds per 1000 people, and the total value of fixed assets is 200000 yuan. There are 93 professional health personnel, including 55 licensed doctors, 12 licensed assistant doctors and 26 registered nurses. In 2011, medical institutions (above outpatient department) completed 3000 person times of diagnosis and treatment, 1860 inpatient operations, and 8000 discharged patients. The Second Academy of Lankao County is located in the jurisdiction. In 2011, the penetration rate of safe drinking water in rural areas reached 60%, and the penetration rate of sanitary toilets in rural areas reached 100%. 75600 people participated in the new rural cooperative medical system, with a participation rate of 96%. [2]

social security

In 2011, there were 65 urban minimum living security households, 161 people, and the expenditure was 288000 yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year; The monthly per capita was 149 yuan, up 8.8% over the previous year; 10 people received urban medical assistance, and 4420 people received assistance from civil affairs departments to participate in cooperative medical care, with a total expenditure of 221000 yuan, an increase of 25% over the previous year. The number of rural subsistence security households was 2570, with 3570 people, and the expenditure was 643000 yuan, an increase of 20% over the previous year; The monthly average is 60 yuan, up 5% over the previous year; The rural five guarantees provided for 140 people in a centralized way, with an expenditure of 47000 yuan, an increase of 5% over the previous year; The five guarantees in rural areas provided for 212 people in a decentralized manner, with an expenditure of 187000 yuan, an increase of 5.8% over the previous year; 220 people received medical assistance in rural areas, and 4420 people received assistance from civil affairs departments to participate in cooperative medical care, with a total expenditure of 221000 yuan, an increase of 25% over the previous year; 467 people received temporary relief in rural areas, with an expenditure of 145000 yuan, up 10% over the previous year. By the end of 2011, a total of 700 people in need had been rescued and 480 dilapidated houses had been renovated. Release relief fund of 151000 yuan; The new rural cooperative medical system paid 211000 yuan on behalf; The pension cost was 1.234 million yuan. [2]

Post and telecommunications

At the end of 2011, Kaucheng had one postal outlet, a one-way delivery route of 450 kilometers in total, 137 delivery points, and 100% rural postal rate; In the whole year, 200000 letters were delivered to the whole town, 30000 bills of exchange were completed in the whole town, 50000 letters were sent by express mail across the town, 320000 newspapers were subscribed, 23000 periodicals were subscribed, 3 telecommunications enterprises and 150 service outlets were established; There were 10000 fixed line telephone users, 400 more than the previous year, and the penetration rate of telephone users was 99%, 2 percentage points higher than the previous year; There were 30000 mobile phone users, 1500 more than the previous year, and the mobile phone penetration rate was 70%, 3 percentage points higher than the previous year; There are 15000 Internet ports in total, of which 8000 have been occupied, and 8000 broadband access users, an increase of 560 over the previous year.


  • Water supply and drainage
At the end of 2011, Kaucheng Town had one town water plant, laying 30 kilometers of trunk pipes, with a production capacity of 350 tons/day, and an annual domestic water consumption of 120000 tons. The popularity of tap water among residents reached 90%, and the annual per capita domestic water consumption was 15 tons.
  • power supply
At the end of 2011, Kaucheng Youzhen Town had one substation of 35 kV and above, two main transformers, a total capacity of 18000 MVA, three high-voltage transmission lines, a total length of 153 kilometers, and a power load of 23.156 million kilowatts. The annual electricity sales totaled 115.36 billion kilowatt hours. The qualification rate of comprehensive voltage is 99.9%, and the reliability rate of power supply is 99.9%.

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
clear Qianlong In, when the Yellow River burst its dike, a coffin was rushed from the upstream, engraved with the word "Zhang Jun", and buried in the northeast corner of the village, called "Zhang Jun Tomb", hence the name. [2]
Because he was Kaocheng County It is named after the county seat. It was called Zhangzhuang Village in ancient times. It is named Kaocheng because of the meaning of "Zhao Guang Lie Kao Wu Huang". [4]