Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller

German 18th century poets
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synonym Friedrich Schiller (Friedrich Schiller) Generally refers to John Christopher Friedrich von Schiller
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (November 10, 1759 May 9, 1805), commonly known as Friedrich Schiller, a famous German poet, philosopher historian And playwright, Germany Enlightenment literature One of the representatives of.
Chinese name
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Foreign name
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Holy Roman Empire
date of birth
November 10, 1759
Date of death
May 9, 1805
Poet, playwright, writer, historian, philosopher
Key achievements
Germany Enlightenment literature One of the representatives of
one's native heath
Futengburg Principality- Marbach
Representative works
The Robber (1781) Cabal and Love (1784)
Aesthetic works
On Beauty, On Simple Poetry and Sentimental Poetry, On Aesthetic Education, On Sublime

Character experience

Schiller's portrait [2]
Friedrich Schiller is a German Literary history Upper famous“ sturm und drang ”Is also recognized as the second most important figure in the history of German literature Goethe The great writer of. Ode to Joy Goethe was buried with him after his death.
Schiller was born in Germany Wuteng Castle His father was a military doctor and his mother was the daughter of a baker. Schiller had a strong interest in poetry and drama since his childhood. Joined in 1768 Latin In 1773, he was compulsorily selected by the Duke into the military school he founded and accepted the strict military education poet Schubart The military school was once called the "slave nurturance center".
During his schooling in the military school, Schiller met Albert, a psychology teacher, and under his influence, he came into contact with Shakespeare Rousseau , Goethe and others, which prompted Schiller to firmly embark on the road of literary creation. Since 1776, Schiller has published some lyric poems in magazines. Moreover, while studying in the military academy, Schiller gradually formed his own anti authoritarian ideology. In 1777, Schiller began to write plays《 robber 》It was completed in 1781 and staged in Mannheim in January of the next year, causing great repercussions. According to some historical records, the theater at that time was like a madhouse, and people flooded into the narrow auditorium to watch plays. Some critics even thought that Schiller was the German Shakespeare.
robber 》The reason why he was so warmly welcomed was that the anti despotism thought contained in his works deeply catered to the psychology of German youth at that time. At this time, Germany's "storming movement" has reached a climax, and Karl, the hero of the "Robber" play, is a typical young image of storming. He was dissatisfied with the coexistence of autocracy and pattern of social status, but he was unable to change it. He pursued freedom and challenged the society at that time. He was a typical rebel, but only ended tragically.
robber 》After his success, Schiller entered the first vigorous creative period in his life. From 1782 to 1787, Schiller successively completed his tragedies《 Conspiracy and love 》(1784), Ode to Joy (1785), poetic drama Don Carlos (1787), etc.
Conspiracy and love 》It is the peak of Schiller's creation in his youth《 Young Victor's troubles 》It is also the most outstanding achievement of the storm dash. This play exposes the upper class ruling class The corrupt life and the cheating behavior in the court. Conspiracy and Love is a model of German citizen tragedy both in structure and theme. Schiller abandoned the usual long tirade in writing The Robber, and instead used simple language to satirize. come from Citizen class The dialogue between Louise, the character of, and the prime minister: "I can play adagio for you, but I don't do prostitution business... If you ask me to submit an application, I will be respectful; but if you treat rude guests, I will turn them out of the door!" Directly questioned the strict German society ranking system , with Utopian color.
The poetic drama Don Carlos takes the palace stories of Spain in the 16th century as the background, and expresses the author's ideal with a vivid plot: through the enlightened monarch Social improvement This play is the turning point of Schiller's writing style, which shows that he has changed from the radical revolutionary spirit when he was soaring into a mild reform thought. After that, Schiller's creation in his youth came to an end.
Schiller is German classical literature It is the second monument in China after Goethe. One of his representative works is Historical play Valensdan. This play is actually Thirty Year War in German nation Schiller's contribution to the repetition of the tragedy is that he put the national tragedy on the stage of art.
In May 1805, Schiller was unfortunate because pulmonary tuberculosis Death [1] Goethe suffered terribly: "I lost Schiller and half of my life." After Goethe died, according to his last words, he was buried beside Schiller's body.


In 1787, Schiller went to Weimar The next year, at Goethe Recommended by Jena University History professor. From 1787 to 1796, Schiller almost did not engage in literary creation, but devoted himself to the study of history and aesthetics, and was intoxicated with Kant In philosophy. French Revolution During the period, Schiller published the aesthetic treatise "On the Aesthetic Education of Human Beings" (1795), which tortuously expressed Schiller's bourgeois revolution Resistance. He advocated that only by cultivating talents with perfect character and lofty realm can we carry out thorough social change. This is also the continuation of the enlightened monarchy thought advocated in Don Carlos. Nevertheless, Schiller never gave up the road of seeking German unification and German people's liberation. His aesthetic research is closely connected with social change and other issues.
In 1794, Schiller made friends with Goethe and soon became friends. With Goethe's encouragement, Schiller resumed his literary creation in 1796, entering the second vigorous creative period of his life until his death. Schiller's famous plays in this period include《 Warren Stein Trilogy 》(1799), Maria Stuart (1801), The Girl of Orleans (1802), The Bride of Messina (1803), William Tell (1803), etc. During this period, Schiller's creation was characterized by Historical themes Mainly, he is good at creating a solemn and stirring style, and the theme is close to the grand theme of social change.
Goethe (left) and Schiller (right) [3]
William Tell is an important play of Schiller in this period. Drama is based on the 14th century Switzerland Hero Hunter William Tell The legend of. This theme was originally collected by Goethe in Switzerland, and he gave it to Schiller selflessly. Schiller has never been to Switzerland, but he interprets this legend very vividly. In order to thank Schiller, the Swiss named a very spectacular rock along the shore of Sizhou Lake, where the story of Tuel took place, "Schiller Stone". Taking the Swiss independence struggle as the background, William Tell eulogizes the national heroes and the heroic act of striving for national liberation, which has caused great repercussions in Europe.
In addition to drama creation, Schiller also cooperated with Goethe to create many poems during this period, and founded literary magazines and Weimar opera house Goethe's creative style had a great influence on Schiller. In 1796, the two wrote thousands of poems, and Goethe's famous works William Maester and Faust, the first one, also took shape in this period.
In general, Schiller's works in this period are classicism The romantic passion of style and early years has almost disappeared. Schiller's cooperation with Goethe during this period is called Germany Literary history The era of "classicism" on.

Character ideology


Aesthetic thought

Schiller believed that only when sensibility and rationality cooperate to achieve harmony and unity, can human nature obtain freedom. To obtain human freedom, aesthetics is the only way, and is the "hub between vulgar feelings and lofty rationality". Although aesthetic activities do not control things as objects in the objective world, nor do they necessarily endow people with rationality, aesthetic activities enable individuals to gain understanding of things and endow things with life. The "game impulse" aroused by people in aesthetics reconciles the "emotional impulse" and the "formal impulse", two internal impulses that are opposite and exist each other. In the process of the game impulse, the game impulse reduces the individual's instinctive emotions and feelings, and also tries to break the rigid and cold-blooded morality, laws and regulations, The psychological adjustment of aesthetics paves the way for individuals to sublimate various intuitive representations they receive into various forms of rationality, so that the self-discipline of rationality can be displayed in the field of sensibility. Through aesthetics, individuals can make instinctive sensibility and autocratic and rigid rationality unknowingly compensate for each other's shortcomings, complement each other, and achieve spiritual and material The combination of content and form can achieve the harmonious unity of rationality and sensibility, and finally realize the freedom of human nature. [7]


Schiller distinguished two types of scholars who are quite different in research plans: bread and butter scholars and philosophers. The contrast between them is quite picturesque. The so-called livelihood scholar, as its name implies, is a scholar who makes a living or works for a poor man. What he pursues is the maximization of fame and wealth. This kind of scholar "is only concerned with meeting the qualifications required by his position and enjoying the rewards brought by his position; he uses his intellectual ability only to improve his material status and meet his humble desire to be recognized". For this reason, livelihood scholars need to have a "major" to earn fame and fortune. He worked hard in his own professional field and tried his best to distinguish it from all those purely academic fields. After finally becoming an "expert" or authority in his own field, he began to stick to his position and didn't want to make progress. "Now his top priority is to show off the treasures of knowledge he has accumulated so hard, and try every way to ensure that they will not depreciate." He sticks to a rut, opposes innovation, and resists innovation. New progress in any discipline will make him nervous and nervous. Of course, he desperately defended his academic system and fought for his livelihood to keep his job. When the academic itself cannot satisfy him, he tries every means to obtain returns from the outside. "He longed for reward, but not from the treasure of thought, but from reputation, promotion and appointment." In his view, if the truth could not be converted into gold, fame and the favor of kings, it would be futile to pursue the truth. [4]

national sentiment

The core concept of "state" in political philosophy is also the focus of Friedrich Schiller, the representative of Weimar classical literature. Unlike Fichte or Hegel's admiration for the state, Schiller emphasized in his historical speech "The Legislation of Lucugu and Solon" that the state is not an end. In his play "Don Carlos" and related texts, he pointed out that the individual is not a means, but, like Kant and Humboldt, he regards promoting the all-round development of people as the fundamental essence of the political community. In the Book of Aesthetic Education, Schiller, with the help of the isomorphism between the state and the individual, outlined a path of political reformism to improve human nature and shape the aesthetic country through art. Despite its utopian color, Schiller's view of the state has become a valuable warning voice in the dark years of German history. [6]

Personal life

Zhang Yushu, in the general preface of Schiller's Collected Works (2005 edition) of the People's Literature Publishing House, "Soldiers Destroying the Spiritual Bastille Prison - Schiller", has the following description:
Schiller and his wife [9]
"After graduating from the military academy, his landlady in Stuttgart made him appreciate the sweetness of his first love and wrote the lyric poem" Song of Laura "to sing about his first love. The mother and sister of his military academy classmates, Mrs. von Woertsogen and Miss in Balbach Manor, offered him not only sincere friendship, but also lingering tenderness beyond friendship. Mrs. von Karp, who was born noble and intelligent, gave up the prejudice of family background to keep close contact with him, making them once a remarkable couple in Weimar. The two sisters of von Rungefeldt family were deeply attached to poets. The relationship between Schiller and them was a good story in the history of German literature. Eventually, her sister became the poet's wife, while her sister Katarina became the lifelong friend of the Schiller couple, the poet's confidant, a loyal reader, and the author of the earliest Biography of Schiller. " [8]

Later influence

Aesthetically, empty talk has a professional term, which is called "Schillerization". [5]